"Money is an ugly false god. It will only infinitely amplify human greed and turn people into walking zombies who surrender to him. They have no consciousness and only endless desires!" King Chu Jiang looked ferocious, and his originally kind face was also filled with tears. With black lines on her face, she really matches the bald man next door.


Lin Ge responded lightly. This operation made everyone around him look stupid.

Oh, no!

You really made the King of Chu Jiang look like a ghost, but you just said "oh" in the end and it was over? Where is your debate, where is your confidence?

Seeing Lin Ge's silence, King Chu Jiang shouted loudly: "Since you can't prove that the defendant Jin Zihong does not believe in false gods, then I will convict him and send him to Mopan Hell!"

"Wait!" Just when the two judges were about to pull the valve and send Jin Zihong to Mopan Hell, Lin Ge raised his hand to stop.

The thin judge said impatiently: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Ge said calmly: "We have to send people to Mopan Hell anyway, so why not ask King Chu Jiang to send the humans above to hell as well, so as to prevent them from being deceived by false gods."

"What do you mean?" King Chu Jiang roared.

Lin Ge said: "I don't know if money is a false god. I only know that it is an indispensable part of life. As the saying goes, money is not everything, but you can't do anything without money. People have been involved with money since before they were born. On the relationship, not to mention the food, clothing, housing and transportation in the future.”

"A child spends at least six figures from the time it is conceived by its parents until it enters society. After entering society, it will face new problems. But when it comes to 'living', some statistics say that young people in the United States need to go without food or water for 15 years. Only then can we afford a small one-bedroom house.”

"King Chu Jiang, you are so capable. Instead of solving the false gods who 'tempt' mankind, you only dare to punish the humans who are tempted by the false gods."

"Tsk tsk, is this what the saying goes... bully the weak and fear the strong?"

The thin judge was so angry that he was trembling all over. He pointed at Lin Ge and cursed: "You, you, you! How dare you slander the King of Chu Jiang. I don't want to sit in your position as the messenger of hell!"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows, summoned a trident and thrust it into the ground: "What? What I said is wrong? In that case, King Chujiang, how about we play a game... I got this by chance when I was traveling to the ghost town next door. The magic weapon is called 'Destroy the Heaven and Destroy the Earth Fierce Ghost', and it is the magical weapon of an underworld warrior."

"If King Chujiang can win the game, I will give this thing to King Chujiang. The defendant Jin Zihong will be punished as you say!"

"If King Chujiang loses the game, you don't need to do anything more. All you need to do is let us pass and personally send us to the next round of trial. How about that?"

As one of the most powerful generals under the direct jurisdiction of the Underworld, General Damage's magic weapon is naturally extraordinary. In addition, this man is the main killer, and he can physically transcend all monsters and monsters. Therefore, in addition to containing the huge Buddha light of Ksitigarbha, this trident also absorbs the evil spirits of countless demons and ghosts.

In addition, after being obtained by Lin Ge, it almost appeared as his "main weapon", stabbing strangers, stabbing gods, and several evil spirits and evil gods died under the trident. The huge power absorbed by the trident makes it have faint signs of breaking through the spiritual weapon and reaching the immortal weapon level.

At this moment, he punched the ground, and the two judges and Li Dechun couldn't even open their eyes with the powerful spiritual energy. Jie Yuanmai stared at the trident with obsession!

If such a divine object is placed in the cottage underworld of Bangzi Kingdom, it will be a peerless artifact. Even if the King of Chu Jiang cannot use it, it can attract countless envy as a collection!

"Are you crazy? You actually used the general's magic weapon as a bet?" Nita stood behind Lin Ge and reminded him in a low voice not to joke about this kind of thing.

Lin Ge replied: "Then she has to take it away... If it were so easy to wash off the mark on my hand and take the trident, I don't know how many times I would have lost it. Then it will be revealed. Just give her the fake product and tell her that she can only use it if she has the power of the underworld next door."

"You are really..." Nita glanced at Lin Ge with a strange expression, and it was really hard to comment.

King Chu Jiang was obviously attracted by the spiritually rich trident. He stared at the trident, and then smiled and said: "Okay, since you want to bet, I will accompany you to the end. What do you want to bet on?"

Lin Ge said: "It's very simple. It doesn't matter whether you, King Chujiang, play in person or send someone to participate in the game. All you need to do is reincarnate into an ordinary family. If you can live smoothly without being tempted by 'false gods', that is, money, When you die, you will win. Otherwise, I will win, how about that?"

After Lin Ge finished speaking, King Chu Jiang was still thinking about whether the "game" he said was feasible, but Jiang Lin said anxiously: "Lin Zhishi, no. It will take at least several decades from reincarnation to death. It will take several days to be left in the underworld... Don't forget, we need to help Jin Zihong complete the trial within 49 days."

