The remaining reincarnations looked at each other in shock when they heard this. Then they looked at Yang Jingyi who was tied in a sack and made a "woooooo" sound, and they all nodded.

Who agrees? Who objects?

Dare you object?

Those who object are now being tied up in sacks. Who dares to object?

In fact, Lin Ge made such a decisive decision, which was also the result of the experience summarized from three "Guide Mode". Instead of striving for the double rewards and being restricted by newcomers, it is better to guide for the basic rewards from the beginning.

Firstly, you won’t be constrained by plot changes all the time, and you won’t be able to discover hidden plots; secondly, after the “Guide Mode”, you will most likely have no interaction with these newcomers, and you will knock them out like this and let them “lie down” directly. "It saves time and effort until the reincarnation is over.

Of course, this arrangement cannot be made for all reincarnations. After all, it is inconvenient to move with seven sacks. If you find a secluded place to leave Chen Qing, Huang Ni and others to guard, you are worried about the probability (100%) of appearing. The stalker is given a surprise.

Generally speaking, if it is a newcomer who is "obedient" like those in "The Three Heroes of the East" and stays in the "safe house" honestly, Lin Ge doesn't mind giving a little sweetness.

Luan Fuzhou clasped his hands together and said in a calm tone: "Although we need to rely on guidance when entering the reincarnation world for the first time, the donor's approach is really too radical. The poor monk feels that this approach is inappropriate, so..."

With Yang Jingyi's lesson learned from the past, Luan Fuzhou dared to say such words, and the rest of the reincarnations did not dare to say anything other than giving a thumbs up.

Lin Ge suddenly felt a headache when he heard this. Although the "paper strength" of the reincarnation this time looked good, in reality there were many thorns.

Although there are some thorns in "The Three Heroes of the East", at least they know how to watch their actions and follow the large troops to the safe zone before looking for opportunities to escape.

These guys really don't "act" anymore.

Lin Ge sighed in his heart, and before Luan Fuzhou could finish speaking, he raised his hand to reveal a rope and tied it to Luan Fuzhou. He saw Luan Fuzhou closing his eyes and silently reciting scriptures, and suddenly let out a low drink.


The rope Lin Ge threw casually was shattered in an instant.


This skill was very familiar to Lin Ge. Although it was not as high-level as the "Lion's Roar Skill" he redeemed, he recognized it at a glance.

This rope was thrown by Lin Ge casually and consumed a little bit of Sesame's spiritual energy. However, it can be shattered with one blow, which shows that this monk is indeed worthy of the D-level evaluation.

Tsk tsk.

A person with D-level strength can be considered a "martial arts master" in the real world, and he can still be beaten to death on the way to beg for alms. This shows that "no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives (guns)" is not nonsense.

Lin Ge was now 70% sure that this monk was most likely the culprit that caused this reincarnation - the "Red Gate".

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and seemed not to be angry at the monk's counterattack. Instead, he asked with interest: "Monk, which Bodhisattva do you worship?"

This statement made Luan Fuzhu question. As a monk, how could he worship his own ancestors like the Taoists?

"Of course I worship the Buddha."


Sorry, unfamiliar.

Lin Ge's eyes darkened, and he was about to use the aura the size of a grain of rice to re-materialize the rope to tie the monk into a sack, when suddenly an idea came to his mind.

This time it is "Legend of Sword and Fairy", with a world view so large that it can support the world of seven main chapters, several side chapters and other derivative works.

The paper man is a spiritual creature and cannot interact with plot characters, so there is no way to rely on the paper man to trigger hidden plots. But if you throw the paper figures on the newcomers and treat them as pawns, you can lead some of the newcomers to push the main line while using these "disobedient" newcomers to explore hidden plots.

If you fail, you will only lose 10 justice points and 1,000 reincarnation points, but if you discover a hidden plot, the reward will be more than this.

What's more, there are paper people watching. If the newcomers get out of control and do some stupid things that cause huge changes, just throw them into the pile of monsters and deal with them. The most indispensable thing in this world is monsters!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge smiled slightly, but this smile looked very dangerous to some new reincarnations, and he trembled subconsciously.

I thought Lin Ge was going to "go crazy", but he raised his hand and directly untied the sack containing Yang Jingyi, and also untied the rope around his body.

Yang Jingyi was so frightened by Lin Ge's magical method that he huddled on the edge of the protective shield, trembling against the transparent cover, and looked at Lin Ge in horror.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "What the monk said is true. I am the most democratic person. If someone is unwilling to agree with me, they can leave on their own after the preparation time is over."


