Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 225: One-day trip to the underworld: The way of heaven is so reincarnated, who will be spare

As Hu Bufan was speaking, he saw Lin Ge stop and look forward with a solemn expression, and couldn't help but ask: "Good brother, have you discovered anything?"

"You'll know if you go forward." Lin Ge saw directly through the confusion with his eyes, unaffected by hallucinations, and led everyone towards the southeast branches where the bride hung herself.

After walking for a while, a spy who was following Lin Ge couldn't help but ask: "Brother Lin, are you sure you are walking the right way? Why do I feel like I have walked here three times?"

Before Lin Ge could say anything, Hu Bufan slapped the back of Yin Zai's head: "Didn't you see that my brother is so calm? Then there must be no problem. If you continue to talk nonsense, you will lead the way. If you lead the way wrong once, you will be the one next month. Responsible for the food and wine, you hear me?"

This Yin Chao had just been promoted from Yin Soldier not long ago, and he didn't have the connections like Hu Bufan or Gui Yan. If he were to be responsible for making things, he would probably have no choice but to wander around in the underworld.

But I heard that demons have been running rampant in the underworld these years, and ghosts are in trouble. He is just a small sinner, and he doesn't want to be a savior in the underworld.

At this time, Lin Ge stopped, and three meters away from him, a bride wearing a red wedding robe was hanged from a tree.

Hu Bufan stepped forward to take a look and said solemnly: "This is an empty shell with its soul removed. It's strange. The soul must have been out of the body for a long time. Why doesn't the body rot?"

"It's very simple." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique and used his hand to grab the corpse in the void. He saw a black figure being pulled out of the corpse.

Fog ghost!

Although the fog ghost is not very powerful, its ability to hide is very powerful. Not only can it escape the eyes of Uncle Jiu, but even the bull-headed Hu Bufan cannot see through it at a glance.

The reason why Lin Ge was able to conclude that there was a fog ghost hidden in the corpse was, firstly, because this situation had also happened to Ren Tingting, and secondly, because of the vague and non-existent evil aura.

When Lin Ge pulled out the fog ghost, the corpse hanging on the dead tree instantly decomposed and turned into a mummy. As the corpse decomposed, the surrounding thick fog also dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Hu Bufan suddenly said: "No wonder the ghosts in our ghost city can't get through the Death Barrier Forest, but there are always monsters running out of the Death Barrier Forest. We thought it was a monster that happened to sneak out, but we didn't expect it to be the old monster from Montenegro." s method."

Lin Ge used the Soul Sealing Technique to seal the fog ghost and said, "It should be the old demon from Black Mountain who used the fog ghost to amplify the resentment of these female ghosts and expand the effect of the confusion."

Hu Bufan said: "Fortunately, I have a good brother here who can see through this confusion at a glance, otherwise we don't know how long we would be trapped in it."

If you want to cross the Death Barrier Forest, the only way is to crack the fog ghosts on the hanging corpses one by one. But Lin Ge has a pair of clairvoyant eyes, so he can ignore the hanging corpses and walk to the outside.

However, Lin Ge did not directly lead the team to pass them over. Instead, he went around to each hanging corpse, sealed the fog ghost, and burned three sticks of incense on the corpse.

Ghost Eyes asked in confusion: "Brother Lin...Why do these mummies even have no souls, why do they even offer three sticks of incense? Do you have any explanation?"

"It's a simple effort, not to mention it's not the incense in the temple, nor is it valuable." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Although several undercover agents felt that Lin Ge's actions were a waste of time, their boss didn't have any objections and they didn't say anything.

It originally only took half a day to walk directly through the Death Barrier Forest, but Lin Ge insisted on putting incense sticks on each corpse. It took nearly twice as long for everyone to walk out of the Death Barrier Forest.

As soon as he came out of the Death Barrier Forest, Lin Ge immediately smelled the pungent smell of monsters and immediately told everyone to stop: "Be careful, the valley ahead is probably the monster's stronghold."

"Ghost Eyes, explore the way." Hu Bufan ordered.

Ghost Eye immediately picked out his own eyeball, controlled it to enter the valley ahead, and found all the monster scouts hiding in the dark.

If you kill them all the way, it will definitely attract the attention of the demon clan.

Fortunately, Lin Ge has assassination master Ou Yongqi here. Once the ghost realm opens, he can kill people invisible. Cooperating with the ghost eyes, it is not difficult to pull out the demon clan's scouts.

However, Hu Bufan and others didn't know what words to use to describe the mood of the cleaning scout, because every time Lin Ge asked Ou Yongqi to assassinate a monster, he would habitually go up and lick it.

