Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 226 Four eyes? Master? Senior brother? Junior brother?

Chapter 226 Four eyes? ...Master? Senior brother? Junior brother?

Taoist priest with four eyes.

The younger brother of Uncle Jiu, the talented younger brother of Qiu Sheng, and one of Maoshan F4.

According to Lin Ge's master Chen You, this is also a spiritual clone that Chen You threw into the world of reincarnation, and it came down to "help" him.

Seeing Taoist Priest Four Eyes, Lin Ge suddenly felt extremely friendly.

This is... "a real person".

Wencai, who fell on the threshold, looked around with a grimace and shouted aggrievedly: "Uncle Master. I didn't know you were here."

Taoist Priest Simu stepped forward and slapped Wencai on the head: "As a disciple of Maoshan, if your legs feel weak after seeing zombies, you are not promising. Get up and stand up."

"Oh." Wencai quickly obeyed and stood up.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Sheng immediately came up to him and said, "Uncle Master, I just said that literary talent lacks training. Why don't you let him take care of your clients for you in the past few days and practice it."

Taoist Master Four Eyes nodded: "That makes sense. Do you hear me? I will leave my clients to you in the past two days."

"Oh." Wencai responded with a grimace.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and asked, "Junior brother, why did you come back so soon this time?"

"Oh. I just sent those customers there, and now I've received ten more orders. I figured it would be a convenient way anyway, so I rushed back. Do you mind if I rest here for two days?" Taoist priest Shimu said with a smile.

Uncle Jiu looked at Qiu Shengwencai and said, "Go quickly and clean up a room for your uncle."

"Oh." Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately ran into the house.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes asked strangely: "Huh? Cleaning up again? Didn't you clean up a room for me last time? It's only been a few days, and it won't accumulate much dust. I'll just live in it."

"Oh, your junior brother lives in that room." Uncle Jiu said.

Taoist Master Four Eyes looked at Lin Ge and raised his eyebrows: "Junior brother? It's strange... why do you want to beat this guy up when you see his face?"

Lin Ge just wanted to go up and give a friendly "greeting" to his master's past life, but when he heard Taoist Priest Si Mu muttered such a sentence, he suddenly felt bad.

"What are you mumbling over there? This is Lin Ge, who is from the Nanmaoge ancestral lineage and is now the 'Hei Wuchang Envoy' in the underworld. What do you call Junior Brother? Senior Brother." Uncle Jiu said.

Lin Ge was just about to refuse. After all, if his master found out about this, he would probably get a beating.

But before he could speak, Taoist Priest Simu's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Ge with a surprised look on his face: "He? The Black Impermanent Envoy? He is going to die at such a young age?"

Lin Ge: ...Master, your mouth is open, right?

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll talk to you in detail when I get into the house. You're here just in time, and I need your help if I need something." Uncle Jiu greeted Taoist Priest Simu into the house and told him about the events that had occurred since the Ren family's coffin removal and burial. A series of things.

Taoist Priest Simu looked surprised after hearing this. He took a few sips from his tea cup and then said blankly: "Brother, if you go to the underworld, he will become the 'Black Impermanent Envoy', and you will become 'Agent in the earthly world of the Bank of Heaven and Earth'? Then it's not the right time for me to leave this time. If I come with you, isn't it just an errand?"

Uncle Jiu glanced at Taoist Master Four Eyes and said helplessly: "Do you think we went to the underworld just to have fun? If my junior brother hadn't stopped the demon army from attacking the city, I would have been able to get the job of 'agent' with such great dignity. ?”

Taoist Priest Simu's eyes lit up, he looked at Lin Ge, and immediately put on a smile: "Brother, remember to call me next time you go to the underworld, and help me find a better job."

Taoist Master Simu called "senior brother" naturally, but Lin Ge didn't dare to answer. He quickly said that he was younger and should be his junior brother.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes had not expressed his position yet, but Uncle Jiu spoke first: "There is no precedence in learning, and those who have mastered it come first. Our sect never judges greatness by age. Junior brother, your cultivation level has surpassed that of Four Eyes. There is no need to be so humble." .”

