Lin Ge stepped on the black sword and turned into a golden light and rushed towards King Chujiang. When King Chujiang saw someone rushing towards her, he raised his hands and a black evil aura rolled towards Lin Ge like a wave!


Singer Lin slashed with the fire stick, and a wave of fire instantly hit the evil spirit. The flames of hell summoned by the fire stick were the nemesis of the evil spirit, and completely engulfed the evil spirit in an instant.

This blow stunned Jie Yuanmai below, who said in shock: "This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, where did this intern come from? Is he so powerful? He actually killed the evil spirit gathered by King Chujiang with one blow. Open it, that’s the King of Chujiang, one of the seven kings!”

As an "assistant", Li Dechun's ability is to connect to the underworld's database through spells and view information about the deceased and other information related to the underworld.

After seeing Lin Ge "fully armed", he subconsciously checked the trident and fire sign in his hand, and his mouth opened wide in shock.

"Dafa! Do you know what the red token in the hands of the interns is? There are two generals under Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The silver trident is the weapon of General Damage, and the fire sign... is the weapon of General Zeng. Magical weapons! This intern, he, he, he, he actually has two general-level magic weapons!"

Jie Yuanmai swallowed, and was extremely shocked. You must know the rumors in the underworld that if the hell messenger is appreciated by a certain king or ghost general, they can lend their magical weapons to the other party.

However, the process of "borrowing a magic weapon" is very complicated. Bathing, changing clothes and opening the altar are just the basics. Others also need to prepare tributes, summoning rituals, etc.

And this "intern" just made a move, and the magic weapon came into his hands. This kind of treatment is enough to show his relationship with the owner of the magic weapon!

"This guy, could this guy be a big boss next door who came here to inspect incognito?" Jie Yuanmai said nervously.

Jiang Lin glared at the understanding of resentment and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense. Priests from other domains are not allowed to enter our domain without permission. Otherwise, they will ignore the rules and break the rules. A little carelessness will cause a war between the two domains. Not to mention me. Although the Territory Government has many similarities with them, it evolved into what it is today after its own development and exploration, and the two have nothing to do with each other..."

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, he heard a sentence floating from the side: "I guess it doesn't matter... After all, if you add the word 'big' to King Biancheng and King Chujiang, you think you can really be bigger than your neighbor." , The people next door are definitely not that thick-skinned, and they definitely can’t do such a thing.”

"What did you say!" Jiang Lin looked at Nita angrily.

It was Nita who made the sarcasm. Originally she didn't care about this kind of thing, but she couldn't stand the style of Bangziguo's blatant plagiarism, but she still had to deny it.

If you like something good, you can use it, but if you use it, just say it is something you invented yourself. If you are so shameless, you can't blame others for being shameless!

"Hey, why did I hear you look so contemptuous in your words? You don't seem to be from our country..." Jie Yuanmai was glared at by Nita, and she remembered Nita using the burning chain on the lake. Sweeping, almost igniting the lake, I swallowed back the second half of the sentence with lingering fear.

Nita ignored Jiang Lin and others. While watching the battle in the air, she was wary of Jin Zihong's safety.

For her, she only needs to ensure that Jin Zihong is not affected and completes the main mission. As for Jiang Lin, the three hell messengers...

I believe that even without them, Lin Ge can lead Jin Zihong through the next few levels. To be precise, without these trolls, the seven trials may have been completed faster and Jin Zihong was reincarnated.

At this time, Lin Ge used a fire sign in the air to disperse King Chu Jiang's evil spirit, and then threw out soul cuffs to lock King Chu Jiang's hands to prevent her from continuing to cast spells.

At the same time, he aimed his trident at the chain in the middle of the soul cuffs cuffing the King of Chu Jiang, and threw it violently.

The trident turned into a ray of silver light and accurately hit the soul cuffs, flying King Chujiang directly away and nailing him to the mountain in the distance.

Just when Lin Ge was preparing Chen Sheng to pursue him and use the "Physical Awakening Technique" to awaken King Chu Jiang, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the mountain wall.

This man had gray and white hair tied up and was wearing a light brown ancient robe. He was followed by two "military generals" who were at least two meters tall, wearing armor and with iron chains on their bodies.

Lin Ge suddenly remembered the statue he saw above the entrance to the underworld before. The man looked exactly like the statue, and he was the head of the seven kings of the underworld——

King Yama!


King Yama raised his hand and stopped Lin Ge in a calm tone: "I already know what happened here. I pronounced the sentence on behalf of King Chujiang. The defendant passed the trial and will immediately go to the next hell to be judged!"

After King Yama finished speaking, he waved his hand, and King Chujiang, who was nailed to the mountain wall, disappeared. The two magic weapons, the trident and the soul cuff, lost their target and fell downwards. Then it turned into two rays of golden light and disappeared, returning to the mark on Singer Lin.

Lin Ge's eyes narrowed and he frowned slightly. This was the first time that someone bypassed him and directly released the dual restraints of the trident and the soul cuffs.

