Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 282 “Conquering Destruction”

Watanabe Shion has the blessing of a battle suit and glasses. Even at night, from such a distance, she can still clearly see the scene of the target location.

Through the window, you can see that it is a bedroom with pink wallpaper on the wall, indicating that this bedroom should belong to a little girl.

He asked doubtfully: Didn't you see Brandon?

The Lion God explained: He is not in the town. According to my tracking, he went camping with his parents in the dry wood forest outside the town today.

But just now, he left the campsite and came here.

According to my judgment, his goal should be here!

What is he going to do?

The Lion God pointed to the window and said: The girl in that bedroom is named Catherine.

He is Brandon's classmate in school and the target of the teenage hormones.

Brandon is not very popular in school, and some poor students are even jealous of his learning ability.

Only this girl named Catherine took good care of him.

So after I determined his route, I conducted a partial screening and finally determined that the probability of him coming to Catherine at night was as high as over 90%!

Watanabe Shion was a little surprised and said: You are only twelve years old and you are already secretly dating. Americans are really open-minded. Wait! If Brandon is an alien, will this girl be in danger?!

A smile appeared on the corner of the lion god's lips: If it was a tryst, I wouldn't be excited.

But obviously, Catherine didn't know that Brandon was on his way to find her, because at this time, Catherine had turned off the lights and was sleeping!

This shows that Brandon must have other purposes for coming to her.

No matter what his purpose is, he will definitely expose a little bit of his own strength!

This is why the Lion God came out in a hurry.

As for whether Catherine would be in danger, the Lion God certainly wouldn't care.

Even in his opinion, it would be better if Catherine died.

Because the occurrence of death represents a fierce conflict.

And in this case, Brandon will definitely be exposed to more information, allowing him to make reference!

Just when Shion Watanabe was about to say something else, the Lion God's eyes narrowed: Here he comes!

The pink room is full of girly atmosphere.

Catherine was lying on the bed sleeping, falling into a sweet dream.

Suddenly, a sudden movement woke him up from his sleep.

Sitting up, I saw a glimmer of light in the dark room.

That is

My own laptop on my desk!

Some say love it is a river~~

That drowns the tender reed.

She clearly remembered that she had turned off her phone, but for some reason, her laptop was open at this time.

And the music started playing automatically.

The confused Catherine looked very confused at the moment.

Looking around, nothing special happened.

In the end, I could only walk over with doubts and close the laptop again.

I thought maybe I was too sleepy before going to bed, so I neglected it, right?

However, just when she turned around and was about to go back to bed and continue sleeping.

The music sounded again behind me!

“An endless, aching need~~”

I say love it is a flower~~

Catherine turned around suddenly, with fear in her eyes!

Because she just shut down the laptop and closed it with her own hands.

At this moment, it was opened inexplicably again, and the music just played automatically!

The songs that were supposed to be affectionate and intoxicating seemed so terrifying in this environment at this moment, which made her feel cold and uncontrollable fear welled up in her heart!

Just then, a cold night breeze hit.

Catherine turned around to look, and saw that the window that had been closed had been opened at some point.

Could it be.

Someone sneaked in at night? !

This idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

He quickly shouted: Mom!! Mom!!

At this time, a gust of wind opened the curtains a little, and Catherine saw a face in the moonlight.

That's Brandon's face!


At this moment, the bedroom door was opened.

Catherine's mother Erica broke in and asked with concern: Catherine, what's wrong? What happened?

Catherine was so frightened that she quickly threw herself into her mother's arms, pointed at the curtain and said, It's him! Him.

But when Erica looked over, there was nothing.

No one is there?

But he. He was clearly there just now!


My classmate Brandon Breyer!


The Lion God, who watched all of this, made a sharp comment about it.

He had a lot of expectations for tonight!

As a result, Brandon came here from the dry wood forest outside the town in the middle of the night just to scare Catherine.

I simply don’t know what to say!

No, he probably wanted to express his love, or something similar.

It's just that he probably didn't know how to express it correctly and scared people.

