Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 36 Sato attacks and the two men fight again

Crisis Management Center.

Take a rest. Shimomura Izumi put a cup of coffee on the table, looked at Tozaki who looked increasingly haggard, and said with concern.

Tozaki said in a cold voice: Your duty is to help me handle my affairs and protect my safety.

Shimomura Izumi pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Over there, although Tozaki didn't even look at her, he still said softly when he picked up the coffee: Thank you.

Then he continued to be busy.

Shimomura Izumi had a distressed look in his eyes, but unfortunately he couldn't help Tozaki solve the problem.

We can only work silently on the side in order to deal with these matters as soon as possible.

At this moment, the phone next to him rang.

It only took a short moment after Tozaki connected.

His face became visibly pale, and his lips couldn't help but tremble slightly.

After hanging up the phone, he stood up suddenly.

But the continuous high-intensity work has long been too much for his body.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the important news like a bolt from the blue, and I suffered a huge blow.

His body swayed slightly and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Izumi Shimomura next to me had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it.

How are you! Tozaki! Are you okay?

After a while, Yu Tozaki calmed down.

What happened?

It turned out that Kei Nagai, who heard the noise, rushed over.

Yu Tozaki took a deep breath and said: Mr. Prime Minister, he has been confirmed dead, and the murderer is Sato!

Even Nagai Kei felt as if he had been struck by thunder and was stunned in place.

Unexpectedly, they had just protected the Prime Minister and captured Tanaka and others yesterday.

The Prime Minister was killed by Sato today.

Just when the three of them were in shock, a snowflake suddenly flashed across the computer in front of them.

Immediately after automatically connecting to the video call, a man appeared in front of him.

We meet again, Tozaki-kun, I believe you have heard the news, right?

An Beiche is also a fool. He refused to agree to my request, so I had to reluctantly give him a ride.

And you, Tozaki-kun, are the last target on the list and the only one left.

Are you ready?

I'm coming.


The screen goes black and the call ends.

Yu Tozaki stood up, but he was not afraid when facing Sato's threat.

Inform all departments and prepare for the challenge.

Shimomura Izumi said nervously: Tosaki, do we want to go to the safe house?

Yu Tozaki didn't speak, just looked at Kei Nagai.

Nagai Kei said solemnly: Don't worry, just leave it to me!

island country.

Located on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, it consists of four large islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and more than 6,800 other small islands.

Because it is located at the intersection of the Eurasian Plate, the North American Plate, the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, the collision, compression or sliding between these plates will lead to frequent earthquakes.

On average, there are more than 1,500 earthquakes a year.

It seems that the people of the island nation are used to earthquakes.

But in recent months, many things that have happened in the island country have exceeded many people’s expectations.

The spiritual earthquake caused is no less than the total physical earthquakes throughout the year!

The bombing of a US military base and the assassination of Prime Minister Ahn Petcher pushed this shock to an unprecedented level.

But they don't understand that with the emergence of something called magnetic force in this world, this small shock is just the beginning.

Bai Xing dived into the depths of his consciousness and saw the ancient tree in the void again.

At this moment, the ancient tree has received some moisture.

The nutrients contributed by the three people were injected into the electromagnetic branches by White Star.

It is revitalized and the three-color current that is constantly flashing is even more dazzling.

On the branches, two electromagnetic fruits were condensed.

But now, this thing is no longer so attractive to Shirahoshi.

To date, Bai Xing has swallowed three electromagnetic fruits.

At the same time, I also discovered the pattern of this thing.

The effect is most obvious only when you swallow it for the first time.

The further back you go, the worse the effect will be.

Consciousness turned into hands and picked these two fruits.

Returning to reality, Bai Xing looked at the fruit in his palm and started to eat it without hesitation.

The tender and juicy taste fully satisfied his taste buds.

But what he gained was only a slight increase in his body's strength.


An electric arc bloomed at the fingertips. Bai Xing felt it, and the voltage increased by about 30,000 volts.

After swallowing the second one, the increase dropped to 20,000 volts.

Although it has boosted Bai Xing's strength to 250,000 volts, it also shows that the electromagnetic fruit may only be reduced to a 'blue-enhancing potion' in the future.

The real value is transferred to the remaining core.

Looking at the two fruit cores gradually disappearing inside the body, Bai Xing was thinking about who to plant them for.

At the same time, consider whether to distribute it to other withered branches after new nutrients are injected.

Let's see if something different from the electromagnetic fruit will be born among the new branches.

Just as Bai Xing was thinking this, there was an explosion in the distance.

The phone also rang at the same time.

Boss, something happened in the place you asked me to stare at! Someone broke in here forcefully and a fierce battle is going on!

Chi Gu's voice came from the phone, and there was a clear explosion in the background.

Ever since Shirahoshi hit Hitomi last time, Ikegaya had re-entered his field of vision.

And Bai Xing appointed him to still keep an eye on the crisis management center and report on developments at all times.

I've already seen it.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking at the fireball exploding in the distance and the chaos in the city.

Sato, you don't think this is the end of the matter between us, do you?

Sato always gives the enemy warning before taking action.

But that wasn't purely out of his arrogance.

It's more about making the game more fun.

And reality also proved that even if Yu Tozaki was given enough time to prepare, he still could not stop him.

Explosive fire ignited in the crisis management center, and the security force was simply not enough to fight against a madman with extraordinary power.

Sato! Stop it! I won't let you continue to make mistakes!

With a thunderous explosion, Nagai, whose body was wrapped with blazing electricity, landed from above.

The long legs were like a battle axe, slashing hard at Sato who was wreaking havoc casually.

Good to come!

Sato was not afraid at all, he raised his hand and punched with electricity.

--boom! !

Two strong men beyond ordinary people's understanding, fighting against each other regardless of everything.

The spreading current crackled, and the remaining guards were even more difficult to approach.

As soon as the two met against each other, they knew that each other had improved.

Sato said excitedly: I really saw you right. I haven't seen you for just one month, and your growth rate is so amazing!

Nagai said solemnly: Sato, I will definitely knock you down this time!

Hahaha! Sato laughed and punched out at the same time, the terrifying power set off waves of air.

Amidst the sharp bursts of air, his voice still reached Nagai's ears clearly.

Then let's try and see if you can stop me from killing Yu Tozaki today!

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