Since Huang Ni had to rush out Lin Ge's black sword before the next official reincarnation, this dual cultivation method was obviously out of the question.

After returning to the private space to practice, about ten hours later, someone rang the doorbell of the private space.

Lin Ge opened the door and saw the tailor's female reincarnation standing outside the door holding a stack of clothes: "Boss, the clothes you want are ready. Although it has the enchantment effect of 'Suppressing Evil', I I think it might not be of much use to a reincarnation of your level."

Lin Ge took over the Taoist robe. Since the materials he gave to the tailor were exactly the same as before, the Taoist robe made this time also had the same "evil-suppressing" effect.

Apparently, this seamstress does have unique skills in making gear.

Recalling the effect of adding "special attributes" to Qimei before, Lin Ge wondered whether he should prepare some clothes for everyone.

After all, there are times when you need to wear casual clothes in the world of reincarnation. Maybe if the quantity is large, you can produce some rare equipment.

In general, it is definitely better to buy materials and ask a seamstress to "customize" them than to exchange them directly from the main god space.

After Lin Ge cleared the [Inventory], there were a total of 109,823 reincarnation points. Although he was "quite rich", he was not stupid, and he had to use it wisely.

"Yes, I'm very satisfied. In addition to the cheongsam you are wearing, do you know how to make clothes like the Song Dynasty?" Lin Ge asked.

"That should work," the seamstress replied.

Lin Ge walked out of the private space, frightened the tailor woman and instinctively stepped back, but then she thought that she had already run to the door of someone else's private space, so she didn't have to wait until now if she really wanted to take action.

"Don't be nervous, I just plan to buy some pieces of cloth for you to customize clothes for me." Lin Ge walked towards the main ball. Several reincarnations who were exchanging money saw him coming and hurriedly retreated to the door of the private space.

Lin Ge spent 3,800 reincarnation points to exchange for a large pile of fabrics, which he piled into a small mountain, leaving the seamstress stunned.

"Uh, boss, how many clothes are you going to make?"

Lin Ge said: "Probably a few sets from each period, to avoid having to pick off the clothes of passers-by when the main god doesn't give them clothes."


The seamstress added: "But... we don't need so much."

"Oh, we have a lot of family members." Lin Ge said, giving a general overview of several people. If the data was unclear, Chen Qing would be pulled out and reported.

When Chen Qing heard that new clothes from various dynasties were to be made, Chen Qing immediately became interested and took the initiative to drag the seamstress into her private space.

The seamstress was still surprised by Lin Ge's ability to "transform into a human". She was pulled into a private space in a daze. When she woke up, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

"Don't be nervous. With your sense of crisis, you would have died hundreds of times if I had to take action." Lin Ge smiled and took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and handed it to the seamstress.

The seamstress smiled awkwardly, then abruptly changed the subject and asked Chen Qing about her requirements for clothes.

After Chen Qing finished speaking her thoughts, she seemed to feel that it was not enough. She disappeared from the seamstress' eyes with a "whoosh", and when she reappeared, she actually pulled Huang Ni out.

"Didn't you say it's urgent to rush to work?" Lin Ge asked doubtfully.

Huang Ni said: "No matter how urgent it is, it will only take a while. It is not easy to find a reincarnation who is interested in clothing design. Naturally, we want to have a chat."

Lin Ge knew that Huang Ni was interested in the clothes of various dynasties. He had collected a lot of fashion magazines on his computer before, and he almost had to "change jobs" in the zombie world, so now he thought of letting a seamstress replace him. She did a few sets.

However, Lin Ge originally thought that since Huang Ni could make a flying fish suit that was a bit ugly but barely wearable, the tailoring technology tree should be activated. However, when he saw the seamstress chatting with her about her professional knowledge, she looked like she wanted to take a picture. The subtle expression of being reluctant to leave but not daring to offend anyone was immediately understood.

Lin Ge returned to the room and used the function of his private space to create a floor-to-ceiling mirror, and carefully observed the Feiyu suit he was wearing.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it except that the cuffs on both sides are a little different in size, the collar is a little crooked, and the dragon is a little cute.