Either taking away the monster's weapons or stripping off the monster's clothing, Lin Ge would even cut off the horns of monsters with horns such as bull monsters and goat monsters.

Everyone thought this was Lin Ge's "collecting habit" and it was difficult to say anything.

After entering the valley, Lin Ge and others found that the woods in the central area had been cut down, and the demon clan was stationed in the camp. As if there was some big happy event, lanterns and colors were put up from the entrance of the camp, and many tents were hung with The red lantern, if it weren't for the demon clan's base camp, I would have thought it was some human military camp celebrating a great event.

"Bah, this old Black Mountain monster is really cautious. There are mummies in front of him and hundreds of scouts behind him. If it weren't for your female ghost's ability, brother, we would definitely have alerted the snake." Hu Bufan said, staring at the monster patrolling outside the camp.

The task of Lin Ge and others was to find the old demon's lair in Black Mountain and mark it, and then wait for General Long to lead the army to support. Therefore, after finding the base camp, Hu Bufan took out the order for help and conveyed it.

"Brother, should I ask General Long to gather his troops in front of the Death Barrier Forest, and then we go back and take them through the Death Barrier Forest, or should I let them bypass the Death Barrier Forest? If we take a detour, it will probably take at least seven days." Hu Bufan said.

Lin Ge said: "Brother Hu, let General Long lead his troops directly through the Death Barrier Forest. I have broken the confusion in the Death Barrier Forest and left a guiding beacon. They will not be affected by the confusion."

"I see. I didn't expect you, brother, to have been prepared a long time ago. You still have the foresight." Hu Bufan nodded and activated the call for help.

After a while, a golden light flashed on the request for help. Upon seeing this, Hu Bufan said: "General Long wrote back and said that they had already assembled their troops and would come as quickly as possible to support them."

"In that case, Brother Hu and Senior Brother, you guys are waiting outside for the reinforcements to arrive. I will sneak in to take a look at the situation and prepare some gifts for the demon clan so that General Long can attack the camp later." Lin Ge said.

Hu Bufan said in surprise: "Brother, you want to go to the Monster Clan military camp to inquire? Isn't this... too risky? Even if you use a simple disguise, there are many detection experts among the Monster Clan, and it may be difficult to avoid their detection."

"It doesn't matter, simple disguise can't be done, so make it as realistic as possible." Lin Ge said, taking out the trophies he had collected along the way.

Only then did everyone realize that Lin Ge had collected these monster things along the way not because of his "collecting habit", but because he had made plans to sneak into the monster camp early in the morning.

Lin Ge cooperated with the manifestation technique to "spell" those monster things on his body, and after a while, he transformed into a black bull monster.

"How do you like it? Is this look okay for me?" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu's eyes trembled and he couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, are you a demon from Shaanxi?"

Hu Bufan understood as soon as he heard that Lin Ge was imitating the accent of General Niu before: "Brother, with your appearance and accent, you will definitely be able to deceive those mindless monsters. But... what if you are like General Niu and the old monster from Montenegro?" These big monsters have smelled your scent, what should they do?"

"It's not a big problem. I've been prepared for it." Lin Ge said, taking out a bottle of spray and spraying it on himself. The people around him suddenly smelled a pungent stench.

"Wow, Brother Lin, what are you spraying?" Ghost Eye asked.

Lin Ge replied: "This is a 'ghost deterrent' developed by my patients. It is a smelly water made from cow dung, sheep dung and other animal feces."

"Ah. The smell is too strong." Several gangsters were so intoxicated that they hurriedly hid aside.

Lin Ge then said: "Then you guys just wait here, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Junior brother, be careful with everything." Uncle Jiu warned.

Lin Ge nodded, and after walking out from the other side of the forest, he wrapped a large piece of wood in the rags of the bull demon's rags he had plundered before, carried it on his shoulders, and walked toward the camp entrance in a swaggering manner.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was immediately stopped by the guard monster: "Stop, which detachment of monsters are you from? Why did you run outside the camp at this time?"

Lin Ge smiled "hehe", approached the two monsters, and said as if whispering: "Two eldest brothers, I am a close associate of General Niu. I have been ordered to capture the beauty and present it to General Niu."

As he spoke, Lin Ge patted the wood wrapped around his shoulders, and Ou Yongqi's pale hands fell out of the rags at the right time. It looked like the person inside seemed to have passed out.

Lin Ge quickly grabbed Ou Yongqi's hand and stuffed it back into the cloth. He gave the guard a "you understand" look and whispered, "Don't delay General Niu's good deeds."

