Ah Chu handed a glass of water to Zhou Yuan: "You take a rest and tell me slowly, what is haunted? Is Zhang Ma's house haunted?"

Zhou Yuan took the water cup, poured it into his mouth, took a long breath, and then said: "Just now, the police station received a report that a fire broke out in the west of the town. When we arrived, we saw that it was Zhang Mom’s house burned down. Then, then, we, we. We saw..."

Ah Chu urged: "What did you see? Can you finish what you said in one breath? It makes people anxious."

Mao Xiaofang glared at him: "Look at him, he's like this, let him say it slowly, why do you want to urge him, and just stand there."

"Oh." Ah Chu stood aside aggrievedly.

Zhou Yuan calmed down: "We saw a huge black shadow in the sea of ​​flames at Zhang Ma's house, which looked like a baby. He grabbed Zhang Ma's son and one of his sons with one hand, bit them, and ate them into his stomach. . Zhang Ma, Zhang Ma is in the yard, kowtowing to the black shadow."

"We wanted to go up and rescue Zhang Ma, but the black figure suddenly exhaled a large puff of black smoke, and the surrounding area was filled with heavy fog, and we couldn't see our fingers. We wanted to go in, but got lost and returned to the same place after walking for a while. .”

Mao Xiaofang's expression condensed and he said in a deep voice: "No. Maybe there is something wrong with the baby's body. I clearly told you to calm down the baby's grievances. How could they... If the grievances cannot be calmed down, they will become fickle. Extremely evil, that’s the devil baby!”

Mao Xiaofang immediately stood up and shouted to Xiaohai and Ah Chu: "Bring your things, let's go to Zhang's house to rescue people."

Mao Xiaofang didn't even have time to eat, so he immediately asked Xiao Hai and A Chu to prepare items to ward off evil spirits, while Lin Ge stood at the table holding chopsticks and silently put the food into his mouth.

"Don't be anxious, collect it slowly. Remember to bring everything with you. Peach wood sword, talisman paper, incense... Senior brother, do you want to help? Do you want to move a table over? Oh, it's too big to move, and it's too late to move it? That's okay. Who cooked the food today? It tastes pretty good."

Saving Zhang Ma is not as important as filling her stomach.

Ah Chu immediately came over and said, "Uncle Master, these are two new dishes I have learned. Do they taste good?"

"Not bad, keep it up."

Mao Xiaofang scolded: "Ah Chu, what time has it been? Hurry up and pack your things. Stop whining."

"Yes, Master."

In fact, Lin Ge's personal space is fully equipped with all the tools to ward off evil spirits. If you want a long mahogany table and an altar, I can bring two out for you.

However, Zhang Ma was obviously not worthy of letting him take action.

After Xiaohai and Ah Chu had prepared their things, Zhou Yuan immediately led five people to Zhang's mother's house in Zhenxi.

It was just after the Youshi hour and the sun had not completely set yet. The clouds in the evening were a fiery red, as if a raging fire was burning in the sky.

Zhang Ma's house was not far from Uncle Niu's. Thick black fog shrouded the area. Song Zilong led the police team to guard the outside, trying to get in but couldn't find the way.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang and others arriving, Song Zilong hurriedly greeted them: "Master Mao, please think of a solution quickly."

Mao Xiaofang came to the black mist, bit his finger, and flicked a drop of blood into the mist: "The resentment is so high, that baby may have turned into a demon baby."

Lin Ge stood aside, chewing steamed buns, and said carelessly: "I don't think so. He's a demon infant, so he still has to be on the same level as the red-clothed ghost. Judging from the intensity of resentment, there's still a lot left. , should only be at the level of a fierce ghost."

Lin Ge was so familiar with Hongyi that he didn't even need to test it. He could tell that the demon infant had not reached the level of Hongyi just by smell and eye observation.

Seeing Lin Ge's unhurried look, Mao Xiaofang said angrily: "Junior brother, we are in urgent need of saving people, so why don't you give us some snacks? Although you are not in red clothes now, if you are responsible for a few lives and resentment is reborn, it may not be possible ”

"It's not a big problem. As for the lives of those people inside, maybe if they are really taken care of, the Demon Infant's resentment will disappear." Lin Ge said in a calm tone.

