Chapter 336 Ransom? No, points +2

In less than half a minute of fighting, all three reincarnations were knocked to the ground by Lin Ge.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit who climbed up from the ruins had a very ugly face. When Lin Ge appeared, he felt very dangerous, so he deliberately proposed to cooperate with him.

This is also the most common method in the "Squad Competition Mode", because the reincarnators step by step to the Purple Gate and Golden Gate and become "seniors", and they have to fight with their lives time and time again.

Therefore, even though most reincarnations put interests first, they also put the assessment of the situation first. Compared with the dangers in the world of reincarnation, the "uncertainty" of reincarnation is even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, in the "fighting mode" that is not an absolute opposition, reincarnations are not willing to directly conflict with each other.

Especially the comprehensive world of "Squad Competition Mode" is like a big cake. No matter which direction you start to eat, you are guaranteed to have a full meal in this reincarnation.

The strength of the reincarnation teams that match the "Squad Competition Mode" is generally not too far apart. Of course, this "general" is allocated by the Lord God according to the color of the door.

Therefore, a rather painful situation arises. There is a big difference in strength between the reincarnations of the same Kinmen. Some reincarnations of Kinmen can be strong enough to defeat ten golden gates by themselves, and some reincarnations of Kinmen can be chased by the purple gate. Just beat me up... After all, the world of reincarnation is not a game and can be directly divided by combat power value. What's more, even with the combat power detector in Dragon Ball, it can't stop the opponent from "exploding".

A trio of middle-aged men in Tang suits are equipped with one gold and two purples. According to the rules of this "Squad Competition Mode", even if they are the first team to be eliminated, seven days is enough for them to complete 1- Two folk customs, the profit from the kill is combined with the penalty for failure, even if you lose, you won't lose much.

But unfortunately, the other party didn't accept my proposal at all, and it was fine if he didn't accept it. He was also unlucky to meet a strong man in Jinmen who could fight ten.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit was not thinking about how to kill Lin Ge, but how to evacuate from this man without losing numbers.


The middle-aged man in Tang suit gave a low drink and called out the team's "code word". The hedgehog and punk suit who crawled out of the pile of stones immediately understood. After stuffing a handful of recovery medicine into their mouths, they joined the middle-aged man in Tang suit again. A triangle formation was formed to surround Lin Ge.

This is one of the "code words" commonly used by the three of them. In addition to "forming a triangle formation to attack", it also means "dodge".

Only this time, they did not take action rashly, but were on guard against the turbid water magma spreading from the Yin Wulei field under Lin Ge's feet.

The three of them must first use their unique skills to "feint". If Lin Ge is not the opponent, then they will pursue the victory. If the opponent blocks it, then they will really "dodge".

The middle-aged man in Tang suit shouted coldly, took up his sword and pointed it at Lin Ge: "Proud China!"

With a full blow of the Chinese Proud Jue, the airflow all over the sky gathered into a sword energy and rushed straight towards Lin Ge. Lin Ge held his palms in his hands and pinched the Ziwu Jue. The turbid water magma in front of him immediately splashed into the air. A Bagua diagram was formed to block the sword energy of the middle-aged man in Tang suit.

At the same time, the hedgehogs and punks all used their special skills. The sword energy and Tianzanjiao attacked at the same time, and together with the sword energy, they attacked Lin Ge from three sides.

Before firing out the sword aura, Hedgehog Tou deliberately slashed a sword aura in the direction of Huo Wang and Grandma in order to divert Lin Ge's attention.

"whispering sound."

Lin Ge caught a glimpse of the little movement of the hedgehog head from the corner of his eye, and snorted disdainfully. While the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram transformed from the turbid water magma was forced to bear down the "Proud China", the turbid water magma under Lin Ge's feet was like a boiling wave, rapidly moving toward Rushing around, a turbid palm with thunder stretched out from the rolling black wave, grabbed the sword energy and squeezed it, directly shattering the sword energy.

Part of the turbid water magma formed a wall, separating Huowang from the reincarnation, and the rest turned into a hand with only lightning to attack the hedgehog head and punk suit.

While forcing the two men back, Lin Ge made a secret with his left hand, took out several bronze swords with his right hand, inserted them into the ground, and used "Yingling Soul Chasing Soul" to control the bronze swords to attack the middle-aged man in Tang suit.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit saw several flying swords flying towards him and could only use his sword energy to resist them.

On the other side, more than a dozen palms transformed from turbid water magma kept grabbing at the hedgehog head and punk suit. The former's speed was obviously slower, and he was caught by one of the turbid water palms, and then was instantly caught by the rising turbid water magma. The package looked like a "cocoon".