"Yes, yes, right now, the Demon King is holding a wedding banquet. General Niu will definitely want to take advantage of this opportunity to be happy. Brother, go quickly." The guard immediately made way for Lin Ge.

Lin Ge carried the wood, thanked him, and walked swaggering towards the camp.

Walking around behind a tent, Lin Ge was about to throw away the wood when he saw a one-eyed wolf monster that looked like a werewolf opened the curtain and walked out, just in time to bump into Lin Ge.

"Who are you? How dare you come here? There's someone here, there's someone here..." Before the wolf demon finished speaking, he saw a red mist appear behind him, condensing from the red mirror, and Ou Yongqi stretched out several of them from the mirror. One hand penetrated the wolf demon's throat, two broke his neck, and the remaining ones covered its mouth to prevent it from making any sound.

Lin Ge looked at the red mirror behind the wolf demon and couldn't help but said: "Qimei, what you are opening is not a ghost realm, but a flower fruit, right?"

I have to say that Qi Meier used this "strangling" very skillfully.

After killing the wolf demon, Lin Ge pushed the body into the camp, rummaged through the things in the tent, and found that the wolf demon was still a squad leader, and this area was an officer camp. It was no wonder that the wolf demon saw him as a "little demon" When he appears here, he is immediately treated as a spy.

After disposing of the wolf monster's body, Lin Ge bypassed the officers' camp and was about to explore the largest camp area when he saw a large number of monsters gathered in the center of the camp.

There were three levels of monsters inside and outside, but they didn't line up. From time to time, there were shouts and cheers, so Lin Ge simply squeezed in.

"Hey, brother, how's the situation?" Lin Ge poked a bear demon with his elbow and asked in a pretentious manner.

The bear demon stretched his neck and looked into the crowd. He was much taller than Lin Ge, so he couldn't see it, and Lin Ge couldn't see what was going on inside.

However, the bear demon obviously knew what was going on inside, and said at the top of his lungs: "Whatever happens, I can't even squeeze in. Besides, this is a distribution that can only be enjoyed by squad leaders. We, the little soldiers, can just join in the fun outside." Oh, what, you still expect General Wu to give you a wife?"

Split a wife?

Lin Ge came closer and lowered his voice and said: "Brother Xiong, I heard that General Wu was seriously injured in the battle in Demon City a few days ago. Wasn't he almost like that? He has recovered from his injuries?"

The bear demon approached Lin Ge and said, "I heard that the Demon King thought that General Wu had contributed a lot to the demon clan in these years. Just when the Death Barrage Forest was about to release a new resentment formation, the Demon King let General Wu swallow him. With the souls of five hundred lovely wives, General Fog recovered from his injuries. No, as soon as he recovered, he sent his Fog Ghost to the underworld and snatched hundreds of beauties back. The Demon King chose the remaining ones and rewarded them. To each squad leader."

"That's it." After Lin Ge heard this, he finally understood the matter between the fog ghost and the demon clan.

Apart from anything else, the welfare of this demon soldier is... quite good? He even assigned a wife.

All joking aside, Lin Ge put his hand into his clothes, contacted Hu Bufan through the Hei Wuchang token, and immediately told the other party that General Wu was still alive to prevent the ghost clan from being caught off guard.

Then, Lin Ge tried to squeeze in. As someone who had deep memories of squeezing on buses and subways in China, he tried every possible means to squeeze in. He was really squeezed to the place where he could see the stage in front.

After bypassing the huge monsters blocking the front, Lin Ge finally saw the situation on the stage. It was like an auction. A pig monster was standing in front of the stage, and behind him were a large group of human souls. A dark chain was locked everywhere, and they were packed together like cargo.

The majority of these souls are women, and there are also a small number of men. The men are all weak scholars, but both men and women are standing there with blank eyes, motionless. It was obviously due to some kind of restriction, coupled with the disappearance of three souls and seven souls, that led to the current appearance.

Lin Ge took a closer look and saw that Ren Tingting's soul was also among them. As expected, she was brought down as a commodity by the fog ghost.

Besides Ren Tingting, there is also a "familiar face" among the souls. She was the ghost bride who had failed to seduce him before and was beaten up, but ended up seducing Qiu Sheng again.

Lin Ge didn't expect that even she would be captured. It seems that this demon tribe has more monks and less meat?

However, even if she wanted to save Ren Tingting, it would be just a "easy move". For Lin Ge to risk her life, Ren Tingting obviously didn't have that much dignity.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and felt that to save Ren Tingting it was best to wait for the ghost army to arrive, so he withdrew from the monster group.