Besides, this is made from materials extracted from the rare sword-making materials (slag) that were redeemed before, so it’s okay if you don’t have any fabric.


Go back and have the seamstress redo a set.

Looking at the two women who wanted to kill the seamstress and capture their souls into Astrolabe 996 to make clothes, Lin Ge sighed helplessly and went back to his room to practice.

Twenty days later, the seamstress came to Lin Ge's private space and took out the clothes from the [Inventory], which instantly filled the living room.

Lin Ge readily gave him 3,000 reincarnation points and a set of talismans.

The seamstress was originally surprised to get 3,000 reincarnation points, but when she saw the stack of talisman papers, her eyes almost popped out of her head: "Give me all of these?"

"not enough?"

Lin Ge was about to say that 3000 reincarnation points for 20 days should be a lot for you to reincarnate once, but he saw the seamstress said excitedly: "No, no, no, boss, you misunderstood. What surprised me is that these talismans, judging from the effect Look, it’s ten times better than what you can exchange in the Lord God’s Space!”

Chen Qing said: "My brother is a professional at drawing talismans. Now he can draw a basketful of low-level talismans in an hour. The rare ones are those drawn with his own blood."

The seamstress looked at the yellow talisman in her hand that had several times the effect of the main god's space exchange talisman. She thought to herself that this was already several times more effective. How powerful should a talisman drawn with the blood of a big boss be?

The seamstress subconsciously licked her lips, which made Lin Ge frown. How could a normal person turn into a vampire in the blink of an eye?

"I'm very satisfied with these clothes. Let me give you a few toys as well." At this time, Huang Ni stood up and walked over and gave two thunderbolts to the seamstress.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The seamstress was so excited that she almost cried. Whether it was talisman paper or thunderbolts and fire bombs, these "toys" that Lin Ge and Huang Ni could make easily, were nothing to her. The ultimate treasure to gain a foothold in the reincarnation space!

If it weren't for her final pride, the seamstress would have knelt down and kowtowed to these two living Buddhas.

Lin Ge said: "In fact, if you make good use of your skills in making clothing with special attributes, you can earn a lot of reincarnation points in the main god space."

The seamstress sighed: "I know it too, but I only have 30 days of rest. I have too many things to do and I don't even have time to make equipment for myself. And since I entered the reincarnation space, you are the only customer who has been so generous. one."

"Work hard to survive. There will be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Lin Ge said.

The seamstress nodded and said gratefully: "My name is Miao Wangzi, and my number is 57332. I hope I will have the opportunity to cooperate with the boss in the future."

After Miao Wangzi finished speaking, he bid farewell to the others and left the private space to prepare for the next reincarnation.

Huang Ni and Chen Qing couldn't wait to put their clothes in the astrolabe to share the happiness of women with some corpse-exposing immortal who couldn't get out.

Since he spent most of his time flying with a sword in Green Snake, Lin Ge's soul-returning potion was basically empty. He could still perform a "guide reincarnation" before the next reincarnation started, so he had to replenish some soul-returning potions. aspects of medicine.

After Lin Ge came to the main divine ball and made some selections, he spent 7,000 reincarnation points to buy some elixirs of reincarnation, 300 reincarnation points to buy some talismans and paper money, and 50 points to buy some portable food before returning to his private space. Start the leader reincarnation.

【"Guide Mode" is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[The target world of reincarnation: "Legend of Sword and Fairy", the difficulty is "extremely difficult". 】

As a ray of white light enveloped Lin Ge, and after a brief blur of consciousness, Lin Ge found himself in front of a small forest. The small town in the distance looked peaceful and harmonious under the half-outcropping sun.

""Legend of Sword and Fairy"?"

Extremely difficult?

The expression on Lin Ge's face suddenly became a little subtle. In a world of cultivating immortals, you told me there is only extremely difficult difficulty... What a joke!

In terms of world difficulty, this should be the most difficult world in the world of reincarnation that Lin Ge has experienced... However, this is in "Guide Mode".

