Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 255: No regrets for killing your wife, no regrets for killing your son!

In an instant.

Like a sun falling into the ground.

Endless light blooms, spreading light and heat wantonly.

All materials melted, the land subsided, and the seawater evaporated!

Dragon roars and explosions intertwined, resounding throughout the world and shocking the sky!

Terrifying flames shot into the sky, and the high-energy particle flow and electromagnetic radiation caused most of the island nation's electronic equipment to malfunction in an instant.

The senior officials of various countries who saw this scene through satellite were even more shocked.

From a macro perspective in the universe, infinite light and heat burst out from the caterpillar-like archipelago countries on the blue planet.

It's like cutting it off at the waist!

Circles of circular ripple explosions started from the center and spread outward.

Even land hundreds of kilometers away was not immune, although it was far away from the ultra-high temperature flames at the center of the explosion.

But it was still shattered by the explosion, and billions of tons of matter shot straight into the sky, instantly exceeding the first cosmic speed.

Breaking away from the gravity of the earth, it becomes an extremely sparse asteroid belt floating in the near orbit of the earth.

Before the top leaders of various countries could react from the shock, the electromagnetic pulse had already affected the universe beyond the earth.

Immediately after all satellites lose control, it is only a matter of time before they become space junk.

The ultra-high temperature fireball with a range of fifty kilometers burned for five hours!

Smoke, dust and ash almost enveloped the entire island nation, and then drifted all the way to the United States along the Pacific storm.

Almost one-fifth of the island nation was devastated.

Starting from Nara Prefecture to Hyogo Prefecture, the land was completely torn apart, with a length of 130 kilometers.

Forming a huge abyss like the entrance to hell!

Even in outer space, you can clearly see it, as if a deep wound has been stabbed in Mother Earth!

The whole world is shocked!

What happened in the island country that night was truly shocking to the whole world!

Aliens, black ball warriors, lion gods, nuclear war!

It has become a frequently searched keyword on the global Internet!

Countless people were shocked by this and even regarded it as a rumor. They simply did not believe that such an outrageous and absurd thing could happen in modern society!

No matter what the attitude of other countries is, people are willing to believe it or not.

The people of the island country are really panicked!

despair! panic! Depressed! crazy! anger!

Spreading in every city, every corner.

It was like throwing a detonator into the aqua toilet, exploding feces and urine all over the sky.

All kinds of accumulated social contradictions and conflicts are collectively erupting at this moment!

crime, rape, murder, violence

As the negative emotions accumulate, they become out of control!

In just one week, the entire island country has turned into a mess!

The Self-Defense Forces and the police were mobilized, but to no avail.

As for the disaster areas, there is no solution.

There is an abyssal mouth with a length of 130 kilometers in the most central area.

The surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers has long been reduced to scorched earth, with no trace of modern civilization at all.

Not to mention the surviving humans, even a grasshopper or an earthworm cannot be found.

It has completely become a restricted area of ​​life!

What the Island Self-Defense Force did was to directly pull up barbed wire at the still intact border to completely isolate it.

The chaos continued until the tenth day.

We are witnessing an increasing number of violent conflicts in the island country.

The Prime Minister of the island country announced that he would take violent crackdowns!

At the same time, a lot of aid from around the world has been received in these ten days. In addition to the paper cranes sent by some friendly countries, there are also many supplies and electronic products.

Base stations damaged by electromagnetic pulses were also repaired.

Let the voice of Shinzo on the mountain be conveyed to all the people of the island country who are in a state of chaos.

The Self-Defense Forces are useless against aliens, but they are still very effective against rioting people.

After a large number of mobs were arrested, the chaos gradually subsided.

The main reason is that since the Osaka incident, nothing like this has happened again.

Aliens did not appear and take over Earth.

Although many people are still in a state of panic, there has been calm for many days and the government has violently suppressed it.

Let them calm down a little or dare not cause trouble again.

However, at this moment, another big thing happened!

The emperor was killed, and the new emperor announced that he would ascend the throne on another day!

The original emperor of the island country has been reduced to a mascot and has no actual power.

But the emperor's murder was still a major event that shocked the country!

What's more, the new emperor who was announced to the throne was not from the imperial family.