Lin Ge changed the subject and said in a cold tone: "I definitely want to bring people who are willing to cooperate to push the main line, so people who don't want to go with me are best not to appear in my sight. I have a bad temper and am very angry. It may end the second life of the eyesore in advance.”

Luan Fuzhou said calmly: "The donor is too overbearing..."

Before he finished speaking, Luan Fuzhu felt his eyes blurred, and Lin Ge had already ducked in front of him.

Luan Fuzhou quickly recited the protective scriptures, but when he heard a "click", Lin Ge punched out directly, shattering the protective scriptures condensed in front of him with one punch, sending Luan Fuzhou flying and hitting him. On a transparent protective cover.

Then Lin Ge stepped forward, raised his hand, grabbed Luan Fuzhou's neck and lifted him up. Twelve times the strength of an ordinary person. If Lin Ge hadn't restrained his strength, Luan Fuzhou would have received a lunch box with the first punch. How would he have only broken one rib now!

"Monk, let me say it again...this is not the real world. This second life is not as easy to get as you think. You can treat this place as hell!"

Luan Fuzhi and Lin Ge looked at each other with cold eyes, and immediately did not dare to say another word.


He couldn't say it now.

Lin Ge threw Luan Fu's porridge on the ground and said calmly: "You have 20 minutes to think about it. Now let's return to the topic... Is there anyone who hasn't played the game "Legend of Sword and Fairy" or watched the TV series? "

Ying Delei, Li Kai and Gu Shijia said they had played games and watched TV series. Chen Hailan has only watched TV series, while Dang Guohao said that he has never been exposed to either.

Luan Fuzhu sat cross-legged on the ground and chanted sutras. Yang Jingyi seemed to have not recovered from the previous fear and did not answer Lin Ge's question.

"There is a big difference between the plots of games and TV series. The world view settings, mazes, monsters, etc. in the game are much more complicated, while the TV series is relatively simple, with only one line." Lin Ge took up his duties as a guide, Let’s briefly talk about the difference between the two.

Ying Delei and Gu Shijia bravely added some supplements from time to time, especially Gu Shijia, who almost completely supplemented the main plot.

After summarizing the plot, Lin Ge reminded: "The travel bags around you usually have clothes and identities prepared by the Lord God to facilitate your movement in this world."

After hearing this, everyone opened their own travel bags and took a look. There was indeed a set of clothes similar to this era prepared inside.

Most of them are cloth robes and long skirts. One set is relatively simple and close to the people, while the other looks more like the clothes of a wealthy family.

It seems that the Lord God is relatively humane this time, leaving it to the reincarnators to choose whether to be born as "commoners" or "rich".

In addition, there are some broken silver.

Lin Ge was still wearing a black Feiyu suit. He originally wanted to change it after entering the world of reincarnation and knowing what the background was, but now that it was "Sword and Fairy", there was no need to change it.

Ying Delei, Gu Shijia and others directly picked up ordinary clothes and put them on themselves. The others followed suit, either choosing commoners or rich people. Only Luan Fuzhou was still sitting on the ground chanting sutras, obviously intending to continue wearing them. His monk's robe.

Soon the protection time ended and the protective cover shattered like glass. For a moment, everyone felt a cold wind coming and couldn't help but tremble.

The moment the protective shield ended, Lin Ge sniffed hard and felt that there were many monsters in the woods in front of him.

"It is indeed a world of immortals." Lin Ge sighed in his heart. The aura contained in the air here is also the one with the highest concentration in the world he has experienced.

It's a pity that there are only 30 days. If you can stay in this world for a few years, no, even a few months, your cultivation will be greatly improved.

"Then, those who are willing to come with me and those who want to explore on their own can leave." Lin Ge glanced at the seven newcomers and said in a calm tone.

To Lin Ge's surprise, only Ying Delei, Li Kai and Gu Shijia stood beside him in the end. Yang Jingyi followed Luan Fuzhou, and Chen Hailan walked next to Dang Guohao.

The former, Lin Ge, had figured it out. After all, Luan Fuzhou had helped Yang Jingyi. In a sense, both of them had "offended" Lin Ge.

But Lin Ge didn't expect that Dang Guohao, who had barely spoken to him from beginning to end, would choose to leave the team, and Chen Hailan would choose to team up with him. The reason is very simple -

In the eyes of ordinary people, "soldiers" are naturally the most reliable.

"Then according to the previous agreement, I will lead the three of them on the main plot. As for you, whether you are on the main plot or exploring the world on your own, as long as you don't appear in front of me, it will be your choice. But... once I discover you If you affect our actions, I will kill you without hesitation." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took out a silenced pistol, loaded it, and fired several shots at the ground.

