Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 274 The biochemical studio is next door, are you going to the wrong place?

Although Lin Ge had sensed something was wrong when he was at the Yuejiajun military camp.

As the deputy general, Arrow is very important in the army, and he plays a lot of roles in the play, but he does not appear in the military camp, which is obviously unreasonable.

At that time, Lin Ge was busy trying to gain favor with Meteor, Vice General Xu and others, so he couldn't directly ask them about the whereabouts of the arrow. He finally waited until Yue Yinping was alone, thinking about this inexperienced young man. The girl was easily fooled, so she asked about the arrow.

I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t know if I didn’t ask, but when I asked again, I got a “big surprise”!

It makes sense that the character "Kuang Tianyou" does not exist in this reincarnation world. After all, it is the follow-up world of "Zombie Taoist Master". Because of Lin Ge's intervention, the plot direction has changed. Kuang Tianyou was not "bitten" by the generals, so there was no zombie Kuang Tianyou behind him.

But...the Song Dynasty has nothing to do with him, right?

What's more, Tianyou is gone, and even the arrow is gone?

"Huh? There is no such person? That's strange... When I was traveling around the country, I heard that there was a fierce general under General Yue. This man was good at leading troops to charge. He was like a sharp arrow going straight to the enemy's heart, so he was named 'Arrow'. He also said This time I came to the Yue Family Army and I was honored to meet and have some exchanges." Lin Ge said pretending to be confused.

Yue Yinping obviously didn't realize that Lin Ge was talking nonsense. She also carefully recalled the deputy generals in the army, and even went through the names of the more famous soldiers she knew. Finally, she said seriously: "Maybe it's a certain person in the army." The lieutenant general with great military exploits may have been misinformed. In all my years in the army, I have never heard of Arrowhead."

"Perhaps, as you said, the style of a certain deputy general was polished by the common people."

Lin Ge did not continue to ask further. Although he had not known Yue Yinping for a long time, whether it was in the play or during this period of contact, it was obvious that Yue Yinping's skills focused on force and agility. , forget to "polish" the wisdom tree.

Of course, this is also because Yue Fei and the generals protect her so well that they generally won't send her out in battles unless it's a critical battle. If it weren't for the treacherous ministers in power, Yue Fei wouldn't even want to take his little daughter with him to suffer.

During the conversation, the three of them rode horses to catch up with the main force. Lieutenant General Xu was a little surprised to see Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling following him. After asking about the purpose of their visit, he learned that Lin Ge "calculated" that there was a "monster" in Zhuxian Town. Also doubtful. While Lin Ge and Yue Yinping were talking, he winked at Meteor and told him to keep an eye on them.

Then, the large army continued to march towards Zhuxian Town.

On the other side, Wanyan Bupo returned to the camp to take care of his injuries, and immediately went to patrol the city wall. Not long after, his lieutenant came to report the news that the spies had found out.

"General, the spies reported that the vanguard of the Yue Family Army has approached thirty miles outside Zhuxian Town."

Wanyan Bupo pondered for a while and asked: "It seems that the Yue Family Army wants to take advantage of the night to capture Zhuxian Town... Is there any news about reinforcements?"

The deputy general shook his head: "General, it has been two days and one night since the last communication eagle was released, and there is still no response. However, my subordinates have summoned all brothers who can fight and vow to fight to the death with the Yue Family Army!"

Wan Yan Bu Po's eyes narrowed and he asked again: "Where is Wu Tear?"

"Miss No Tears and the high priest are preparing for the sacrifice." the deputy general replied.

"Sacrifice?" Wanyan Bupo narrowed his eyes, knowing that it would be bad for him to bring his sister Wanyan Wulei to the battlefield this time. Unexpectedly, he wanted to borrow Wulei's power!

Wanyan Wulei had spiritual eyes since she was a child and could communicate with spiritual creatures. By chance, she made a blood pact with the wolf demon and was protected by the wolf demon.

The high priest obviously wanted Wanyan Wulei to summon the wolf demon with a blood contract and capture the Yue family's army in one fell swoop. However, it is not easy to invite the wolf demon, and you may even have to sacrifice your soul to show your face without tears.

"Let's go." Wanyan Bupo immediately called his lieutenants to go to the sacrificial site.

At this time, in a spacious courtyard in the center of Zhuxian Town, the four walls were covered with red cloths written with spells. An altar was placed in the center, and a circle of red candles was lit. A woman in red, wearing the costume of the Kingdom of Jin, was dancing a sacrificial dance beside the altar.

The woman in red kneaded the secrets with her hands and whispered softly: "The eternal ghosts hidden under the loess earth, please make a blood alliance with me without tears. Use your supreme aura to help me break through the Pangu seal!"

