Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 335 I’m determined to get this plot, even Jesus can’t take it away, I said so!

Lin Ge secretly followed Lin Huowang all the way to the entrance of Xingzhong Village. The village had been abandoned for several years. The gates and stone tablets at the entrance were smashed into pieces, and a wooden wall was built to surround the entire village. A piece of white cloth hung on the wooden wall, with eight big red characters written on it: "The sky is angry and people are resentful, and retribution will be unsatisfactory."

The village under the moonlight is eerie, giving people the illusion of being in the Fengdu Ghost Town. Even standing outside the village, you can feel the gloomy wind.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Lin Huowang rubbed his arms unconsciously. The eerie atmosphere could not stop him from going to Xingzhong Village to find his parents.

Lin Huowang's thin figure was very flexible. He climbed up on the wooden stakes leaning on the wooden wall and jumped into the village. The muddy path leading to the village was filled with water, making a squeaking sound when stepped on. The dilapidated houses on both sides were sealed with rusty iron plates, and there were some obvious bullet holes in the iron plates.

Lin Huowang walked forward cautiously and whispered: "Is this here? The town is so big but there are no lights... Are there people living here?"

"The lights in the house in front are on!"

After walking for a long time, Lin Huowang suddenly saw a small building with a light on in front of him with the sign "Qifu Shopping Street", and he ran over in surprise.

"I don't know if anyone is around. Let's lie down in front of the window and take a peek..." Lin Huowang cautiously approached the small building and approached the window with iron bars.

As a result, as soon as he got closer, he came face to face with an old face posted on the glass.

"Ah, help!" Lin Huowang was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

Lin Ge, who was on the rooftop in the distance, almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene. If I remember correctly, this "grandma" would perform several famous scenes for Lin Huowang in the future.

However, this grandma was not a bad person. On the contrary, she was the "leader" who led Lin Huowang into Xingzhong Village. In the end, she died of exhaustion in order to save Huo Wang from the evil ghost.

The reason why grandma stayed in Xingzhong Village, which was deserted and full of evil spirits, was because when the village was massacred a few years ago, grandma's husband went out to work as a mediator and never came back. Grandma was afraid that her husband would not be able to find her. , I just stayed in the grocery store and waited for several years.

After learning that Lin Huowang came to Xingzhong Village to look for his parents, grandma remembered the child she had held. She told Huowang that his father should have died in the disaster, and she had met Huowang a few years ago. His mother should still be alive.

After hearing the news, Huo Wang wanted to go to the village to look for clues. Afraid of something happening to Huo Wang, his grandmother lied to him that there was a package from his mother on the second floor and locked Huo Wang on the second floor, preparing to release him at dawn the next day. go back.

Of course Huo Wang would not give up looking for news about his mother just like that, so he thought about climbing out of the window. As a result, when he was halfway up, he saw his grandma sticking her big head out of the window and staring at him sinisterly. I was so frightened that I fell down and fainted.

Grandma waited until Huo Wang woke up and told him about the haunting in Xingzhong Village. Even the magicians who came to perform rituals a few days ago were carried out. And his mother, in order to come back to find news about his father, almost gave up her life here.

When Huo Wang heard that his mother had been here, he became even more clamorous to go out and look for news about her mother. Seeing that she could not stop Huo Wang, Grandma could only illuminate the two "Five Direction Flags" that he had placed on his shoulders, and opened Huo Wang's eyes so that he could see the resentful ghosts in the village.

Then, Grandma told Huo Wang that with his current ability, he could only see ghosts, but he had no way to deal with them and it was still very dangerous in the village.

There used to be a very powerful Taoist priest living in the village. Although the Taoist priest is gone, there are still many treasures that have been opened in the store. If Huo Wang wants to take action in Xingzhong Village, he must bring those magic weapons with him so that he can deal with the resentful ghosts in Xingzhong Village.

In this way, Huo Wang will look for clues about his mother in Xingzhong Village under the guidance of his grandma.

After Lin Ge saw Huo Wang being invited into the house by his grandma, he turned around and left.

According to the plot in the game, the Taoist priest in the village is good at calculations. He came to Huowanghui decades ago and left many secrets and magic weapons to help him.

As both a "Taoist priest", Lin Ge was very interested in the secret books and magic weapons left by the Taoist priest. To be precise, he was very interested in the "calculation" technique.

If he could take this opportunity to learn the missing calculation skills in "Maoshan Secrets", then Lin Ge would no longer be making random remarks when he said, "Master Tao, I'll do the calculations with my fingers."

