In a short period of time, the entire area of ​​100 meters was turned into a desert.

While Watanabe Shion felt frightened, she also felt some doubts.

This metal ball is definitely not a good thing, otherwise how could it directly absorb the life essence of living things and plants?

But why doesn't it absorb itself?

It is said that living creatures cannot be absorbed, but Kanaya and Hiro are not dead, he just fainted!

If a normal person were to see this scene, they would have been so frightened that they ran away in panic.

But for some reason, Watanabe Shion felt a strange sense of security that made her not even drop the metal ball in her hand.

At this moment, a 'sizzling' sound suddenly sounded in my ears.

This sound is just like the noise from the old radio when you were a child when the reception signal is not clear.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of intermittent sounds entered Watanabe Shion's ears.

Du Shiyin is me. Zi Shen Hao.

After Watanabe Shion was stunned for two seconds, surprise suddenly flashed in his big eyes.

Staring at the metal ball in his hand: Hao, are you Hao?!

Ever since the 'Osaka Incident', the Lion God has been missing.

As for later returning to the old house, he killed tens of millions of people through the Internet.

Then there are the battles with Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon, and so on.

Because it happened not long ago, the battle between Bai Xing and Emperor Nian immediately took the spotlight.

In addition, Watanabe Shion was still wandering and begging on the streets at that time, so she didn’t even know!

When they were in school, Watanabe Shion and Shishigami Hao were classmates.

The last time the Lion God accidentally encountered the evolution team following Izumi Shinichi.

At that time, those reincarnators from the evolutionary space were doing tasks related to parasitic beasts.

Then there was an encounter with the Lion God!

As a result, the Lion God was defeated and escaped with serious injuries.

That was also the first time that the Lion God was hurt by his arrogance, but it was a pity that he did not learn his lesson later.

After escaping, he accidentally landed on Watanabe Shion's balcony and was adopted by her.

Watanabe Shion has been secretly in love with the Lion God for a long time, and it was at that time that she confessed her love to him.

In the period that followed, while the Lion God absorbed electricity and worked hard to become stronger, his relationship with Shion Watanabe further deepened.

When he thought he could take revenge, he found that all the evolution teams had disappeared (actually died at the hands of Shirahoshi).

There was only one left, Masako Takita, who became the Queen of the Thing.

So the Lion God ran to seek revenge on her.

It happened that the police were besieging Takita Masako's old gymnasium.

The Lion God went deep into the gymnasium alone, wiped out all the parasitic beasts, and killed Takita Masako.

During that time, he was also called a superhero by the people of the island country, and he was also very popular on the Internet!

It was not until later that he was pulled down from the altar under the conspiracy of Izumi Shion.

Because so many things happened in a short period of time.

So later on, the Lion God and Watanabe Shion had nothing to do with each other.

The Lion God didn't care about this, but Watanabe Shion had never forgotten him.

Until today, two people who were both fallen from the world met again in this environment.

I have to say that fate plays tricks on people.

It's me


Watanabe Shion was pleasantly surprised!

She never thought that one day she would see the Lion God again.

For a moment, she had a thousand words that she didn't know how to express. She had already tasted the warmth and coldness of human kindness, and had become stronger after enduring many dangers. However, her eyes suddenly turned red at this moment.

However, before she could say more, the disturbing noise gradually became smaller.

The lion god's voice also became smaller and smaller.

Finally there was no sound.

Hao! Hao! How are you! What on earth is going on with you! Hao!

Unfortunately, no matter how much Watanabe Shion shouted, it was difficult to evoke the lion god's response.

Tokyo, Kyoto Imperial Palace.

At this time, the sky was brightening, and another morning had arrived.

Shen Xixian felt a splitting headache and slowly woke up from his drowsiness.

Where am I? What happened before?

Just when he couldn't help but think about yesterday, his headache got worse.

It even made him cry out in pain.

The maid heard his voice and quickly came in to greet him.

Are you okay?

Shen Xixian grabbed her and said sternly: Who are you! Where am I now?!

The maid was startled and said quickly: I have been arranged by His Majesty the Emperor to serve you. This is the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

Emperor. Shen Xixian recalled that he had indeed met the emperor of the island country Inuyashiki yesterday, and even cooperated with him to defeat the Lion God.