This King Yama is worthy of being the leader of the underworld of Bang Kingdom, he has something!

After rescuing King Chu Jiang, King Yama looked at Lin Ge indifferently: "Are you the new messenger from hell? I seem to have never seen you before..."

Lin Ge knew that the identities arranged by the Lord God were "legal and compliant". Unless he really killed a king now, it would not arouse the suspicion of King Yama, so he replied with a normal expression: "King Yama has many affairs, our underworld is hell There are thousands of messengers, and it’s normal for a small person like me to be unable to remember them.”

King Yama smiled and said: "The person who can borrow a magical weapon from the two generals of heaven and earth is not an ordinary little person."

"My ancestors have some connection with the underworld system next door. By chance, I was able to borrow this magic weapon for use. However, the conditions are extremely harsh and it has a great impact on myself. If King Chujiang hadn't been affected by the reincarnation of the karma mirror today, he would have developed inner demons. I don’t dare to take the magic weapon at the risk of shortening my life span!”

Lin Ge said, raising his hand to cover his chest with a look of pain on his face.

"Sigh, I'm afraid this internal injury that hurts Yinhun won't be healed in three to five months... Uh, sir, does this count as a 'work-related injury'?"

King Yama:...

"I have recorded your performance today, and I will record your merits later. Behave well, young man." King Yama said.

"Thank you, King Yama." Lin Ge cupped his hands and thanked him.

King Yama was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, looked at Lin Ge with a half-smile, and suddenly asked: "If... I hadn't arrived, would you have killed King Chu Jiang?"

"How dare I, a little hell messenger, be disrespectful to King Chu Jiang? I will only try my best to help King Chu Jiang use the 'Great Awakening Technique' to wake her up!" Lin Ge replied.

King Yama gave a meaningful laugh, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared together with the two ghost generals.

Lin Ge put away the black sword and landed next to Nita: "It's done, call it a day, don't stand still, go to the next station... we are in a hurry."

Jie Yuanmai opened her mouth. She originally had a lot to say, but now she couldn't say a word.

Although Jiang Lin also had doubts about Lin Ge's identity, he was obviously thousands of miles away from King Yama, and he didn't see as much as King Yama.

A group of people rode a raft across the lake. At this moment, the "sky" changed from clear day to night. In front of them, there was an endless jungle.

Walking into the forest, Li Dechun walked beside Jin Zihong and introduced to him: "This is the 'Lying Hell', where the dead are judged for their lies during their lifetime. The plants here have spikes, which are as sharp as swords, so they are also It’s called the ‘Forest of Swords’.”

Because of Lin Ge's attack on King Chu Jiang, the atmosphere in the team became a little delicate at this time. Li Dechun didn't want to be left in the cold, so he could only keep talking without anything to say.

"This is the only 'moonlit forest' in the underworld. It looks beautiful, right, but don't touch it. Once you do..."

"If you are curious and touch..."

At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly took over the conversation, looked at Jin Zihong with evil eyes, and pushed him towards a big tree next to him.

The big tree suddenly stretched out more than a dozen spiky vines towards Jin Zihong. Lin Ge pulled him back, and then with a wave of his hand, the sword light appeared and directly chopped off all the more than a dozen vines.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Lin asked with a cold face.

Lin Ge asked calmly: "I would like to ask what you are doing?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jin Zihong and said coldly: "Before going to the Hell of Sloth, I warned him not to talk or answer any questions from King Chu Jiang, but he turned a deaf ear and almost fell into a new round of trial. Now I don't either I will discuss it with him, and from now on I will only give orders."

"I said you were sick. Others told the truth, and you were about to explain to the old woman what you were saving money for. It was you who interrupted others and put them in crisis. Without you, the hell of laziness would have passed long ago."

Although Lin Ge also hates plot characters who "do not listen to advice", this is the character of Jin Zihong in the drama. He is honest and honest. When faced with the questions asked by King Chu Jiang, he only answered the questions honestly and immediately after speaking. You have to explain that you are saving money for your mother and younger brother.

As a result, he was suddenly interrupted by Jiang Lin. What made Lin Ge speechless the most was that it was precisely because of Jiang Lin's interruption that King Chu Jiang was angry and wanted to punish Jin Zihong. As a result, Jiang Lin said what Jin Zihong wanted to explain again, trying to win the favor of King Chu Jiang.

So... what have you been doing?

"I am the captain of this team. I am the person in charge. All actions in the team must follow my direction. Do you understand the rules?" Jiang Lin said angrily.

Lin Ge said calmly: "No wonder it took 47 people to reincarnate in a thousand years. I don't think it's the dead who are too useless, but the messengers of hell like you who are too useless...and that's it."

"My rules are the rules!"

"If you don't accept it..."

"A fight?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Lin with an unkind look. As long as the other party dared to nod, he wouldn't mind playing a branch boss to relax.