Therefore, Lin Ge planned to take a look before the plot of Huo Wang going to the Taoist priest's home unfolded. Thinking of this, Lin Ge took out a few cut paper figures and pinched the magic formula.

"Open the door to the underworld, little devil, come quickly! Hurry like a law! Get up!"

As soon as the "Ghost Exorcism Spell" came out, the paper man in Lin Singer started to move and immediately turned into a soul paper man and ran towards all parts of the village.

These soul paper figures can help Lin Ge find the Taoist priest's house, and they can guard the village to prevent other reincarnations from sneaking in to steal points.

According to the display in the game, the Taoist priest's house should be a two-story building, and it is not far from Grandma's house.

Lin Ge then ruled out one-story buildings and started searching for two-story buildings around Grandma's house.

Lin Ge had an agility of over 100 and the Qinggong Ladder Cloud Zong. After a while, he found a building that looked like a Taoist priest's house at the intersection a few hundred meters away. From the window on the second floor, he saw a Tai Chi and Bagua picture hanging on the wall of the house, as well as a plaque saying "Righteousness is the Right Way".

Lin Ge broke open the window on the second floor and entered the house, searching room by room, but did not find a room full of bookshelves and cheats in the game.

"Did you find the wrong one?" Lin Ge was a little confused, then walked out of the room and went to the next room to check one by one.

At the same time, after hearing the news about his mother from his grandma, Huo Wang decided to follow his grandma's instructions and go to the Taoist priest's house in the village to find magical weapons for protection.

Huo Wang took away a total of four magical instruments from the altar of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, a pair of five-square flags, a fire stick, and a soul cuff. Although grandma opened several magic weapons for him, her strength was limited and she could not exert the true power of the magic weapons. Therefore, if she wanted to walk in Xingzhong Village, she could only count on the magic weapons from Taoist priests.

Huo Wang left Grandma's house, holding the fire sign tightly in both hands, and walked cautiously on the gloomy road. It was a good thing if he didn't open his eyes, but when he opened his eyes there were wandering ghosts everywhere. If Huo Wang hadn't grown up in a palace and temple all these years, he would have been frightened half to death when he saw these wandering ghosts.

Most of the ghosts in Xingzhong Village are earthbound spirits. After the disaster, they were unable to leave the village and reincarnate because of their nostalgia for the world. Some of them became increasingly resentful because they were trapped in the village all year round, and eventually turned into resentful ghosts.

Huo Wang walked on the street and followed his grandma's instructions to avoid the resentful ghosts and go to the Taoist priest's house. Unexpectedly, he was stared at by several evil ghosts who wanted to capture him as a scapegoat.

Seeing several evil ghosts screaming and rushing towards him, Huo Wang was so frightened that he hurriedly danced around with the fire stick, and accidentally hit one of the evil ghosts, instantly beating him to death.

Huo Wang looked at the fire sign in his hand in surprise and said with an incredulous expression: "Thanks to grandma for consecrating my magic weapon, I have become so powerful!"

"Hey, hey, let's see where you are running away!" Huo Wang suddenly gained confidence, picked up the fire stick and chased the evil ghost with a hammer.

At the age of eight, in a ghost village, the only child of the god Lin Huowang could play horror and thriller games like no other.

However, evil spirits are also strong and weak. The more resentful they are, the stronger they are, not to mention that there are many evil ghosts wandering around the village.

After all, the fire lotus in Huo Wang's hand was not consecrated by the temple official himself, but simply consecrated by his grandma. It didn't take long for the mana covering it to be exhausted.

At this time, Huo Wang happened to encounter a ferocious ghost. The ghost was more than two meters tall. It was pulled into the shape of a long bamboo pole, with fangs and white eyes, and a long tongue sticking out. It screamed and rushed towards Huo Wang.

Huo Wang held the fire stick in his hand and struck Li Gui's body, causing only a small spark. He immediately felt something bad, but Li Gui had already rushed in front of him, and with a flick of his one-meter-long ghost hand, Huo Wang flew away.

Fortunately, the golden light of the five-square flag that had been illuminated by Grandma appeared at this moment and blocked the blow for Huo Wang. Although he was knocked away, he was not seriously injured.

"Yao Shou, this ghost is so powerful, run, run!" Huo Wang was also smart, knowing that he couldn't defeat this fierce ghost, so he got up and ran away.