As a condition, His Majesty Inuyashiki must promise to settle down and take care of his daughter Shen Weiwei after his death.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the cold country from the island country, he found that Shen Houwei was already dead.

When I think about this, I can't help but feel sad!

Immediately afterwards, Shen Xixian suddenly discovered something.

That's not right! Shouldn't I die?!

He didn't think that Inuyashiki could save him from Shirahoshi.

So...what happened? And more!!

Just for a moment, Shen Xixian had already felt the changes in his body.

Not only does the body become younger and stronger.

Even the power of thought has increased a lot.

Even, he felt that there was another special power in his body

It's the power of magnetic field!

At this time, Inuyashiki's voice came from the door.

It turned out that he sensed that Shen Xixian was awake, so he came directly to find him.

Magnetic force.?

After being reminded by Inuyashiki, Shen Xixian felt a rush of information pouring into his mind.

This is the relevant information accompanying the magnetic field seeds. After digesting it, Shen Xixian also roughly understood what [magnetic field rotation] is.

Yes, it seems that you have also been invested by Bai Xing.

Shin Seok-heon had heard Inuyashiki say it before.

Both he and the Lion God were mechanically modified by aliens, but after that, Shirahoshi also invested in them.

The reason why they are so powerful is not much mechanical transformation. The most important thing is the power called [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

And now, Bai Xing has actually invested in himself? !

This makes Shen Xixian feel very incredible, even absurd!

Isn't he going to kill me? Why did he invest in me when I wasn't dead?!

It's a long story.

Inuyashiki waved and motioned for him to follow.

The two came to the studio, and Inuyashiki played all relevant reports and video materials for him yesterday.

At the same time, he explained to Shen Xixian what happened next.

This made Shin Seok-hyun froze on the spot, not knowing what to do.

Are you telling me that I turned into another person and had a big battle with Shirahoshi?!

As he spoke, he pointed to a photo, which was an aerial shot of Tsushima after the battle.

It can be seen that almost half of Tsushima Island has disappeared, and the city above is completely destroyed.

Not to mention humans, even wild animals are almost extinct.

Is this the damage caused by my battle with Shirahoshi?!

Inuyashiki pushed over more photos: To be precise, it's part of the damage caused.

Looking at everything in front of him, Shen Xixian fell into a deep silence.

After a long time, Inuyashiki said: I don't know what your plans are next.

Shen Xixian took a long breath, he was still in a state of confusion.

Now even his daughter is dead, and he thought he was dead too, but suddenly he came back to life.

When it comes to his plans, he is already devastated, what should he do next?

Inuyashiki continued: Brother Shin, you helped me a lot in dealing with the Lion God.

But I can't keep my promise to you.

I owe you this, so I really want to help you out.

Shen Xixian turned to look at him with doubtful eyes.

Brother Shen, if you think about it carefully, why did you get to where you are today?

Shen Xixian thought of a lot at this moment.

Thinking of Bai Xing, thinking of Shen Weiwei, thinking of his ex-wife, thinking of those demolition teams, thinking of Executive Hong.

I think of those ten years I wasted, and the way my daughter looked at me in the early morning when I chose to escape!

“The social system is corrupt, injustice can be seen everywhere, the common people are complaining, and powerful people can bully good people at will.

And you, Brother Shen, your experience is just the tip of the iceberg under the overall social environment!

If you don't have these powers and can't resist, have you ever thought about the final outcome?

Shen Xixian couldn't help but said: Then what should I do?

Inuyashiki patted his shoulder.

Go and change! Use your own power to implement your own will.

Ordinary people can only be squeezed by society, and can only passively adapt, polish themselves, and become smooth, and they have to euphemistically call themselves worldly!

As the strong ones, we can rely on our own beliefs and will and use our own strength!

Come and change the whole society, change the whole world!

Let this world develop in a better direction, in the direction we want to see!

Inuyashiki's words left Shen Xixian completely stunned.

This was an angle he had never thought of!

A day flies by quickly.

Soon the sun sets and it's dark again.

Watanabe Shion did not go out to beg or look for work today.

She is always guarding under the bridge and beside the Lion God.