However, the punk costume has been trained to be "impaired by nature", but the feet are not disabled at all. On the contrary, the movement skills are so good that he can face more than a dozen dirty hands with ease.

The footwork he performed was exactly the light skill - "Lingbo Weibu" - based on the eighty-eight and sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes in the "Dragon and the Eight Parts", in which the user marches in the direction of the hexagrams in a specific order.

"Running very fast, like a monkey." Lin Ge squeezed the sword with his left hand, and snapped his fingers with his right hand. A dozen turbid water lava palms instantly gathered together to form a huge palm. Take pictures like Wuzhishan suppressing Sun Monkey.

No matter how good the punk suit's movement skills are, he can only dodge by shaking his body among a dozen turbid palms. But after turning into one palm, the attack range covers the dodge range that the opponent can only reach in a short time, making it impossible to avoid He avoided it and was immediately slapped down, pressed under the turbid water magma.

Lin Ge stopped wielding the sword and raised his hands in a posture ready to grasp. As he moved, the hedgehog head and punk outfit wrapped in turbid water magma were lifted into the air.

"Hey, if you don't want me to perform 'Sand Waterfall Funeral' on your companion, just raise your hands and throw it..."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he heard the middle-aged man in Tang suit shout "Proud China". He had already experienced the opponent's sword energy twice, and he did not underestimate the enemy at this moment. He immediately controlled the turbid water magma with his secret skills and prepared to block this attack. hit. Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man in Tang suit transformed into a sharp sword energy that shot straight into the sky and disappeared into the dark night sky.

Lin Ge:? ? ?

"Why are you running away and yelling so loudly!" Lin Ge controlled the turbid water magma with his skills to send the hedgehog head and punk suit in front of him.

"Oh, this is your teammate... But, I am easier to talk to. As long as you pay a price that can buy your lives, I don't mind letting you go." Lin Ge looked at the two of them and said with a faint smile.

The hedgehog head and the punk suit looked at each other and sighed. Now your life is in the hands of others. If you want to survive, you have to be obedient.

The two handed over the equipment and props in their [inventories], but unfortunately, they usually focused more on strengthening themselves. The reincarnation points were basically used to strengthen attributes and exchange for skills. Most of the equipment they took out were D-level equipment. As well as recovery medicine, including reincarnation points, it is worth more than 10,000 reincarnation points.

"What level are you? Are you so poor?" Lin Ge's eyes twitched, as if he didn't believe it.

After getting the "Purple Gate" answers from the two of them, Lin Ge said calmly: "Then please come up with a ransom worthy of your status."

"Brother, we really don't have any more. We only have these equipments all over our bodies... If you don't believe me, I can open the [Inventory] and let you see." The hedgehog said with a grimace.

"Really, brother, please spare us... We are willing to follow you and listen to your orders. I exchanged two B-level skills and three C-level skills. In other words, brother, you are very powerful, so you can be replaced by an ordinary Purple Gate reincarnation. There is no way I could lose so miserably." The punk suit begged.

Lin Ge shook his head: "It's a pity that you couldn't come up with an equivalent 'ransom'."





With two crushing sounds, the hedgehog head and the punk suit finally died under the turbid water of "Thunderstorm Funeral".

[Kill two "Reincarnators", team points +2. 】

However, in fact, "1 point" is the greatest "value" for the two of them. No matter what "ransom" they pay, they will eventually die.

This is the bottom line of "flexibility" between reincarnations. When both sides are evenly matched, and the only way to win or lose is to end with both sides losing, then "cooperation" is possible.

If one side's strength is crushed, then points are their only "ransom".

After getting rid of the two reincarnations, Lin Ge released his mental power to detect the surrounding situation and confirmed that the middle-aged man in Tang suit had indeed left, and then dispersed into the Yin Wulei realm.

Next to the ruins of the half-collapsed grocery store, Huo Wang hugged his grandma and cried bitterly: "Grandma, wake up, wake up."

Lin Ge pinched his hand and fired a stream of spiritual energy towards Grandma. After the spiritual energy integrated into Grandma's body, it made Grandma's body become lighter like a spirit body.

Lin Ge frowned when he saw this. He had been a little curious about his grandma's situation when he was playing games. After all, it was very abnormal for a "living person" to live in Xingzhong Village, where ghosts were everywhere, and in the end he followed the ghosts. When he saved Huo Wang and disappeared into stardust, Lin Ge thought it was the game production team's tear-jerking method, and also thought that grandma might be a "spirit".

But when Huo Wang first met Grandma, Lin Ge observed Grandma's condition with his clairvoyance and found that she was not a spirit.

Now this spiritual energy has entered Grandma's body, with the intention of maintaining her life, but unexpectedly she discovered that Grandma is a spirit.