As a girl, Watanabe Shion has a more delicate mind.

In addition, I learned in advance from the Lion God about the relationship between Brandon and Catherine.

So I came to my own conclusion.

The Lion God didn't care about this, he just wanted to observe more of Brandon's performance.

But tonight was not without success.

At least it is certain that Brandon is physically very strong and very fast.

He can easily jump up to the second floor, come and go without a trace, and can also control the magnetic field to a certain extent.

This made the Lion God decide to be more careful.

If the other party discovers you, you will probably capsize in the gutter!

Thinking of this, the Lion God turned to look at Watanabe Shion.


Sensing his gaze, Watanabe Shion made a confused sound.

the next day.

Smallville School has a new teaching assistant.

I heard that this assistant teacher came from an island country, which immediately attracted a lot of attention from the children.

The teacher quickly maintained discipline, and after his scolding, the students sat down again angrily.

Only Brandon looked at the assistant coach who called himself Watanabe Shion, and there seemed to be a strange look in his emotionless eyes.

That's right, in order to observe Brandon up close, Shion Watanabe, under the instructions of the Lion God, entered Smallville School and found a job as a teaching assistant.

For two days in a row, Brandon didn't show any unusual behavior.

The only thing that was different from usual was Catherine's attitude towards him.

Originally, Catherine was quite enthusiastic towards him and would talk to him.

It was for this reason that Brandon liked her a little.

But since the last incident, Catherine was obviously frightened.

Even if Brandon took the initiative to find her, he would try to avoid him as much as possible.

This made Brandon seem very disappointed, and his attitude towards her seemed to gradually change.

Today happened to be a physical education class. Watanabe Shion had no work, so she sat on the edge of the playground and watched the children in class.

At this time, a black sports coach was leading the students to play games.

“The game we are going to play today is called Wind in the Willows.

The purpose is to work together, build trust, and lean back with confidence.

Rely on your classmates and trust them, and then you will find that you will never fall down no matter what, because there will always be a companion by your side to support you!

A group of students formed a circle, with one person standing in the middle.

He kept falling towards the surroundings, while the students around him used their hands to support him.

Everyone took turns and had a great time.

Watanabe Shion looked at all this and couldn't help but think of when he was in school.

Once upon a time, when she was wandering on the streets, she had the extravagant hope of returning to school.

Unexpectedly, I have realized my dream now, but not as a student.

Although she came with a purpose, Watanabe Shion could still feel the long-lost happiness on this foreign campus.

Just when she was reminiscing about the past, something strange happened on the playground!

It turned out that it was Brandon's turn to stand in the middle, but when he fell towards Catherine, she did not catch Brandon because of her resistance.

As a result, Brandon fell directly to the ground!

Hey Brandon, are you okay!

The black coach hurriedly stepped forward, then turned to Catherine and said, Please, Catherine, help him up.

But Catherine seemed very hesitant and still resisted him.

Especially when she saw the way Brandon looked at her.

That's a look with a look of resentment!

In response to Catherine's complete change of attitude towards him in the past two days, Brandon felt a lot of resentment in his heart.

Come on, Catherine, don't forget we're all on the same team!

Under the urging of the black coach, Catherine had no choice but to bite the bullet and extend her hand to Brandon.

Watanabe Shion couldn't help but stand up, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Just as he was about to step forward, he was stopped by the sudden appearance of the Lion God.

He paused, pursed his lips, and could only stand here and watch.

On the other side, Brandon had grabbed Catherine's hand.

But he didn't get up, instead the strength in his hands continued to increase.

A pained expression suddenly appeared on Catherine's face.

What are you doing? Let go!

But Brandon still refused to let her go so easily, and instead continued to increase his strength.


With a crisp sound, Catherine's hand bones were crushed!

The delicate palm was directly twisted and deformed, looking very scary!

The black coach didn't expect such an accident, and he immediately shouted, Fuck Fuck!

Then let the rest of the students take Catherine to the infirmary.