King Chu Jiang said: "It doesn't matter. I can use the secret treasure of the Hell of Sloth, the 'Reincarnation Mirror', to simulate the life of a reincarnated person without wasting too much time."

Obviously, she has become completely interested in the trident, and she is bound to get this artifact!

Lin Ge looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "What is 'karma mirror reincarnation'?"

Jiang Lin explained: "The Hell of Sloth is a hell that judges whether a person is wasting his or her life. Each stage needs to be monitored. Some dead people always like to find reasons to excuse themselves, such as 'If xxx, I would not xxx'. Therefore, King Chu Jiang created a magic weapon that can quickly simulate a person's life through preset projections, and set up the situation of 'xxx', so that you can quickly see whether the person will change, and let the deceased enter with conviction. Millstone Hell.”

"Hey, the simulator, this thing is a bit interesting." Lin Ge said.

At this time, King Chu Jiang raised his hand and took out a unique oval mirror, which was somewhat like a mirror, but only the size of two palms.

King Chu Jiang raised his hand, and the mirror in his hand flew into the air, revealing a huge screen similar to a "mirror". A text box appeared in the clouds next to it, which could be manipulated to fill in some keyword settings.

Set some keywords, and unless new settings are added during the process, the reincarnated person will only live according to the character and trajectory set at the beginning.

After King Chu Jiang explained to Lin Ge the working principle of "Reincarnation of the Mirror of Industry", he decided to send one of the two judges to conduct the reincarnation.

At this time, I heard Lin Ge say: "King of Chujiang, since we have such a magical weapon, we don't need to actually reincarnate, we only need to simulate it. It's so convenient, I think it's better to let the 'Reincarnation of the Industry Mirror' simulate the King of Chujiang What do you think of reincarnating your character and setting an example for us?"

"Yes." Although King Chu Jiang has not set foot in human society for thousands of years, she always believes that as long as she sticks to her heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

King Chu Jiang controlled the "Mirror of Industry and Samsara" to add his own settings for projection, and said: "Then, this competition will be a best-of-three series. What do you think?"

"Okay." Lin Ge is very confident about Bangzi Country's current national conditions. Let alone winning two out of three games, he will win only if he wins ten out of ten games. He has no pressure.

King Chujiang started the Karmic Mirror Reincarnation with a confident look, because except for the reincarnation of her who was the projection, other information such as birth, parents, region, etc. were not set, which was very random.


In less than two minutes, King Chu Jiang was "slapped in the face."

In the picture, a young couple went to the hospital for monitoring. After confirming that the woman was pregnant, it was proved that the "reincarnation" was successful, and the first game officially began.

Just when King Chujiang thought that he would see his reincarnation born and grow up soon, he did not expect that the young couple came out of the hospital and went to the pharmacy next door to buy a box of medicine...


The majestic king of Chu Jiang was beaten before he was born.

The reason why these two young people made this choice was very simple. The hospital they were supervising gave them a preliminary calculation of the prenatal examination fees and production fees, and immediately persuaded them to leave.

"Blasphemy! They are blaspheming their lives. Judge, mark them down. I will send them to hell, to hell!" King Chu Jiang roared angrily.

Lin Ge's face was stupefied and his shoulders were shaking. He was holding it in very hard.

King Chu Jiang looked at him with a cold face: "Are you laughing at me?"

"As a hell messenger, I have received professional training. No matter how funny it is, I will not laugh unless I can't help it." Lin Ge was about to die. Although he knew that rebirth as a civilian in the Bang Country would be hellish, he didn't expect that Chu King Jiang actually started GG.

Seeing this, the thin judge said: "This game has not officially started yet, so it doesn't count! No matter what, we have to wait for a smooth birth to judge whether this person will be tempted by money!"

"Although this couple was indeed influenced by money and gave up having children, since you said it doesn't count, I'll give you another chance..." Lin Ge said happily.

This was a game that related to whether Trident and Jin Zihong could successfully pass the test. Lin Ge gave in immediately, which immediately made Jiang Lin and others' hearts go cold.

However, Jiang Lin and others have been serving as hell messengers in the underworld for thousands of years. Obviously, Lin Ge, a person with the "sudden death overtime" setting, does not understand today's society.

In the second game, King Chu Jiang learned his lesson and added several keywords to the reincarnation of birth. In order to show his fairness, he asked Lin Ge for his opinion.

The keyword settings added by King Chujiang are not "cheating". Parents of ordinary families get rich through hard work, love children, etc.

Finally, the "reincarnation of King Chujiang" was born smoothly. Influenced by his hard-working parents, he was thrifty and noble in character since childhood.