Luan Fuzhou didn't answer, turned around and left, walking along the opposite road of the town. Yang Jingyi hesitated for a moment, then followed him: "Master, wait, wait for me, wait for me!"

Chen Hailan looked at Dang Guohao weakly: "Brother, can I follow you?"

Dang Guohao nodded and chose another road at the fork in the road.

Lin Ge threw the "newbie cloth bag" given by the Lord God into the [Inventory], said "Let's go" to the three of them, and walked towards the town ahead.

Ying Delei and the others quickly followed with their bags. Gu Shijia asked cautiously: "Sir, sir, what are we going to do?"

"The first step in reincarnation is to naturally contact the protagonist."

Small fishing village, Li's Inn.

Lin Ge and the other two stood in front of this small, shabby inn that was only two stories high. They were about to knock on the door, but they heard a woman's roar coming from inside——

"Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao! The sun is shining on your butt, can you still afford it?"

Immediately afterwards, a young man's voice came from a room on the second floor: "Wow! The Luosha hag who has done many evil things, since she fell into your hands, I will kill or behead her!"


A sound like a frying pan being slapped on the head was heard, followed by the boy's wail.

Lin Ge and the other four people at the door suddenly had black lines on their faces...

This sound...

Well, that sounds like a good idea.

"Li Xiaoyao, are you itchy? Do you dare to tell me what kind of hag I am?" The woman who calls herself my mother should be Li Xiaoyao's aunt, Aunt Li.

"Ouch, it hurts!" Li Xiaoyao wailed.

Aunt Li scolded angrily: "I'm daydreaming again! You're too old to be young. You act crazy all day long and don't learn to do serious things!"

Li Xiaoyao shouted in a tearful voice: "Auntie, don't grab a pot or shovel every time you ask someone to get up. If you bang them randomly, it will scare people to death! Our wooden bed is not reliable. If I fall, If he dies, our Li family will be extinct!"

"Why don't I wake you up by calling you like this? After all, you have learned carpentry from Master Lin for a few months. If the bed is not stable, why don't you just start repairing it? I only know how to sharpen wooden knives and swords all day long. I am learning from you all day long. Dad is a swordsman and I don't know for sure which girl will be willing to marry you."

"Then how did my father marry my mother?"

"Tsk! Your mother is just like your father. She married into our Li family and didn't become a needlewoman. She knew how to follow your father's madness."

"Hey... everyone says that they are a mandarin duck couple that is envied by everyone in the world!"

"That's right~ Heroic couple? He said he was going to do chivalry and do justice, leaving you as a troublemaker and never coming back. It's not like I, an old woman who saved money and opened such a small inn, dragged you into this situation. Damn, you raised such a lazy guy!"

"Who says I'm a lazy idiot? In the future, I will become a great hero like my parents, who will practice martial arts and conquer the world!"


"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

"You~ are famous for being idle. If I hadn't been too busy this time, I wouldn't have expected you, a lazy idiot, to help me!"

Hearing the "quarrel" upstairs, Lin Ge smiled helplessly. This was really a nostalgic plot...if his "memories" were true.




Lin Ge raised his hand and knocked hard on the door of the inn, and soon Aunt Li's voice came from upstairs: "Come on, come on, wait a moment, the door will open soon, wait a moment!"

"Have guests come to your door early in the morning?" Then, Li Xiaoyao's slightly surprised voice sounded from the second floor.

Aunt Li cursed and walked towards the door: "Are you deaf? Can't you hear the knock on the door? Why don't you get up and come down to help!"

"I only heard the sound of you hitting my head..." Li Xiaoyao shouted dissatisfied.

Soon Aunt Li came downstairs, opened the door, and invited Lin Ge and others into the inn lobby with a smile: "Please come inside, please come inside."

At this time, a very simple young man with tied hair came down from upstairs, wearing white clothes and white trousers, with a small brown shawl draped over his shoulders.

The young man is quite handsome, but he is not Lao Hu.

"The game version... It seems that this time there is no chance to discuss the groundbreaking topic of the radius of the earth with the Moon Worshiping Leader." Lin Ge squinted his eyes and concluded from Li Xiaoyao's appearance that the reincarnated world this time was the game version. "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Because according to the urinary nature of the main god, if the drama version must cut corners and directly copy the settings of the drama version, even the characters will be copied directly.

But since it is a game world, it also means that if Lin Ge wants to explore this time, he will have a big stage for him to perform.

And in this world, there are still two "experts" in our pockets. Maybe they can really get the opportunity and break through to the Great Realm! (End of chapter)

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