The subhuman physique is, to a certain extent, a conceptually powerful physique.

The repair of the physical body can be described as BUG.

After death, demihumans can be resurrected through the largest piece of corpse.

But what if it was ground into powder?

It doesn't matter, you can still be resurrected through the largest cells or even particles!

It can be said that demi-humans have almost eliminated any physical death.

If you want to subdue a demi-human, you can only start from other levels.

For example, the simplest and most effective seal.

Just like Emperor Nian at this time.

He was well-informed and recognized at a glance why Bai Xing was resurrected.


At first, he thought Bai Xing was a simple magnetic field guy.

Although the magnetic field rotation system is very powerful, in the eyes of Emperor Nian, it is actually nothing.

After all, this is just a power system that can reach the super single level.

Even if Bai Xing can grow to the highest level, he may not be able to benefit from the Nian Emperor himself.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xing is not only a strong magnetic field, but also has many other powers gathered in his body.


Immediately figure out how to deal with Shirahoshi.

The power of telekinesis was greatly output, but the target was no longer just Shirahoshi's body.

But his spiritual consciousness!

Nian Emperor planned to use his powerful Nian power to forcibly destroy Bai Xing's consciousness.

In this way, even a subhuman body cannot be resurrected.

However, when his telepathy poured into Bai Xing, it disappeared!


Emperor Nian was shocked.


Not gone!

Instead, it was devoured!

Bai Xing actually felt a little distressed at this moment, forcibly seizing Nian Emperor's telepathy power and turning it into his own.

But it consumed a lot of his faith!

“The power of half a million horses!!

Five-fold increase·Sacrifice x 100 billion equivalents·Nuclear blast punch! !

Of course Shirahoshi won't miss this opportunity!

Stepping on the ‘Fighter Soaring Step’, he instantly flashed in front of Emperor Nian.

With a brazen punch, it was directly blasted out!

A powerful energy burst out from the fist. Even if all the nuclear bomb reserves in the world were detonated, they would not be able to match this power!

The expanding fireball instantly swallowed Nian Emperor, and the high temperature in the core even exceeded that of the sun.

The strong shock wave spread to all directions, and the air was compressed, making a sharp whistling sound.

This force was so powerful that even the sky seemed unable to withstand its weight, and black cracks spread in the air like spider webs.

Even the space became distorted, and the light seemed to be swallowed up by the black gap.

At this moment, it was as if time had frozen. The sky was no longer blue, but was divided by countless winding black cracks.

There is endless power of destruction hidden, and the sun is eclipsed, covered by the terrifying power of this explosion!

After Bai Xing absorbed the power of Nian Emperor, he immediately used this power to punch him in turn!

A nuclear blast mixed with majestic telekinesis exploded with more terrifying power than before!

As early as in the mutant world, Bai Xing had possessed mutant abilities similar to controlling telekinesis.

Then in the world of One Punch, he copied Tatsumaki and Sykes' telekinesis talent.

He is definitely not weak in terms of mental power cultivation!

It's just that compared with Emperor Nian, the gap is obvious.

However, after he used the power of faith to devour the thought output that Emperor Nian had just intended to erase his spiritual will.

The overall mental power has been significantly enhanced!

At this time, combined with the 'Nuclear Explosive Fist', the power can be imagined!

When Emperor Nian faced this punch, his expression was also awe-inspiring.

Three thousand worlds, one thought blooms!

Sudden! Sudden! Sudden!

Nian Emperor's body was shrouded in layer after layer of thought power.

The power that should have been invisible is now able to affect the material world, turning the invisible into something tangible.

Layers upon layers, as colorful as flowers, it seems to be a high-level telekinesis field skill.

Bai Xing's eyes are so vicious. There are more than three thousand flowers in these layers, and they even cut off the space!

Form small space faults one by one, and use this to achieve a blocking effect!

No wonder it's called 'Three Thousand Worlds'. If it were used by the Emperor Nian himself, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as countless small space faults.

Instead, he really uses countless small worlds as shields!

Click! Click! Click!

As Emperor Nian used this move, the cracks on his body became more and more obvious.

——Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The violent white flames washed away, and even the layers of 'flowers' that were constantly rotating could not completely stop it.

Under the wash of energy, especially the touch of black lightning, it continued to collapse and turned into spots of light all over the sky, like a galaxy inverted!

Whoops! !

After everything was eliminated, Emperor Nian was still standing in mid-air.

But his current condition is not very good.

All the clothes on his body had already been dissipated by the high energy, but the exposed body was completely different from the original Shen Xixian.

Using the power of thought to change the molecular structure in the microscopic realm, this body has now reached a very strong level.

Although it is far inferior to magnetic field guys like Shirahoshi, it is definitely a crushing level against ordinary people.

It can be considered that it has reached the point where you can tear steel with your hands without using your mind, just with your physical body.

His height has grown a bit, and his muscles all over his body are bulging, making him look perfect.

However, it is just a perfect body that is emitting flames, like a god descending into the world.