There is only one kind of spirit body that cannot be detected by the heavenly eye, and that is the illusion transformed from "missing", that is, the "missing body".

Grandma's longing for her husband has reached a terrifying level, making her yearning body almost physical.

Because of this, the "Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill" given by Lin Ge failed to cure grandma's injury and successfully saved her life.

Because she is just a "missing body" and has no life left.

Feeling the spiritual energy spreading in her body, Grandma gradually woke up, looked at Huo Wang and said weakly: "Huo Wang... Grandma can only... help you get here. Alas, in the end... I couldn't wait for the old man. This It’s all fate. If the old man comes back and can’t find me... what should I do... I will never find the old man. Huo Wang, can you do grandma a favor..."

" don't want to die."

"You are a child of the gods. Help me tell the Bodhisattva that if the old man comes back, tell him that I have left first..." After Grandma finished speaking, golden traces of burning paper appeared on her body, and then gradually turned into ashes. , slowly dissipating.

"Grandma, Grandma!" Huo Wang shouted anxiously.

"Go find your mother...take care of yourself, grandma is leaving first."

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately stepped forward, raised his hand to knead the secret, and used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to gather Grandma's dissipated soul in the palm of his hand, turning it into a white ball of light that emitted a faint light.

"Uncle, you are so powerful, you must be able to help grandma, right? Uncle, you and Bodhisattva are brothers, you can definitely help grandma, right!" Huo Wang pulled Lin Singer and prayed pitifully.

[Trigger the hidden plot "Huo Wang's Request" - fulfill grandma's wish and send her to death. Reward 1000 reincarnation points and +1 points. 】


Lin Ge originally thought that this time he would "complete it with tears in his eyes", but he didn't expect to accidentally trigger a hidden plot?

Grandma is a missing person, not a resentful ghost. It is not difficult to send her to the afterlife. The difficult thing is to fulfill her "wish" for her, which is to find her grandma's husband.

Lin Ge thought about it for a moment, and realized that he had to go to the underworld to find or send souls, but he just didn't know if his "Black Impermanence Token" was of any use in this world.

But before that, we have to find Chen Qing and deal with the other group of reincarnators.

There were already reincarnators eyeing the plot of "Ghost Fighting". Lin Ge was not worried about leaving Huo Wang in the village, so he said: "Don't worry, I will help grandma find her husband and send her to the afterlife. But here Before that, let’s go to the mountains to find someone.”

"Okay." Huo Wang nodded obediently.

Lin Ge lifted Huo Wang up like a package and clamped it with one hand, then used Ladder Cloud to rush toward the bungalow where the Ghost King was located on the mountain.

As soon as they entered the mountain road, they saw a white shadow floating towards them.

"elder brother."

The white shadow floating over was Chen Qing. After practicing with Huang Shang, as she said, she became more and more accustomed to and liked the convenient body of "ghost".

"What's going on up there?" Lin Ge asked.

Huo Wang saw a ghost calling Lin Ge "brother" and politely called Chen Qing "aunt".

Chen Qing looked a little weird, and she didn't know whether to agree or not. After all, she was only a high school student, so being called "Auntie" by an eight-year-old child was a bit...

Chen Qing could only get down to business first: "Four reincarnations came from above. One of them must be a Taoist priest. After arriving, he set up some hidden formations around the bungalow. Another one must have mastered the ability similar to 'clairvoyance'. When the Taoist priest is setting up the formation, he keeps telling his teammates about the situation of your battle below."

"Originally, the remaining two people discussed coming down to attack you while you were fighting, but before they could discuss the outcome, you had already decided the winner. Then after hearing what the clairvoyant said, it is speculated that you have at least mastered the secrets of level B or above. Wu Lei, and he should be a cultivator, with strength above the Dacheng Realm."

"In the end, they decided to 'trick' you first, setting up three formations near the bungalow, and planting high explosives and other explosives on the way up the mountain. An assassin-type reincarnation with a bow and arrow was ambushed halfway up the mountain. Above, the clairvoyant and another reincarnation man guard the entrance to the top of the mountain, while the Taoist priest is hidden in the magic circle."

"I was worried that you were being ambushed, so I came down quickly to inform you. Oh, by the way, I also tested the ability of the 'clairvoyance'. He doesn't know magic like clairvoyance, and clairvoyance doesn't have similar abilities, so he can't see Come to me. He is not with the Taoist priest now, so he probably doesn’t know about you and me."

"That's it..." Lin Ge smiled when he heard this, then squatted down and said something to Huo Wang, but all he could see was that his lips were moving, but there was no sound at all.

Huo Wang blinked and asked in confusion: "Uncle, what are you talking about? Why can't I hear any sound?"

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