But how could the evil ghost let him go so easily? He screamed and flew forward.


Huo Wang grabbed the Huo Lian Soul Cuff and beat him randomly, but he couldn't stop Li Gui's attack and was thrown to the ground by the opponent. Li Gui smiled ferociously and raised his hand, grabbing Huo Wang's chest, hoping to grab his heart, take away his yang energy, and make him his substitute so that he could be reincarnated.

However, just when Li Gui's hand touched Huo Wang's chest, he saw a golden light in Huo Wang's chest pocket. The dazzling golden light directly flew Li Gui away and hit the wall covered with yellow symbols in the distance. He was shocked It turned into a black mist and gradually dissipated.


Huo Wang sat up in surprise, obviously not understanding why this happened.

He touched his chest and took out a flat yellow paper star from his chest pocket. Then he remembered that it was given to him by the uncle he met at the temple yesterday. He thought it was fun and put it in his pocket. To think that this talisman star has such a powerful power!

"Wow, that uncle can't be the Archmage."

In Huo Wang's understanding, the most powerful people in the temple are the temple priests and the mage, and Grandpa said that only the great mage can hold sacrifices and sit on a cart at the temple fair to cast spells and pray for blessings.

Uncle can destroy evil ghosts with just one talisman, so he must be the Archmage!

Huo Wang took the talisman star in his hand and found the Taoist priest's house along the way. Grandma said that a thief tried to steal the Taoist priest's treasure before, but in the end he failed. It is said that magic circles and confusing obstacles are set up at home, and ordinary people, especially those with evil intentions, will get lost in them.

"Taoist Priest, I, Lin Huowang, are here today. I just want to borrow the magic weapon and return it as soon as I find my mother!" Huo Wang bowed to the gate, then went around to the side door. The rolling shutter door here was stolen by the thief before. A crack was pried open, just enough for his thin figure to slip in.

As soon as he entered the house, Huo Wang looked around and saw yellow symbols posted all over the house, Tai Chi diagrams on the wall, and lion dance heads on the altar. Everything he saw felt strange.

While he was looking for the magic weapon, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Ah? Is the Taoist priest back?" Huo Wang thought it was not good to break into other people's homes without permission, so he wanted to go upstairs and apologize to the Taoist priest.

If it's a ghost, run away as soon as possible.

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw a familiar figure, it was Lin Ge who had returned.


Lin Ge turned over the surrounding buildings, but couldn't find a place that looked more like a Taoist priest's home than this one. But he couldn't figure out where the secret books and magic weapons at home went?

Could it be that someone got there first?

Not sure, he simply came back and waited, hoping to see if Huo Wang would come here in the end. If he came, it would prove that he was not wrong.

"Huo Wang?"

"Uncle, do you know me?" Huo Wang asked in surprise.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Oh, I was talking about you with the temple official yesterday, and he mentioned you."

"Oh, by the way, thank you uncle. Thanks to the yellow talisman star you gave me yesterday, otherwise I would have been killed by a ghost on the way here. But... uncle, why are you here? You are the one who lives here. Is it long?" Huo Wang bowed politely and thanked Lin Ge for saving his life by giving him the talisman star.

Lin Ge did not answer Huo Wang's question directly, but asked: "Did grandma from the grocery store ask you to come here?"

Huo Wang nodded and told Lin Ge what his grandma told him about the Taoist priest.

Lin Ge couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He was sure that this was indeed the home of the mysterious Taoist Priest in the game, but where were the secret books and magic weapons at home?

Lin Ge turned this place upside down before Huo Wang came here, even avoiding the Taoist priests from setting up formations and confusion, and even borrowed Huang Shang's "barrier-breaking eyes" to observe it. No matter how strong this Taoist priest is, he is obviously not as strong as Huang Shang. Even if he sets up a formation to confuse him, he can't hide behind his eyes.

But unfortunately, Lin Ge did not find the magic barrier. There was not even a basement or a secret room in this house. There were only yellow talismans on the wall, Tai Chi diagrams and a lion head of a lion dance.

Although Lin Ge's wishful thinking failed, he was more curious about what to do with Huo Wang. Without the Taoist priest's inheritance, could he still kill Xingzhong Village?

"Uncle, are you the Archmage?"


Lin Ge was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the palaces and temples in Taiwan had the position of mage. Of course, he was not a mage for magicians, but a mage for exorcists.

Uncle Achang in "Zong Xie" is the great mage, and his junior brother Zhong Yanhuo later took over his position and took charge of the palace and temple.