"Tsk, tsk, thousands of monsters are holding a wedding banquet. On such a festive day, there must be some festive music." An idea flashed in Lin Ge's mind. While the monsters were focusing on distributing souls, he secretly ran to various places. Arranged in every tent.

After half a stick of incense, Lin Ge returned to the forest.

"Good brother, how is the situation inside?" Hu Bufan asked anxiously when he saw Lin Ge coming out.

After Lin Ge told everyone about the situation in the camp in detail, he said to Uncle Jiu: "Brother, Miss Ren's soul is also among them."

"Junior brother, do you have any good ideas to save Miss Ren's soul?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Lin Ge nodded: "As long as General Long arrives with his army, we can take advantage of the chaos to take away Miss Ren's soul. Don't worry, I have made arrangements in the camp, and nothing will happen to Miss Ren."

"Okay." Uncle Jiu still trusted Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was discussing the next action, and in the demon army camp, the pig demon officer was still distributing souls, as if he was "rewarding according to merit". From the previous battles, the number of demons killed was the highest Monsters began to be distributed.

When it was the turn of a tall and strong bull demon, the main man pulled the chain in his hand. The chain around Ren Tingting's neck lit up, and then she walked out with dull eyes.

The pig demon handed the chain to the cow demon and said with a chuckle: "Hey, hey, old cow, I'm giving you an advantage. I heard that this guy is still a lady in the world."

"Thank you, Brother Zhu, for taking care of me. I'll treat you to Sister Fox later." The cow demon excitedly took the chain and brought Ren Tingting into his tent like a pet.

The monsters at the level of captain of the monster tribe all have independent tents. As soon as the cow monster entered the door, he immediately lowered the door curtain and fastened it. Then he rubbed his hands and walked towards Ren Tingting with a smile: "Hey, hey, let the old cow have a taste of human beings today." The smell of a young lady. Beauty, here I come!"

"Hee hee hee--"

Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded in the tent.

"Daniu Niu, do you want to play with my little bear?"

The bull demon turned around in horror, and then saw a brown bear doll that was bigger and stronger than him, with several black holes in its body, staring at him with its fingers.


The bull demon was startled and screamed, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the brown bear Li Gui punched him directly in the mouth, silencing the rest of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, the bull demon was affected by the brown bear ghost and fell into a hallucination.

In the hallucination, the bull demon felt that the beauty he dreamed of was squeezing his shoulders. However, in reality, his left arm had been torn off by the brown bear ghost.

Then, the bull demon enjoyed the beauty's beautiful feet and back in the hallucination, but in reality, the brown bear ghost jumped on him, and several places were trampled into meat.

The bull demon who was addicted to the hallucination not only did not howl in pain, but was still moaning in comfort, which made the passing monsters feel itchy and determined to work hard to become a team leader and be assigned to a human in the future. A lady-level soul.

Among the demon army, regardless of whether they received souls or not, the camp was still full of joy. After all, the soul leaders are all captain-level, so even if they are unhappy, they cannot show it.

However, just when the captains and demon generals were happy, suddenly, a burst of "joyful" music sounded in the camp.

The music sounded throughout the camp, shocking the demon army in the camp and making them confused.

As the saying goes, "The way of heaven is easy to reincarnate, and the pure land bypasses who." It was originally supposed to be a very happy "pure land of bliss", but Lin Ge didn't want to cause trouble and found a "suona" version.

The music of the upper world instantly turned into the music of the underworld, and under the double buffs of "Pure Land" and "Suona", the monsters had the illusion that a ghost town had arrived at their doorstep.




Amidst the deafening music, a trumpet sound suddenly sounded. This was a warning from the camp tower and a sign of enemy attack. Immediately, a group of monsters gathered together, led by various monster generals, ready to face the enemy.

General Niu, who had a white gauze wrapped around his head, walked out of the main camp tent and saw the generals of the demon army gathered outside. He asked loudly: "What happened? What the hell is this noise?"

"Report to General Niu, the ghost city is attacking! This harsh sound is coming from the black boxes in several camps." A demon general said immediately.

General Niu rubbed his head and asked impatiently: "Go and smash these things for me. The noise gives me a headache. By the way, where are the people in the ghost town? Have you sent troops to set up traps at the mouth of the valley? The military camp is easy to defend. It’s difficult to attack, so don’t panic.”

The demon general stammered: "They, they, they came from the Death Barrier Forest!"

"What! Death Barrier Forest?" When General Niu heard this, his eyes that were bigger than his fists almost bulged out, and he said in disbelief: "Impossible, how could they pass through the barrier? That was the Demon King himself. The obstacles set up are impossible, absolutely impossible!”

