Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 256 People from Berlin, the secret of GANTZ!


With a sudden brake, the black car stopped in front of a villa.

A man and a woman got out of the car and looked around, feeling that it was unusually quiet here.

It seems very strange.

Are you really here? It looks like the surrounding houses are abandoned.

The man with blond hair named Celestine tightened his collar and said.

The woman with long black hair next to her named Kokubo Yumei said: You don't know something about this.

Just behind this villa is the former site of the current new emperor of the island country, Inuyashiki Ichiro.

Legend has it that he killed his entire family here and now enslaved the entire island nation.

Just before the Emperor's coronation ceremony, all the Self-Defense Forces and rioters who tried to rebel were destroyed by him!

Now the military power of the entire island country is completely under his control.

People can only live in his shadow, and the strength he displays is so powerful that even a modern army cannot shake it at all.

It is precisely because of this that people fear everything about him, including this old site, which has also become a place to avoid.

All the surrounding residents have moved away long ago, but 'he' still lives here.

Hearing Yume Kokubo's introduction, Celestine couldn't help but smack her lips.

What a terrifying man. The current island country is really too dangerous.

Kokubo Yumei also sighed: Yes, this country is almost finished.

Celestine looked at her: Although you grew up in Germany, don't you have any feelings for this place?

Kokubo Yumei chuckled: I grew up in Germany, so why do I have feelings for this place?

What this place looks like has nothing to do with us, just remember the purpose of coming here this time.

Complete the task quickly and leave this place of right and wrong.

Celestine nodded in agreement: You are right!

Within the villa.

Bai Xing just came out of the Enlightenment Field.

I just feel refreshed!

Sure enough, the true meaning of being a magnetic field guy lies in fighting!

Although the last battle with Yue Ming did not produce a result.

But Shirahoshi still gained a lot.

In addition to the magnetic field power soaring to 450,000, it also allowed him to see the fighting style of fantasy strongmen.

It’s really huge and has many changes.

Bai Xing also felt that he had benefited a lot from fighting against him.

The only pity is that after the guy released the move 'Blue Dragon Ascension Seal', he ran away in shame.

This made Bai Xing feel very unsatisfied.

He was far from reaching his limit. He thought he could fight Yue Ming for another three days and three nights, forcing the opponent to use other forbidden moves.

If his thoughts were known to Yue Ming, he would definitely lose his balance and curse.

How could the forbidden move be so easy to perform? !

The ability to successfully release the 'Canglong Ascension Seal' was already due to the physique of the primary 'Saint Sun Prison Suppressing Body' that he exchanged.

Otherwise, the backlash alone would be enough for him to drink a pot.

But even so, with his current level of cultivation in the Shenqiao realm, after maintaining full output for such a long time, he released the forbidden move again.

The Gang Yuan in his body has been severely depleted, but Bai Xing's condition is getting better and better, and his strength is even increasing.

Yue Ming is not a reckless man without brains. He immediately understands that if this battle continues, he will definitely be the one who loses and dies in the end!

If the body dies and the Tao disappears here, everything will really be gone.

Yue Ming, who has been reincarnated in the nightmare space for so long, knows very well that there is no need to worry about having no firewood to burn the green hills.

So run away immediately!

He used the props at the bottom of the box to forcefully return to the nightmare space.

Even if a large amount of nightmare coins will be deducted for this, even precious props will be consumed.

No matter what.

But this guy really valued his teammates, and he didn't forget to connect the dying Red and Diaz before leaving.

He took them back to the nightmare space.

In fact, if Bai Xing wanted to chase after him, there was nothing he could do.

Although he is not good at space abilities, he currently has a portal that is related to space.

But when Yue Ming ran away, he could still catch up if he relied on the power of faith.

But that side is the territory of the Lord of Nightmares, and there will definitely be a strong repulsive force. Just chasing it will consume a lot of faith.

Once we reach someone else's territory, it may not be certain whether we can escape safely.

After weighing it for a while, Shirahoshi gave up this plan.

Although he failed to kill all these bullshit reincarnators according to his goal, Shirahoshi still felt very satisfied with the hearty battle!

After returning to Tokyo, I began to retreat.

However, Bai Xing is also paying attention to everything that happens in the outside world.

Especially what happened with Inuyashiki surprised him even more!

When Shiraishi and Inuyashiki were given magnetic field seeds, Shirahoshi valued Inuyashiki more.

Compared to a guy like Lion God who has anti-social and anti-human tendencies.

If an old social beast who has been PUAed for decades can really go crazy, he will rape the world and society.

It will definitely be more exciting and interesting, and it will be twice as happy!

But it's a pity that this old dog is so damn servile at heart.

After he was voluntarily captured and taken to the base for research, Shirahoshi's attention to him declined.

