Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 107 Temple of Life, the mutants’ decision!

In a mysterious cave.

This is Magneto's secret base, and he has many similar bases around the world.

Magneto, wearing a red uniform and red helmet, sat silently on the highest throne.

Shirahoshi's words also rang in his ears.

Magneto was speechless, but from the flashing eyes, it was known that he was definitely not at peace in his heart!

Sabertooth Tiger was the first to lose his patience. He couldn't accept the fact that his brother Wolverine's strength left him far behind.

So after learning about the Seed of Life, he was the most eager one!

He stepped forward and said, Boss, what should we do now? Should we go to New York immediately?

Red Tank, the clone and other subordinates also showed expectant looks at this moment.

As long as Magneto gives the order, they will have the opportunity to become as powerful as Viper and Wolverine!

In fact, even if Magneto stops them, they will find a way to leave here and go to New York.

No one can resist the temptation to become stronger!

Magneto did not give the answer immediately.

The last time I went to X Academy to look for Bai Xing, Bai Xing didn't mention much about the Seed of Life.

Instead, it showed him another path to electromagnetic control.

Now, he is just waiting for Bai Xing's notification!

He is unable to accept the seeds of life. If all his subordinates have planted the seeds of life, they may rebel.

Sudden acquisition of powerful power will always cause a change in people's mentality.

Logically speaking, Magneto should stop them.

Wait until you receive the notice from Bai Xing and take them to New York together.

But he didn't do that.

He just waved his hand and said: Everyone who wants to go, please go. At the same time, in my name, I will issue a statement among the mutant community to prove the authenticity of what Mr. Bai said.

In an underground bar where mutants gather.

Two strong mutant men were fighting in the boxing ring, and the crowd below was filled with cheering mutants.

Most of them have strange appearances, with various changes that are different from ordinary people.

They may not be as wise as Professor

It's not like Magneto, who is domineering every time he appears. He is an absolute showman and uses radical methods to make the world recognize the existence of mutants.

But they actually represent the majority of mutants and the current situation of the mutant race!

Most of their mutant abilities are mediocre, and the side effects are even greater than the positive effects.

Perhaps in battle, they will be more capable than ordinary adults, but as long as humans are equipped with swords or even guns, they will become lambs to be slaughtered.

Their appearance is irreversibly mutated.

Their relatives fear them.

Their friends reject them.

Strangers on the road would clamor to capture the monsters.

The military would send them to the lab.

So they can only carefully circulate in various sewers and become rats in the gutter.

Just living like this, not knowing which day I will die.

At this moment, a voice rang in their ears.

Suddenly, the originally noisy underground bar became quiet.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were even more surprised when they realized that everyone else had heard the same words!

What was that just now?

Who is that? I've never heard of a mutant named White Star.

Whether you have heard of him before or not, his reputation now is probably comparable to Professor X and Magneto.

That's right, didn't you hear it? His notice seems to be for all mutants in the world!

I have a hunch! Mutants will usher in a brand new reform!

Who does he think he is? Helping us become stronger. I don't think he is trustworthy.

Hey! Jamie, don't be so pessimistic. Inform mutants all over the world at once. Only Professor X has this ability. Maybe he is a strong man who is not inferior to Professor

That's right, no matter if it's true or not, you have to give it a try! Do you want to continue hiding in this gutter for the rest of your life?

Wait! I just got the news that Magneto has spoken out. He endorsed the White Star and admitted that everything he said is true!


With Magneto's endorsement, the mutants who were initially skeptical immediately became excited!

These lowest-level mutants often suffer the most persecution from humans.

So they instinctively hate humans.

Among this group, the dove-like Professor

So when Magneto stood up and admitted that what Bai Xing said was true, almost everyone was excited!

No matter how Bai Xing wants to fulfill his promise, and whether there is a trap in it.

They can't control it anymore.

To them.

No matter what, it's better than continuing to hide in this dark place.

Just living an ignoble existence!

x college.

Professor X, with a gloomy face, led the X-Men into the brainwave control room.

In an instant, Hank, the originally mind-controlled beast, escaped from Shirahoshi's control.

Bai Xing didn't pay much attention to this. His psychic power came from Professor X. Theoretically, the two psychic powers were equal.

If Bai Xing uses his psychic power, the two sides will form a confrontation, and the beast will not be able to escape control so easily.

But now Hank was of no use to him.

Shirahoshi has accomplished his goal, so it's time to leave.

Shirahoshi! Why on earth are you doing this!

Professor x naively believed that his kindness could influence everyone.

When Bai Xing was teaching, his sincere attitude towards the students also made him feel that everything was developing for the better.

Unfortunately, reality slapped him hard!

In fact, Bai Xing never changed his mind and made his attitude clear again and again.

Everything is just Professor x's wishful thinking.

It wasn't until the situation developed completely beyond his control that he realized that a big crisis was coming!