Everyone knows that the baby really turned into a demon baby, and Zhang Ma has nothing to do with it. Moreover, Mao Xiaofang originally calmed down the baby's resentment, but now he brought out a demon baby. You don't need to think about it to know that it must be Zhang's mother, and she is doing something sexy again.

Seeing that Lin Ge was not interested, Mao Xiaofang had no way to force him. He could only say, "Let's go in and take a look first."

Then he warned: "Zilong, lead people to guard around the black mist. Don't let the townspeople mistakenly enter. Don't go in either."

Song Zilong nodded: "Yes, Master Mao. Don't worry, I will personally lead the team and keep an eye on it."

Although Mao Xiaofang's strength was worthy of recognition, Lin Ge was naturally worried that this cheap senior brother would lead his two apprentices in, so he followed in with Ou Yongqi.

Mao Xiaofang dragged Luo Geng with one hand, and wiped the pointer with a bloody finger on the other hand: "Aura asks for directions!"

Luo Geng's pointer was swinging from side to side, not pointing in a fixed direction.

"The resentment has increased a bit, and the position cannot be determined." Mao Xiaofang frowned and said solemnly.

Lin Ge lowered his head and looked at the land in Tiankan. He took a few steps to the left and a few steps to the right, and then said: "Although this place is shrouded in resentment and it is difficult to tell the direction. But the land under your feet has not changed. Who will go there?" I’ve passed Zhang’s house, do you know the general direction?”

After all, it's not a cement floor, it all looks the same. Through trails and fields, it is not that difficult to determine the direction.

After being reminded by Lin Ge, Mao Xiaofang immediately thought of how to solve the current situation and said: "Before the fog came, we were near the fields of Uncle Wang's house, so Zhang Ma's house should be in the northwest, so go this way. Quick."

Several people followed Mao Xiaofang for a distance, and Mao Xiaofang suddenly stopped: "The demon baby wanted to use its resentment to prevent us from entering and interfered with the direction. Let me have a look."

Mao Xiaofang looked at Luo Geng in his hand again. The pointer was not shaking as much as before. It seemed that it was very close to Zhang Ma's house.

Mao Xiaofang tried adjusting several directions and confirmed the general direction of the Demon Infant: "This way, let's go."

Two minutes later, Luo Geng's pointer stopped shaking and pointed straight in one direction, proving that the Demon Infant was ahead.

Mao Xiaofang took the lead and collapsed out of the black fog, and a wave of heat suddenly hit his face.

A raging fire broke out in the dilapidated thatched hut and the fence of the yard, and the five people were standing at the main entrance of the yard.

Behind the house with the biggest fire ahead, a huge black baby was sitting there exuding black energy. One hand is holding an unconscious young man, and the other hand is holding a half-body body. Judging from the clothing, he should be Zhang’s other son.

Uncle Niu turned pale with fright and knelt on the ground, while Zhang Ma kept kowtowing to the demon baby and cried: "Let my son go, please let my son go!"

"Master Mao!" When Uncle Niu saw Mao Xiaofang at the entrance of the courtyard, he suddenly felt hope and crawled towards Mao Xiaofang.

"Master Mao, help me, help me!"

"Master Mao!"

Hearing Uncle Niu's cry, Zhang Ma quickly crawled towards Mao Xiaofang: "Master Mao, save my son, please, save my son."

Zhang Ma wanted to step forward and hold Mao Xiaofang's feet for help, but Lin Ge noticed that there was a black air all over her body, stepped forward and kicked her back into the yard, and asked: "Senior brother, I have already calmed you down." The grievance of the baby is now overwhelming, so I think you should first tell me what bad things you have done, right?"

"I, I..." Zhang Ma stammered in fright. She said "I" for a long time without saying the second word "I".

Uncle Niu cried: "In the afternoon, I followed Master Mao's instructions and burned nine sticks of incense a day. When I changed the incense, Zhang Ma came. She said that she said that the evil fetus was causing trouble, and I was afraid that it would make the house restless. If, if I do it in the future If you still want a child, you must cremate him and scatter his ashes into the lake. This will prevent evil fetuses from reincarnating into our family."

Lin Ge couldn't control his violent temper and kicked Uncle Niu into the yard: "It's really unlucky to be reincarnated into your family! A 'great good man' was reincarnated into a demon baby by you, how dare you stop others from reincarnating? "

Uncle Niu cried: "I was wrong, help me, help me. I was wrong."