Then, because he couldn't afford college tuition, he dropped out of school and worked. Since he had no academic qualifications, he could only do some manual labor and successfully saved his first pot of gold.

At first, King Chu Jiang was very pleased to see this, but the next second her reincarnation took the money and went to a plastic surgery hospital, made herself beautiful, participated in the talent show, formed a girl group, and accompanied the chaebol. He became a plaything in his life and life, and finally jumped from a tall building.

Not only King Chujiang, but everyone present was silent now.

King Chu Jiang roared "Impossible, absolutely impossible" and started the third game again. This time he added a few more setting words to stay away from the entertainment industry.

As a result, the reincarnation did not live to adulthood. When she was a few years old, her parents did not register her identity. When she couldn't hide it, she took her to a deep mountain and was listed on the ghost baby list.

King Chu Jiang was furious. She never imagined in her wildest dreams that the world had been corrupted by false gods to such an extent that it was difficult to survive without money!

She even forgot that she was "betting" with Lin Ge for a while, and kept using the "mirror of karma and reincarnation" to simulate it again and again.

With the addition of different keywords, although the results are different each time, none of them are complete.

The better ones, like Jin Zihong, managed to survive by relying on their hard-working hands. As a result, they either died suddenly at a young age or committed suicide due to the pressure of life.

But most of them are like Jin Zihong, or even worse than Jin Zihong. They have become slaves to money and will do anything for money.

The only time I had a "Tianhu start" was that I had a good family background, a good education, and graduated smoothly. However, I lost my job right after I graduated from college. After two years of looking for a job, I encountered obstacles at every turn. Because I was labeled as "forbidden from the entertainment industry", I ended up losing my job. I lost most of my job opportunities and ended up becoming a homebody, completely ruined.

Seeing that he was about to end his life by selling food, he depleted his parents' wealth and ended up living on the street. He got into a fight with a homeless man over two dollars of bread and died miserably.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A thick black mist suddenly surged around King Chujiang's body and quickly spread to all directions. Huge waves arose on the originally calm lake surface, and the green plants on the beautiful lake islands withered instantly after being polluted by resentment. The human-faced fish in the lake were eroded by resentment, and a large number of them were poisoned to death in an instant. The lake was covered with white fish bellies.

The surge of resentment turned into evil energy and directly collapsed the three-story palace, including the two judges, who were all blown away.

Lin Ge quickly recalled the black sword with quick eyes and hands, raised his hand to scoop Nita into his arms, jumped on the flying sword, and picked up Jin Zihong's back collar and flew into the air.

Jiang Lin, Jie Yuanmai and Li Dechun could only hug the big stone pillar next to the palace to prevent themselves from being blown away by the surge of evil energy.

The worst thing was that the two judges were buried directly under the collapsed palace.

"Oh, King Chujiang, is this a bad game?" Lin Ge looked at King Chujiang who was completely blackened by resentment in mid-air, and complained.

Seeing King Chu Jiang's darkening state, Nita's whole body felt bad. She said helplessly: "...How will it end now? We won't have to fight all the way through the hell of Bang Country, right?"

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Bang Kingdom is a small country and the underworld is not much bigger, it is still a bit difficult to kill with seven kings sitting in charge.

Lin Ge sighed: "How do I know that she can't even stand this little stimulation? Tsk tsk, after this time, I think she will definitely not throw the deceased into the millstone hell because of some trivial things."

"You also said..." Nita was very helpless.

At this time, King Chu Jiang, who was completely stimulated, had a lot of resentment, and burst out of fierce evil spirits like a ghost king.

"Fake, it's all fake!"

"That's not the human world, that's hell!"

"We were wrong all along!"

"In this case, let me completely purify this hell and let all souls replace the human purgatory and reincarnate!"

King Chu Jiang wanted to completely purify the souls in hell. Jiang Lin and others were frightened when he said these words. Jie Yuanmai and Li Dechun were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

After Lin Ge sent Nita and Jin Zihong to a safe location with his sword, Jiang Lin said angrily: "Looking at the good things you have done, it is all your fault for playing some game with King Chu Jiang. Let him see such a scene and suffer." This influence created inner demons for King Chu Jiang, how will it end?"

"It doesn't matter, I will take action." Lin Ge asked Nita to protect Jin Zihong, and then jumped into the air with a ladder cloud.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Lin Ge squeezed the secret, and his body was immediately covered with a layer of golden light.

Then, he stepped on the black sword, held a fire sign in his left hand, and a trident in his right hand. He twisted his neck and looked at the blackened Chu Jiang King with an unkind look: "Healing, just give him a good beating!" (this chapter) over)

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