As soon as the curse seal came out, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the courtyard, blowing up the red cloth strips written with curses around it. However, Wanyan Wutear did not stop and continued to dance the sacrificial dance.


Suddenly a strong wind swept over, blowing out the red candles around the altar, and at the same time flying Wanyan Wulei away.

At this moment, a figure flew from the gate of the courtyard, caught Wan Yan Wu Lei in the air, and landed on the ground: "Wu Lei, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, brother, I...just want to help you."

At this time, a bearded man in strange clothes and a tall hat ran from the other side of the altar. He held his hat while running and shouted: "Time is running out. For the foundation of our Kingdom of Jin, we will continue to prosper for thousands of years." Mie, we must unlock the Pangu seal as soon as possible, hurry up... hurry up, try again!"

"Pangu seal?" Wanyan Bupo frowned and looked at the bearded man.

The bearded man explained: "Why are you asking so many questions? This is the emperor's secret order. You just need to obey it. I brought your sister with me this time to open the Pangu seal."

Wanyan Bupo said coldly: "I have decided to withdraw my troops. Within an hour at most, the vanguard of the Yue Family Army will invade Zhuxian Town."

The bearded man said angrily: "You are the general of Ping Song Dynasty personally appointed by the emperor. Even if you die, you cannot retreat. Otherwise, you will violate the emperor's order!"

Wanyan Bupo said: "I, Wanyan Bupo, are on the battlefield. Even if Yue Fei comes in person, I won't take him seriously. There is only one Yaksha. Only Yaksha can force me to lose four out of seven battles, kill 30,000 of my disciples, and force me to defend Zhu to the death." Immortal Town. Seeing that there is a chance to capture Yaksha's head today, but two magicians appear out of nowhere! So I decided to fight him for the last time in Zhuxian Town. If I lose again, I will order the withdrawal of the troops!"

The bearded man said angrily: "I am the Supervisor! I said we must fight to the last soldier until the Pangu seal is released, and our appearance will remain intact. Do you dare to disobey me?"

Seeing the bearded man being rude to Wanyan Bupo, Wanyan Bupo lost his temper. He pulled out the crystal dagger from his waist and pointed it at the bearded man and cursed: "Yelugui, if you dare to speak rudely to my brother again, I will stab your throat right away." ! Don’t forget, only I can open the Pangu seal, you’d better be polite!”

Yelu Gui took out a dagger with a golden scabbard and said coldly: "Seeing the Sirius dagger is like the emperor coming in person, brother and sister Wanyan, why don't you kneel down and accept the order!"

Wanyan cried without tears: "The Sirius dagger only teaches loyalty, how could it be handed over to jesters like you? You must be pretending to pass on the imperial edict, I will kill you today!"

"No Tears!" Wanyan Bupo grabbed Wanyan Wulei's wrist, shook his head, and said: "Yelugui is indeed a jester, but everything he did today was to be loyal, and our Wanyan family, on behalf of I have been loyal to the Kingdom of Jin, but today I am rebelling against the order. Isn’t it worse than a Yelu ghost?”

Hearing this, Yelv Ghost sighed and pulled out the Sirius dagger.

Wanyan Wulei thought he was going to make a sneak attack, and was about to stab him with a dagger when she saw Yelu Gui take out a secret letter from the scabbard.

"It is rumored that after Pangu created the world, he sealed the artifact 'Pangu Ax' in a mysterious space. Anyone who obtains this artifact can be invincible and dominate the world. Also sealed with the 'Pangu Ax' is a sacred tree. Eat If you eat the fruit of the sacred tree, you will live forever."

"The Emperor is the Ming Lord of our Great Jin Kingdom, but he suffered from a serious illness when he was young. He went through all kinds of hardships to find the location of the Pangu Seal. This is why I gave you a death order to keep the Pangu Seal." He said. After that, Yelvgui handed the secret letter to Wanyan Bupo, and then said:

"As long as you complete this task, your perfect appearance will be the greatest contributor to the Great Jin Kingdom, and the Wanyan family will be with the Great Jin Kingdom for eternity."

Wanyan Bupo took the secret order and saw that it was indeed stamped with the king's seal.

"So, since you entered Zhuxian Town, you have been preparing for the sacrifice? Since you only need to sacrifice to break the seal, why does it have to be my sister?" Wanyan Bupo asked.

Yelugui explained: "Your sister is favored by the wolf demon. Only with the help of the wolf demon can the Pangu seal be broken. But don't worry, we have found good tributes for the wolf demon and will never hurt your sister." hair."

As he spoke, Yelvgui pointed to a blood-red jar in the center of the altar.