Unexpectedly, he got a surprise at this time!

After many hardships, this old dog finally woke up!

The emperor of the island nation?

It’s a shame he could figure it out!

Not long after the 'Osaka Incident' happened, most people blamed the disaster on aliens.

And because Inuyashiki's abilities were similar to those of the Lion God, he was both a transformed human being, so naturally he was mistaken for an alien like the Lion God.

At this critical moment, he became the emperor of the island country!

And they also violently suppressed any disobedient existence.

This kind of plot of a lunatic who defeats everyone with his own power and rapes the entire country by his own will is very consistent with Shirahoshi's aesthetic.

He had a panoramic view of it all from beginning to end, and it became a spice for his leisure time.

Very happy to watch!

At this moment, Bai Xing suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He already felt someone coming for him.

Huh? From Germany? Someone from the Mayerbach Company?

Shirahoshi, who has read the original work, of course knows that the so-called black ball room was actually created by the people on earth themselves.

There is even a factory specializing in mass production of black balls, located in Germany.

The so-called GANTZ are these mass-produced black balls, plus a clone created using cloning technology to serve as a battery.

But Shirahoshi is not very clear about some details.

Now it seems that the company that produces black balls should be the Maierbach company.

It's just, what are they doing to come to me?

Read the minds of two people, but they are just running errands.

Don't know the specific situation at all.

The mission is just to find a person named Shirahoshi based on his address, and then invite him to Berlin, Germany.

Ding dong!

While Bai Xing was thinking about it, the doorbell rang outside.

As Bai Xing thought, the door opened automatically.

Celestine and Kokubo Yumei, who were standing outside the door, looked a little hesitant as they looked at the empty interior.

I always feel like this person is very mysterious.

It will definitely not be easy to get the chairman to pay so much attention to it.

Forget it, we come here with sincerity, just explain the situation and that should be enough.

I wonder if he will agree to the invitation.

There has been a lot of news recently about aliens and black ball warriors. I think he should also be curious, right?

Then what should we do now? We haven't seen him.

The door is open. It should be letting us in, right?

Then go in, we're here anyway.

The two hesitated for a moment, and finally walked into the villa.

Just as they were carefully observing their surroundings, they suddenly discovered that Bai Xing had appeared on the sofa at some point.


Although Okubo Yumei has a calm personality, she was also shocked.

Celestine quickly said: Hello, Mr. Bai, we are.

Bai Xing waved his hand.

After finishing the retreat and discovering the two of them, he took the time to take a shower and eat something.

At the same time, the decision has been made.

Directly open the purple water-like portal.

I already know your purpose of coming, let's set off now.

Kokubo Yumei and Celestine couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Before they came, they had planned many scenarios that might happen.

He also secretly guessed who this guest, who was valued very much by Mr. Berensutain, was.

But I really didn't expect that they had just met each other and they hadn't even spoken yet.

The other party actually already knew their purpose of coming here?

What surprised them even more was, what on earth was that purple water-wave-like light curtain?

Bai Xing ignored the two of them and walked directly in.

Yume Kokubo and Celestine looked at each other.

In the end, both of them took a deep breath and followed Bai Xing into the space door.

Opening their eyes again, the two of them were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them!

Because what appeared in front of them was the residence of the Berensutain family!

This magnificent and luxurious family mansion is as huge as a castle.

You can’t go wrong!

Looking around, they all felt unreal. It was hard to imagine that just a moment ago, the two of them were still in the island nation of Tokyo, and the next second they had crossed a distance of nearly 9,000 kilometers and returned to the Berenshutstein family mansion in Berlin, Germany!

What on earth is going on?!

Bai Xing snapped his fingers, and the purple space door disappeared.

It's just a space crossing.

As he spoke, Bai Xing turned to look at them: Since you are controlling GANTZ all over the world behind the scenes, you shouldn't be surprised by this little thing, right?

Kokubo Yumei and Celestine were immediately speechless and dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

GANTZ is a technology, a technology, something that can be mastered by humans.

There is a huge consortium behind it, and countless people are involved in the work.

The two of them are just two small screws in this huge chain.

But Bai Xing actually displayed an incomprehensible ability, just like the magic in the legend!

Let's go, I think Mr. Berenshoutin is still waiting for me.

Although the two of them were full of curiosity, they could only choose to shut up and stop asking questions.

After entering the castle, a butler came to greet him.

Soon, Bai Xing met Mr. Berenshoutine.

He is an ordinary-looking, white-haired old man who looks weathered.

It’s hard to imagine that this is the head of the famous Meylerbach company.

He was also a little surprised that Bai Xing could come so quickly.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Bai, I am Heinz Berenshoutin.

Can you tell me now why you invited me here?