But just an outsider!

The most critical thing is that Prime Minister Shinzo Yamama immediately announced that he recognized the status of the new emperor!

It can be said that one stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Even after just experiencing the ‘Osaka Incident’ which was like an apocalyptic disaster.

This incident still makes the people of the island country feel extremely shocked and in disbelief.

Especially when they learned who the successor to the emperor was, they immediately set off a wave of resistance!

Just because the person who succeeded the emperor was named - Inuyashiki Ichiro!

Time goes back to ten days ago.

On the day of the ‘Osaka Incident’.

Inuyashiki repaired his own damage and then ran out of the base privately.

This incident caused Defense Minister Yasuhiro Yumoto to be furious, and Gengyi Yamaguchi was scolded.

Inuyashiki did not go anywhere else but to Osaka.

And happened to encounter Fuudazaemon who beat Shishigami to the street!

So I got a bargain and brought the Lion God back to the base.

Genichi Tani was surprised that Inuyashiki brought back the Lion God.

But because of Yumoto Yasuhiro's scolding and Inuyashiki's private actions, he still felt even more annoyed!

He got mad and scolded Inuyashiki on the spot.

Genya Tani thought he had completely grasped Inuyashiki, so what if he had great strength?

The concerns of his family, the overall situation of the country, and decades of working as a social worker have smoothed his edges.

Faced with the scolding, Inuyashiki had no choice but to swallow his anger.

However, what Genyi Taniya didn't know was that this feeling of loss of dignity once again aggravated the pain in Inuyashiki's heart!

Fortunately, a few days later he successfully received the one billion promised by Gu Xuanyi!

As for the Lion God.

He himself was seriously injured, but it was easy to take care of him.

But Genichi Tani was not happy for long, because the 'Osaka Incident' caused the world's attention to turn to him.

The United States personally sent people here, and after some negotiations, even Prime Minister Shinzo Yamayama was unable to do anything.

Eventually the Lion God was handed over to the United States.

As for Inuyashiki, he happily left the base again with one billion and returned home.

Kiko, Mari! I'm back, I have money! I can fulfill all your wishes!

Kiko, you don’t have to do housework anymore, we can hire a nanny!

And Mari, we can change to a bigger house, which will definitely satisfy you!

By then, I’ll be fine.”

Unfortunately, those who responded to Inuyashiki were cold and wary eyes.

The 'Osaka Incident' made people all over the island country go crazy, and the fear and resistance against aliens reached an unprecedented peak!

In this case, the family members who had no deep feelings for Inuyashiki and only regarded him as an object of exploitation.

How could she have a good attitude toward him? !

Holding the check in his hand, the smile on Inuyashiki's face gradually stiffened.

Why? Why are you looking at me like that?

Kiko, I am really Inuyashiki Ichiro! I'm not an alien!

Mari, Mari. I am daddy!

Takeshi! You must recognize me! I am really a father!

You don’t want it”

Sirens sounded outside.

It was Mari who called the police again.

Before Gu Xuanyi even entered the door, an angry voice could be heard.

Inuyashiki! Did you take my warning to heart?

Believe it or not, if I say just one word, you will never see your wife and children again in this life!

I'll let you stay at the base! What are you doing? Jailbreaking makes you more addicted, right? !

Gen Tani slapped his head in the face and cursed, making Inuyashiki's head hang even lower.

Mari held the broom in her hand, facing Inuyashiki, as if the man in front of her was not his father at all.

But a heinous and extremely dangerous stranger!


Even more so than strangers.

It's an enemy!

Damn aliens! Get out of my house! Get out of here!!

Inuyashiki unconsciously clenched the check in his hand, and even tore it apart with too much force without realizing it.

Why. Why is this happening?

Two lines of bloody tears rolled down his cheeks.

Why do I give everything but don't get any love?

Why am I being trampled on again even though I have regained my dignity?

Why do I work so hard for you and endure that damn research, but I can't get any understanding and care in return?

Had I been wrong all along? !

I don’t know how many times I have replayed things in my mind, but they resurfaced again.

In these decades of mediocrity, I have been despised, exploited, ignored, and bullied.

Until that night when aliens visited, until he grasped the power to change his destiny!

