As time passes little by little.

Under Bai Xing's gaze, the arc on the fruit became more and more intense.

After reaching a peak, all the arcs suddenly converged into the fruit.

The entire fruit glowed with a strange mixture of white, purple, and blue colors, and the light on the branches dimmed visibly to the naked eye.

Bai Xing couldn't hide his excitement, but after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

A long while.

Bai Xing finally couldn't help it, and tried carefully, concentrating his mind to touch the fruit.

Then Bai Xing discovered that his mind was like an invisible hand, gently picking off the fruit.

Opening his eyes, he was shocked to find that there was actually a fruit lying in his palm!

It's exactly the same as the one on that ancient tree!

Even though the brilliance is restrained, it still cannot conceal its magic.

There is also a peculiar fragrance floating around.


Bai Xing felt salivating in his mouth and swallowed hard, a strong appetite arose in his heart.

There was a slight hesitation in his heart, but his eyes immediately turned into determination.

He didn't want to spend his whole life collecting debts for gangsters in this world, not to mention that there were supernatural powers in this world.

He might die someday.

Since you have to live a new life, you naturally have to live a different style, and it is worth taking some risks for this!

When you open your mouth and bite it, you will feel the juice overflowing, and an indescribable aroma blooms in your mouth.

The pulp is delicious and soft, melting in the mouth and flowing into the body along the throat.

Within a moment, there was only an oval dark purple core left in front of Bai Xing.


An arc of electricity bloomed on Bai Xing's body, and his body slowly floated in mid-air. At the same time, a stream of information poured into his mind.

The arc became more and more intense, like silver snakes dancing wildly, smashing the room into a mess.

Fortunately, it only lasted a short time, the arc dissipated, and the white star fell directly to the carpet.

Fell into coma.

When he woke up, it was already the next morning.

The light of the morning sun shines through the window and falls on the body, bringing a touch of warmth.

Bai Xing stood up again. The clothes he was originally wearing had been reduced to ashes as early as last night.

Revealing his muscular body and looking at himself in the mirror, Bai Xing felt that his figure seemed to have gotten better.

The muscles are clearly defined, the lines are smooth, and there is not a trace of fat on the whole body.

Yesterday's fruit transformed my body, and...

Raising his hand, Bai Xing had a thought and saw traces of arcs blooming at his fingertips.

This is electromagnetic force! That fruit yesterday was an electromagnetic fruit!

Bai Xing's eyes gradually brightened, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he saw a stainless steel kettle not far away that was instantly attracted to him.

Wow! !

All the metal products in the entire room were shaking.

I became Magneto?!

Suddenly possessing superpowers, even Shirahoshi's temperament felt excited!

Just then, he heard movement outside the door.

Cancel the ability use immediately.

The kettle also fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the hotel staff used the universal key card to open the door.

Guest, are you okay?

The waitress rushed in in a panic, only to see Shirahoshi naked.

He quickly covered his eyes, but remembering the glimpse of his perfect figure, he couldn't help but peek through a little gap.

Guest, someone just said there was a strange noise in your room. We were worried about your safety, so we came in to check.

Bai Xing didn't mind being seen, so he stood there and looked around at the mess around him.

Interrupt her directly: Give me another room.

After changing to a brand new room.

Bai Xing had already put on his clothes and was sitting on the sofa.

Carefully recall the information that came to mind after swallowing the fruit yesterday.

Each branch of the Void Ancient Tree can condense different types of fruits.

But the prerequisite is nutrition!

Now the last trace of nutrition left by the ancient tree has given birth to the last electromagnetic fruit.

If there is no more nutritional intake, the branch will fall into death before long.

The way to replenish nutrients for ancient trees is very simple, that is, to choose a target for planting the cores left after eating the fruits.

Thinking of this, Bai Xing opened his palms, and the fruit core turned from virtual to solid and emerged in his palms.

As long as you find someone to plant this fruit core, that person will be equivalent to establishing some kind of master-slave bond with Bai Xing.

Because White Star grows the cores of electromagnetic fruits, during this process, the growers will also awaken to the control of electromagnetic power.

As he becomes stronger, the Ancient Void Tree and White Star will receive more feedback.

In addition, Bai Xing can also copy all the skills and talents that the planter originally possessed to himself.

Playing with the core in his hand, what Bai Xing needs to think about now is, who can it be used on?

It would be a bit of a waste if we just randomly find ordinary people to plant it.

Bai Xing rubbed his chin, and two words suddenly appeared in his mind.


A new species of human that will not die. Its characteristic is that no matter what kind of damage the body suffers, it can be reborn and return to its original state after death.

Bai Xing discovered this not long after he traveled to this world.

Because things about demi-humans are not a secret among ordinary people.

26 years ago, people first discovered Asians in Africa. So far, a total of 46 Asians have been confirmed around the world, but there are definitely more than this number hiding in the dark!

The government of the island country has also established a special Asian Management Committee for this purpose, and is conducting various studies day and night to solve the mystery.

And those demi-humans who were captured and sent to the research institute were the test subjects, the white rats.

The plot of the demihuman world also unfolds from this.

If I can find a demi-human and plant the fruit core, then I will also have demi-human immortality.

Tsk, tsk, electromagnetic control and immortality, just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

It’s just that Asian people are hard to find.”

Shirahoshi took out his mobile phone and entered the keyword 'Kei Nagai'. He was the protagonist of the demihuman world.

According to Shirahoshi's memory, Kei Nagai caused quite a stir when he was arrested after revealing that he was a demi-human. If there are no traces on the Internet, it means that he has not been arrested yet.

Sure enough, after searching for a long time, there was no relevant report.

Shirahoshi's eyes brightened and he stood up suddenly: I remember that Kei Nagai is a student of Saitama Prefecture National High School, right?

He is not a procrastinator. Once he has made up his mind, he immediately takes action.

After briefly tidying up, Bai Xing immediately went out and rushed to the National High School.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Xing walked out of the campus with the students after school, but his face was missing the excitement of the morning.

There was only deep confusion in his eyes.

Because he couldn't find the man named Nagai Kei in this school.

Did I look in the wrong place? Shirahoshi said to himself, But I have looked for several middle schools in a row, whether they are private or national, and I can't find Kei Nagai. What's going on?

Just when Bai Xing was filled with doubts, a piece of news played on the big screen not far away caught his attention.

At around one o'clock this afternoon, the third demi-human in the country was found on the road in the Nakanobashi residential area.

Bai Xing looked up and saw a photo of a slightly gentle man displayed on the screen.

There is an identity note below him.

Toto University Hospital, intern, Kei Nagai.

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