"There are seven or forty-nine souls of boys and girls in it. If you offer this to the wolf demon, it will not take your sister's soul."

Wanyan Bupo said coldly: "Yelugui, you'd better tell the truth. If something goes wrong with my sister, I won't let anyone go, not just you, but also your family!"

Yelugui's expression changed, but in the end he didn't say a word. He handed the Sirius dagger to Wanyan Wulei and said, "This is the treasure given to the royal family by the wolf demon. You can try to use this to form a blood alliance and summon the wolf demon. Maybe it will be effective. There is also the 'Yao Chi Ancient Scroll', which is the key to unlocking the seal. Quick, hurry up and try it, we don't have much time."

Wanyan Wu Lei looked at Yelu Gui with a cold face: "Since you want me to open the seal, why didn't you give me these two things earlier? Do you want to keep them all to yourself?"

Yelu Gui was speechless for a moment. He originally planned that Wanyan Wulei could directly unlock the seal, so he took these two treasures back to claim credit. Who would have thought that Wanyan Wulei, a person who had been made a blood pact by the wolf demon, could not directly open the seal? Please use the Wolf Demon, but you have no choice but to reveal your trump card.

Wanyan Wu Lei took the ancient scroll from Yaochi and opened it, only to see it read: "Three thousand years to bloom, three thousand years to bear fruit, the Holy Mother of Yaochi, the Immortal Peach of Immortality."

At the bottom is a string of "spells" written in incomprehensible characters.

"Hey, I don't understand this either." Wanyan looked at Yelu Gui without tears and said.

Yelv Ghost said: "According to the spells deciphered by the priests, as long as you successfully summon the wolf demon, you can understand those spells with the help of the wolf demon's power."

Wanyan Wulei took the Sirius dagger, walked to the altar and inserted the dagger on the altar. Then she took out a crystal flute and started to perform a sacrificial dance while playing it.

As the sound of the flute got faster and faster, Wan Yan Wu Lei danced faster and faster, and the Sirius dagger inserted on the altar began to vibrate violently as if it was being induced.

Click, click.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and the Sirius dagger was severed from it, and a stream of black energy flew out, first sweeping towards Wan Yan Wu Lei, but finally stopping on top of her head.

Wanyan brother and sister and Yelu Gui's hearts were raised in their throats, and they did not dare to move. In the end, Wanyan Bupo suppressed his fear and said: "Lord Wolf Demon, please don't hurt my sister, we have prepared something good for you." The sacrifice is in that jar, please enjoy it!"

The black energy flew towards the jar in the center of the altar with a "swish", and there was no response, as if it had never appeared.

At this time, Wanyan Wulei was surprised to find that after summoning the wolf demon, she could indeed understand the contents of the "Yaochi Ancient Scroll".

"The Ancient Scroll of Yaochi" was originally a treasure map, but the most critical spell to unlock the Pangu seal was recorded in ancient language. As an existence from the ancient times, the wolf demon was summoned by Wan Yan Wu Lei with a blood alliance at this time, so as " Reward”, she also understood the ancient saying.

After Wanyan Wulei recited the incantation according to the ancient scroll, suddenly, the ground around the altar shook violently, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the spells on the altar spread quickly to the surroundings, and the red candles that were originally extinguished actually lit up on their own!

With the sound of "rumbling", a towering tree broke through the seal and emerged from the ground.

The "sacred tree" occupies most of the yard, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Seeing this, Yelv Ghost raised his hands excitedly and cheered: "Success! Success! We finally broke through the Pangu seal, the sacred tree, the sacred tree!"

Wanyan Bupo and Wanyan Wutei looked at each other, both seeing excitement in each other's eyes. With the "Sacred Tree" and "Sacred Weapon", they can defeat the Yue Family Army and complete this mission!

Yelu Gui walked towards the sacred tree with an excited expression, knelt in front of the sacred tree, raised his hands and prostrated: "Your Majesty, I finally lived up to the divine grace and found the sacred tree!"

At this moment, a blood-red flower bloomed on the "sacred tree", and then turned into a blood-red fruit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood-red fruit fell from the tree, cracked open with a "snap" sound, and then disappeared as soon as it hit the ground, just like the ginseng fruit in "Journey to the West".

But the fruit disappeared, leaving something dark and about the size of a thumb in place.

Yelv Ghost stepped forward in confusion, and the black insect-like thing moved and bounced from the ground with a "swish". Yelv Ghost fell to the ground in fright, and the black bug flew over his head.

Wanyan Wulei happened to be standing behind Yelu Gui. As soon as he hid, Wanyan Wulei suddenly became the "target" of the black bug.