Seeing that Lin Ge didn't answer, Huo Wang said with some embarrassment: "Uncle, um... can you give me another talisman star? I want to find my mother in the village. There are resentful ghosts everywhere... …I’m a little scared. I want to find my mom.”

"How about... let me teach you some self-defense spells." Lin Ge suggested.

Huo Wang's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Is this... okay?"

"Of course, strictly speaking, you and I have some connections. You grew up in a palace and temple. You are a child of a god and the godson of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. And Ksitigarbha and I burned yellow paper, worshiped each other, and became brothers with different surnames. So it’s appropriate for you to call me ‘uncle’.” Lin Ge said with a smile.

"Ah! Uncle, you are so powerful, you are actually the brother of Bodhisattva!" Huo Wang's eyes lit up, and he wanted to kneel down and worship Lin Ge.

Lin Ge grabbed Huo Wang's arm and lifted him up. He smiled and said, "You don't have to be so outspoken here. Come on, let me see what type of spell you are suitable for learning."

Lin Ge used the Five Elements Bagua Pan to test Huowang. Huowang is also a person whose surname is Wanghuo. The five elements belong to fire, and his body is pure yang. He also cultivates martial arts skills of inner yang and outer strength. Perhaps because of this, he will be favored by the general in the future, and he is good at using fire fortune and fire spells.

From the fact that Huo Wang learned several spells during a visit to the Taoist Priest's house in the game, it can be seen that the child's understanding is not low, but in just a few hours, even if Lin Ge wanted to teach "Fu Zhuan" and "Borrowing Techniques", it would be difficult to see Effectiveness.

Lin Ge thought for a moment, raised his hand and pinched the secret between Huo Wang's eyebrows. After measuring that the other party's spiritual power was not low, he decided to teach him the quick version of the thunder method that he had improved.

Previously, Lin Ge's spiritual energy was not enough to support the consumption of "Lightning Thunder Fist". In addition, he simplified the application process and created an improved version of clapping his hands to summon thunder.

The advantage of this method is that it starts quickly and consumes less energy, so it is especially suitable for "quick success".

"Watch it."

Lin Ge said, taking a step back to make room to perform, then he kneaded the secret and clapped his hands, and when he pulled it apart, he pulled out a bolt of lightning, crackling with lightning.


Lin Ge shouted in a low voice, raised his hand and blasted towards the window, a bolt of lightning struck, and a big hole was directly blasted out of the wall with a "boom".

"Wow! That's awesome! Uncle, I want to learn this. What is it called?" Huo Wang clapped his hands excitedly.

Lin Ge originally wanted to say it was called "Lightning Thunder Fist", but then he thought that since it had been changed beyond recognition, he simply changed the name as well.

"This move is called the 'Great Compassionate Thunder Palm'."

"Wow! It sounds amazing when I hear it!"

"Come, let me teach you!"


"First memorize the spell formula, then connect the spell and seal formula, and finally combine the spell and seal formula..." Lin Ge said while demonstrating to Huo Wang.

And Huo Wang lived up to Lin Ge's expectations and his reputation as a genius. In just two hours, he had already mastered the basic thunder technique. Although he was not yet proficient, he could already split wood piles.

Seeing that Huo Wang was so smart, Lin Ge simply spent some time teaching him how to use some basic Taoist spells, such as "Sky Eye", "Blood Seal" and "Fixing Curse". These spells were a few lower than "Electric Light Palm" At this level, there is no pressure at all to learn Huowang, and you can master it as soon as you teach it.

"By the way, can you step on the three steps?" Lin Ge asked.

Huo Wang nodded and said, "I know how to do this. I learned it from my grandpa when I was in the temple."

"You try to cooperate with the Sky Eye."


Huo Wang pinched the magic formula and wiped it over his eyes. After opening his heavenly eye, he took three steps with the fire stick in his hand. As he stepped on the last step, a golden light spread out in all directions.

In an instant, all the resentful ghosts within a few hundred meters were revealed by this golden light.


When Huo Wang saw the evil ghost appearing, he immediately exclaimed.

Lin Ge said: "You see, although you can now deal with ordinary resentful ghosts, it is still a bit tricky to encounter evil ghosts. Practicing spells cannot be learned in a day or two. You have to practice day by day and keep accumulating. Only through experience can we make progress.”