"But..." The demon general didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

Whether General Niu believed it or not, as the warning sirens became more and more frequent, the facts told him that the enemy had already reached his doorstep.

"Bring my guy!" General Niu waved his hand and was ready to lead his troops out of camp to meet the enemy.

However, before his adjutants and guards could lift out the giant axes with both hands, a large group of Yin soldiers appeared at the entrance of the camp, and they rushed directly to the camp in a dark atmosphere.

The attack of the ghost tribe was so fierce and fast that the demon tribe had no time to react before General Long, Hu Bufan and other ghost generals broke through the main gate.

General Long personally led the charge, with a posture of taking down the demon world's base camp in one go, while Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu followed the team slowly.

Uncle Jiu saw his junior brother walking among the crowd as if taking a walk after dinner, eating melon seeds, and couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, let's... not help? We are all unemployed... now it's a bit... …”

Lin Ge spat out the melon seed shells and said nonchalantly: "Fighting is about professionalism... Senior brother, you are considered a civil servant, and I am considered a special type of worker, so I won't get involved."

"This..." Although Uncle Jiu knew that Lin Ge was talking nonsense, he couldn't find the right words to refute for a while. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was some truth in what he said?

"But don't we have to take advantage of the chaos to find Miss Ren's soul? With the chaos here, will Miss Ren's soul also be affected?" Uncle Jiu was a little worried.

Lin Ge was chewing melon seeds and raised his head towards the tent beside him: "Here, we've been rescued."

Uncle Jiu took a look and saw the little girl and Ren Tingting, protected by a brown cloth bear nearly three meters tall, walking towards them.

"Uncle! I have completed the mission! Reward!" The little girl tilted her head and showed a sweet (kong) sweet (bu) smile.

Lin Ge hurriedly handed over a bag of lollipops: "Get your head straightened quickly, or it will break. If it gets away, it won't be easy to get it back."

"Oh." The little girl nodded.

There are so many ghosts and monsters here that if your head falls off and rolls to the ground, you might be kicked away. She quickly hugged her head, ran to Lin Ge, and hugged her thighs as usual...

"Miss Ren, Miss Ren?" Uncle Jiu raised his hand and waved in front of Ren Tingting, but there was no response from the other party.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand to knead the secret, put his fingertips on Ren Tingting's forehead, and immediately frowned and said: "Oops, I have been away from the soul for too long, and the Yin Qi has been absorbed too much. I have to leave the underworld as soon as possible."

Lin Ge thought for a moment and said, "Senior brother, why don't you take Miss Ren's soul away first, and I'll go back after I handle the matters here."

"You..." Uncle Jiu was a little worried about Lin Ge's safety.

Lin Ge waved his hand nonchalantly: "Don't worry, there are dark soldiers fighting here, and there are ghost generals when the demon general comes, so I don't need to take action."

Uncle Jiu thought about it, but when he saw Ren Tingting's state at this time, he felt a little confused: "Junior brother, have you brought the wine jar? I don't have anything with me, so I can't accept Miss Ren's soul."

In the movie, whether it is sealing or salvation, Uncle Jiu usually uses a wine jar.

Lin Ge took out a soul-sealing talisman and directly used Ma's soul-sealing technique to seal Ren Tingting's soul. Then he folded it into a lucky star and handed it to Uncle Jiu: "Brother, if you unlock the lucky star, you can release Miss Ren's soul." .”

"Junior brother, your spell is quite convenient." Uncle Jiu sighed.

Lin Ge said: "Want to learn? I'll teach you."

Uncle Jiu:......

Whatever secrets and spells other people had were hidden away, but my junior brother was so generous that he was afraid that he would not learn the same thing, so he wished he could teach him everything he knew.

In order to ensure that Ren Tingting's soul could return to her body, Uncle Jiu took his lucky star and rushed non-stop to the place where he entered the underworld.

After Uncle Jiu left, Lin Ge no longer had any worries. He raised his hand and revealed a recliner, sitting at the door of the demon army camp and eating melon seeds.

However, Lin Ge was not as leisurely as he appeared. Before that, he had already observed the camp with his double-eyed eyes, but he could not find the target of his trip - the old demon from Black Mountain.

"Where is this old guy hiding? The ghost town has been taken away, and now the base camp has also been demolished. How can this guy be so calm?" Lin Ge stared at General Long who killed the demon army to the point where he was stunned, and said to himself .

At this time, just when General Long chopped off General Niu's head with a sword and split his whole body into two halves, completely killing the general under the old Black Mountain demon, he saw a strong aroma flying out of General Niu's corpse. The black mist flew towards the main tent in the military camp.