Lin Ge: ...Uncle Jiu, thank you so much. If I am beaten to death by my master in the future, you will be at least half responsible!

Seeing the embarrassment on Lin Ge's face, Taoist priest Simu smiled and waved his hand: "It's just a title, don't take it to heart. That's it for me to take up my post. Senior brother, you have to keep it in mind."

Lin Ge was speechless for a while. In "2002", weren't you offered a job in the underworld and rejected it? Instead of mentioning it, you went to join some kind of band to tour abroad, and now you have to take a temporary layoff in advance?

"This..." Lin Ge grimaced. He couldn't bear this "senior brother".

"Why, are you still aggrieved by having you as my senior brother? Do you look down on me?" Taoist Master Simu said with an unhappy expression.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "You are the one who wants to be your junior brother. Don't regret it and cause trouble for me in the future."

"Tch, it's just a name. Am I a petty person?" Taoist Priest Simu raised his eyebrows and said.

Lin Ge silently responded in his heart, "Your apprentice Jiale will definitely say 'yes'."

Uncle Jiu said: "This matter is not urgent. You can discuss it later. Now the matter of Old Master Ren is urgent, and we must find a solution as soon as possible. Simu, you are proficient in the art of exorcising zombies and have done a lot of research on zombies. Is there any good solution for Mr. Ren’s situation?”

Taoist Priest Simu thought for a while and said, "Where is the body? I'll take a look first and then talk about it."

Everyone came to the coffin of Mr. Ren. Uncle Jiu took out a Bagua mirror, pressed the blood seal on the center, and then kneaded the formula to wipe the mirror surface. After the Bagua mirror lit up with a golden light, he put the Bagua mirror on the coffin, and then put it on the coffin. With one slide, he "cut off" the ink line that had previously bounced on the coffin.

The museum hadn't opened yet, but just by cutting off the ink line, everyone felt a strong corpse aura coming towards their faces. The most humble scholar was the first to be unable to withstand it and ran to a corner to hide.

"Wow, what does this smell like? It stinks." Qiu Sheng covered his nose and stepped aside.

Uncle Jiu glared at him angrily: "Zombie Qi, what does it smell like? After turning into a zombie, this corpse Qi is equivalent to the evil Qi of a fierce ghost. Look at what you two are capable of. Normally when you are allowed to practice, you know how to cheat and cheat. , you know how to hide whenever something happens, how can you inherit Yi Zhuang in the future if you are like this?"

Qiu Sheng muttered: "I have never thought about inheriting the righteous village."

Even Qiu Shengwencai, who had the lowest moral standards, felt the horror of the evil spirit. With Lin Ge's sense of smell, the impact he received was several times more severe than the two of them.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand and pushed open the coffin lid. When it was just a foot wide, a pair of pale and stiff hands with black nails half a finger long suddenly stretched out.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Simu were the closest. They reached out their hands at the same time, one on the left and one on the right to grab one of Old Master Ren's hands. They blocked, removed, and pressed. Their movements were smooth and completely synchronized, and they directly pressed back Old Master Ren's hand. Chest.

"Corpse Transformation!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes frowned, released one hand, took out a yellow talisman, and stuck it towards Old Master Ren's chest. At the same time, he looked at Uncle Jiu: "Senior Brother!"

Uncle Jiu understood and said to Lin Ge, "Junior brother, give me the Bagua Mirror."

Lin Ge held down the Bagua mirror attached to the other end of the coffin lid and slid it forward. The Bagua mirror slid directly against the coffin lid towards where Uncle Jiu was standing.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand, picked up the Bagua mirror that slid over, and slapped it on Old Mrs. Ren's hideous face. He heard a miserable howl and Old Mrs. Ren stopped moving.

When Qiu Sheng heard that there was no movement, he cautiously stepped forward and looked inside the coffin: "Master, uncle, is this done?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "It just temporarily suppressed the corpse energy."