"Uncle, I understand. When soil accumulates, a mountain is formed, and wind and rain stir up it; when water accumulates, it forms a abyss, and dragons are born; when accumulation of good deeds becomes virtue, the gods are satisfied with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared. Therefore, if you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach a thousand miles. , there is no way to build a river or a sea. A galloping horse can't take ten steps in one leap; a horse can ride ten steps, and the merit lies in perseverance. If you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, you can carve gold and stone." Huo Wang said seriously.

Lin Ge patted Huo Wang's little head angrily: "You are full of jingles, are you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Hehe, this is what is written in the book that grandpa gave me."

"Okay, let's go back to grandma... Just tell her that you learned some self-defense spells here from the Taoist Master's secret books." Lin Ge said.

Huo Wang nodded seriously: "Uncle, I understand. I can't tell others that I have met you, let alone learned the magic from you. You are an expert outside the world and you have to hide your identity."


Lin Ge asked with a strange look on his face: "Is this what I read in the book too?"

Huo Wang nodded and said, "Yes. Little book."


Lin Ge patted Huo Wang and said, "Okay, go quickly. Remember, be careful. If you can't beat him, just run away. Don't show off."


"Remember to go back before dawn, so as not to worry your grandpa."


Huo Wang left the Taoist priest's house and returned to his grandma's residence. Lin Ge originally planned to advance the plot with Huo Wang, but his soul paper man who stayed in the village on guard discovered that someone had broken into Xingzhong Village and headed towards the bungalow where the Ghost King lived. The villa ran away.

There are only two types of people who come to such a place and go straight to the residence of the Ghost King. One is the Taoist priest who took a fancy to the Ghost King Yin Shou in "Ghost Fighting 2", and the other is the reincarnation person.

But the plot of "Ghost Fighting 2" will not happen for a few years. Obviously, the trickster will not appear so early, so it can only be the reincarnation.

If there were other plots, Lin Ge might have considered the situation and chosen to give up the plot and trick the reincarnation in order to seek the best interests.

But "Fighting Ghosts" involves his "god nephew", who just taught him magic, and then was cut off by other reincarnations. How could such a thing happen to him?

Lin Ge jumped onto the roof and used the ladder to fly all the way to the bungalow on the top of the mountain behind the village. However, just halfway, the paper soul man sent news again that a reincarnator came in from the main entrance of the village.

"Huh? Are they two teams of reincarnators?" Lin Ge was more worried about Huo Wang's situation than the Ghost King, so he released Chen Qing.

"Go to the bungalow on the mountain and take a look. See if the reincarnator there intends to kill the ghost king and steal his head, or to release the ghost king to cause trouble. You don't have to fight with the other party, just make trouble according to the situation." Lin Ge said.

"Making trouble? I'm the best at this. Don't worry, brother." Chen Qing took her gramophone, recorder, erhu and suona to the top of the mountain.

Although Chen Qing was unable to use the equipment such as the Ghillie Suit after becoming a ghost, her soul body made it easier to move around. In addition, she learned some escape spells from Huang Shang, so as far as harassment and guerrilla warfare were concerned, Chen Qing had no ability to do so. boast. Not to mention anything else, just the suona in one hand can make the ghost king go berserk and beat the intruder to death.

Lin Ge hurried back to the entrance of the village to look for Huo Wang. As soon as he arrived at the grocery store, he saw his grandma protecting Huo Wang and a tense confrontation with three reincarnations.

"Old woman, I advise you to mind your own business and leave Lin Huowang to us. We won't hurt him." The leader of the reincarnation was a young man dressed in punk style.

Grandma snorted coldly: "You guys are riddled with injustice and you are not good people at first glance... If you want to take Huo Wang away, you have to get through me first."

"Smelly old woman, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined!" A thin, spiky-headed man behind the punk reincarnation cursed and rushed towards Grandma, ready to rob her.

Grandma raised her hand, raised her index and middle fingers, and a golden light appeared on her fingertips. Several yellow talismans and spells suddenly appeared around her body, forming a rotating shield.

"Hmph, what a trick!" The hedgehog jumped into the air, took out a big knife and slashed it down: "Sweep the entire army!"

I saw the big knife in the hedgehog's hand suddenly burst out with a forty-meter-long blade and struck it at Grandma. Upon seeing this, Grandma's face changed drastically, she grabbed Huo Wang and flew to the side.

The hedgehog's knife slashed through the air and hit the two-story grocery store. It immediately split the house in half and collapsed.

