The silver-armored general was the daughter of Yue Fei, the anti-gold hero of the Southern Song Dynasty - "Yue Yin Ping". Because of her extraordinary talent, she was spotted by the "immortal" and was given a cold electric silver gun to help her develop peerless marksmanship. Now under the pseudonym "Yaksha", he serves as the vanguard of the Yue family army. He has defeated the Jin army many times and is the most powerful general in the Jin Dynasty.

The Jinjia General who was chasing Yue Yinping was the most powerful general of the Jin Kingdom, with an unblemished appearance.

In this battle, the two armies were originally about the same strength, but due to Yue Yinping's extraordinary performance, the Yue family army gradually took the advantage. However, when they were breaking through the Jin army, an order to retreat came from the direction of the main camp!

Although I don't understand why General Yue gave such an order, the main army has begun to retreat, which puts the vanguard led by Yue Yinping at the tiger's mouth.

Yue Yinping ordered his men to withdraw first, trying to lure Wanyan Bupo to the hilly areas and use the complex terrain to get rid of the pursuers. Rather than defeating the Yue Family Army, Wanyan Bupo wanted to completely defeat this powerful enemy, so without any hesitation, he gave up chasing the Yue Family Army and instead led his troops to pursue Yue Yinping.

Unexpectedly, Yue Yinping galloped over the hill, only to find that there were two strangely dressed "commoners" on the slope. Although they were not the clothes of the people of the Song Dynasty, they were not the clothes of the Jin Dynasty either.

Yue Yinping was worried that the "civilians" would be implicated, so he pulled the reins, reined in the horse and stopped suddenly. Then, the cold electric silver gun with a crystal-clear tip in his hand turned back and swept away, forcing Wanyan Bupo and Jin Bing back.

Wanyan Bupo reacted very quickly. The moment the silver light hit him, he raised the Yanyue Sword in his hand to block it. The Yanyue Sword collided with the cold electric silver gun, exploding two dazzling rays of gold and silver, killing Yue Yinping and Wanyan. As Yan Bupo retreated, he knocked the surrounding golden soldiers off their feet.

However, there were many Jin soldiers, and there was only one Yue Yinping on the Yue family's side. In the blink of an eye, Yue Yinping was surrounded again and fell into a bitter battle.

Lin Ge, who was not far away, watched with great interest and praised: "This is not a confrontation of force. At this level, I have already half-stepped into the world of high martial arts."

Ma Xiaoling said: "Then do we want to help?"

"Help, of course. If nothing else, let's beat up the dragon knight first." Lin Ge took out a black suitcase and placed it on the ground.

Ma Xiaoling was about to ask what "Dragon Knight" was when she saw the familiar black suitcase in front of her: "Wait! Isn't this my suitcase?"

Lin Ge opened the black leather suitcase and found Ma Xiaoling's exorcist sniper rifle AX338 inside.

"Aren't I afraid that you will forget, so I can help you carry it?" After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took out the AX338 and threw it to Ma Xiaoling, pointed at Wanyan Bupo and said, "Just point at the golden armored general and hit him."

Ma Xiaoling always felt that something was wrong, but she still took the gun, loaded it, opened the scope, and took aim——


With a gunshot, AX338 fired a golden bullet, dragging a golden light in the air and shooting straight towards Wanyan Bupo.

Lin Ge and Lin Ge were only a few dozen meters away from the battlefield. Using the AX338 at this distance would basically be a "guaranteed hit" as long as the marksmanship was not too sharp.

However, at the moment when the gun rang out, Wanyan Bupo seemed to have expected it, and suddenly raised the Yanyue knife to block it. There was only a soft "dang" sound, and the bullet directly penetrated the Yanyue knife.

But Wan Yan Bu Po behind Yan Yue Dao tilted his head, and the bullet continued flying into the distance with golden light.

"Good guy, 'Peter is excited', right? You can dodge this, is there any other way?" Lin Singer turned around and took out two rifles that he got from He Yingqiu. After loading them with a "click", he transformed into two The old gunman swiped at Wan Yan Bu Po.

Da da da--

Two exorcist rifles spit out tongues of fire, and the Jin soldiers in front were swept off their horses or beaten into sieves of flesh and blood.

Wanyan Bupo turned the Yanyue Knife, and a burst of golden light flashed, actually blocking all the bullets.

"Isn't this Gaowu?"


"Sir, times have changed."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took out a rocket launcher and put it on his shoulder: "I took away just this inventory of my nephew. If it can't blow you up, it would be a bit unjustifiable!"

call out--

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, the rocket flew towards Wanyan Bupo with a "whoosh" sound, trailing a long smoke tail. Wanyan Bupo had never seen anything like a rocket before, but he knew that this thing was very dangerous. He jumped up from his horse and then slashed with his knife, accurately hitting the rocket!