Seeing this, Taoist Master Four Eyes let go of his hand, looked at Uncle Jiu and asked puzzledly: "Brother, since Old Master Ren has transformed into a corpse, why not just cremate him?"

Uncle Jiu sighed and said in a rather helpless tone: "I suggested to Mr. Ren that he should be cremated, but he said that Mr. Ren was most afraid of fire when he was alive. Cremation would mean that Mr. Ren is unfilial. Moreover, the arrangement for the Ren family Mr. Feng Shui secretly tampered with the body of Mr. Ren, causing the Ren family to be cursed. In the past twenty years, the Ren family has been defeated again and again. The century-old family business has long been depleted, and the population is even more bleak. There is only one daughter. If we don't think of ways to lift the curse and only consider getting rid of the corpse, I'm afraid the Ren family will be trapped in the curse forever."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes heard the words and nodded: "That's true. Supporting justice and helping the world have always been the purpose of our sect. We can't ignore the life and death of the Ren family just for the sake of ease."

Uncle Jiu said again: "Junior brother, I remember that before my master passed away, he handed over several magic weapons to our brothers and sisters. Among them, you took the soul-suppressing bell that can exorcise evil spirits and suppress corpse energy. Can you borrow it? Do you want me to restrain the body of Mr. Ren?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes said cheerfully: "It's definitely no problem to borrow it. It's just that I enshrined the soul-suppressing bell in front of the portrait of the ancestor, and I usually don't need it for chasing corpses like this. Even if I go back to get it, this time It only takes two or three days to return. Can this corpse energy... be suppressed?"

Uncle Jiu thought for a while and said: "Two or three days should be fine. Then, junior brother, go and come back quickly. I will find a way to suppress the corpse energy in these two days. When you get the soul-suppressing bell, we will find a way to completely eliminate this evil spirit." curse."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes nodded and muttered: "I just came here, I haven't even had a hot meal, and now I have to set off again."

"When you get your things back, you can choose any restaurant in town." Uncle Jiu urged.

"Okay, okay." Taoist priest Simu sighed, preparing to pack up and set off.

At this time, Lin Ge said: "Senior Brother, why don't you let me go back with Brother Four Eyes to get the things? If he has other things to be busy with, I can also bring the things back."

Uncle Jiu thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's fine. I'll feel more at ease if you follow me, junior brother."

Taoist Master Simu said dissatisfiedly: "Brother, look at what you said, it seems that I am not very reliable in my work."

"Isn't it?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes: ...Okay, you are the senior brother and you have the final say.

The reason why Lin Ge chose to follow Taoist Priest Four Eyes back was, on the one hand, because his master had mentioned that he put his spiritual consciousness into the world of reincarnation just to help him. If he had more contact with him, he might be able to get some information about the upper world and the main god space. information; on the other hand, the four-eyed priest is the protagonist of "Uncle Zombie", the second part of the Nine Uncle Zombie series. In this movie, in addition to the high-energy plot of Chizuru priest who only plays high-end games, And the most important point is the final boss-the royal zombie.

Mr. Ren was "tortured" by Mr. Feng Shui for a while, and now he can't even fly into zombies, let alone become the zombie king and let Lin Ge complete the main mission.

Lin Ge thought about it, and the most likely person to become the zombie king and let him be the main character is probably the royal zombie in "Uncle Zombie".

Therefore, whether it was to obtain more information from the master or to complete the main mission, he had to follow him on this trip.

If we can save Taoist Master Qianhe and get together Maoshan F4, maybe even if a zombie king does appear, we can deal with it "easily".

After Taoist Master Simu packed up his things, he came to the yard, took out a small copper bell the size of three fingers, held it in his hand and shook it: "Brothers, we are on our way."

Then, the four-eyed Taoist priest sprinkled a handful of paper money in the direction of the courtyard gate. He shook the bell and pointed, and the zombies with yellow talismans on their foreheads jumped towards the door in the direction he pointed. go.