“Professor, I think I have already explained this question, so I won’t mention it again.

I'm sorry for using the brainwave enhancement device without your consent.

I know you won't welcome me anymore, so I'm leaving.

Thank you for taking care of me these days.

It's time to say goodbye.

Bai Xing was just strolling around, not paying attention to the threats from the many X-Men.

Walk down from the covered bridge.

Oh, by the way, if any of you want to become stronger, you are welcome to come to me at any time.

Trust me, you will thank me in the future and be glad you made the right choice.

Fake! Go to hell!

Bai Xing's words completely angered Logan and made him go crazy.

He had always been wary of Bai Xing, fearing that he would forcefully plant life seeds for the children in the academy.

Even if Bai Xing promised the professor, he would not force the children.

The good news is that Shirahoshi hasn't done that until now.

But what he is doing now is even more outrageous than forcibly planting it on the students!

He actually targeted all mutants!

It’s hard to imagine what the world would be like if all mutants planted the seeds of life!

call! !

Logan crashed through the air, hurtling towards Shirahoshi with a sonic boom.

His current pure physical strength is even more powerful than Professor

Even Professor X couldn't react in time to stop him.

Unfortunately, facing Bai Xing, he was forced to freeze in place with just one look.

Phew! Phew!

The forced struggle caused Logan's muscles to tear, exposing the alloy skeleton inside.

Logan, you are really stubborn, but I like you to be so stubborn.

To show respect, Shirahoshi took action for the first time.

--boom! !

The power of 20,000 horses and powerful cannon punch! !

The violent air waves rolled outwards, and the shock wave completely enveloped Logan, rushing towards the distance.

Along the way, everything from metal safety doors to walls and furniture were shattered into pieces.

Logan flew out of the academy.

I don't know where it fell.

Seeing that the two sides were at odds, Ororo, Colossus and others no longer hesitated and started to take action immediately.

Professor X stopped them because he knew the terror of Bai Xing.

Continuing to fight will only add unnecessary casualties.

He looked at Bai Xing seriously and said in a low voice: If you do this, you will push the mutant community into the abyss!

Bai Xing shook his head and said: No, no one will know what the final result will be before every road reaches the end.

Professor, maybe your idea is wrong?

And now, I will give mutants a new choice. In this era of great changes, they may have different endings.

The professor was silent for a moment, and then said: What exactly is the great change you are referring to?

Bai Xing showed a smile: I won't tell you.

Then he stopped caring about Professor X and the X-Men who were eyeing him.

Just drift away.

The loud noise that occurred in the college immediately attracted many students to watch.

He was even more shocked by his terrifying destructive power.

When Tingting and others saw Bai Xing coming out, they immediately wanted to step forward and ask.

And Blade Girl, who was encouraged by Listen, also planned to find Bai Xing to ask for life seeds for everyone.

But all this was seen by Professor X. He was eager to protect the children and no longer abided by his previous oath.

After checking the children's thoughts for a moment, I suddenly became more nervous.

Don't come near him! Let him go.

The words rang in the children's ears, making them confused.

Professor x also decided to provide psychological counseling to them one by one after the incident.

Never be tempted by the white star to plant the seeds of life.

Bai Xing did not stay, and directly left the academy and came to New York.

He still likes big cities, especially the tallest buildings, as if everything is underfoot.

So he targeted the Empire State Building.

On the streets where people were coming and going, Bai Xing, wearing a black windbreaker, slowly rose into the sky.

Pedestrians around him all looked at him in surprise.

Omag! Who is he and what is he doing?

It should be a magic show, right? Suspended magic?

Where are the people from the show? Why didn't I see the camera?

Is it a new show effect, hidden filming?

Fake! Today's TV stations are really getting better and better at playing games.

Shit! Why don't you think he's a mutant?!

Hey, calm down buddy, those monsters don't dare show up here in broad daylight.

Just as people on the street were talking about it.

The surrounding buildings and vehicles began to turn into desert.

They kept floating away and gathered into pieces of waterfalls flowing in the sky.

Like the sea that embraces hundreds of rivers, these quicksands finally converge on the Empire State Building directly in front.

What Bai Xing is using at this moment is one of the derived abilities of [Magnetic Field Rotation], ‘Molecular Level Particle Control’!

Now that you have chosen the Empire State Building as your target, of course you have to adjust it slightly according to your own preferences.

Soon, the originally tall Empire State Building disappeared and was replaced by a magnificent building.

The towering building can be like a temple full of mystery, and people can't help but worship it when they see it.

The price is that all buildings and other modern facilities within a few kilometers of the center, and even the land, have disappeared.

All matter was recombined by White Star, attached to the Empire State Building, and then 'matter hardened' was applied to make the temple indestructible.

Before entering the temple, Bai Xing thought briefly and left a few large characters at the entrance.

——The Temple of Life!

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