Early the next morning, Lin Ge stretched himself out of the house and saw Ah Chu waiting outside with water for washing.

As soon as he saw Lin Ge coming out, Ah Chu immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Uncle, good morning. The water for washing is ready and still warm. Breakfast is also ready. You can go to the front hall later and I will Go and bring it to you and my aunt."

Lin Ge:?

What's wrong with this guy?

Lin Ge dipped his hand into the water in the basin. It was warm, and then he held it in front of his nose and smelled it: "You shouldn't have put any medicine in it, right?"

Ah Chu smiled sincerely: "How dare I? Don't worry, uncle, this is hot pure well water, it's clean."

After Lin Ge washed up briefly, he and Ou Yongqi went to the front hall together, where Mao Xiaofang was sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Ah Chu immediately brought the breakfast to Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi attentively, and then respectfully stepped back.

Lin Ge picked up the steamed bun and put it in front of his nose and smelled it. After taking a bite, there was no peculiar smell. He looked at Mao Xiaofang doubtfully and asked, "Senior brother, what disease does he have?"

Mao Xiaofang smiled and said: "Ah Chu, this kid, has been like this since he was a child. He hasn't had a roof over his head for three days. He's not bad in nature, but he likes to play tricks. He relies on his tricks to develop a bad habit of having a bad mouth. It's also because of my inability to discipline him. .I have been punished by you, so I have to be honest for a few days."

"How many days?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows.

Ah Chu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "No, no. From now on, I will be honest and follow the example of Xiao Hai. To cultivate Taoism, you must first cultivate your heart, and avoid talking nonsense."

Mao Xiaofang ate the steamed buns and said silently: "I hope so. Otherwise, don't scream and kneel until your knees hurt."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lin Ge glanced at Ah Chu and didn't know whether this guy was a real reformer or a fake reformer, but he had to say that Mao Xiaofang, a good old man, really didn't know how to teach his disciples. Except for Xiao Hai, all the disciples tricked him.

Fortunately, this is the world of "Zombie 2", not "Zombie 1", otherwise Lin Ge would not even be willing to live in Fuxi Hall to avoid the trouble of those more disgusting cheating disciples.

It is rumored that ascetics have five shortcomings and three deficiencies. Regardless of whether it is true or not, Mao Xiaofang is really "deficient" as a disciple.

But Mao Xiaofang was selfless and dedicated his life to the people. Lin Ge thought that it would be a good deed to teach his apprentice well for him.

Otherwise, as he said, with his temper before becoming a disciple, he must have been thinking about how to trick Ah Chu to death instead of punishing him.

Chen You made Lin Ge realize that the world of reincarnation is also a "world", and it is full of living people with flesh and blood.

I don’t say that I do good deeds to help the world, but I just want to be clear in my heart.

Gantian Town, police station.

Song Zilong and Zhou Yuan were talking about what happened to Uncle Niu yesterday when they saw a middle-aged man wearing silk and satin expensive clothes shouting "there is a thief" and running into the police station in a panic surrounded by a group of servants.

"There's a thief."

"There's a thief!"

Zhou Yuan glared at him displeasedly: "Who is so noisy?"

Hearing this, Song Zilong stepped forward and asked, "Master Jin, what happened?"

Mr. Jin is the richest man in the town. His family has money and land. Even Director Song and the mayor have to give up some face.

Master Jin slapped a piece of paper on the table with dissatisfaction and shouted: "Didn't you hear me say there was a thief? Of course something was lost at home. I lost a lot of money at home. Also, the thief stayed behind before leaving. A piece of paper is simply outrageous."

Zhou Yuan joked: "Master Jin, you are right, there is no king's law now, now it is about the law, right, captain."

Mr. Jin hummed: "Our Jin family has always had a safe house. Now you are saying that you don't follow the king's laws and follow the law, but instead there are thieves entering the house and stealing things. If I had known better, I would rather keep my hair braided."

"Master Jin, please don't say such nonsense in the future." Song Zilong comforted him a few words, then picked up the note on the table and took a look.

There is a rose painted on it, and next to it is written "Thank you for donating money." The signature is, Black Rose.

"black Rose?"

Mr. Jin said: "Yeah, I don't even know how he got in. There were thugs and dogs. Hey, I woke up early this morning and lost my money for no reason. Oh, no, I'd better go find that reliable Master Mao." a little."

Song Zilong immediately stopped Mr. Jin who was about to leave: "Stop, are you catching thieves or ghosts? What are you looking for Master Mao for?"

Zhou Yuan echoed: "That's right, Master Mao is so busy all day, so there is no need to trouble him with this little matter. Just go back and wait, we will definitely investigate this case."

Mr. Jin pointed at Zhou Yuan and said, "Humph, I paid enough land tax to keep you fat and white. You'd better catch that thief."

