Without spiritual protection, Jiwotou suffered serious backlash and his internal organs were damaged. After running a few steps, he spurted out a mouthful of blood. He lost more than half of his newly recovered life in an instant. He could only save himself. He swallowed the only remaining B-level life-saving medicine to temporarily delay his injuries.

At this moment, several black shadows jumped out from behind, instantly throwing Chicken Nest Head to the ground and biting his body.

As pieces of flesh and blood were torn off, blood spurted out from the wound uncontrollably. If Chicken Cot Head hadn't just swallowed the life-saving medicine, he would have been bitten by the shadow until all his blood was exhausted.

The suona released the evil spirits, and although it blocked the monks in the temple, Jiwotou did not expect that these evil spirits would not eat the fat monk, but came to hunt down his "master".

If they were not imprisoned, three evil ghosts of this level could be killed with one slap, but now, they could only be slaughtered by the ghosts.


Just when Jiwotou was desperate, there was a sudden sound of a gong, and the evil spirits biting him stopped immediately and looked in one direction at the same time.


At the second sound, those evil spirits were actually trembling.


On the third sound, all the evil spirits crawled back into Jiwotou's body.

I saw an old man with a stooped back and a gong walking out of the forest and came to the dying chicken coop head.

"Boy, you play the suona very well."

"Fortunately, old man, I like walking, otherwise..."

"Tsk, tsk, you're so brave, you actually dare to use such evil weapons."

Jiwotou was so seriously injured that he passed out before he could even see what the old man looked like.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in a small ruined temple. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was enshrined in the main position, and on the left and right sides were the two generals under Ksitigarbha.

However, both the additional generals and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue were dusty, as if no one had cleaned them for a long time.

Jiwotou sat up and found that the bleeding from the wound had stopped, but it was not bandaged.

The effect of the life-saving medicine was exhausted in the first wave of evil spirits' attacks, so the recovery from injuries was naturally not the result of the life-saving medicine.

Jiwotou stood up despite the pain and looked around. At this time, the old man's voice sounded from behind the Ksitigarbha statue: "Are you awake?"

The old man walked out from behind the Ksitigarbha statue. Seeing this, Jiwotou immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully: "Thank you Bodhisattva for saving your life."

"Bodhisattva? Old man, I am not a Bodhisattva. I am just the guardian of this ruined temple." The old man looked up at the tattered and dusty Ksitigarbha statue and sighed.

"Old man, is this... Jizo Temple?" Jiwotou asked in a respectful tone.

The old man stood at the door of the temple and looked out. The dark night sky, with no stars and moon visible, was dull and depressing.

"It's the former Jizo Temple."

Jiwotou walked to the door and looked out. He could still see the temple complex on the mountainside. In other words, this was the top of the mountain.

Although Jiwotou had a guess in his mind, he was not sure yet, so he asked tentatively: "Old man, since you are here to control... well, guard, why do you let those evil spirits roam around on the mountainside?"

The old man stood at the door, with a bleak back and a lonely voice: "Ksitigarbha once said that if the hell is not empty, you will never become a Buddha."

"Who would have thought... hell is empty and evil spirits are in the world."

"So, Ksitigarbha was about to dissipate, but he failed to become a Buddha. It's not that he didn't want to cross, but that there is no cross in this world."

Jiwotou frowned slightly, as if thinking about what the old man meant by his words, and suddenly thought of the "nightmare effect" of this reincarnation, and then suddenly realized.

"Then why did Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva not abandon this world like other gods and Buddhas?" Jiwotou asked.

The old man said: "The power of the gods and Buddhas comes from human faith. When humans in a world lose faith, the consciousness projected by the gods and Buddhas into this world will gradually dissipate. Strictly speaking, it is humans who have abandoned the gods and Buddhas."

Jiwotou was puzzled: "However, some people will always have faith, just like although there are Li Gui on the mountainside, the incense has not stopped."

The old man looked at the chicken coop and smiled: "Boy, you know quite a lot. However, what you see is only the surface. Look at this Jizo statue. How is it different from the Jizo statue in the temple?"

When Jiwotou went to the temple, the main hall door was closed. He only took a quick glance at it, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that the appearance, robe, and posture of the Ksitigarbha statue were different.

"Could that be a fake Ksitigarbha statue?" Jiwotou was surprised.

The old man sighed: "Beliefs are gradually being eroded, and with the development of technology, they are outlawed. What's more, they tell you that these are feudal superstitions. How many people are left who are truly honest and sincere? When the gods and Buddhas in the sky discovered that there was a problem in hell, they were already there. It’s too late, humans have already been infiltrated by evil spirits.”

Jiwotou asked anxiously: "Is there a way to solve it?"

The old man shook his head: "It's too late. It's too late after all. Evil spirits are like worms born in the fruit. The inside is completely rotten. There is no other way but to throw away the fruit."


The pager in Jiwotou's pocket rang. He took it out and saw several messages in a row. When he saw it clearly, his expression suddenly changed.

late at night.

A taxi stopped at the back entrance of Century City Paradise. The driver got out of the car, looked around with wary eyes, stretched out in a pretentious manner, lit a cigarette, and started smoking against the door.

After a few minutes, or after making sure there were no suspicious people around, he walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Lin Ge took his travel bag and got out of the trunk, took out a wad of money and stuffed it into the driver's hand: "Brother Li, it's all thanks to you this time."

Lin Ge was surrounded by the police, hid in an old building, and called Li Biaoche. For safety reasons, he deliberately hid in the dark and let Li Biaoche drive around for several times. After confirming that the other party was really here to help him, he got into Li Biaoche's car.

Along the way, Lin Ge gave him money and cultivated relationships. It was only after he had maxed out his favorability that he lay down in the trunk and let Li Biaoche drag him around the city until night, when he was sent to Century City. The back door of the paradise.

Li Biaoche took the money, but what he was thinking about was what Lin Ge told him along the way. He asked nervously: "Brother Lin, what you said before were not a joke, were they?"

"Brother Li, think back to your childhood. Are there any people you know who seem to have changed overnight?"

Lin Ge silenced Li Biaoche with one sentence. Not only did "there" exist such people, but there were many of them, including his "father".

When he was a child, Li Biaoche always thought that his father had forgotten about them because of amnesia in the car accident, but looking back now, the hospital could not find any injuries at the time, and not long after, his father inexplicably became a "vegetative state".

"Hong Kong Island may not be peaceful these days. Brother Li, you'd better stay at home for a few days and try to reduce contact with people." After saying that, Lin Ge went straight into Century City Paradise.

Li Biaoche looked at Lin Ge's leaving figure with complicated eyes.

"What a fucking world!"

Li Biaoche never imagined that he could live to this age safely only because of his "mediocrity".

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