Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 281 The ambition of the Lion God, the devil boy Brandon!

Dabo Restaurant.

When Shion Watanabe walked in, he could see that there were many customers dining here.

Even though it's not too early now, even though this town is not that big.

This is enough to show that the reputation of this restaurant should be quite good.

Just when Shion Watanabe was planning to find a seat and order some food as soon as possible to replenish her energy.

But he saw the Lion God standing there, turning his head and looking in one direction.

Watanabe Shion suddenly felt a little curious.

Follow his line of sight and look over.

I saw a mother and son there.

Playing with the claw machine equipped in the restaurant.

My mother has short blond hair, and her facial features and appearance are acceptable, but her skin looks a bit rough.

The son is about ten years old and has short brown hair.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about the two of them, they are just ordinary mother and son.

Hao, what's wrong?

Watanabe Shion's voice brought the Lion God back to his senses.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, but in the end he didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly.


Hello, would you like to have a meal? What would you like to eat? At this time, the waiter in the restaurant came to Watanabe Shiyin and asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

After all, others cannot see the Lion God. Although Watanabe Shion's performance just now was not obvious, it still looked a bit strange.

Watanabe Shion quickly came to her senses, smiled and said to her: Thank you, is there a menu? I'll take a look first.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Watanabe Shion found a seat and sat down.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or subconscious, but I could just observe the mother and son here.

Not long after, the mother and son returned to their dining table, and besides them there were three other people with them.

At this moment, Watanabe Shion found that in his sight, simple relevant information such as their names and ages appeared above the heads of the five opponents.

She understood that this was the action of the Lion God.


The Lion God is interested in them!

Just don't know why.

Since the Lion God didn't say anything, Watanabe Shion didn't continue to ask.

Instead, he quietly observed the five people while waiting for the meal to be served.

The new mother and son, the mother’s name is Tori Breyer, and the son’s name is Brandon Breyer.

Just as Watanabe Shion thought, Brandon is only twelve years old now.

In addition, there is another woman with slightly longer blond hair who looks somewhat similar to Tori.

Her identity is that of her younger sister, named Meili.

The man in a gray T-shirt sitting opposite her is Meili's husband, named Noah.

As for the man with a big beard and a plaid shirt, sitting in the main seat.

He is Tori's husband and Brandon's father.

Kyle Breyer.

Happy birthday to you~~Happy birthday to you~~

While Watanabe Shion was observing, the waiter brought the cake.

Together they sang happy birthday to little Brandon.

Apparently, the purpose of gathering here today is to celebrate Brandon’s birthday.

No matter how you look at it, they are just an ordinary family having a birthday and family dinner here.

Watanabe Shion's doubts became more intense, and she didn't understand why the Lion God was interested in them.

So I observed more carefully.

As the happy birthday song ended, the cake with candles was placed in front of Brandon.

The four adults were very happy, and Tori even held up her mobile phone to capture this beautiful moment.

Only Brandon felt helpless and did not look happy or surprised.

This is how children celebrate their birthdays.

Tori: Come on, Brandon, come and make a wish.

Brandon reluctantly blew out the candles, and the adults applauded.

As his uncle, Noah said, Hey Brandon, I heard you are very good at school.

As a mother, Tori immediately said proudly: His test scores are in the top one percent!

My aunt Mei Li, who already worked at the school, answered directly: No, no, his grades are in the top 0.1%, and the whole school is discussing him.

Tori was even more proud: That's because he is a super little genius!

Noah actually knew all this, and he just asked it to pave the way for what would happen next.

So special people should have very special gifts.

As he spoke, he took out the birthday gift prepared for Brandon from under the table.

This is a gift from your Aunt Meili and I.

Open it.

Brandon looked at the long box and suddenly became interested.

Can't wait to open the package.

I saw a shotgun inside!

The first time I shot a buck, I used this one. Noah said next to him.

Kyle didn't react at first, but when he tore open the package, he saw that there was a shotgun inside.

He quickly stepped forward to stop Brandon from continuing to open the box.

No, no, no, no guns allowed! No, he is just a child.

With that said, he took away the shotgun that had not been opened and put it behind him.

I'm twelve years old! Brandon obviously liked this gift and wanted to fight for it.

Yes, but you are still a child. Kyle didn't think that a twelve-year-old child could have his own shotgun, even if this was Free America.

