Experimental Subject No. 003, Kei Nagai, 26 years old.

When Kei Nagai woke up from his coma, the first thing he heard was this emotionless voice.

He is an intern doctor working at Toto University Hospital. He has a mother and a younger sister at home. He was involved in a car accident a day ago. He was resurrected in front of everyone and was determined to be a demi-human.

The sound continued, and when Kei Nagai heard his mother and sister, he became more alert.

Immediately afterwards, he found himself placed on a cold metal operating table, surrounded by researchers wearing masks and gloves, only showing a pair of cold eyes.

The piercing sound of the chainsaw made him feel even more uneasy. He wanted to struggle, but he was completely restrained and could not move at all.

If there was a mirror at this time, he could see his current image.

The whole body was wrapped in white bandages, like a mummy, including the face and head, leaving only a pair of eyes, as if to allow him to see everything around him clearly.

On the gauze on the head, three eye-catching numbers are printed - 003!

It indicates that from now on, this name will replace Kei Nagai and become his new title.

At this moment, a severe pain came from his arm. Without any anesthesia, these researchers actually used electric saws to perform dismemberment experiments on him!

A lot of blood flowed, and Kei Nagai struggled hard, but to no avail. He could only passively savor the intense pain.

The surrounding researchers were completely indifferent to this, and looked at them as if they were white mice on the experimental bench. They were only busy recording data and processing amputations. Everyone was very busy.

A beam of bright light suddenly shone on Nagai Kei's eyes.

The pupils are three millimeters, ready to be reborn.

Nagai Kei still didn't understand what this meant, but he saw a heavy hammer in his eyes that kept getting bigger.

With a muffled sound, it hit him hard on the head.

Blood splattered everywhere!

Kei Nagai is dead!

But in just a second, black hazy particles began to appear on his body, constantly repairing the injured body.

His eyes suddenly opened.

The cold metal ceiling, the sound of instruments around, and the exchanges between researchers.

Let him understand that everything just happened was not a dream, but actually happened!

He became an immortal demi-human.

But it's not a wonderful thing.

Because immortality means eternal torture and no relief!

Start the second experiment and prepare to dismember the thigh.

Shijo Yume Residence in Kyoto.

A high-end hotel with complete facilities and elegant environment.

Accommodation costs at least 50,000 yen per night.

Room 2316, 23rd floor.

Bai Xing was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

From this position, he can have a very good view and observe the Demihuman Research Management Association not far away at any time.

What he didn't expect was that this demi-human world did not belong to the comic version, but the film and television version!

Just like the Marvel world, there are various worldviews due to different carriers.

The world of demi-humans is divided into three versions.

Comic version, animation version, film and television version.

The plots may be similar, but there will always be deviations in the details.

For example, the identity and character of the protagonist Kei Nagai.

In the comic version, he is only a middle school student.

But in the film and television version, he has grown into a trainee doctor.

Because of this, Bai Xing wasted a whole day without finding any trace of him.

By the time he was discovered, he had already been arrested and taken to the research institute.

But it doesn't matter. According to Shirahoshi's memory, Sato will come to save him in a few days.

By then, White Star will also have the opportunity to plant fruit cores.

But the planting goals should be carefully considered.

Compared to the manga version of Kei Nagai, the film and television version is not worthy of Shirahoshi’s investment!

In the manga version, after Kei Nagai discovers his Asian identity, he will have an escape experience before reuniting with Sato.

After contacting him, Sato found that Kei Nagai was still unable to recognize reality, so he used a trick to send him to the research institute.

I want him to experience the pain of being experimented on to cultivate his hatred for humans!

Then he rescues it and becomes his companion against humans.

Kei Nagai saw through this, so he betrayed him on the spot and became completely hostile to Sato.

But in the film and television version, this plot is completely gone!

After Kei Nagai was hit, he was captured by the Asian Research Management Association and taken into the research institute before he could escape.

Sato also really came to rescue Kei Nagai.

As a result, Nagai Kei turned against Sato directly because Sato's method of killing the researchers was too cruel, and he repaid his favor with revenge.

It can be called the most powerful and invincible Holy Mother in history!

If the manga version of Kei Nagai's character is extremely calm and rational, then the movie version is a selfish Madonna.

In contrast, although Sato's character also has deviations, it is just from a congenital anti-human lunatic to a tortured lunatic.

In the manga version, Sato is an extremely cruel, cold-blooded and cunning game maniac.

He has had a violent and dangerous personality since he was a child. He likes to kill small animals and shows no mercy to himself or his enemies.

Born in the U.S. Marine Corps, he came to the island country because of the game.

But in the film and television version, Sato grew up in a laboratory since he was a child.

He was the first sub-human discovered in the island country, and he spent a full twenty years in the laboratory!

The inhumane experimental encounter did not break his mind, but it completely distorted his thinking.

It is more suitable as a planting target for White Star.

An enterprising madman can also bring higher profits to Bai Xing to the maximum extent.

It can bring him enough fun.

However, Kei Nagai is the protagonist after all, and his protagonist aura is no joke.

Not long after he became a demi-human, he was able to match up with Sato, a senior demi-human.

The potential is great too!

Bai Xing rubbed his chin while he was struggling in his heart.

a long time.

After drinking all the wine in the glass, he sighed and said to himself: It would be great if there was another fruit core.


Bai Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.

As long as he plants the core, he and the ancient tree can continuously obtain nutrients.

Maybe when the nutrients are sufficient, that branch can condense another electromagnetic fruit!

Eating the fruit yourself can enhance the strength of electromagnetic control, and with the remaining core, you can choose another target to plant.

Use this to achieve a virtuous cycle!

After thinking about it, Bai Xing felt suddenly enlightened.

In the next time, you just need to practice your electromagnetic control ability while waiting for Sato to appear.

There was just one thing that made Bai Xing very confused.

After swallowing the electromagnetic fruit, he discovered that he not only had the ability to control electromagnetism.

There were also some inexplicable changes in the body.

Muscles and bones have become tougher, stronger, faster, and even vision and hearing have become sharper.

In addition, Bai Xing found that he seemed to have some strange abilities that only animals have.

The strength of a bear, the speed of a leopard, the eyes of an eagle, the hearing of a bat, the shock sensor of a spider, the adsorption ability of a gecko, and the thermal vision of a rattlesnake.

Bai Xing couldn't help but frown: Are these things really incidental to the ability to control magnetic fields?

When it comes to magnetic field manipulation, the most well-known thing is the huge crowd!

Bai Xing tried hard to recall the X-Men series of movies he had watched in his previous life.

But I can't remember any scene where Magneto showed these special abilities.

In his impression, apart from lifting the 880,000-ton Golden Gate Bridge and carrying an entire stadium in the air, Wan Lao Wan was still an ordinary person physically and mentally!

It is an ordinary body that will die just like being shot if it is unprepared.

There is no such special ability at all.

Rubbing his chin, Bai Xing fell into deep thought.

what 's wrong?

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