"Monster, my general is watching where you run away!" General Long tried to pursue you with his sword.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and the entire valley seemed to have experienced a major earthquake. Then the main camp tent was like a "head", connected to the soil, and slowly rising.

The door of the main camp opened like a bloody mouth, swallowing the black mist flying from General Niu's body, and then biting at General Long.

General Long used his magic weapon to block and at the same time cast spells to attack.

Seeing General Long fighting against the "Main Camp", Lin Ge suddenly felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar: "No wonder there is no trace of the old Black Mountain demon anywhere. After a long time, it was just like in "A Chinese Ghost Story 3", this guy's body turned out to be..." Just hide under the main camp tent.”

That's right, the head of the "Main Camp Tent" is the incarnation of the Black Mountain Old Demon, and his body is connected to the valley, or this land is his body.

In the ghost town, the only one who had ever fought against the old demon of Black Mountain was the dead General Wei. General Long was much weaker than General Wei. General Wei had not been able to gain favor from the old demon of Black Mountain, so naturally he also Not an opponent.

"Withdraw!" General Long decided to follow the original plan and lure the old Black Mountain demon out now.

General Long gave an order, and a kind of ghost soldier immediately evacuated out of the camp. The demon army in the camp had been killed to pieces, and the ghost city army withdrew outside the camp with almost no hindrance.

Lin Ge, who was mixed in with the ghost town army, noticed that after the old Black Mountain demon swallowed General Niu's black mist, the main camp tent was wrapped in a thick black mist.

"...This guy." Lin Ge suddenly had a suspicion in his mind that maybe there was no such thing as General Wu and General Niu at all. These were just clones of the old Black Mountain demon.

After all, which general can be so generous that when one of his subordinates is injured, he immediately dispatches five hundred wives to express condolences and heal his injuries? Unless this old Black Mountain monster is actually a tauren.

"Lead towards the Death Barrier Forest." General Long commanded the Ghost City army, while counterattacking, he retreated towards the Death Barrier Forest.

They are just the vanguard, and the "secret weapons" of Little Hell and Ghost City are still behind. Since they have to transport the weapons and completely eliminate the Black Mountain Old Demon, their "trip" is also very delayed.

"Hold him!" General Long shouted.

But the strength of the old Black Mountain demon, the majestic lord of the city and the demon king, cannot be blocked by ordinary Yin soldiers. In an instant, the casualties of the ghost city army exceeded the number of those who attacked the camp before.

"Damn, this guy is so perverted, I really don't know how General Wei hurt him before!" Hu Bufan cursed, then strode forward and suddenly shot the magic weapon trident in his hand towards the old demon of Montenegro. .

The trident turned into a ray of silver light and went straight towards the head of the old demon Montenegro. However, the trident that could pierce a large area of ​​monsters before hit the head of the old demon Montenegro and only blew up a small piece in the corner.

This attack completely angered the Black Mountain Old Demon, and the attack suddenly became more fierce. For a moment, the mountains collapsed and the ground shook like an earthquake.

The old demon from Montenegro opened his mouth, and instantly hundreds of Yin soldiers were sucked into his mouth.

Lin Ge's location was also affected by the earthquake, but soon, Ou Yongqi condensed the red mist directly, forming red mirrors at his feet.

Lin Ge stepped on the red mirror and fled directly into the air.

However, Ou Yongqi's appearance seemed to make the old demon from Montenegro discover something new, and he directly stared at Lin Ge and rushed towards him.

Lin Ge immediately asked Ou Yongqi to quickly condense red mirrors in the air, and then he jumped up and down in the air through these red mirrors to avoid the attack of the old Black Mountain demon.

Lin Ge was very agile and combined with Ou Yongqi's red mirror ability, the Black Mountain Demon took several bites, but all of them were empty.

How can the word "saucy" be used in this positioning!

The old Black Mountain monster became more and more angry as he chased him, and his whole body emerged from the ground. The soil and the corpses of many monsters merged into a huge monster.

As soon as he raised his foot, a large number of Yin soldiers were trampled to pieces. With a wave of his hand, he instantly grabbed a handful of Yin soldiers and stuffed them into his mouth. However, looking at Lin Ge jumping in the air in front of him, he became even more angry.


The Black Mountain Old Demon let out a shocking roar, and the air flow he created directly blew away all the Yin soldiers around him. Even Lin Ge relied on Ou Yongqi's condensed red mirror to block him behind him to avoid being blown away.

The old Black Mountain demon attacked Lin Ge again. Lin Ge hid while chanting loudly: "Move, move, you can't catch me!"

Directly fill up the taunt.