Kyle's attitude was very firm. He thought his son would give up.

Unexpectedly, Brandon just replied coldly: Give it to me.

The hard tone immediately made Kyle feel that his dignity was offended.

Wait a minute, what did you just say?

He hoped Brandon was just acting on impulse and would give him another chance.

Unfortunately, Brandon didn't seem to care.

He even hit the table with his fist, and his tone became more serious.

I said, give it to me!

——Zizi! !

All the electronic equipment in the entire restaurant suddenly failed at this moment, and the TV turned into snowflakes.

However, the duration is not long, only about a second or two.

Although other people in the restaurant found it strange, they did not associate it with Brandon.

Except for one person.

Lion God!

Haha! My feeling is indeed right!

Watanabe Shion, who was stuffing burgers and pasta into her mouth, was also shocked by this scene.

He immediately looked at the Lion God.

Hao! What's going on?

The Lion God stared at Brandon with burning eyes.

I felt something was wrong when you first entered this restaurant.

Then everyone here was scanned, only that kid. His biomagnetic field was very strange!

But I’m severely traumatized right now, so I’m not 100% sure, and I’m also afraid that being too blatant in my temptation will attract his attention.

But now it seems that what I thought was indeed correct!

This guy is really not simple!

Yes, at this time even Watanabe Shion could see that he was no longer simple.

Being seriously challenged as a father, Kyle was furious.

He stood up directly and wanted to take Brandon home.

Get up now. If you don't want any more ice cream, come home with me right away!

But Brandon was still sitting there.

Kyle reached out angrily to pull his arm, but he didn't pull it!

This is incredible!

Kyle is a tall, middle-aged man, and his strength is definitely pretty good among ordinary people.

And he was still angry at this time.

Reaching out to grab a twelve-year-old child sitting on a stool.

But the other party is as stable as a mountain and cannot be pulled at all!

However, Kyle didn't use all his strength, and he didn't continue after he found that he couldn't hold it anymore and let go.

Although there was a vague feeling in my heart that something was not right, it was still diluted by anger.

Finally, with Tori's persuasion, the farce ended.

The two father and son, with unhappy faces, left angrily.

Tori quickly followed after she apologized to Noah and Mellie.

the other side.

The Lion God turned to Watanabe Shion and smiled.

Let's find a house to rent.

Watanabe Shion chewed the burger in her mouth, and after swallowing it, she asked the Lion God in surprise: Aren't you going to continue?

The Lion God nodded and said, I'm not leaving. Let's settle down in this town for the time being.

Three days later.

At this time, Watanabe Shion had already settled in the town.

The town is not big, and the neighbors are very curious about this woman from the island country.

The news soon spread throughout the town.

After all, the island country is now the focus of the world's attention.

Although this focus is not a compliment, it is right.

In just a few days, Watanabe Shion met many people who were chatting with her, curious about asking about the island country.

But she sent them all away.

Recently, the new president of the Han Kingdom, Shin Seok-heon, promulgated the latest legal provisions and issued the following instructions.

Sit by the window and soak in the sunset.

Watanabe Shion was watching TV while eating the takoyaki she made.

As a result, news about Shin Seok-heon was being broadcast on the TV.

Watanabe Shion glanced at the ugly Lion God and quickly turned off the TV.

She knew that the Lion God was in this situation because of the joint siege by Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon!

But now, Inuyashiki controls the entire island country and has become the emperor respected by thousands of people.

Shin Seok-heon even seized power by force and became the new president. In the past few days, he not only revised the laws, but also eliminated several of the chaebols who had secretly ruled the cold country.

All property was confiscated, those who deserved to be convicted were convicted, and those who deserved to be executed were executed, which won a round of applause from the people of the cold country!

Both of them are powerful and prosperous.

On the other hand, the Lion God ended up with his body destroyed and only his core left.

Like a bereaved dog, he escaped from the island country.

Even if he came all the way to the United States, he would not dare to act arrogantly, for fear that Inuyashiki would accidentally find out the clues.

It can be said that there is no harm without comparison!

Watanabe Shion saw it and felt pain in her heart, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

He had no choice but to change the subject and said, There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about that kid these days, right?

The Lion God's face still didn't look good, but he didn't continue to be immersed in hatred.