"Ah, stop arguing, stop arguing, Captain Jiang Lin, really... uh, Mr. Lin, we are teammates, aren't we? We all want Mr. Jin Zihong to be reincarnated smoothly, so there is no need to quarrel over this kind of thing. !" Li Dechun quickly stood up and stood between Lin Ge and Jiang Lin to persuade them.

Jie Yuanmai was still debating for a while whether he should help or protect himself if a fight really broke out, but when he saw that Nita had silently moved behind Jiang Lin to block the escape route, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat...

...Oh my god, all the interns this time are ruthless!

This was not the first time that Jie Yuanmai had come into contact with newcomers from the Hell Messenger, but the newcomers in the past had always been obedient. He and Jiang Lin told them to go to the left and never dare to go to the right.

Today's two interns either attacked King Bian Cheng or beat up King Chu Jiang... and now they even have murderous intentions towards their captain!

What kind of monsters are these?

Jie Yuanmai didn't want to become the next target after the intern eliminated the captain, so he quickly shifted the firepower and cursed at Jin Zihong: "Look, it's all caused by your unwillingness to cooperate. Why don't you Are you willing to cooperate? Just follow the instructions, and if we complete the target, you can be reincarnated smoothly, a win-win situation, right?"

Jie Yuanmai said, seeing Lin Ge looking towards him, he could only change the subject and say something nice again: "And didn't you say you wanted to see your mother? As long as you complete the trial, you will be able to do it before reincarnation." If you can report your dream freely, you can see your mother."

"What did you just say?" When Jin Zihong heard Jie Yuanmai saying that he could see his mother, he rushed forward excitedly.

"I said, you can appear in your mother's dream through dream reporting, tell him about your situation, and see her for the last time."

"Really, really?"

"Of course, we Hellbrers will never deceive the dead."

"I promise you, I will cooperate with the trial. I, I want to see my mother." Jin Zihong said excitedly. His death was irreversible, but he couldn't let go of his mother, so he could only seize this last chance. See my mother again.

"Wouldn't it be better if we could do this earlier?" Jie Yuanmai said, looking at Lin Ge with a flattering smile: "Internship... uh, Mr. Lin, look at how harmonious our team is now, accept it. Despite your hostility, we... are a team after all."

Under the "persuasion" of Jieyuanmai and Xinisi, Lin Ge and Jiang Lin no longer were at war with each other, but focused on helping Jin Zihong pass the trial.

Although Jiang Lin is relatively strong, his starting point is still to help Jin Zihong reincarnate.

Lin Ge needs Jin Zihong's reincarnation to complete the main plot. The two have the same goal, so as long as Jiang Lin doesn't hold him back, Lin Ge doesn't want to take action against the protagonist.

After all, Jiang Lin has no origin.

The origin lies in...

On King Yama!

When Lin Ge faced King Yama, he secretly used the source to check the origins in him, and found that there were more than three hundred. And the evil gods who devoured most of the world in Silent Hill only had more than two hundred origins, which is enough to show that King Yama should be the absolute strong man in this world!

Lin Ge was very excited, so he had no interest in "little minions" like Jiang Lin.

Two hours later, under the leadership of Jiang Lin, the team came to a place similar to a "cable car boarding platform". A track in front led directly to the depths of the jungle.

In the past, Jie Yuanmai would instruct interns to control the cable car at this time, but whether it was Lin Ge or Nita, they were the masters he could not afford to offend.

Not to mention Jiang Lin. He didn't have the courage to bully the captain, and he didn't want to bully the youngest Li Dechun. He could only do physical work like putting down the chains, pulling the gates, and dragging out the orbital ship. .

"Dechun please make it clear to him and don't let him mess around again." Jie Yuanmai looked at Li Dechun and said, the "him" naturally refers to Jin Zihong.

Li Dechun said: "This is a rail ship, a privilege that only noble people can enjoy. Ordinary deceased people need to walk through the sword forest, but Mr. Jin Zihong, you can pass through the sword forest quickly and safely by rail train."

Jin Zihong nodded and got on the rail train, which was like a flat boat. After the others got on the boat, Jie Yuanmai activated the device.

I saw the orbital ship buckling the pulleys on both sides, and then suddenly spurting out a torrent in the narrow river channel, directly pushing the orbital ship forward at a high speed.

The boat carried a few people quickly through the jungle. At this moment, Lin Ge faintly heard the roar of a monster coming from the jungle on both sides of the track.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be black shadows moving in the jungle.

Jie Yuanmai's expression suddenly changed when he saw those black shadows passing by, and he said in shock: "Hell ghost? How could the hell ghost appear!"

Li Dechun was stunned and seemed to realize something: "This is... there are innocent souls in the world!"

Jie Yuanmai hurriedly grabbed Jin Zihong's shoulders and asked: "Hey, do you have any immediate relatives in the world? If you are in danger in hell, it means that some of your immediate relatives have become wronged souls!"

"Be careful!" Jiang Lin stood up and stood on the bow of the boat. He raised his hand and summoned a samurai sword. Then he saw a monster that looked like a hellhound jumping out of the forest. (End of chapter)

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