Master Jin and his servant left cursing, and Song Zilong stared at the note in his hand, lost in thought: "Could it be the black rose that once appeared in Shanghai and Tianjin?"

Zhou Yuan asked curiously: "Tianjin also produces black roses?"

Song Zilong was speechless: "You are really unworthy of being admitted to the police station. Black Rose is a person who likes to rob the rich and give to the poor. He leaves his name every time and considers himself a thief."

Zhou Yuan said disdainfully: "Xia is not a thief. He is just a pretending thief. He is also a thief."

Song Zilong said: "I heard that this thieves is very smart in committing crimes. He has committed more than three hundred cases. Don't tell me what he looks like. He doesn't even know whether he is a boy or a girl. When he comes to Gantian Town this time, if you don't get some snacks, you can just... Trouble."

"Then... make an announcement first for everyone to pay attention to?"

Song Zilong thought for a while and said, "You have someone make an announcement asking the townspeople to be careful about their doors and windows at night. I'll go to Mr. Jin's house first and take a look."


After breakfast, Mao Xiaofang, master and apprentice, prepared to go to the free clinic in the town to distribute rice as usual. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the square in the town, they saw someone distributing rice.

A boy wearing a plaid shirt and a white peaked cap was holding a rice can and banging it: "Come on, come on, there's rice, there's rice. It's free, it's free."

Following the boy's shout, many people were attracted, and someone suddenly said: "There are still people in this world who give rice, are they so stupid?"

"Yes, Gantian Town has lost its harvest this year and can hardly afford to eat, yet there are still people giving out rice."

"Master Mao, doesn't he always give out rice?"

"Does Master Mao count as a human being? He is a living Bodhisattva."

"That's right, Master Mao is a benevolent and righteous man, but he will become a god in the future. How can he be treated as an ordinary person?"


Listening to everyone's discussion, a woman in blue walked out next to her: "It's like this. I made a wish in the Guanyin Temple. If my wish comes true, I will give ten square meters to people in ten directions. To thank God for his kindness. Today, I made a wish. When a woman comes to Gantian Town, it proves that she is destined to everyone."

At this time someone asked: "Guanyin is so efficacious? What wish did you make?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly: "Well, how can you ask this little girl to speak? Stop talking so much, rice is given to me, who wants it?"

"I want!"

"I want!"

"I want!"

The people around him immediately rushed forward.

"Hey, hey, hey, line up, line up, don't grab, don't grab, who is touching me, if the tiger doesn't show off its power, it will think I'm a sick cat, get out!"

The scene fell into chaos for a while.

At this time, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu on the other side of the square were looking at the show. Mao Xiaofang scolded: "What are you looking at? Do something."

"Yes, Master."

The two people quickly brought the grain cart, set up the stall, and started shouting: "Fuxitang has distributed rice, donated medicines to doctors, and everyone in poverty has a share."

"The left side is for rice, and the right side is for medical treatment."

When they heard it was Fu Xitang, they immediately ran over in a swarm.

Lin Ge quickly stepped aside with Ou Yongqi and gave up his position.


"Throw away copper coins to drive away ghosts, distribute rice every now and then, and give away doctors. If you are not poor, Master Mao, who will be poor?" Lin Ge looked at the crowded crowd. Many people here were already carrying a large bag of rice and came here to receive rice. , suddenly speechless and teasing.

Then, Lin Ge looked at the woman who was also Paimi not far away. Needless to say, this was the disaster star "Black Rose".

Black Rose looked at the crowd running to Fuxitang's stall with anger on her face. Mao Xiaofang happened to see them and nodded in a friendly manner.

Black Rose turned away in anger, and the boy "Xiao Xiami" on the side sighed: "Alas, there is no limelight now."

When Black Rose heard this, she was immediately unconvinced and hummed: "Not necessarily."

Then he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Pake rice, give out rice, others will give out one spoonful, and we will give out two spoons. Everyone has a share, and we will never fail."

The townspeople looked here, still hesitant.

Seeing this, Black Rose took off the gold earrings she was wearing, pressed them into the rice, and shouted: "There is a lottery when you get rice. Come here to get rice now, and you have a chance to draw the gold earrings inside the rice. Come on, don't Missed opportunity. Gold earrings, gold earrings.”

Lin Ge:?

What's the big problem? Are you so embarrassed when doing good deeds now?

Sure enough, we cannot look at this "catastrophic star" with normal people's thinking.

As soon as the townspeople heard that Nami had a chance to get a golden earring, they immediately swarmed back to the Black Rose.

When Ah Chu saw this, he couldn't help but ran to Mao Xiaofang and said, "Wow, Master, Fa Mi next door actually did a stunt and gave away gold earrings."

Mao Xiaofang raised his eyes and continued to treat people: "Don't worry about others, just do your own thing."

"Yes, Master." Ah Chu obediently went back to hand out the rice.