The rocket directly exploded with a golden light, which condensed into a huge "Edict" in mid-air. The air wave of the explosion directly blew away the people around Wanyan Bupo, and even he himself was engulfed by the golden light of the explosion.

Lin Ge blew into the smoking muzzle of the rocket launcher: "It is said that your aunt and Ying Qiu developed this thing together. It can fully integrate the magic into it. I have to say that your aunt is really capable."

Although Ma Xiaoling has long been accustomed to the technological exorcism equipment developed by Ma Danna and He Yingqiu over the years, she was a little surprised when the AX338 exorcism sniper rifle was handed into her hands. But now that even the "Bazooka" has come out, it's really a bit... off the mark!

"It's a pity that there is only one shot." Lin Ge said regretfully.

Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge with a subtle expression: "Only one shot? Do you know how much this shot costs? Five hundred thousand! You hit half a million with one shot!"

At this time, the golden soldier at the back of the battlefield who was not affected by the explosion waited until the smoke cleared. He saw that his golden armor was blown into black, his hair was disheveled, and his face was covered with blood. He quickly stepped forward to surround him.

"Protect the general!"

"Protect the general!"

The crowd formed a human wall to block Wanyan Bupo from behind. Upon seeing this, Yue Yinping immediately launched a fierce attack. These golden soldiers were no match for him at all. With one shot, they were like skewers of sausages, stabbing several to death.

Wanyan Bupo saw that the soldiers were defeated by Yue Yinping, and there were two unidentified warlocks with strange methods in the distance. Continuing to entangle them would only increase casualties.

Wanyan Bupo immediately ordered a retreat. He was the only one on Yue Yinping's side, so it was obviously impossible to pursue him, and Lin Ge had no intention of continuing to take action.

"Thank you two heroes for saving your life. I wonder what you call them?" Yue Yinping stepped forward, holding a cold silver gun in his hand and thanked Lin Ge and the two. It's just that he deliberately lowered his voice, which gave people a strange feeling.

Lin Ge cupped his hands and replied: "I am 'Xiang Shaolong', known as 'Xiaoyao Xiaobailong' in the world. He is a wandering sorcerer. And this... is my maid, Ma Dongmei."

"Get lost!" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

Yue Yinping was stunned for a moment, blinked, and said subconsciously: "Your maid has such a bad temper."

"I'm not his maid!"

Lin Ge said: "This is not important, the important thing is... I see that you are wearing the uniform of the Yue Family Army. Could it be that you are a soldier under General Yue Feiyue?"

Yue Yinping said: "I am the vanguard of the Yue Family Army, 'Yaksha'. The two heroes are extremely capable. Why don't you come back to camp with me? With their strength, they will surely stand out on the battlefield and become famous generals!"

[Trigger the hidden plot "Yue Yin Ping" to ensure that Yue Yin Ping will not die when leaving the Song Dynasty, and will be rewarded with reincarnation points x5000 and C-level item exchange coupons x3. 】

Hidden plot?

Lin Ge frowned slightly. This hidden plot was obviously causing trouble. In the original plot, Yue Yinping received the bento in the end, but now he has to ensure that she does not die?

But no matter what, if you want to find the "arrowhead" of Kuang Tianyou's previous life, you must go to the Yue Family Military Camp.

So Lin Ge gave a righteous and impassioned "performance", shouting the slogan "I and the Jin Kingdom are incompatible", and followed Yue Yinping back to the main camp of the Yue Family Army.

Returning to the main camp, the soldiers along the way were all respectfully saluting Yue Yinping, but it could be seen from their expressions that something big had happened in the main camp, and all of them looked sad.

At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged man walked out of the tent on the side and brought a young man to Yue Yinping: "Yaksha Pioneer."

Yue Yinping asked: "Vice General Xu, what happened to the main camp? Why did you suddenly order the withdrawal?"

Lieutenant General Xu sighed: "Alas... The Holy Spirit issued a gold medal order to send the army back to the court. The general was unwilling to withdraw his troops, but was threatened by the envoy to resist the order."

"Is General Yue at the camp?" Yue Yinping asked.

Vice General Xu replied: "General Yue is in the camp. It seems... he is having a headache on how to explain the current situation to the Holy Lord. Pioneer Yaksha, let me see you... uh, who are these two?"

Vice General Xu originally wanted to say something, but he noticed Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling behind Yue Yinping.

Yue Yinping introduced: "During the retreat, I was surrounded by Wanyan Bupo and his troops. Thanks to the help of Xiang Shaoxia and his maid, I was able to break out of the encirclement."

