After climbing over the wall, Lin Ge entered Century City Paradise and walked straight towards the Botanical Garden.

In the distance, there were moving beams of light in the night sky, making it difficult for him to tell whether he was in Hong Kong Island or Los Santos.

Ever since Lin Ge shot down a helicopter, the number of helicopters patrolling Hong Kong Island's night sky quickly exceeded double digits.

Explosion-proof vehicles and assault vehicles can be seen everywhere.

"Los Santos even has five stars, it's not that outrageous."

Lin Ge originally wanted to stay in the paradise until dawn, and then directly sneak into St. Edena Girls' High School to participate in the plot of the serial jumping case. Who knew that in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard something moving outside the botanical garden. When he went out to take a look, he discovered that A patrol entered Century City Paradise.

"It's really haunting."

Lin Ge hid back in the botanical garden. The reason why he chose this place was that the complex environment and lush plants of the botanical garden could be used to hide his eyes from others.

But Lin Ge didn't know that the "ghost boss" had issued an order to conduct a blanket search around the restaurant where he lived.

In addition to Century City Paradise, "ghosts" in the entire Hong Kong Island establishment are now looking for their traces from house to house.

Several exits from the city were blocked. Unless Lin Ge and the accountant could fly, there would be no way to leave Hong Kong Island.

Lin Ge thought about grabbing a helicopter, but he had to face a real problem-he couldn't fly a helicopter.

The most important thing is that Li Guoqiang and Huang Yaozu are still in the city. Once the "ghost" attacks them, they will die even if they lose points.

That's why Lin Ge chose to hide near the school and wait until dawn to stop Huang Yaozu and take them away together.

As for why he didn't make a call, the entire Hong Kong island is now under the surveillance of "ghost high-level people", and a single phone call can determine Huang Yaozu's death.

At this time, the patrols entering the park advanced layer by layer and had already searched near the botanical garden. Then Lin Ge discovered that they were guarding outside the botanical garden and did not come in.

"Has it been discovered?"

Sure enough, the patrol team had begun to block the entire botanical garden in a circle.

Naturally, Lin Ge couldn't sit still and wait for death. He chose the inner park as a breakthrough point. He took out his silenced pistol and fired several shots at the several policemen guarding outside.

The patrol team responded immediately, and at the same time, several assault vehicles and explosion-proof vehicles drove in, surrounding the botanical garden with water.

Lin Ge hid in the forest and relied on his familiarity with the terrain to swoop in with a submachine gun. Under the protection of a bulletproof suit, he killed more than a dozen people.

With the addition of military uniforms and the Flying Tigers, Lin Ge's unlimited bullet ump9's firepower was clearly unstoppable.

He could only set up a cannon and blast it while relying on explosives and incendiary bottles to stop the "evil ghosts" from advancing.

Just as the Flying Tigers were advancing, there was suddenly a strange sound behind them, the soil surged, and a red shadow emerged from the ground.


As soon as the Flying Tigers who were walking at the end turned around, the flashlight under their guns only caught a red shadow, and then the sword flashed and their necks were cut off.

The sound of cannons in the Botanical Garden was the signal, and Ou Yongqi received the "order". She had been lying in wait for a long time and started killing as soon as she appeared.

Just ordinary chopping and slashing, Tang Hengdao was like a magic weapon in Ou Yongqi's hands, killing people like chopping melons and vegetables.

What's even more frightening is that although the bullet hit Ou Yongqi's body and caused blood and flesh to fly everywhere, it could not stop her progress.

For a while, these policemen and the Flying Tigers couldn't tell who was the evil spirit!

Ou Yongqi slashed all the way to Lin Ge and blocked the onrushing Flying Tigers for him. However, Lin Ge's thunder and high-explosive bombs were quickly exhausted, and there were still a few shells left. At this moment, he finally understood why the war was Burn money.

In just a moment, thousands of reincarnation points were gone.

Lin Ge concentrated his fire on one point, trying to open a gap and find an opportunity to escape. But halfway through the fight with Ou Yongqi, they were blocked back by the supporting Flying Tigers.

Lin Ge's ammunition alone was not enough to compete with the entire Hong Kong Island army. Seeing that he was running out of ammunition and food, he decided to increase his attack power.

"call out--"

Suddenly, with a sound breaking through the air, a rocket flew towards this side.

It was too late for Lin Ge to hide. He saw a red shadow coming out. He blocked the rocket with his body and hugged the rocket tightly with both hands.


Lin Ge was blown away by the explosion, smashed the glass in the park, and fell into a rare potted plant inside.


Lin Ge was seriously injured. He coughed up a pool of blood and was affected by the explosion. Although he was bleeding from seven holes, thanks to Ou Yongqi's body blocking the rocket, he was not directly killed.

But Ou Yongqi's body was blown to pieces in front of him.

Lin Ge took out a "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill" and swallowed it. He stood up despite his injuries and looked at the Flying Tigers approaching with guns raised.


Alone Better Together.

If you want to die, let’s all die together!


With a soft sound, the chocolate in Lin's singer was broken into a small piece, and then, like a poison gas bomb, a black smoke erupted from the small piece of chocolate, instantly filling the entire botanical garden and spreading towards the entire park.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Play with me."

For a moment, a cold laughter sounded in the ears of the people shrouded in black smoke.

Immediately afterwards, with the harsh friction sound of "crunching", many amusement facilities appeared out of thin air in the botanical garden.

Merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels...these amusement facilities are rusty, old, and accompanied by harsh friction sounds, as if they are about to collapse at any time.

"Crunch, crunch."

"Crunch, crunch."

Everyone, including Lin Ge, was about to go crazy from the harsh sound in their ears. Only Lin Ge knew that as long as he entered any of the amusement facilities and participated in the game, the influence of the magic sound could be mitigated.

But Lin Ge gritted his teeth and held on with willpower, resisting the magic sound and walked to the place where the rocket exploded and looked around.

Lin Ge was about to go crazy from the torture, but he still managed to rummage around and found most of Ou Yongqi's head, half of her hands, and half of her legs...

Carrying these stumps, he walked to the Italian cannon, found the travel bag underneath, and opened the bag. Master Ji shivered inside.

"Oh, oh! (There are bullets and bullets outside, and I only have a chicken. I can't help you in this kind of situation.)"

Lin Ge stuffed Ou Yongqi's head and severed limbs into the travel bag, zipped it up, put it on his back, and walked towards the Ferris wheel.

Lin Ge felt like his whole body was about to freeze. The coldness enveloped him and eroded his senses.

His legs seemed to be tied with heavy weights, making it extremely difficult to lift his feet.

There were screams and cries for help everywhere, it was like hell. The evil ghost finally came to "hell".

"Hee hee hee--"

"Play with me."

Some evil spirits couldn't stand the torture and committed suicide by swallowing guns. Some even pierced their eardrums with knives, but they could still hear the devilish sounds.

Some, like Lin Ge, wanted to hide in Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds and other rides, only to find that they had gone from one hell to another.

The magic sound disappeared.

However, the carousel rotates at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the Ferris wheel becomes a hot wheel, and the frog jumps into a cannon.

The most terrifying thing is the pirate ship, the 360-degree Hot Wheels with a speed of 300 per hour.

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