Zhang's mother also knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to Mao Xiaofang: "Master Mao, save my son, save my son."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, walked into the yard, and looked at the demon baby in the flames behind the house.



The demon baby seemed to be crying, but also seemed to be roaring in anger.

The black resentment on its body waxed and waned, so light that it seemed to be dissipating, but it felt unwilling to condense and became dense.

Mao Xiaofang opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Master Mao, save my son, save my son. I am willing to trade my life for my son's life." Zhang Ma kowtowed to the point where her head bled.

Mao Xiaofang let out a long sigh, and finally said: "Good man, let it go. I will help you reincarnate and find a good family. Don't hurt innocent people... hurt human lives, and if you get involved in human lives, you may be reincarnated into the animal realm. No It’s worth it, it’s not worth it!”



The demon infant roared unwillingly, and the black energy on his body became even stronger. He stuffed the half of the corpse in his hand directly into his mouth.

For a time, the black energy surged.

"Son, my son." Zhang Ma cried heartbrokenly and almost fainted, but when she saw that the demon baby was still holding her other son in his hand, she held in her breath and kept kowtowing to Mao Xiaofang. "Dong dong" sound.

"Master Mao, save my son, save my son!"

"Master Mao, please!"

"Everything that went wrong was my fault. My son just listened to me and that's why he caught Aunt Niu and drowned her in the river."

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

Mao Xiaofang raised his head to look at the demon baby and advised again: "Good man, you have already lost a life. Now if you look back, you may still be saved. I will do my best to help you cut off the evil consequences and help you reincarnate. Let him go. Let him go." Just kill him, just think it's for yourself."




The demon infant cried and roared. He was unwilling to accept it. He was unwilling to accept it. It would be fine if he cultivated himself as a good person in his whole life but could not end up with a good ending. However, he would not be able to have a "good beginning" in his reincarnation.

That’s all.

But these guys burned their chances of reincarnation, wanted to trap themselves in the lake, and even used soul talismans to suppress them!



Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Mao Xiaofang had no choice but to take action. Letting the Demon Infant get another human life would not be a good thing for either party!

"Peach wood sword! Talisman paper!"

Seeing the master reaching out, Xiao Hai quickly took out the peach wood sword and talisman from the cloth bag and handed them over.

Mao Xiaofang took the peach wood sword, pierced the three talisman papers with the sword, silently recited the incantation, wiped the sword body, and advised again: "Good man, if you are unwilling to let him go, I can only stop you from making further mistakes. I know You resent it, but lives are at stake, so I have to take action!"



The demon infant roared and exhaled a breath of black air, but the black air on his body became more intense. It angrily stuffed Zhang Ma's other son into its mouth, and then reached out to grab the fainted Zhang Ma.

Before Mao Xiaofang could stop him, he was shaken by the demon baby and took a few steps back before he could stabilize his body. The demon baby had already grabbed Zhang Ma in his hands, opened his huge mouth, and breathed black air at her.

"Resentment absorbs the soul? It wants to use resentment to pollute Zhang Ma's soul, so that she will never be reincarnated!" Mao Xiaofang recited the spell, and the talisman paper on the peach wood sword ignited with a "chi", and then a golden light appeared on the sword. .

He threw the peach wood sword at the demon infant, and with a "shoo" sound, the peach wood sword turned into a golden light and pierced the demon infant's face.


Suddenly, with a soft sound, another golden light flew out from the side, blocking the peach wood sword thrown by Mao Xiaofang.

The two golden swords collided together and fell in the middle of the yard.

Apparently the only person present who had the strength to block Mao Xiaofang's sword was Lin Ge. Mao Xiaofang looked at him in surprise and asked in confusion: "Junior brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Ge asked in a calm tone: "Senior brother, I would like to ask you what you are doing, how dare you get involved in this kind of cause and effect?"

"Save a life..."

Before Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Ge: "Stop, we cultivators, you don't want to say nonsense like 'saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda', right? I know you want to save people and do something for The Zhang family came forward, but I want to ask..."

"You stood up for the Zhang family, who stood up for good people? Who stood up for Aunt Niu? His cowardly husband? Or the police who were blocked by the black mist?"