"I see, thank you two knights for helping me!" Vice General Xu and the young man behind him bowed their hands to Lin Ge and the two at the same time.

Then, Vice General Xu said to the young man behind him: "Liu Xing, take your two benefactors to the camp to rest. Yaksha Pioneer and I will go to see the general."

"Yes. You two, please follow me." Liuxing stepped forward and led the way for Lin Ge and the others.

After Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling left, Vice General Xu lowered his voice and said, "Yaksha Pioneer, can you inform your subordinates of the specific situation of you being pursued by Wanyan Bupo?"

Although Yue Yinping didn't understand why Vice General Xu asked this, he still told him everything from hearing the trumpet to meeting Lin Ge.

"You mean... these two are wandering warlocks who are good at magic? However, they stopped after Wan Yan Bu Po was injured and did not continue the pursuit?" Deputy General Xu asked.

Yue Yinping nodded.

"Yaksha Pioneer must be on guard against others. Although these two people 'saved you', they may also be spies sent by the Kingdom of Jin to perform a play with Wanyan Bupo to gain your trust. Just like this, you will It is extremely inappropriate for them to be brought into the main camp." Vice General Xu said solemnly.

Although Yue Yinping's status is higher than that of Deputy General Xu because of his overwhelming combat power. But after all, she was just a young girl who had no experience in the world. She followed her father Yue Fei to the battlefield all year round. Thanks to the care of her elders, such as Deputy General Xu, who were both teachers and friends, she was able to achieve her current abilities.

Therefore, facing Vice General Xu's "lessons", Yue Yinping not only did not feel unhappy, but instead felt moved that the elders were caring about you.

"Yes, I understand."

Vice General Xu said again: "You should go see the general first. It is best to persuade him. Don't believe Qin Hui's words. Your Majesty is now deceived by this treacherous official. If we give up this great advantage, we must completely repel the Jin soldiers." , I didn’t know I had to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse. Alas.”

"Okay, then I'll go."

"Go ahead, I'll go meet those two 'heroes'. If they are not spies, I will treat them with courtesy; if they are spies... hum, I will make sure they never come back."

However, when Vice General Xu came to the camp where Meteor was, he found that Meteor and Lin Ge were chatting happily, and kept asking: "What next, what next?"

Vice General Xu: ...then you will definitely be punished today!

Lieutenant General Xu let out a long sigh, helplessly shaking his head and walking into the tent: "You guys had a great time chatting. I don't know what you were talking about. Can you let me listen too?"

When Liuxing saw Vice General Xu walking into the camp, he quickly gave up his position: "Xiang Shaoxia is telling me interesting stories about their travels to various places to slay demons and demons. Xiang Shaoxia, did you finally catch the black bear spirit? Have you recovered the cassock?" Come? Did that smelly monk kowtow to you to say thank you? Humph, he lost his treasure and blamed his apprentice. It’s okay for a master to not want this kind of thing!"

"Oh? There are such interesting things, Xiang Shaoxia, please continue to tell me, Old Xu, I will listen attentively." Vice General Xu also became interested and sat down to listen to the story.

What Lin Ge was talking about was none other than "Journey to the West", which was familiar to the people of the Great Heavenly Dynasty. However, it was still the Song Dynasty at this time, so Vice General Xu and Liu Xing naturally had not heard of "Journey to the West".

Deputy General Xu originally wanted to find a topic to chat with Lin Ge, and then slowly find out his details to find out whether they were "spies."

Unexpectedly, during the conversation, we discovered that Lin Ge was "extremely knowledgeable". Not only had he traveled extensively and had extraordinary conversation, but he also had a treasure trove of General Yue's illustrious military exploits.

Lin Ge turned on "Yue Fei's flattery mode", and even Ma Xiaoling on the side couldn't stand it anymore. This was not a human being, he was obviously a "god". However, Vice General Xu and Meteor listened with interest to Yue Fei's various myths.

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot characters "Vice General Xu" and "Meteor" increases. 】

Although he had won the goodwill of Vice General Xu and Liuxing, Lin Ge was not in a hurry to start inquiring about the situation in the Yue family's military camp, but was prepared to build up his goodwill first.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the camp. After hearing the noise, Vice General Xu and Liuxing immediately went out to check, only to see a group of guards guarding an official at the gate of the main camp.

"The imperial edict has arrived, please let General Yue come out to receive it!" The official said arrogantly without even looking at Deputy General Xu.

"Marshal Yue is here!" As several soldiers in the camp shouted, the heroic Yue Fei and Yue Yinping walked out of the camp and knelt down in front of the officials.

"Yue Fei accepts the order!" the official shouted.

