Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 223 A Day Trip to the Underworld: Little King of Hell, are you from the Youbai crew next doo

Although Lin Ge, Hu Bufan and other Yin Chai once had the upper hand with their strong individual strength and the help of the best assistant Jiu Shu, a good tiger cannot withstand a pack of wolves. No matter how strong their individual strength is, they can't beat the fierce attack of the demon army regardless of life and death. .

But Lin Ge was okay. After all, with the cooperation of Ou Yongqi's ghost domain, he could "teleport" out of the encirclement at the critical moment, but the bad luck was even worse.

Under the siege of the demon army, Ghost Eye, who was more of a "scout", became the first target of the demon army. After a series of attacks, he was seriously injured.

On Guizhao's side, Hu Bufan's situation was slightly better. With the magic weapon trident in his hand, he killed a large area at a time. The rest of them were already showing signs of decline.

However, Lin Ge, an outsider, did not retreat, and it was even less possible for Hu Bufan and others, who were shady agents in the ghost town, to retreat!

At this moment, the sound of the ghost-drawn talisman "Ban Ye" suddenly sounded from the city gate: "Beep, beep, good news, good news, the city lord is back!"

"You scum of the demon world, let's see if the city lord doesn't beat your butts until you pee!"


The wasteland echoed with the wild laughter of the ghost-drawing talisman. When the demon army was strong just now, it was so frightened that it didn't even dare to make a sound. Now that it knew that reinforcements were coming, it suddenly felt confident.

The words of the ghost-drawing talisman were like a shot in the arm of the sinisters, giving them "motivation". Even the ghost eyes that were pressed down and beaten by the demon soldiers burst out with powerful combat power.




In the distance, a horn sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of black Yin soldiers rushed into the demon army's formation, and under the command of the ghost general, they instantly killed the demon army and turned them upside down.

When the Yin soldiers entered the formation, Uncle Jiu stopped chanting the curse to prevent the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" from being used by the loudspeaker to purge some low-level Yin soldiers as well.

Seeing Lin Ge still fighting in the demon army, Uncle Jiu simply made a tactic, pulled the yellow cloth on the altar, wrote the talisman with talisman water, then grabbed both ends of the talisman cloth with both hands, and jumped off the city wall.

The talisman shone with golden light for a while, and then seemed to be blown up by the wind, turning into a glider, helping Uncle Jiu "glid" not far from Lin Ge.

As soon as Uncle Jiu landed on the ground, he held a mahogany sword and started to kill, all the way to Lin Ge.

The two fought side by side, approaching Hu Bufan, trying to join the Yin soldiers, and then retreated to the city gate to let the Yin soldiers fight the demon army.

However, just as the two retreated, a thick black mist condensed behind them, and then General Niu, who had been repelled by Lin Ge, suddenly appeared and struck Lin Ge with an axe.

"Brother, be careful!" Lin Ge relied on his keen sense of smell to catch General Niu's scent the moment he appeared, and immediately pushed Uncle Jiu away.

When the two-handed giant ax fell half a meter above Lin Ge's head, a red mist condensed into a red mirror above Lin Ge's head, blocking the blow.

With a "click", the mirror shattered. General Niu, who had half a head, roared angrily, reached into the mirror and grabbed Ou Yongqi's neck, pulling her out of the mirror.

"Beauty, come back with me!" General Niu laughed and disappeared into the mist again.

Uncle Jiu saw that Lin Ge had caused Ou Yongqi to be captured by General Niu in order to save him. His expression suddenly changed. He stood up and held his sword to kill into the depths of the demon army. Unexpectedly, Lin Ge pulled him back.

"Junior brother, the bull demon shouldn't have escaped yet, we can't let him escape!" Uncle Jiu said anxiously.

Lin Ge said calmly: "Run away if you can. A monk who can run can't escape the temple. Senior brother, there are too many demon troops here. Let the Yin soldiers come up and we retreat first."

"But my sister-in-law..." Uncle Jiu said anxiously.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Senior brother, do you think who this is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red mist condensed into Ou Yongqi's silhouette beside Lin Ge.

Uncle Jiu was stunned and said in surprise: "But I just saw my brother and sister being caught out of the mirror by General Niu. Could it be that they were just clones?"

Lin Ge said while killing the bull demons around him: "Just because of its little black bull, it wants to capture my people? Even if it's a clone, it won't work."

"Then..." Uncle Jiu believed that it was definitely not an illusion. After all, General Niu did capture a person from the mirror.

Lin Ge explained: "Oh, what General Niu captured was just a pig demon that was tricked into hiding. I asked Qimei to leave some evil aura on the pig demon, so that the aura could be fake and real. I used the 'Revelation Technique' to put a layer of skin on the pig demon... Didn't you notice that the 'person' taken away by General Niu was almost twice as big as Qimei?"

Uncle Jiu had just seen Ou Yongqi being kidnapped by General Niu, and his thoughts were all on how to save people. Looking back now, his body shape was really not suitable for him.

Lin Ge continued: "I suspect that the disappearance of Ren Tingting's soul may have something to do with the marriage of the old Black Mountain demon. I cast a soul-chasing curse on the pig demon. General Niu will take it back, and we can use this to find their base camp. .”

While Lin Ge was speaking, the Yin soldiers, led by the ghost generals, joined Hu Bufan and others and instantly repelled the demon army with an overwhelming offensive.

Hu Bufan came to Lin Ge and laughed heartily: "Hahaha! You are indeed my good brother. Your abilities really opened my eyes! Good brother, are you and your senior brother interested? If you have any plans to get a job in the underworld, I will definitely recommend it to you!"