The person who was seeing the doctor was a young man with white lips and a somewhat weak look. He complained: "Oh, I don't know what happened. The whole field of vegetables was eaten in one night. It is useless to report the case." , so I have to sow again. I’m tired and sick. Sigh. Master Mao, you really need to help us."

Mao Xiaofang nodded: "I will go and have a look. Don't worry."

As soon as the man stood up, Mao Xiaofang grabbed his arm and asked, "Did you just come back from the fields?"

The man nodded: "Yes."

"It's okay, you go get the medicine first."

After the man left, Mao Xiaofang looked at a scale in his hand, which he had just found on the man's clothes.

"Snake scales?"

Lin Ge frowned when he saw the snake scales in Mao Xiaofang's hand. According to the plot, these snake scales were left by Xiaobai after eating all the vegetables in the field.

He originally thought that stopping Xiaobai from eating people would prevent it from becoming a demon, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Lin Ge decided to go to Lei Xiu later to check on Xiaobai’s condition.

But now, we have to go and meet the "catastrophic star" first.

At this time, two police officers came to the notice board in the square and posted a portrait and announcement.

Seeing this, the people around came over to watch the fun.

"Hey, who is this, so ugly?"

"Yeah, he doesn't look like a human being at all."

"Wow, he's so ugly that it makes you want to beat him up."

The police officer who posted the picture immediately said: "This man's name is Black Rose. He is a frightening thief. He looks so ugly but has a nice name. You don't need to think about it to know that he has a psychological defect. This Black Rose not only robbed homes, but also raped and robbed. Everyone must close the doors and windows at night.”

Another police officer said: "But don't worry, our Captain Song has laid a dragnet. This black rose will definitely not be able to escape Gantian Town."

Black Rose, who was serving rice, heard someone talking about herself. She squeezed over curiously and took a look. When she saw her uglified portrait, she was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Wow, what is this painting? Is it a person? Are you sure there really is someone like this?" so?"

The police officer said: "Why not? Only if you see him in person will you know what disgusting is."

At this time, Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi also came over: "I heard that Black Rose is a thief, so he won't commit adultery and robbery, right?"

Black Rose glanced at Lin Ge and gave a thumbs up: "Young man, you have discernment. I also think that a knight like Black Rose would never do such a thing."

The police officer immediately said: "Why not? I heard that Black Rose has done even more disgusting things. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Don't worry, everyone, our police station has already taken action. Captain Song will lead people Capture Black Rose and bring her to justice."

Hearing this, Black Rose muttered: "What nonsense Captain Song? My aunt must make you look good, just wait."

Lin Ge walked up to Black Rose and said: "Hello, Miss, I am Lin Ge from Fuxi Hall. I saw you in Paimi just now. You must be a chivalrous person like Black Rose. These people don't understand Black Rose's chivalry. They only talk nonsense, so don’t take it to heart. This is the blessing of peace specially made by our Fuxi Hall. If you carry it with you, you can turn bad luck into good luck and stay safe forever."

"Ah, thank you, I don't really believe this." Black Rose refused.

Lin Ge regretfully took back the Ping An Blessing: "That's a pity. Chivalrous people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang all like to wear this kind of Ping An Blessing. It has become a symbol of chivalry."

"Ah, is that so? Then give me one. Thank you." Black Rose took Ping Anfu over and said thank you.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami walked towards the alley. Lin Ge made a move and silently recited the Soul Chasing Curse. I saw Ping Anfu stuffed into the sleeve pocket with black roses, sprinkled with little gold shavings, and blended into her wrist.

Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi returned to the stall in Fuxi Hall. Mao Xiaofang was treating people. He raised his head and said to Lin Ge: "Junior brother, are you interested in medical skills? Why don't you sit aside and I will talk to you about medical skills. In the future, you can also travel around the world. Avoid illness.”

Lin Ge quickly waved his hand: "Brother, I'm afraid I'll bite off more than I can chew. I haven't touched the threshold of boxing yet, plus I still have to practice Taoism. This medical skill... I can avoid it if I can."

"You are right." Mao Xiaofang no longer forced.

Lin Ge thought about going to see Lei Xiu's situation, so he told Mao Xiaofang that he would go for a walk, and took Ou Yongqi out of the town to the grove where Lei Xiu lived.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't find anyone there, so he had to go back to Fuxi Hall first. When he returned, it was already dinner time. Just as he sat down to have a meal with Master Mao Xiaofang, he saw Zhou Yuan running over in a hurry.

"Master Mao!"

"No, Master Mao!"

"Master Mao, something happened!"

Lin Ge:......

Junior Brother Sha, are you here again?

"What happened?" Mao Xiaofang stood up and asked.

Zhou Yuan said anxiously: "Niu, Niu, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang Ma... Something happened to Zhang Ma's house! It's haunted, it's haunted!"

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