Suddenly, Lin Ge stopped suddenly in the air and reached back. The Five Elements Bagua Plate appeared in his hand, and he took a photo of the old Montenegro demon who opened his mouth to bite him!

Lin Ge deliberately angered the Black Mountain Old Demon step by step, just for this moment, he used blood to activate the Five Elements Bagua Disk, shining a dazzling golden light!


The golden light directly penetrated the bloody mouth of the old Black Mountain demon, causing the earth to splash everywhere. The huge body fell backwards, directly smashing the camp to the ground.




Suddenly, a deafening sound of bells came from the direction of the Death Barrier Forest, and the Little King of Hell's sedan came out of the Death Barrier Forest, followed by a giant cart with an ancient black bell at least ten meters high placed on it.

"Old demon of Black Mountain, I, the city lord, will see where you are going to escape this time!" With a cold shout, the little King of Hell walked out of the sedan and took out the pacifier.

The little King of Hell opened his mouth slightly, and black air flew out of his mouth, flying back along the two hundred years' cheeks, instantly covering his entire body, and quickly grew to a height of more than ten meters.

The little King of Hell held the black ancient clock with both hands and struggled to carry it on his shoulders. The little King of Hell, who was more than ten meters tall, was carrying a ten-meter-high black ancient clock, which gave people an extremely uncoordinated feeling. a feeling of.




Little Hell carried the black ancient bell and approached the old demon of Montenegro step by step.


"Quickly retreat!"

Below, General Long and the Ghost Generals hurriedly ordered the Yin soldiers to retreat. The Little King of Hell fought against the Old Demon of Black Mountain. This "king-level" battle was obviously not something they could intervene in.

Lin Ge was in the air, but was not affected by the earthquake caused by the Black Mountain Old Demon, so he used the Five Elements Bagua Disk in the air to coordinate with the Little Hell King's attack.

The black ancient bell of Little Hell obviously has a great origin. Every time it is struck, the soil on the old Black Mountain demon's body will fall off, and the black energy will scatter.


Lin Ge was curious when he was watching the movie. This old monster from Montenegro had a name of legal system, but he had a body of physics system.

It seems that apart from attacking with the body, there is no magic that can be used.

Even now, under the coordinated attacks of Little Hell King and Lin Ge, the huge body of the Black Mountain Old Demon was beaten to pieces, but he still couldn't use the spells on the table.

The Little King of Hell swung the black ancient bell and slammed it at the Black Mountain Old Demon, directly smashing the opponent to pieces. However, as the Black Mountain Old Demon's body was smashed, countless human-shaped black mist flew out from the "ruins".

"Sure enough!" When Lin Ge saw this, he immediately confirmed that his previous guess was correct. These fog ghosts were actually clones of the old Black Mountain demon.

Doesn't that mean that if one of them is allowed to escape, the old Black Mountain demon can still survive?

Lin Ge obviously didn't want to see this happen, so he immediately started the Five Elements Bagua Disk and took random photos at the fog ghosts flying below.

But there are too many fog ghosts. At first glance, they are densely packed with thousands of them. Even if Lin Ge can kill dozens of fog ghosts at once, it will be difficult to hurt the old demon of Montenegro.

At this time, I saw the little King of Hell carrying the black ancient bell on his shoulder, pointing the bell at the old demon of Montenegro, pinching the magic formula, reciting the spell, and ringing the bell suddenly!


The fog ghost directly in front was shaken away by the sound of the bell, and the dense black fog dissipated instantly. Not only that, even Lin Ge in the air was affected.

As soon as the bell rang, the red mirror condensed at Lin Ge's feet also shattered, and the red mist gathered around Ou Yongqi to protect him was also shaken away.

Lin Ge suddenly fell from the air. Fortunately, after the Little Hell King shook the soul of the old Black Mountain demon away, he released the black ancient bell, reached out to catch the falling Lin Ge, and put him back on the ground.

After placing Lin Ge back on the ground, the little King of Hell also shrank and returned to the two-year-old child before. He raised his head and looked at Lin Ge: "Lin Aiqing, you have done a great job this time. When you go back, I will be the master of this city." I must reward you well."

Lin Ge looked at the ten-meter-long black ancient clock and asked curiously: "Little King of Hell, what is the origin of that black ancient clock, so powerful? It actually saved the old demon from Montenegro after just a few strikes."

The Little King of Hell quickly waved his hand: "Lin Aiqing, this is the ghost town's most precious soul-suppressing bell. You need it to save the resentful evil spirits who come to the ghost town to be reincarnated, and to send their souls to rebirth, but I can't give it to you."

Lin Ge: ...You have seen this. It seems that you, little King of Hell, have not been beaten too often.