Berenshoutan smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: Actually, I don't know why I invited you here.

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, not expecting to hear such an answer.

Let's do this. I'll take you to meet someone first, and then we'll start from the beginning.

Under the leadership of Berensutain, everyone entered the depths of the castle and came to a luxurious room.

In the center of the room, there was a huge soft bed.

There was a fat woman lying on the bed.

There are many layers of fat on my body. Not to mention standing up, even turning over is extremely difficult!

It is impossible for a normal person to be so obese. Anyone who sees her for the first time will make the same judgment.

That means this person must be suffering from a disease!

This is my daughter Ilaria, who was unable to make a sound from birth until she was three years old.

All this is because her brain has been damaged.

At that time, my company was on the verge of bankruptcy, but even so, I still invited many famous doctors to diagnose and treat me.

But the result was still nothing until later, a miracle happened!

From the beginning, Berenshoutan seemed very calm. Only when he talked about this, his emotions gradually started to change.

She, Ilaria, started to make sounds, but they were just some chaotic and unreasonable numbers.

I didn't understand it at first, but gradually, I discovered something.

Those numbers are not completely disordered, they are like some kind of encrypted message!

So I invited many experts and scholars to decipher it.

Finally, we have an answer!

With that said, Berenshoutin turned to look at Shirahoshi.

We all agree that the numbers Ilarya whispered are a message sent by aliens!

They use my daughter as a signal receiver to convey these messages. I think there must be some intention in this!

Bai Xing chuckled: So you used this technology to save your company and your family?

Berensutain sighed: Yes, the company was already in danger at that time, and it cost a lot for my daughter.

I was really at the end of my rope, so I tried to use that technology to make a profit.

It turns out that things are indeed as I imagined. Now the Myrlebach Company is the largest group in Germany and even Europe, and our Berenshoutstein family has also become a top plutocrat!

Later, I discovered aliens hiding on earth!

At this time, I understood that these technologies should be used to help people on earth resist and eradicate those aliens!

I thought about it for a long time, considered a lot, and even thought that if these things were made public, it might trigger World War III!

But in the final analysis, it is actually driven by profit.

So instead of making it completely public, I built GANTZ and sent them around the world.

Select those who died, clone them and reborn them, and use these technological weapons to deal with the aliens hiding on the earth.

This is the origin of the black ball room.

The battle videos of those black ball fighters will be transmitted back in real time for my customers to place bets.

There were many people involved, including political figures from various countries, top chaebols, and members of the royal family.

They are all my clients, which has increased the size of my business more than tenfold again!

Speaking of this, Berenshoutan even showed a proud smile on his face.

It just quickly became sluggish again.

Sighing: It's just now. Everything is meaningless.

What's the meaning?

Berensutain looked at his extremely fat daughter lying on the bed.

He said: “My daughter has not revealed any new numbers for a long time.

But just some time ago, she revealed some numbers again.

I thought it was a new technology, but I didn’t expect to find out after deciphering it.”

As he spoke, he looked at Bai Xing solemnly: That's the countdown to the end of the world!


Bai Xing's eyes flashed slightly.

Berensutain continued: I didn't really believe it at first, but those previous technologies are definitely not products of the earth.

It is very likely that a higher-level civilization used my daughter as a transit point to reach the earth to help humans resist invasion.

So this doomsday countdown is very likely to be true!

Especially after the ‘Osaka Incident’ happened in the island nation, I became even more convinced of this.

The disaster facing the island country is probably just the eve of the storm.

The truly terrifying invasion, which can bring devastating disasters to the world, is yet to come!

Although various countries have seen the general battle situation of the 'Osaka Incident' through satellites, the faces of the truly strong men such as Shirahoshi and Yue Ming are not so easy to photograph.

Therefore, even if Shirahoshi stood in front of him, Berenshutein would not recognize him. He was one of the parties involved in the 'Osaka Incident' who finally appeared and broke out in a shocking decisive battle.

“After the countdown to doomsday appeared, I knew everything was meaningless.

It even started to stop GANTZ around the world and released the controlled black ball warriors.

Destroy the bomb in their minds and restore their freedom.

In fact, CNN in the United States and BBC in the United Kingdom have already interviewed me before.

I also told all these truths.

It's just that these are too unbelievable for them, and it can be seen that they don't quite believe it.

But when they learned about the Osaka Incident in the island country, they might have different ideas. Forget it, it doesn't really matter. Even if they all believe it, there is no way to stop the end of the world.

Bai Xing is not interested in these things. What he is most curious about now is how the other party found him.

So I'm here because of your daughter?

Berensutain nodded: Yes, just a few days ago, my daughter revealed some numbers again.

After deciphering it, it turned out to be a coordinate and a sentence.

——Bring him here!

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