"Wu Lei, be careful!" Wan Yan Bu Po reacted very quickly, swooping down and hugging Wan Yan Wu Lei to escape, but he was fast, and the black bug was even faster!

The black bug stuck to his armor with a click. However, the armor that could block the sword actually "clicked" and was bitten by the black bug, making a hole and getting in!




Wanyan Bupo painfully reached out to grab his vest, but even if his hand reached the hole made by the insect, it was too late. The insect had already penetrated into his body.

Wan Yan Bu Po felt the heartbreaking pain and fell to the ground in pain.

"Brother! Brother!" Wanyan Wutear rushed forward, and was about to help Wanyan Bupa up, but saw the other person suddenly raised his head, and his eyes had turned blood red.


Wanyan Bupo let out a zombie roar, revealing his zombie fangs, and stared at Wanyan Bupo with blood-red eyes.

"Brother, no, I, I am Wu Lei, wake up quickly, brother, wake up quickly!" Wan Yan Wu Lei tried to wake up Wan Yan Bu Po, but was pushed away by the other party.

Wanyan Bupo seems to have retained a trace of rationality, at least he didn't directly bite Wanyan Bupo into a zombie. But Yelv Ghost on the side was not so lucky. Just as he was about to escape, Wanyan Bupo grabbed him with his extended hand. He immediately felt a strong suction force and "drag" him to Wanyan Bupo.

Wan Yan Bu Po opened his mouth and bit Yelu Gui's neck——

An hour later.

Smoke and dust suddenly billowed from the plain in front of Zhuxian Town. Yue Yinping led the Yue Family Army's light cavalry troops to attack. When they were still a few hundred meters away from the city wall, Yue Yinping and Deputy General Xu dispersed to the left and right, and the people behind them The cavalry also dispersed with them, spreading out their troops to prevent the archers on the wall from attacking.

However, they were almost under the city wall, but they still didn't see the Jin soldiers counterattack, which made Yue Yinping and Deputy General Xu confused.

Even if there was an ambush, it wouldn't be possible to leave someone at the doorstep, right?

Lieutenant General Xu couldn't control that much, and directly ordered the siege soldiers who came later to break open the city gate, while Qingqi guarded both ends.




With several loud noises, the gate of Zhuxian Town was knocked open.

Zhuxian Town was eerie under the moonlight, and a strange low roar could be heard faintly, but the streets were empty, not even a living thing.

"Yaksha Pioneer, be careful of fraud." Deputy General Xu rode his horse to Yue Yinping's side and reminded him.

Yue Yinping nodded and said: "Send someone to divide the light cavalry into several small groups and quickly enter the town to search to see if the Jin soldiers have withdrawn. The rest of the people, follow me and advance slowly."


Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling rode forward, sensing something was wrong in Zhuxian Town.

Ma Xiaoling tilted her head, approached Lin Ge and whispered, "Hey, are you sure that you, the 'stinky Taoist', have been tricked by your finger? Is there really something evil here?"

Lin Ge was a little surprised when he saw no one in Zhuxian Town. Because according to the development of the original plot, Wanyan Bupo should be guarding the streets with dozens of dead soldiers at this time. When Yue Yinping and others invade the town, they will have these dead soldiers sacrifice and cast the "Blood God Forbidden Curse". Transform into a blood demon to deal with the Yue Family Army.

As a result, when Wanyan Bupo was fighting Yue Yinping, he was taken away by Ma Xiaoling who suddenly broke into the battlefield with a "Dragon God". After the seriously injured Wanyan Bupo was brought back, Wanyan Wulei wanted to save Wanyan Bupo. Only then did he agree that Yelv Ghost could borrow power from the Wolf Demon to break through the Pangu seal and release the sacred tree.

But now that there was no one around, Lin Ge realized that the plot had deviated from the track again. Maybe Wanyan Bupo and others had broken through the Pangu seal by messing around.

"I've been frightened a few times, so don't give me any more 'God-like surprises'..." Lin Ge sighed. Now even the arrow was gone, which completely disrupted his plan. He was still thinking about the next step. Let's go, but the Lord God is coming to "send warmth" again. Who can withstand this?

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Lin Ge doubtfully: "What's the 'Aunt Pig surprise'?"


Ma Xiaoling was puzzled, but she still calmed down and tried to listen carefully. Sure enough, she heard low roars coming from the dark streets and houses.




At this time, only the roars of zombies were heard in the streets and houses, and then a large group of black-eyed zombies rushed out of the darkness.

Looking at the zombies that kept pouring out, Lin Ge felt bad.

"What the hell, zombie tide? The biochemical studio is next door, are you going to the wrong place?"

Save enough, start speeding up tomorrow!

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