"Ahem. Little King of Hell, you misunderstood. I'm just curious about this magical ancient clock. Besides, it's so big that I can't use it." Lin Ge said with a smile.

"Oh, this is the seal release state. To deal with a demon king of the level of the Black Mountain Old Demon, it is natural to release the seal. Usually it is not so big..." As he said this, the Little King of Hell pinched the magic formula and made a move with his hand, the soul-suppressing bell. It began to shrink rapidly, and finally became only the size of a basketball.

Lin Ge's eyes lit up, and he was about to take the soul-suppressing bell to take a look, but saw Little Hell quickly hugging it in his arms: "Don't touch it, Lin Aiqing, this soul-suppressing bell is extremely powerful, if you can't control it, Well, I’m afraid it will hurt your soul.”

"It's okay, my soul is strong." Lin Ge replied.

"Ah! I remember that there is one more important thing I forgot to do, and I have to return to the ghost city quickly. General Long, I will leave it to you to clean up the battlefield."

After saying that, the little King of Hell quickly ran back to the sedan chair with the Soul-Calming Bell in his arms, and quickly asked the ghosts to carry him away.

Lin Ge: I so scary?

Returning to the Hall of the King of Hell, the little King of Hell sat in his seat and began a new round of merit-based rewards. Although Lin Ge once again made great achievements, due to the fact that he had just "leapfrog" and was promoted to the Black Impermanent Envoy, if he continued to upgrade, he would only have to compete with Hu Bufan for the position of horse face. However, compared to his position, Xiao Yan Wang has just the right The reward is given to Lin Ge.

The Little King of Hell introduced Lin Ge to the craftsmen of the Palace of Hell, implying that he would build an "exclusive weapon" for him. Lin Ge was about to agree when he suddenly thought of the broken trident.

"Little Lord Yama, according to what you said, the craftsmen in our Hell Palace are skilled in craftsmanship and have a lot of rare materials prepared. So the magic tools shouldn't be a problem, right?" Lin Ge asked.

The Little King of Hell nodded: "Yes, as long as it is not a magical weapon from ancient times, the craftsmen in the main hall of this city can repair it for you."

"Can this thing be repaired?" Lin Ge took out the trident, the damaged military weapon that had broken the back of his hand into several sections, and placed it on the ground.

The Little King of Hell frowned and said, "Why does this object look familiar? Wait, isn't this the magic weapon of General Damage? Why is it in your hands, Lin Aiqing?"

Lin Ge replied: "Reporting to Mr. Little King of Hell, this thing was given to me by an acquaintance with General Damage from another world when I traveled down the Three Thousand Small Worlds."

"It shows that your relationship with General Xiang is unusual. Although General Xiang's magic weapon comes from Ksitigarbha's craftsmen, it is...all products of the underworld. It shouldn't be difficult to repair it." The King of Hell said, and asked people to put the things away and give them to the craftsmen to repair.

"Thank you." Lin Ge thanked him with his hands in hand.

After all, the trident is a magic weapon bestowed by General Damage. If it cannot be repaired well, when you go to pay homage to the statue of General Damage, you will always feel that the other party wants to fight you to the death.

Now that I have the opportunity, of course I can do the best.

After settling the matter in the underworld, Lin Ge was ready to return to the earth. As for the trident, it would take more than a day or two to repair it. However, Little Hell promised that no matter whether the trident could be repaired or not, he would give Lin Ge an answer within seven days. Moreover, if the craftsman cannot repair it well, Lin Ge will be given an extra magical weapon as a supplement.

Lin Ge thanked the Little Queen of Hell and was sent back to the underworld.

Back in the underworld, a crowd of people were waiting for him in Ren Tingting's study. However, after Uncle Jiu brought Ren Tingting's soul back, he had already done something to return it to its place.

At this time, Ren Tingting had been helped back to the bedroom to rest by the maid of the Ren family, and Master Ren gave a large sum of money to thank Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu.

Although Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu were in the underworld for only one day, too many things happened on that day, and the two of them were already exhausted.

He said goodbye to Mr. Ren directly, and went back to Yizhuang without even having time to move away the gold and silver treasures. When he returned to Yizhuang, it was already dark.

As soon as Wen Cai opened the courtyard door, he saw ten zombies standing neatly in the courtyard. He was so frightened that his feet softened and he fell out of the door.

A helpless voice sounded in the yard: "Look at you like that. This is my client. Is this your first time meeting me? You can still be so scared and have no future. You are not as good as my apprentice Jiale."

Then, a Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe, a black Taoist hat, round wooden glasses, and a mustache walked out of the courtyard.

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