Although she didn't understand why he turned into a metal ball, as long as he was around, Watanabe Shion would feel inexplicably at ease.

The only thing that made her anxious was that no matter how much she called the Lion God since last night, she got no response.

Gulu gulu!

Her stomach growled again, and she was almost starving and losing strength after not eating for a day.

Unknowingly, Watanabe Shion fell asleep.

What she didn't know was that not long after she fell asleep, the metal ball began to glow again.

But this time it had a blue luster, and there was a slow spinning sound inside.

Immediately afterwards, some garbage scattered in the bridge cave, such as cans and other metal products, seemed to be pulled by some kind of force.

Trembling occurs continuously.

This pull is getting stronger and stronger, and even abandoned bicycles and some iron sheets and other things that are more than ten meters away from the metal ball begin to move.

Blah blah blah!

These metals continued to gather together, wrapping Shion Watanabe, who was still sleeping.

The metal ball also slowly floated up, sitting on Watanabe Shion's chest, and strange power radiated from the inside out.

Connecting all the metal products, causing them to twist and change, followed by dissolution and refining.

In the end, a special suit with a metal ball on the chest as the core formed on Watanabe Shion's body!


Watanabe Shion finally woke up, and after discovering the changes in her body, she suddenly felt panicked.

do not worry.

The gentle voice sounded in her ears, so familiar that Watanabe Shion no longer felt panicked.

Hao! It's really you, Hao!

Yes, it's me.

Cocoa, what on earth is going on? I...

The Lion God didn't say much, he just turned his previous encounters into information packets and transmitted them directly into Watanabe Shion's mind.

As a magnetic field guy, this is the simplest and most effective way to communicate.

Otherwise, just explaining will waste a lot of time and effort.

After digesting that information, Watanabe Shion finally understood what happened to the Lion God.

Not only was he transformed by aliens, but he was also forced to self-destruct by Inuyashiki and others!

Fortunately, the 'magnetic disintegration' was only created by the Lion God. Although it was not powerful enough to kill Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon, he himself was not completely dead.

There was still one core left, which fell here and was picked up by Watanabe Shion.

Great! Hao! I knew you were definitely not an alien!

Previously, public opinion about the Lion God was overwhelming on the Internet, and many people denounced him as an alien murderer.

But Watanabe Shion firmly believed in him and never doubted it.

Even if the evidence that he had committed murder was released, it would not shake Watanabe Shion's trust and love for him!

That's not the point. The point is that we have to get out of here right away!

Leave? Watanabe Shion was a little confused after hearing the slightly serious words of the Lion God.

That's right! If that old dog Inuyashiki finds out that I'm not dead yet, he will never let me go easily!

But my injury was too serious and I didn’t know when it would be repaired, so I had to leave the island first!

But, where are we going after leaving the island country? Watanabe Shion seemed a little hesitant, because she had never left the island country, not even Tokyo, since she was a child.

If you want to go, go farther. Go to the United States!

Watanabe Shion gritted her teeth and stood up directly: Okay! I will listen to you!

After saying that, he walked out.

Wait a minute! What are you doing?

Watanabe Shion was stunned: Go to the United States!

The Lion God only felt a little headache.

I don’t know if it was his luck or misfortune that he met Watanabe Shion.

Are you going like this? Do you have money? How do you want to go? Do you want to walk on two legs?

Watanabe Shion looked at herself and suddenly showed an embarrassed expression.

At this moment, a stream of metallic liquid separated from the suit and slowly climbed to her temple.

and formed a pair of glasses.

Through the glasses, Watanabe Shion can see various numerical values ​​and virtual panels, just like those in science fiction movies.

At this moment, Watanabe Shion saw the Lion God standing next to her.


A metal ball is a metal ball after all. Although I know it is the core of the Lion God, looking at a metal ball is still a completely different feeling than seeing a real person.

Watanabe Shion's eyes turned red instantly, and she opened her hands to hug him.

Unexpectedly, his hands passed directly through his body.

This is my avatar, you can only see it through glasses.

It turns out that the Lion God was not really resurrected.

After understanding this, Watanabe Shion seemed a little disappointed.

The Lion God didn't care about that, but turned around and said: Let's go, our first goal is to make some money first! (End of Chapter)

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