Yue Fei immediately knelt down to receive the order. As soon as he knelt down, the surrounding soldiers immediately fell to their knees.

The official unfolded the imperial edict and recited: "The emperor has been entrusted by heaven to carry out the edict: Yue Fei will return to the court as soon as possible, break camp and set off immediately. There must be no mistakes. I admire this!"

After the official finished speaking, he closed the imperial edict and handed it to Yue Fei. However, Yue Fei did not accept the edict. He raised his head and said, "Zhuxian Town is about to be conquered. We only need to regain Kaifeng and attack Huanglong Mansion to drive the Jin people out of the Central Plains. Your Majesty's statement that the teacher will return to the court will waste ten years of my hard work. What's the point?"

"The imperial edict is like a mountain, why does it need reason?" the official said coldly.

"Did Qin Hui teach you this sentence?" Yue Fei's glare was so intense that the official trembled and took a step back.

"Yue Fei! Do you want to disobey the order?"

"I want to go to the pilgrimage!"

At this time, a deputy general behind him immediately said: "General, Qin Hui cannot be trusted. You can't just go back like this. I'm afraid..."

Yue Fei said in a deep voice: "I believe in the Holy One, not Qin Hui. Yaksha, Vice General Xu, follow your orders!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"My subordinate is here!"

Yue Yinping and Vice General Xu stepped forward at the same time.

Yue Fei continued: "I order you two to lead troops to Zhuxian Town immediately. If you cannot break Zhuxian Town before tomorrow night, you will be punished according to military orders!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

Yue Yinping and Vice General Xu said at the same time.

Official Yue Fei was still mobilizing troops to attack Zhuxian Town, and he suddenly asked: "Yue Fei, the emperor ordered you to immediately return to the court, you... you..."

Yue Fei said coldly: "I will explain it to the emperor. Yaksha, Vice General Xu, what are you waiting for? I asked you to set off immediately, don't you hear?"

Yue Fei obviously planned to delay the imperial edict himself, and then let Yue Yinping and Deputy General Xu lead troops to attack Zhuxian Town. As long as they captured this strategic point, they could disrupt the Jin soldiers' offensive.

Vice General Xu had been following Yue Fei for a long time and immediately understood what he meant. He immediately called Yue Yinping and set off with his army. Since they wanted to fight a fast attack, the two men did not lead many troops. They were mainly light cavalry, with only less than 3,000 men.

Just after the troops entered a dense forest, Yue Yinping suddenly stopped his horse and signaled Deputy General Xu to continue leading the troops forward, while he rode back.

Not long after the large army left, two figures galloping on horseback followed them.

"Xiang Shaoxia, Miss Ma. What are you..." Yue Yinping didn't expect Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling to follow him, and immediately stopped them.

Lin Ge rode his horse to Yue Yinping, pretended to count his fingers, then frowned, and said: "Yaksha Pioneer, I count my fingers, there is an evil spirit entrenched in Zhuxian Town, you can deal with the golden soldiers and golden generals. , if you encounter monsters and monsters, I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat them. I'm worried about your safety, so I came here to help you."


Lin Ge said solemnly: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry. If I, Xiang Shaolong, are a lackey of the Jin Bing, I will be cut into pieces and die a good death, and my soul will never be reincarnated!"

"However, the Jin Kingdom sent heavy troops to guard Zhuxian Town. This mission is extremely dangerous. I'm worried that you will..." Before Yue Yinping could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lin Ge.

"Yaksha Pioneer, needless to say. We, the monks, must take it as our duty to subjugate demons and help the country. Now that the Kingdom of Jin is raging in the Song Dynasty, we, the monks, must shed our lives and shed blood to contribute to the revival of the Song Dynasty. Give up your own life!" Lin Ge's impassioned speech made Yue Yinping's blood boil, and he immediately resonated with her.

Ma Xiaoling silently pulled the reins and distanced herself from Lin Ge. She was worried that the disease would be contagious, and she didn't want to become a psychopath.

[Affected by the "charm value", the favorability of the plot character "Yue Yinping" has increased significantly! 】

Lin Ge didn't care about Ma Xiaoling's "disgusting" look. After all, the most important thing right now was to increase Yue Yinping's favorability and complete the hidden mission.

When the three of them rode towards the main force, Lin Ge seized the opportunity and asked: "Yaksha Pioneer, I heard before that in addition to General Yue and you, there is also a fierce general 'Arrow' in the Yue Family Army. Why is this such an important battle? , General Yue didn’t send him along?”

"Arrow?" Yue Yinping looked at Lin Ge in confusion. The next sentence made Lin Ge feel cold: "Who is that? It seems that no one in the army has this name..."

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Damn it? (End of chapter)

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