In other words, there is a "red door" among the newcomers this time.

Lin Ge was familiar with "Legend of Sword and Fairy" whether it was a game or a TV series, so there was no need for Chen Qing to look up the plot.

But to be on the safe side, Lin Ge told Huang Ni to take some time to make a copy of "The Immortal Sword Strategy" to avoid getting into trouble.

Lin Ge looked at the five men and two women lying on the grass in front of the grove, a total of six "unconscious" reincarnations: "Seven heads...who will be the red door this time?"

With the experience of "The Cabin in the Woods", Lin Ge decided to look for clues from the clothing, belongings and names of the new reincarnations.

Lin Ge ignored the "Guide" information broadcast in his mind, which had almost no changes, and directly opened the taskbar to view the new person's information.

Dang Guohao, a veteran and breakfast shop owner, was attacked by several gangsters while trying to stop a vicious incident in his shop, causing brain injuries and succumbing to his injuries. Good at fighting, boxing, physical fitness, potential?

Ying Delei, football player, died in a car accident. Good at sports, likes to eat seafood, physical fitness is e+, potential?

Yang Jingyi, a college student and cycling enthusiast, encountered robbers who robbed his bicycle while traveling abroad during the holidays. He fought with the robbers and died. Physical fitness e-, potential?

Luan Fuzhu, a monk, was robbed on his way down the mountain to become a vegetarian. In the process of intercepting the robber, he was shot to death by the robber's companion. Good at Buddhism and boxing, physical fitness D, potential?

Li Kai, a factory technician, worked in a factory after graduating from a technical school. He worked overtime for a long time and died suddenly. Physical fitness, potential?

Chen Hailan, a supermarket cashier, encountered a robber when he robbed the cash register, fought with him, and was stabbed to death. Physical fitness f, potential f.

Gu Shijia, a college student and a girl majoring in literature, loved reading. She was followed by a pervert on her way home, and she jumped off a bridge and drowned in order to protect herself. Physical fitness f+, potential?

Lin Ge suddenly had a sense of déjà vu from "The Three Heroes of the East" and always felt that two strangers would appear this time.

Judging from the information on the reincarnations this time, they should all be "normal people" without any messy "labels".

If nothing else, at least Lin Ge would not feel like a gangster again.

"Judging from the name and introduction, Luan Fu Zhi is most likely to be the Red Sect..." The reason why Lin Ge came to this conclusion was because after several contacts with the upper world, in addition to the Taoist sect sending people into the main god space, Gods from other divine realms will also send people in. This monk's superficial information is most consistent with the situation of the "Red Gate".

[The difficulty of this reincarnation is "extremely difficult", and there is a 70% chance of a "stalker" appearing in the leader mode. At the time of settlement, for each surviving new reincarnation player, the justice value is +10 and the reincarnation point is +1000. 】

[The "leader" directly or indirectly causes the death of a new reincarnation player, with a sin value of +10 and a reincarnation point of -1000. The sin value will reduce the favorability of the protagonist's plot characters and reduce the probability of triggering the hidden plot. When the sin value reaches 1000 points, the leader mode will be turned off and the player will become a "stalker". 】

[Note that the task of the guide is to guide the new reincarnators to adapt to reincarnation as quickly as possible. If you interfere too much in the development of the plot, it will cause drastic changes in the plot. 】

[When the leader’s interference value is lower than 50% during settlement, the settlement reward will be doubled. 】

[In this reincarnation, the main task of the new reincarnation is to ensure that Li Xiaoyao can go to Suzhou smoothly and unfold the plot in Suzhou. 】

[Reincarnation time limit: 30 days]

[The distribution of the guide task has ended, and now the safe time countdown begins: 29 minutes and 54 seconds]


"Judging from the main missions for newcomers, they have not come into contact with various monsters and final bosses in the middle and late stages. It is reasonable to say that it is extremely difficult."