Passionate, confident, and dignified.

These things that he had lost for decades were coming back one after another, and that feeling was simply the happiest day in his life.

But since when did it become lost again?

It's because someone caught the chain tied around his neck, someone accurately caught his weak spot!

From that moment on, his freedom ceased to exist, his self-confidence was knocked back to its original form, and his dignity was trampled under his feet again!

Hehe. Hahaha. Hahahahahaha!!!

Inuyashiki's expression was distorted, he held his forehead and laughed crazily!

I was wrong. I was wrong all along!

Compromises and concessions will only lead to further gains!

I want to master everything I value, I want to be truly free, I want to experience what it feels like to be truly alive!

Only rely on one thing!

That's power mouth! ! !


In the shocked eyes of Mari and others.

Inuyashiki blasted Geni Tani's head with one punch!

Bright red blood and white brains splashed out.

Inuyashiki's eyes were always cold.

From today on, no one can yell in front of me anymore!


Screams pierced the night sky.

Mari looked at Gu Xuanyi's fallen headless body and made a sharp explosion.

The blood spurting from her neck arced in the air and even rushed into her open mouth.


The smell of blood went straight to her brain, making Mari feel like her stomach was churning. She bent over and vomited out everything she could.

Just as he calmed down a bit, he saw a pair of feet slowly approaching.

I was suddenly shocked!

Looking up, they saw Inuyashiki walking towards them with murderous intent.

What do you want to do?!

Damn alien, you finally showed your true colors!

Don't come over!!

Inuyashiki's eyes were filled with murderous intent and pain, and his whole body could not suppress the trembling.

He forcibly restrained his murderous intention, and his remaining sanity prevented him from doing something inhumane.

The voice was trembling, low and hoarse.

If I were an alien and your husband and father had been killed by me, how would you feel and would you avenge him?

Kiko fell to her knees directly. She was frightened by Gu Xuanyi's death!

Please, please, please let us go. We will never take revenge. Please believe in us.

Ma said with hatred: You dream! You damn aliens should all be killed! He said with a disdainful sneer: But it's not to avenge that useless old thing. I’m not that boring! I want you to die just because you are a damn alien!”

Takeshi was paralyzed by fear and burst into tears: Sister, wuwuwu! Stop talking. He. He will kill us.



He is just a kid in junior high school, and he is often bullied.

Gosashi was so frightened by Inuyashiki that he peed.

Looking at the three familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of me, looking at their respective attitudes and ugly looks.

Inuyashiki's will gradually strengthened and he forcibly erased past emotions. He wanted to break free and break the dog chain around his neck!

Be yourself completely, without any restraint or involvement that can hold him back or influence his thoughts and will!


One punch, just one punch.

It represents a complete break with the past self.

This means that Inuyashiki will be reborn!

Kill your wife without regrets!

Kill your son without regrets!

——Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The power inside the body rotates crazily.

A vague barrier was broken.

Immediately afterwards, Inuyashiki felt as if he had entered a new realm.

That realm called [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

The power keeps emerging in the body!

Thirty thousand horses of power!

Forty thousand horses of power!

Fifty thousand horses of power!

Don't move! Put your hands up!!

The police officers who came with Gu Xuanyi heard the noise coming from the house.

I hurried in and saw a shocking scene!

Gu Xuanyi's headless body fell not far from the door.

In front, there stood a figure with his back to the door, it was Inuyashiki.

In front of Inuyashiki, there was a large mass of flesh and blood that exploded!

Blood splattered everywhere, like an abstract oil painting!

The entire air exudes a strong smell of blood.

Let the policemen be shocked!

He quickly took out his gun and took aim.

Inuyashiki turned around slowly and looked at him expressionlessly.

I said, no one can yell in front of me anymore.

Seeing Inuyashiki raising his arm, the police officer could no longer bear it and pulled the trigger!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Unfortunately, it is impossible for bullets to cause any damage to the current Inuyashiki.


Lightning flashed and the police officers immediately exploded into pieces of flesh on the ground.

Inuyashiki walked out of the house and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

I just feel like I'm brand new, as if I've been reborn!

“If I want everyone to respect me and love me, I need something besides strength.