"It's okay to save people, but only those who deserve to be saved!"

"A bastard like Zhang Ma wants others to never be reincarnated. I think there's nothing wrong with others doing the same thing in return."

Lin Ge didn't finish what he said next. It might be a good deed for Zhang Ma not to be reincarnated. Otherwise, Zhang Ma would become a flat mother and ruin a building in her next life.

"Uncle Master is right!" Ah Chu agreed: "Zhang Ma harmed others and harmed herself. Master, if you save her, the evil will be repaid to you."

Mao Xiaofang scolded: "Saving people and helping the world is my duty as a Taoist cultivator. How can I be greedy for life and afraid of death because of this kind of thing?"

Lin Ge: ...You dare to get involved in any messy evil deeds. No wonder you are covered with evil deeds. No wonder your life is short.

Mao Xiaofang once again used Yuling Soul Chasing to control the peach wood sword to attack the demon baby, preventing it from polluting Zhang Ma's soul with resentment.


Lin Ge also used Soul Chasing Soul again and blocked Mao Xiaofang's golden sword.

The demon baby can't reach the red level, even if it swallows Zhang Ma, it can't reach it. After Lin Ge confirmed this, he was confident of dealing with the Demon Infant.

The demon baby has taken revenge, and if he wants to hurt the "innocent" again, he will take action.

But before that, no one can stop the Demon Infant from taking revenge!

Just like the demon baby crying out of unwillingness...


Why does he try so hard to become a good person all his life, but fails to start well and end well?

Why did Mao Xiaofang, who helped the world and serve the people, have to be stained with such evil consequences, be riddled with curses, and die short-lived and prematurely?

How could Zhang Ma cry?

There is no such truth in the world!

"Junior brother, stop!" Mao Xiaofang struggled to control the golden sword, trying to break through Lin Ge's blockage and stop the demon infant.

But unless he launched an attack on Lin Ge, he would not be able to break through the obstacles of the same spell simply by relying on the spirit and soul chasing.

Lin Ge kneaded the secret to control the golden sword to block it. He still had time to shrug and said with a helpless expression: "Brother, let's just do this. They are all spells from the same sect and cannot be broken. It's better to wait quietly for the Demon Infant. After taking revenge, send them to the afterlife."

Mao Xiaofang wanted to make a last-ditch effort, but just when he was about to try to subdue Lin Ge, the demon baby had completely demonized Zhang Ma's soul and swallowed her in one gulp.




The demon baby cried angrily, and the black smoke on his body waxed and waned.

Lin Ge controlled the golden sword to swing away Mao Xiaofang's golden sword, and said to Mao Xiaofang: "Brother, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Don't deceive yourself anymore. From the moment the demon baby swallowed its first human life, it has been unable to look back. The Zhang family planted For the evil cause, this is the evil result they deserve."

"Junior brother, alas." Mao Xiaofang stopped attacking, looked at the Demon Infant, and sighed: "There is no way to end this."

Lin Ge signaled Mao Xiaofang to wait where he was, while he strode into the courtyard, stood in the middle of the courtyard, and looked up at the Demon Infant.

"A good man, you've got your revenge, will you feel better?"

The demon baby exhaled a breath of black air and looked at Uncle Niu, who had already been paralyzed by fear. The meaning was self-evident.

Lin Ge shook his head: "He can't do it. If you eat him, you really can't turn back and can only fall into the beast's way."



The demon infant roared, venting his dissatisfaction.

Lin Ge said slowly: "Uncle Niu was wrong. He was wrong because he listened to other people's nonsense. He almost killed your mother and your life. So he got the consequences of evil. He originally enjoyed a life of 'good fortune and longevity', but now he can't It became an ephemeral image.”

"Even if you have hatred and grievances. But think about your mother. She was ten months pregnant and fought with her last breath to give birth to you. She did her best. It's a pity... but your mother didn't That's right, you uncle, the cow-eating uncle, do you want your mother to live alone in the world?"

"Besides, if you think about it from another angle, it might be a blessing that you lost your life when you were born now. After all, being born in such a family and having such a father, even if you have a life of 'good fortune and longevity', you can't tell when the day will come. It was broken by him.”