"That's what I meant." Lin Ge stepped forward and hooked Hu Bufan's shoulders, and whispered: "Brother Hu, I often travel in the Three Thousand Small Worlds. Even if I want to burn paper money for you often, I may not be able to burn this. The world is in your hands. My senior brother is from this world. Do you think, if he holds a position related to Tiandi Bank, wouldn’t you just have as much money as you want?"

When Hu Bufan heard this, his eyes lit up and he gave Lin Ge an "I understand" wink: "No problem, this matter is all on me, brother!"

Uncle Jiu: ...You two, are you not giving the underworld and the ghost city a little face by doing this?

However, Lin Ge and Hu Bufan were already walking towards the city gate arm in arm, discussing the plan of "finding a position for Uncle Nine" as they walked.

Returning to the east gate of the ghost city, the ghost generals and a group of ghost soldiers lined up neatly, while tens of thousands of ghost soldiers were arrayed not far away.

Hu Bufan stepped forward and looked at the one-eyed, big-headed evil general and asked: "General Long, are you the only one who will bring the army back to support this time, or will the city lord also come back as well?"

General Long seemed to be very familiar with Hu Bufan. He did not assume the posture of a ghost general, but said in a calm tone: "Oh, the city lord's team is behind, we have broken through the demon city guarded by another general under the Black Mountain Old Demon Seat. , I received your order for help, so I immediately came back to support you. The city lord was worried that you couldn't withstand General Niu's offensive, so he asked me to lead a team back to support you. His team should be arriving soon."

Just as he was talking, he saw a "black sedan" carried by a group of ghosts appearing in the distance. They came all the way to the city gate, put the sedan down, and General Long immediately stepped forward to lift the curtain for the city lord.

Lin Ge saw a small, white, tender foot sticking out of the sedan, and then, a baby who looked to be only two years old with a pacifier in his mouth stepped out of the sedan with his hands behind his back.

"Uh, is this the city lord's son?" Lin Ge looked at Hu Bufan and asked.

Hu Bufan whispered: "Good brother, don't talk nonsense. This is our city lord, the Little King of Hell. His father is one of the Ten Kings of Hell."

Xiao, Yan, Wang?

Lin Ge's eyes trembled, and he really wanted to ask... Could it be that you borrowed this little one from the "Youbai" crew next door?

"So the pacifier he is wearing is not an ordinary pacifier, but the super killer 'Magic Sealing Ring'?" Lin Ge asked with a subtle expression.

Hu Bufan glanced at Lin Ge in confusion: "Devil sealing ring? What is that? Oh, you said the pacifier of the little Lord of Hell. That was given to him by Lord Yama to absorb ghosts in order to limit the growth of the ghost power of the little Lord of Hell. The magic weapon of Qi. Don’t look at the little King of Hell, but his ghost power is already the most powerful among the top ten ghost city lords in the underworld!"

"So powerful?" Lin Ge was very surprised that the little King of Hell was so powerful. After all, from the outside, he looked more like a harmless child.

The Little King of Hell walked up to Hu Bufan and just raised his head to speak. Hu Bufan knelt down consciously and lowered his head. Only then did he hear the Little King of Hell say: "I remember you. You defeated all the heroes in the last Niutou Promotion Competition." Hu Bufan. As expected of the city lord, you have made great achievements in defending the city this time. You will be rewarded heavily when you return."

Hu Bufan hurriedly thanked him and continued: "Little Lord Yama, I was able to successfully defend the city this time, thanks to my good brother Lin Ge and his senior brother."

With that said, Hu Bufan introduced Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu to the Little King of Hell.

Although Uncle Jiu had a high reputation in Renjia Village, this was the first time he saw a "big man" like the King of Hell, and he suddenly seemed a little nervous.

Lin Ge said hello very calmly, then took out a bag of lollipops that were "specially provided" to the little girl, and handed them to the little King of Hell: "Little King of Hell, do you want some candy?"


Hearing Lin Ge's words, Hu Bufan, General Long and others suddenly broke out in cold sweats. Little Hell didn't like people saying he was young. Although Lin Ge may have "good intentions", taking candy... This is obviously a kind of adult teasing a child. a feeling of.

The little King of Hell was also stunned. He was just thinking about how to refuse Lin Ge's "kindness" when he heard Lin Ge continue: "This is a specially made fruit-flavored candy from the human world in the 21st century, although it is imitated with xylitol. , but you can also taste various flavors, my little girl likes it very much, you really don’t want a bag?”

Human world?

Twenty-first century?

Little Hell frowned, obviously not understanding a word, but when he saw the bag of colorful lollipops in Singers Lin's bag, it seemed that there was an invisible magic power.

"Then...thank you." Little Yama took the candy and said thank you.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You're welcome."

"Cough, cough." The little King of Hell didn't know why he reached out his hand out of nowhere. In order to preserve his majesty, he could only change the subject first: "Since the demon army has retreated, General Long, what's next? I’ll leave it to you, Captain Hu, and return to the Palace of Hell with this city lord to reward you based on your merits.”

"Thank you, Lord City Lord."

The little King of Hell returned to the sedan chair, and several ghost servants immediately lifted the sedan chair and walked into the city.

Hu Bufan quickly called Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu to follow him. Lord Xiao Yan wanted to reward them based on their merits, and it was obviously their merits that were being discussed.

The "plan to find a job for Uncle Jiu" discussed by Lin Ge and Hu Bufan could just be put forward at this opportunity.

The three of them were walking beside the sedan. As they walked, they heard a "crack" sound coming from the sedan. Hu Bufan and Uncle Jiu didn't know what the sound was, but Lin Ge knew it very well.

Obviously, the little Lord Yama could not resist the temptation of candy in the end.

Lin Ge was thinking about the possibility of getting better-tasting candies in exchange for some "life-saving charms" from the Little King of Hell, when he heard a familiar voice coming from the sedan chair.

"That's my candy!"

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