Hearing this, he shook his head slightly and said, No, that boy named Brandon definitely has some secret hidden in him!

As he spoke, he looked at Watanabe Shion: The farm where his home is located has a special influence on the magnetic field. Especially late at night, I felt a special electromagnetic wave.

But when I wanted to delve deeper, it was simply difficult to control and go deep.

I suspect that kid is probably not human!

But an alien hiding on earth!

As for the thing hidden in the farm that emits special fluctuations.

It is likely to be some kind of alien instrument, or even a spaceship or something like that!

If this is really the case, then we shouldn't stay for a long time! Watanabe Shiyin suddenly became nervous after hearing this.

All the things that happened during this period all showed the terror and power of aliens.

No matter whether the culprits of the 'Osaka Incident' and 'Hanguo Incident' were aliens or not, they were definitely not caused by humans!

For that level of battle, the explosion of a nuclear bomb is as insignificant as lighting a firecracker!

It’s really too dangerous!

Especially now that the Lion God is still seriously injured and has no way to fight against the enemy.

As for Watanabe Shion, even with the help of a metal suit, she is too weak to be an opponent of aliens!

In Watanabe Shion's view, this town is too dangerous. Although there is no way to be 100% sure that Brandon is an alien, as long as there is doubt, the best way is to take advantage of it!

I really don’t understand why the Lion God insists on staying, and even wants to take the initiative to provoke him!

What do you know?! The Lion God snorted coldly.

The eyes bloomed with urgency and enthusiasm.

The figure flickered and reappeared at the window.

Looking at the sunset that has almost completely set outside.

Said: With my current injury, it is simply impossible to fully recover in a short time and seek revenge on that old dog Inuyashiki!

If you want to recover quickly or even become stronger, you have to find another way!

You don't understand the power of alien technology at all. If that kid is really an alien, maybe I can use his technology to make myself more powerful!

After the Lion God was transformed, he deeply realized the difference between being a mechanical transformation and an ordinary human being.

Even without the power of magnetic field, as a mechanical transformer, his strength can still compete with the regular army.

Maybe Brandon's alien technology is different from his original transformation, but that doesn't matter, he still has magnetic power!

With the assistance of magnetic field power, he can also perfectly utilize those alien technologies to strengthen himself!

This is the purpose of the Lion God!

Watanabe Shion looked at the excited Lion God and pursed her lips. She wanted to dissuade him, but knew that she would never succeed.

I could only sigh silently in my heart.

For Watanabe Shion, her biggest wish is to live with the Lion God, choose a remote town, and live peacefully.

She has lost her grandmother, and now the Lion God can be said to be her only spiritual sustenance.

She really didn't want to see the Lion God get involved in those grudges and hatreds anymore.

But at the same time, she also knew that she could not convince the Lion God on her own.

That's why I feel helpless and painful!

Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

Just after Watanabe Shion finally fell asleep, the voice of the Lion God suddenly rang in his ears: There's something going on, let's go!

Watanabe Shion suddenly woke up and sat up, with a hint of confusion in her big flashing eyes.

Regardless of whether it would disturb her rest, the Lion God urged again: Hurry up! That brat Brandon is starting to take action. If it's too late, you will miss the best opportunity to observe and understand him!

The Lion God suspects there are alien instruments or even spaceships on Brandon's farm.

But he didn't dare to act rashly.

Even though he was anxious, he still chose to observe Brandon first.

See how strong this alien is and whether he has any accomplices.

After waiting for such a long time, Brandon still looked like an indigenous resident of the town, without any difference, which made the Lion God a little anxious.

There was a sudden movement tonight, which immediately made him energetic.

Of course, you can’t miss it so easily!


Liquid metal wrapped around Watanabe Shion's body, forming a metal suit mode again.

After regaining consciousness, Watanabe Shion followed the instructions of the Lion God and nimbly jumped tens of meters away from her home.

Head northeast of the town!

Not long after, we came to a community.

Looking ahead, houses appeared in the night.

There is basically no difference in the structure of these houses. They are all two floors plus an attic.

There is a lawn in front of the house, and then there is the road.

It is a typical residential house in a small town.

Standing on a thick tree trunk, hiding yourself among the dense leaves.

Following the instructions of the Lion God, Watanabe Shion looked at one of the houses. (End of chapter)

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