But it was like broken porcelain, covered with large or small cracks.

It looks like it will collapse at any time!

There is no nonsense, and Emperor Nian has no time for nonsense now.

He immediately launched a counterattack against Shirahoshi!

It's a pity that Bai Xing, who has the power of faith, can easily resolve any targeted attacks from him.

And if it is aimed at destroying the physical body, it doesn't even matter.

Broken arms and legs can be regenerated in the blink of an eye. Even if they die, they can be easily resurrected without any consumption, not even CD time.

The fierce fight between the two sides did not last long, only about half an hour passed.

Emperor Nian will not be able to hold on any longer!

When you come to the Land of Nothingness one day, I will personally entertain you!

--boom! ! !

After speaking harshly, Emperor Nian suddenly shattered!

It turned into countless fragments that exuded glittering luster and dispersed between heaven and earth.

Bai Xing sensed that the power belonging to Nian Emperor finally dissipated in this world.

So he urged the power of faith to reach out and grab it, and then a ball of matter condensed into flesh and blood in his hand.

The final combination is a heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heart actually started beating!

The next moment, blood vessels and flesh began to intertwine and reorganize starting from the heart.

Finally succeeded in becoming a human being!

Shin Seok-hun!

At this moment, Shen Xixian still maintains the perfect figure after being transformed by Emperor Nian.

Even because he was possessed by Nian Emperor, he still retains powerful telekinesis and some special things.

And Bai Xing resurrected him for this special thing.

He flicked out an electromagnetic seed.

As Emperor Nian's 'agent', he also carried him.

Shin Seok-heon received great benefits, and Bai Xing definitely made money by investing in him.

You can also rely on copying to continue to enhance your telekinesis talent!

If Emperor Nian knew about it, he would not only be ruined by Bai Xing's plan, but also kill the clone and be expelled from the world.

They even used waste and copied all the telekinesis talents.

He will definitely be even more angry and hate him until his teeth itch!

Throw Shin Seok-hyun away casually.

As the Nian Emperor's 'agent', this guy also carried the other party's possession and underwent passive transformation.

Both body and qualifications have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now Emperor Nian has been expelled, and after planting the seeds of the magnetic field, he has become Bai Xing's 'agent'.

Bai Xing also has some expectations for him, and he doesn't know if there will be any more surprises for him in the future.

But now, the most important thing is to return to your residence for retreat.

Review this battle and digest the results.

Shirahoshi had initially experimented with the power of black holes, and as he grew over time, he was even able to use it in battle.

And now, after breaking through 500,000 horses and entering the 'anti-gravity realm', and copying Shin Seok-hyun's talent to increase his telekinesis power.

Shirahoshi feels that he can go one step further and experiment and master the power of black holes!

After Shirahoshi left.

Only then did various countries begin to cautiously send fleets to investigate the scene.

They have determined that one of the parties in this battle is the same person as the party that fought at the end of the last 'Osaka Incident'!

However, due to interference from the magnetic field, even satellites are unable to accurately capture the specific circumstances of the battle.

It was impossible to identify who was fighting.

Therefore, various countries gave him a code name in their files.

Since he can punch out the power of a nuclear explosion, he is called the ‘Humanoid Nuclear Weapon’!

This time, various countries urgently dispatched fleets to investigate, just to learn more about this 'humanoid nuclear weapon'.

During this period of time, many unusual and major events have occurred around the world, and many powerful individuals have emerged that are difficult to fathom using common sense.

But after analysis by a think tank, this ‘humanoid nuclear weapon’ should be the most dangerous one among them!

Perhaps the prophecy about the 'end of the world' that had been circulated before had something to do with him.

Because countries gathered together for the same goal, Mao Xiong and the United States even had some friction in this vast sea area.

The United States is quite special because of its national conditions. Even if the disaster has not yet spread, internal chaos has already broken out in advance.

So they are really anxious!

However, Mao Xiong has always been a master who will do whatever he doesn't want, and he won't tolerate them at all.

If the two sides disagree, they almost start fighting!

At this moment, the radar suddenly detected an approaching UFO.

Countless powerful countries such as the United States and Mao Xiong have already locked up this sea area and do not allow outsiders to intervene at will.

If a flying object approaches, warn them immediately and ask them to report their identity.

If you don't reveal your identity, you will attack it at any time and shoot it down!

The commander of the United States was full of evil spirits, but after waiting for a while, he found that the other party didn't care about them at all.

He immediately became furious and gave orders directly to his subordinates, firing at the guy who dared to interfere.

By the way, it also provides some shock to the furry bears!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

The roar of the ship's artillery immediately attracted the attention of Mao Xiong and other countries.

But at this moment, they discovered that the UFO on the radar was still there.


He fought back!

——Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several missiles fired back and exploded directly in the US fleet.

Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom!

It was already night now, and the fire was rising, turning half of the sky red.

This back and forth made everyone nervous!

Until they finally saw who it was.

The humanoid creature suspended in mid-air had blue propulsive flames spraying from its back.

