Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 108 I will give you the power of life.

Those who enter the temple can enjoy the seeds of life.

Become a believer in life from now on!

Shirahoshi used his power so unscrupulously and caused such huge changes. During this period, countless citizens were affected and injured.

He was immediately discovered by the authorities.

Soon, police cars surrounded the place.

Groups of police officers got out of the cars and stood stunned at the scene, feeling that what they saw was so shocking!

Looking forward from where they stood, they saw a huge pit in front of them, with a depth of at least hundreds of meters below.

Looking further ahead, where the Empire State Building originally belonged, a strange and towering temple stands, which is daunting!

Connecting this island-like temple, there are many suspended covered bridges.

The police officers didn't know what to do for a moment.

Do you want to keep moving forward?

In the end, the Sheriff decided to send out a detective team to find out the information.

Soon, the well-equipped team drove through the covered bridge to the temple.

But the police sergeant stationed outside found that these people were like mud cows drowning in the sea, and there was no movement at all.

He didn't even hear a gunshot.

The police chief had no choice but to lead people to continue guarding various entrances, trying to rescue those citizens who had suffered unreasonable disasters.

Don't dare to act rashly again.

Just wait for orders from above before acting.

As major TV stations reported, the Empire State Building was renovated and occupied by unknown persons. Someone even filmed the video of the renovation process, which quickly spread across the country.

Ordinary people seemed to remember the fear of being dominated by Magneto, but the hearts of those mutants hiding in the sewers gradually became hot.

As the saying goes, the one who is near the water and the tower first gets the moon.

The mutants in New York immediately arrived near the Temple of Life.

But the place was already surrounded by police officers.

It is not easy to enter the temple.

Perhaps, this was the test Bai Xing set for them.

If you can't even see the white star, then what qualifications do you have to enjoy the seeds of life?

at the same time.

In the White House, President Howard Ackerman looked at the intelligence information in his hand with a serious face.

Not all mutants are enemies of humans, the most typical of which is the dove faction led by Professor X.

In addition, there are many mutants who work for the government for various reasons.

They also received the notification from White Star.

Some of these people chose to conceal it, while others chose to report it.

When White Star occupied the Empire State Building and transformed it grandly, the American government finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

In particular, Bai Xing has shown a psychic power that is not weaker than Professor X, which is even more terrifying!

As the president, he knows how powerful Professor X is.

It can be said that whether or not the human race should be exterminated is just a matter of his thoughts!

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why humans fear and reject mutants.

If ordinary people reject mutants, it is because most mutants are ugly and unable to control their abilities, causing accidental injuries.

Then the reason why human elites and high-level government officials reject them is because among the mutant community, there are mutants like Professor X and Magneto who pose a major threat to human society!

Therefore, the government has set up more think tanks for Professor out strategy.

Fortunately, Professor

Although this idea is ridiculous, Howard still hopes that he can keep this idea forever.

But now, something unexpected happened!

The mystery and power of Bai Xing made Howard feel uneasy and deeply fearful!

After thinking about it, he still issued a conservative order.

“Send troops into the city and station them near the Empire State Building to stop anyone who tries to get close!

Once a mutant is discovered, he will be arrested immediately and, if necessary, killed directly!

After giving the order, wait for everyone to leave.

Howard pressed a button on the table.

Suddenly, a secret door appeared on the side of the president's office.

Howard walked slowly into it.

Here is a round table, with Howard sitting down.

Virtual projections appeared in front of each seat one after another.

Everyone, I think we should speed up the progress of our plan!

About a day later, Bai Xing's Temple of Life finally welcomed its first wave of guests.

These people were both men and women, but without exception, they were all more or less injured, and overall they looked quite embarrassed.

They were all local mutants in New York, so they arrived relatively quickly. There were at least dozens of them originally.

But there were only nine people left who had successfully reached the door of the Temple of Life.

When they entered the temple, they saw many heavily armed police officers standing guard on both sides of the gate.

Like a stress response, everyone was ready for battle.

After all, dozens of mutants suffered heavy casualties when they attacked the military and police blockade.

After a desperate struggle, I managed to get here, and I just felt a little more relaxed when I suddenly saw these damn police officers again.

But then, they discovered that these people were still standing motionless like statues.

They looked at each other and finally tentatively stepped forward to check.