As soon as grandma stood up, she heard an angry shout from the side: "You damn foot!"

The reincarnation man in punk clothes flew forward and kicked out, and saw a green foot-shaped Qigong about the size of a person hit Grandma with a bang, directly shattering her protective yellow talisman and kicking Grandma away.


Grandma was kicked away and the building behind her collapsed, and she was buried directly under a pile of rocks.

"Grandma!" Huo Wang hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Grandma from the pile of rocks. The punk-like reincarnation man and the hedgehog head stepped forward together to take Huo Wang away.

At this time, Lin Ge had already used Ladder Cloud Zong to come all the way. While he was still in the air, he clapped his palms and shouted angrily: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe is borrowed!"




More than a dozen golden light palms attacked, forcing the two reincarnations back, and at the same time exploding billowing smoke and dust, preventing them from taking away Huo Wang.

"Uncle, they injured grandma!" Huo Wang saw Lin Ge coming and immediately stepped forward to complain.

Lin Ge took out a Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill and handed it to Huo Wang: "Give it to grandma to take."


The punk suit and the hedgehog head stepped forward at the same time. The former looked at Lin Ge, obviously planning to do a 'courtesy first, then attack', and said: "Friend, everything should be done on a first-come, first-served basis, right? This is a plot we discovered first, and you suddenly intervened... It’s a bit unjustifiable!”

Lin Ge looked at a few people with an idiot look on his face and snorted coldly: "Didn't you hear what he called me? Did you discover it first? Besides... this time it is a team competition mode. If you kill you, you will get points. If I dropped a nuclear bomb on you without even meeting you, it would already be considered a favor."

At this time, the middle-aged man in a Tang suit who had been standing behind the group came forward with a smile and said: "Brother, what you said is different. In this round of reincarnation, if the five teams force each other to death from the beginning, they will not be able to maximize their benefits." After all, in the comprehensive reincarnation world, the rewards among reincarnations are far less than those of exploring the world."

"So?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit smiled and said: "What I mean is... why don't we work together to score points and explore branch lines first? After excluding the other teams, we will divide the island into two. When the time comes, each will take one side. Whoever wins in the end will depend on their own. It's up to you. We can cooperate before that, what do you think, brother?"

"You and the rest of the Reincarnation team said the same thing, right? I'd be an idiot if I believed you... I'm convinced of this plot, even Jesus can't take it away, I said so!" Lin Ge said coldly.

The middle-aged man in Tang suit narrowed his eyes. He had originally concluded that Lin Ge was outmatched when he saw Lin Ge appear and attack, but now it was only the second day after reincarnation started, and he didn't want to start fighting with the reincarnator so soon.

As he said, the 1 point gained by killing the reincarnator is far less than the profit from a side plot, but the danger of the reincarnation far exceeds the ghosts in the side plot.

"So... we can't reach an agreement?" The middle-aged man in Tang suit decided to give Lin Ge some color. It would be best if he could voluntarily give up the plot of "Fighting Ghosts".

Lin Ge turned back to Huo Wang and said, "Huo Wang, watch carefully, this is how the thunder method should be used!"


Lin Ge clapped his hands and pulled out a dazzling electric light. The electric light instantly filled his body, and even the God of Thunder had to applaud him when he came.

"Go! Kill him!"

It was obviously not the first time that the three Samsaras had cooperated. They directly distanced themselves and attacked Lin Ge from three directions at the same time.

However, Lin Ge used Ladder Cloud to leap into the air and took a deep breath. He first used the "Lion's Roar Technique" to calm the three of them, and then used his hands to shoot lightning palms.

"Proud China!" The middle-aged man in Tang suit shouted coldly and fired a sword energy.

However, what Lin Ge was most familiar with was sword energy. When he was resting in the main god space, he would spar with Huang Ni in the astrolabe. However, this man's sword energy was not even as good as Huang Ni's fur.


Lin Ge entered the spiritual energy and used the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu" again, easily shattering the middle-aged man's sword energy, and then slapped the middle-aged man away with a backhand.

Then he summoned the trident and threw it with his backhand. The hedgehog-head tried to block it with his sword, but was directly pushed away by the trident, collapsing several buildings and being buried under the rubble.

At this time, the last person in the trio, the reincarnation in punk attire, came behind Lin Ge and was about to launch a sneak attack. However, he saw a layer of turbid water magma spreading under Lin Ge's feet. It turned into a huge hand and grabbed the man and smashed him to the ground!


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