Looking at Brandon who had stood up on his own, he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

For some reason, when he looked at Brandon's eyes, he felt a chill in his heart.

Watanabe Shion, who saw all this with her own eyes, showed sympathy in her eyes.

But the Lion God next to him was only excited!

Haha! Great!

It would be a real disaster for Brandon if he stayed like an ordinary person.

When his patience runs out, he will have no choice but to take risks!

But now, what Brandon has done one after another indicates that this guy will definitely get into trouble. As long as there are conflicts and contradictions, he will show more different possibilities.

In this way, the Lion God can easily observe and analyze in secret!

An injury in school would have attracted attention, not to mention that Catherine's injury was quite serious!

The hand bones were broken into several pieces!

The teachers who got the news also went to the infirmary.

As a doctor, it is Brandon's aunt Meili.

Soon, Catherine's mother Erica also rushed over.

When he saw that his daughter was so injured, and it was Brandon who hurt her, he immediately became furious!

Originally, Catherine said she saw Brandon behind the curtains late at night. She didn't believe it, and even thought it was just Catherine's nightmare.

So now, her hostility towards Brandon has risen to the highest level!

In the infirmary, there was a big fight with Tori and Kyle who had also just arrived!

But none of them noticed that Brandon, who was sitting on a stool outside the infirmary, was watching all this with a pair of cold eyes.

Especially looking at - Erica!

Watanabe Shion also came to the infirmary. Brandon noticed her arrival and turned to look.

Just meet her eyes.


A buzzing sound exploded in Watanabe Shion's ears!

The glasses made of liquid metal even began to ripple slightly.

The image of the Lion God has twists and turns and keeps beating.

The Lion God was startled, thinking that he was exposed, and directly contracted all the power back into his core.

Fortunately, Brandon made no further moves.

Because Tori has already rushed over.

The buzzing in Watanabe Shion's ears ended. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at Brandon anymore and left the place quickly.

That night.

Tori and Kyle dragged their exhausted bodies back home.

When I was his age, if I did something like this and broke a girl's hand, my dad would definitely give me a good beating!

Kyle said viciously.

Tori looked worried, shook her head slightly and said, No, this is not something that can be solved with a beating.

After a pause, Tori continued: “There’s something I need to tell you.

The last time I caught Brandon sleepwalking, it wasn't actually downstairs in the living room.

Kyle heard the solemnity in his wife's tone and turned to look at her.

Tori said seriously: It's in the barn!

Kyle knew exactly what was inside the barn.

At first, the two of them were unable to have a child of their own due to physical reasons.

Just then, there was a noise on the lawn outside.

The couple followed the sound and unexpectedly found a small spacecraft that crashed there!

Both of them were extremely surprised, and then they found a baby boy wrapped in red cloth from inside the spacecraft.

For some reason, they chose to adopt the baby boy instead of making it public.

And named him Brandon Breyer.

As for the crashed spacecraft, it was hidden under the barn, and the entrance was locked with a chain.

Did he find out?

No, that's not the case.

Kyle was relieved when he heard this.

But Tori's next words made him feel excited again!

But he's pulling the trapdoor.

How did he know there?!

I don't know. It's like there's something attracting him.

Kyle said seriously: He may look and talk like us, but he never bleeds!

In the past twelve years, he has grown so big and has never bled even once!

He never had a cut, break or bruise, and he never even got sick, including a cold!

And now, he is hurting others. Did you see Catherine's hands?

I don't think a twelve-year-old boy is strong enough to break someone's hand bones!

Looking at the indignant Kyle, although Tori didn't want to believe it all, she still couldn't refute it.

She really regarded Brandon as her own son, but now, the successive situations made her feel a little unprepared and she didn't know what to do.

And just when the two couples fell into silence, feeling extremely entangled in their hearts.

A faint red light emitted from underneath the barn, and a strange magnetic field fluctuation spread outward.

Brandon, who had fallen into a deep sleep, seemed to be affected by something, muttering to himself.

Conquer. Destroy. Conquer. Destroy.

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