If it’s not Inuyashiki, who could it be!

Everyone was immediately discouraged.

They really have no good solution for this guy with full mobility and attack power.

Even if Inuyashiki had a thought, all the battleships they were driving would lose control.

Immediately afterwards imagination became reality.

Mao Xiong immediately discovered that his fleet was completely out of control and automatically left the sea area.

The captain felt like he had seen a ghost and fell into panic, but when he looked back and thought about the fate of the American fleet, he felt a little lucky.

With the eyesore gone, Inuyashiki began to search for the weak electromagnetic signal.

Of course, the purpose of his coming here is different from that of fleets from other countries, because he is here to find Shin Suk-heon!

When Shirahoshi and Nian Emperor just fought, Inuyashiki ran away, but unfortunately he didn't run fast enough.

When Emperor Nian was blasted away, he was swept away by the aftermath and fell directly from a high altitude.

Fortunately, Shirahoshi and Nantei were far away in the aftermath. Inuyashiki could still withstand just this blow.

After that, Inuyashiki returned to the island country.

Because of the impact of the battle between Bai Xing and Emperor Nian, the island country was damaged again.

Inuyashiki took charge of the overall situation while observing the battle remotely.

After the battle was over, Inuyashiki felt a weak electromagnetic signal emanating from this area.

Perhaps due to the relationship of the same origin, Inuyashiki felt that it should be Shin Seok-heon. It seemed that Shirahoshi won this battle.

The unknown existence has dissipated, and Shin Suk-heon was invested in a magnetic field seed by Baixing.

So Inuyashiki came over to look for him.

He suddenly entered the sea, and not long after, Inuyashiki found Shin Seok-heon, who was still in a coma, at the bottom of the sea.

Taking him soaring into the sky, heading towards Tokyo.

at the same time.

A riverside somewhere in Tokyo.

An unkempt woman walked slowly pushing a cart.

She was wearing dirty and tattered clothes, and her delicate skin was covered in black ash.

But it can still be vaguely seen that this is a young girl about sixteen or seventeen years old.

The homemade cart is wrapped with tape, but it still makes a squeaking sound when pushed.

Not long after, a small bridge hole appeared in sight.

This is her residence.

Since the ‘Osaka Incident’, chaos has occurred several times across the island nation.

Even though it has been pacified by Inuyashiki now, it still leaves many homeless homeless people.

Watanabe Shion is one of them.

During the riots, her grandmother, who depended on her for life, passed away unfortunately.

Her home was also burned down by fire, and she lost her support and money, and was unable to continue studying in school.

But she still didn't give up.

Just because he was too young and the economic situation was very bad, many shops closed down and he couldn't find a job at all.

After the remaining money was used up, I had no choice but to move outside, but because it was too dangerous outside, and there were many homeless people.

Some of the better residences, such as unfinished buildings, have already been occupied.

Therefore, Watanabe Shion could only find a relatively remote small bridge hole, so that he would not sleep on a deck chair in the park.

And just today, she finally found a store willing to take her in.

Watanabe Shion felt very happy when she thought of this, and she was determined to work hard and make money.

If possible, she would also like to go back to school to complete her studies!

But when there was no one around, Watanabe Shion would still think of that man while looking at the cold river water.

Hao, are you okay now?

At this moment, a greasy voice sounded behind him.

I am fine.

Watanabe Shion was suddenly startled. She turned around and saw that the person who came turned out to be the boss who took her in, Kanaya Kazuhiro.

“Boss Jinjingu”

Hey, hey, Watanabe, the place you live here is great. It has wind and water, and is inaccessible.

Why don't we do something happy?

Watanabe Shion never expected that the boss of the job she finally found would be a stalking pervert!

I felt a burst of despair in my heart!

At this time, Jin Gu and Hong couldn't wait to rush forward.

Watanabe Shion quickly turned around and wanted to escape, but her physical strength was obviously not as good as that of Kanaya.

He was quickly thrown to the ground, and his ragged clothes were torn apart during the tug.

Kanaya was really hungry, and didn't care about the stains on Watanabe Shion's body at all. He flicked his tongue to go up and lick it.

In desperation, Watanabe Shion seemed to have touched a round, hard object with her right hand.


It hit Kanaya Kazuhiro hard on the head.

Immediately hit it until it was bleeding!


Jin Gu and Hong passed out immediately.

Watanabe Shion gasped, her heart filled with panic.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered something.

The stone he is holding in his hand is not the stone he imagined.

Instead, it was a round metal thing that seemed to have some complicated structure.

While Watanabe Shion was observing, the blood stains on his body were suddenly sucked in.

Immediately after the metal ball bloomed with red luster, a scene that made Watanabe Shion unbelievable appeared!

I saw that Kanaya Kazuhiro's body was visibly shrunken, and the surrounding flowers and trees were also quickly withering.

Wisps of red and green life essence, like hundreds of rivers and oceans, are constantly gathering into this metal ball! (End of chapter)

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