Something that can be fought for by force.

A thing that is naturally revered and worshiped by others!

that power!

Making a fist means holding power!

Powerful punching is power!

Men cannot be without rights for a day!

I only believe in my punches!

In the next few days, Inuyashiki killed all the police and even SATs who came to hunt him with thunderous force.

He also visited Defense Minister Yasuhiro Yumoto and Prime Minister Shinzo Yamayama one by one.

Inuyashiki doesn't know how to govern a country. What he needs is the absolute power to be worshiped by more than ten thousand people. No one can ignore him anymore, no one can look down on him anymore, and no one can trample his dignity under his feet!

So he needs politicians to do the work of governing for him.

Shan Shanshan was able to save his life from his hands.

And Inuyashiki's target was the Emperor!

Unlike the emperor who can only be reduced to a mascot now.

Inuyashiki wants to be the emperor of the island country in the true sense!

When a new emperor ascends the throne, the ceremony must be extremely grand.

No matter how much the people below objected, for the sake of their own lives, everyone in the cabinet unanimously approved the matter.

In the solemn venue, Inuyashiki was wearing a luxurious robe. At this moment, he had completely straightened his spine and no longer looked like his old, rickety appearance.

Seeing everyone below bowing down under his own power, and the feeling of stepping on everyone's heads, he was mesmerized!

This feels so good!

However, there are those people who don't know the so-called, who will come to cause trouble when he is most proud and happy.

Gunshots rang out outside, and soon they became one.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of thugs armed with firearms rushed into the venue.

There are even a large number of Self-Defense Force members in military uniforms among them!

Even Yamayama Shinzo didn't expect that his Self-Defense Forces would mutiny!

And Defense Minister Yasuhiro Yumoto was sweating profusely at this moment!

Of course he knew that Inuyashiki's identity was sensitive, and it happened to be at this juncture not long after the 'Osaka Incident' happened.

Unexpected situations may occur!

Therefore, he also persuaded Inuyashiki that he could postpone his accession to the throne until the situation became more stable.

Or simply don't hold a grand ceremony. Anyway, as long as the cabinet has recognized it, his status as emperor will be confirmed.

However, Inuyashiki enjoys the feeling of being awe-inspiring, and he wants to regain the dignity that has been trampled to pieces.

The ceremony is essential!

At this moment, what Yumoto Yasuhiro was most worried about happened.

He even broke through the security and entered the venue.

At this moment, if Inuyashiki gets angry because of this, his head will be in danger!

Down with the aliens! The Emperor must not be insulted!

Down with the aliens! The Emperor must not be insulted!

Down with the aliens! The Emperor must not be insulted!

The thugs who broke in included civilians, self-defense forces, rebellious police officers, and even Yakuza members.

They all put aside their past grievances, united as one, and shouted loud slogans.

He aimed the weapon in his hand at Inuyashiki, who was standing on the high platform and was about to put on the crown.

Inuyashiki, on the other hand, seemed to have not seen them, and put the crown on his head.

A pair of cold eyes looked around at everyone.

“I wanted to cleanse you of these sins as the emperor after I ascended the throne.

I didn’t expect you guys to be unable to bear it now.

Very good, let’s start with you first!

--Da da da! Da da da!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

What responded to Inuyashiki was a fire front composed of various firearms and artillery shells!


Facing Inuyashiki, who has reached a strength of 50,000 horses, this level of firepower is impossible to threaten him.

Easily freeze all the bullets, followed by a wave of his hand.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

All the thugs present were shot dead!

However, none of the officials involved in the ceremony were accidentally injured.

This shows that Inuyashiki’s control is precise!

Standing on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood, Inuyashiki was wearing a gorgeous robe and a crown on his head.

He spoke calmly to the cameras that were broadcasting live across the country.

I am the emperor!

From now on, I will protect this land and all the people who love me.

Whether it is natural disasters or man-made disasters, they will be eliminated here.

Maybe you won’t believe it, but I want to tell you based on reality.

You ignorant bitches who don’t know what is called, let me tell you my true power!

Now, I'm going to start with the thugs who are trying to rebel.

All who hate me, all who seek to resist my rule.

Are you ready for destruction? !

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