"Now it's just a matter of going back to the underworld to be reincarnated and go through one more procedure. Even if you are contaminated with evil obstacles, there is nothing you can do about it. In the name of my senior brother, I am raising the power, and I will do my best in this life to wash away the evil obstacles on your body. Help you reincarnate."

"Turn back, it's still too late."

The black energy on the demon baby's body gradually faded, and its body gradually shrank, eventually becoming the size it was at birth.

Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang quickly asked Xiaohai to take out a wine jar, bit off his finger, smeared it on the mouth of the jar, pointed at the demon baby and said: "Come on, I will pray for you day and night, and strive to eliminate the evil obstacles on your body as soon as possible, and send you to reincarnation. .”

The demon infant cried out, turned into a black smoke, and got into the wine jar.

Mao Xiaofang sealed the mouth of the altar with talisman paper and let Xiaohai pretend. He looked at the yard that had been burned to ashes and sighed.


At this time, the black fog shrouding the area gradually dissipated. Song Zilong led the team outside the yard. He saw Uncle Niu paralyzed in the yard with fear, and Mao Xiaofang staring at the ruins and sighing. He stepped forward and asked, "Master Mao, Zhang Ma...where are they?"

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and sighed: "Let's go."

Song Zilong and others stayed in the yard to deal with the funeral affairs of Zhang Ma's family, and then sent Uncle Niu back home.

Lin Ge, Mao Xiaofang and others walked on the road without saying a word.

Xiaohai followed Mao Xiaofang, holding the jar containing the magic baby. Ah Chu, on the other hand, followed Lin Ge and kept chattering questions.

"Uncle Master, you are so amazing. Even Master couldn't tell that Uncle Niu had become a short-lived ghost because of the fruit of evil, but you could actually see it."

"Uh, I'm just making up nonsense. The demon baby doesn't understand numerology, so of course you can tell it what it likes to hear. Otherwise, why don't you try to persuade it like your master? In the end, the more you persuade, the more resentful you become."


Lin Ge's words made Ah Chu unable to continue.

Mao Xiaofang, who was walking in front, froze and looked embarrassed. He shook his head and sighed: "Junior brother, although your words are somewhat reasonable, but... it is always not advisable to commit a sin that lasts a lifetime and prevents people from being reincarnated."

Before Lin Ge could say anything, Ah Chu said first: "But, doesn't Zhang Ma also want the Demon Infant to never be reborn? Uncle Master is right, the Demon Infant is just repaying the other person with the same method, and there is no problem with that. ah."

"That's what I said, but after all..." Mao Xiaofang thought for a while, but finally didn't say anything and sighed.

"However, junior brother, you are right. These three lives that the Demon Infant has been exposed to will not only prevent it from reviving its resentment, but will actually dissipate it."

Although Mao Xiaofang didn't agree with Lin Ge's method of dealing with things, he had to admit that he was indeed quite capable of dealing with the demon baby without any bloodshed.

Lin Ge didn't answer. He and Mao Xiaofang were destined to have different ideas and different methods of doing things.

After all, a few months ago, he didn't even regard people in the world of reincarnation as "human lives."

Acting now is just "with a clear conscience".

Mao Xiaofang seemed to want to "correct" Lin Ge's ideas and tried hard to instill in him that Taoists should confront good and evil and help the world and save the people.

Lin Ge knew that Mao Xiaofang's concept was inherited from his lineage and had long been ingrained, otherwise he would not be remembered by future generations after his death.

Different ideas meant that they could not be unified. He let Mao Xiaofang talk, and he just responded with "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."

Play around with the [Inventory], check the status, and make plans for future training and strengthening.

At this moment, Lin Ge suddenly stopped, looked at the status bar blankly, and blurted out "fuck".

Mao Xiaofang's expression suddenly changed while he was lecturing, and he said a little embarrassedly: "Junior brother, if you don't agree with my opinion, you can put forward your own opinion, and we can discuss it and discuss it, so we won't make it dirty by speaking out, right?"

Lin Ge suppressed the surprise in his heart and waved his hand: "Senior brother, don't worry, I'm not swearing, it's just a modal particle!"

As for Lin Ge, a man in red who could be overwhelmed without changing his expression, the reason why he was so "shocked" was all because of the "guilt value" column in the status bar——

The original "1400"...

Now it displays "400"!

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