Lin Ge recalled the plot. In the early stage, the plot was about Fairy Island and the Miao people. The bosses were three Miao people. No matter how difficult it was to deal with, it would not involve the plot of "cultivating immortals".

As long as he is not asked to kill Shushan or discuss the radius of the earth with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, then the difficulty is still within his tolerance.

Cold, shaking.

Although the sun has emerged and the sunlight shining on the woods makes people feel warm, the coldness lying on the grass still woke up several of them at the same time.

Veteran Dang Guohao, football player Ying Delei, and monk Luan Fuzhu all sat up at the same time and looked around alertly.

Although Lin Ge couldn't make jokes this time, he had to sigh that the quality of the newcomers this time was indeed good.

"...Am I not dead? Where is this...? The wound is gone?" Dang Guohao touched the back of his head and said in a confused tone.

The monk also touched his chest and said, "I remember I was shot."


Lin Ge interrupted the "memories" of the three people and said calmly: "Everyone, let me tell you good news... You are alive, but not fully alive. This is the main god space, a place that is more realistic and cruel than reality. Get ready for your painful second life!"

"Lord" The three of them looked at Lin Ge doubtfully, their eyes gradually changing from confusion to surprise, then to shock and fear.

Lin Ge knew from the expressions of the three of them that they should have come into contact with the information about the "Lord God's Space" that was forcefully poured into their minds by the Lord God.

And in just one minute, in addition to Chen Hailan, three newcomers woke up.

Lin Ge thought he would listen to the female college student "pull the alarm" like before, but he didn't expect that the one who sounded the alarm was the male college student who likes to ride bicycles.



"Help, help, am I being kidnapped?"

Lin Ge:......

Fortunately, Lin Ge was already accustomed to the chaotic start in the guide mode. After the seven newcomers had digested the memories in their minds, he began to explain information about the world of reincarnation.

After understanding that they were in the reincarnation world of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", the performances of each newcomer were also very different.

"Is Sword and Fairy here? In the game world?" Yang Jingyi's voice rose eight hundred degrees, which was even scarier than the alarm he had just woken up from.

"Yes, this is a world of cultivating immortals, full of monsters, and the worst ones are martial arts masters, so it's best not to do unnecessary things, help Li Xiaoyao pass the fairy island plot, and then stay there for a month to end the reincarnation. It is the best choice for newcomers." Lin Ge said calmly.

Yang Jingyi said tentatively: "Brother, tell me...if we arrive at Fairy Island before Li Xiaoyao, can we trigger the plot instead of him?"

At this time, Ying Delei on the side said quietly: "I don't think you want to replace Li Xiaoyao and marry Zhao Ling'er, right?"

"Hehe, hehe." Yang Jingyi scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "This kind of thing... As a man, who doesn't want to do that?"

As soon as Yang Jingyi said this, he immediately heard several disdainful snorts. Obviously, there were many people who disagreed with him.

Lin Ge said: "I don't know if you can replace Li Xiaoyao, but I'm sure you will die on the way to Fairy Island with a high probability."

Yang Jingyi muttered: "I don't believe it is such an exaggeration."

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Believe it or not, although I am a guide and it is my duty to guide you through the new reincarnation, but to be honest, at extremely difficult difficulty, the income is almost negligible. To emphasize, I only save people who are 'obedient', and I will give up at any time if they don't listen."

Yang Jingyi suddenly said unconvinced: "You...who do you think you are, that you can decide our choice? I, I just..."

Before Yang Jingyi could finish speaking, a white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Lin Ge raised his hand and a rope appeared out of thin air. He tied him up, sealed his mouth, and covered him with a sack.

"I don't want to cause trouble for myself in the extremely difficult difficulty. If you are willing to listen to my command, I will let you spend the reincarnation comfortably. If you don't want to listen, you will stay in the sack until the end of the reincarnation like him. Although you have a small head The reward is nothing, but it’s better than nothing.”

"Please abandon your code of conduct in the real world immediately, because it will not only not help your reincarnation journey, but will also put you in danger."

"I have finished speaking. Who agrees and who opposes?" (End of Chapter)

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