Sure enough, there was no movement, but these people were all alive.

I know! It's psychic power! When Mr. Bai notified mutants around the world, he already showed strong psychic power.

These people must be the police officers who tried to enter the temple before, but they were all controlled by the power of the mind and imprisoned here!

Suddenly someone figured out the truth based on the clues they found.

At the same time, it also made the other people relax again.

Let's go, we are already here, I hope our choice is not wrong!

The group of people walked towards the interior of the temple tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, I never encountered any difficulties along the way.

We arrived at the main hall where Bai Xing was very smoothly.

Looking at Bai Xing sitting high on the Throne of Life, everyone felt a sense of awe rising in their hearts.

He stepped forward and said, Excuse me, are you Mr. Bai?

Looking at the people below, Bai Xing was quite satisfied.

You are the first batch of mutants to come to me. You are qualified to let me know your names and abilities. Please introduce yourselves.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a man in the lead stepped forward and said, My name is Hunter. My ability is muscle explosive power. I can instantly explode more than three times the strength of a normal person.

After he started, the others began to introduce themselves.

My name is John, and my ability is to have a sharp bone spur appear from the palm of my hand.

My name is Safiyo, and my ability is to summon bugs from another space that can self-destruct.

My name is Lias, and my ability is to hide myself in shadows.

My name is Noemi, and my ability is to petrify my skin, but it will take at least three days after petrification to return to its original state.

My name is Rebecca. My ability is to control light. I can refract, reflect or absorb light to make myself or others invisible. I can also create some optical illusions to confuse the enemy.

Soon, all nine people had introduced themselves.

Bai Xing nodded slightly, feeling quite satisfied with this.

The line of defense set up by humans can indeed help him filter out most of the mutants with relatively rubbish abilities.

And those who can successfully come here basically have certain abilities.

Very well, according to the order of introduction, Hunter, you come forward first.

I will plant the seeds of life for you one by one.

Hunter looked at each other and seemed a little hesitant.

But it only took a moment before it completely disappeared and was replaced by determination.

Follow closely and step forward!

Regardless of whether this was a conspiracy or not, he had no other choice.

Even if Bai Xing was willing to let him go, he would never be willing to leave like this.

In this way, wouldn't everything that we have paid for and imagined become a joke?

Under the gaze of the rest of the people, Hunter went to Bai Xing, knelt on one knee, and lowered his head.

Bai Xing stretched out his right hand, and a pure white seed floated out of his palm.

I will give you the power of life.

As the seed slowly sank into Hunter's head, he also felt the pain of his life potential being consumed.

He was unstable and fell directly from above.

The reactions of the rest of the people were also different, some came forward to care, some retreated to avoid, and some glanced at the high white star with frightened eyes.

But when it all ended, all Hunter was left with was excitement!

Because he can clearly feel that his strength has increased a lot, a lot!


Using his mutant ability, he found that with his current base strength, his explosive power could be tripled.

It can make a roaring sound when hitting the air and set off gusts of wind!

Are you OK?

Several friends nearby expressed concern.

Hunter shook his head and said, I'm fine! I've never felt so good!

He already knew everything about the seeds of life after they were successfully planted.

I also know that my life span has been overdrawn, and I probably can live for more than a year now.

But that's okay!

As long as you kill the living body, you can absorb the life energy.

Not only can it make up for the life essence you have consumed, but you can also continue to make yourself stronger!

It's all worth it!

When everyone saw Hunter's appearance, their guard gradually dropped.

Soon, everyone received the life seeds.

They all looked at Shirahoshi.

When they think about it, there is no free lunch in the world. Since Bai Xing summoned them here, he also gave them the seeds of life.

He must be forming his own force, just like Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants.

But Bai Xing gave them an answer that surprised them.

After receiving the life seeds, you can leave.

Everyone looked at each other, even suspecting that they heard wrongly.

Bai Xing couldn't believe that he didn't ask for anything, so he let them leave.

Don't you have any other requirements?

Bai Xing rubbed his chin and said, If you ask, maybe you can help a group of latecomers.

(Thank you for your concern, brother. I took injections for a few days and finally got better. At least I didn’t have any fever last night. I feel like I should be fine soon. I just have a bit of a cough. I think the cough is taking a long time to heal. I’ll get another injection this afternoon. One shot, I guess I won’t need it tomorrow.)

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