"The sky is clear and the night is vast. We have gone home and formed a row. We strode out of Yizhuang and hit the road."

Uncle Jiu walked towards Lin Ge and said, "Junior brother, you and Simu must also pay attention to safety during this trip. Don't worry about Yizhuang. I will find a way to suppress Old Mrs. Ren's corpse energy for a while."

"Okay, senior brother, please pay attention to your safety. Caution comes first." Lin Ge nodded, put on his travel bag, held a black umbrella in his hand, and followed Si Mu Dao Chang out of the yard.

Since the four-eyed Taoist priest chased the corpses away, it was not easy to chase the zombies onto the street or into crowded places. The routes chosen were sparsely populated forests and mountain roads.

Along the way, Lin Ge and Taoist Simu chatted wordlessly. While they got to know each other, it was more that Lin Ge was trying to find out something about the "upper realm".

Unfortunately, perhaps because the "master" of this world has not yet "enlightened", Taoist Master Si Mu was unable to answer many topics. Instead, he followed the topic and threw the question back to Lin Ge. While chatting, the two of them talked about the art of exorcising corpses from the perspective of cultivation.

"Oh, I didn't expect you, senior brother, to be interested in corpse exorcism. Originally, in our master's lineage, corpse exorcism was the master's unique skill. But the senior brothers either learned the thunder method or the magic method. In the end, It fell to me to develop the art of exorcising corpses. However, my master is kind to me and keeps all the good things for me, so I chose the most unpopular magic to inherit, and I don’t regret it." Taoist Priest Four Eyes said while rushing. Walking behind the zombies, he told Lin Ge about the art of exorcism.

However, with a deeper understanding of the art of exorcism, Lin Ge realized that this art of exorcism was extensive and profound. Strictly speaking, this was the art of controlling ghosts that Huang Shang mentioned, which was "split" by the descendants of Maoshan.

Of course, it is inappropriate to say the art of controlling ghosts, and the art of controlling corpses is more appropriate, but according to Taoist Master Four Eyes, both of these "skills" came from the same ancestor.

Lin Ge and Taoist Priest Four Eyes became more and more congenial as they chatted. Finally, Taoist Priest Four Eyes directly hooked Lin Ge's neck and said, "Brother, I don't know why, but when I first saw that face of yours, I always felt like beating you up." It was an illusion of two punches, but after understanding it deeply, I suddenly found that you are capable of..."

There was a sense of regret in Si Mu Dao's long words, but Lin Ge only had embarrassment and helplessness on his face. He could only pray that the master would not really beat him after he "wakes up". good.

The two of them traveled all day and were walking in a forest late at night. Taoist Master Simu said: "Senior brother, walk through this forest and walk ten kilometers to my home. Then I will introduce you to my apprentice Jiale. Although His qualifications are dull, but he is much more reliable than my senior brother's two apprentices."

Anyone who has watched the movie "Uncle Zombie" knows that "Jia Le", the apprentice of Taoist Master Four Eyes, is indeed one of the few "good apprentices" in zombie movies. Not only does he never lag behind, he is also very skilled.

Mentioning Jiale, Taoist Master Simu also looked very happy and said with a smile: "Hehe. Although my Taoism is not as good as my senior brothers and others, the disciples I have accepted are better than them."

Lin Ge: ...Then you still bully Jiale all day long. It took you eight years to give someone a piece of tattered clothing.

Taoist priest Simu is not poor, on the contrary, he is extremely rich. In the movie, because the master next door knocking wooden fish early in the morning was noisy, he took a box of gold bars from under the bed and went there, clamoring to buy the master's house. In contrast, giving Jiale a pair of ripped clothes only after eight years is no longer "harsh" and "stingy".

But Taoist Priest Simu obviously didn't realize that he was a little harsh on Jiale, and kept introducing Jiale's situation to Lin Ge.

Just as he was talking, Lin Ge suddenly stopped, sniffed his nose, frowned and said, "There is a demonic aura!"

There will be additional and corrective updates to the previous one later today.

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