Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 222: Get out of the way of the one-day trip to the underworld, we have to show off.

Directly in front of him, out of the thick fog, walked out a cow shit demon who was eighteen feet tall and had an eighteen-foot waist. He was covered in black and hung with strips of cloth.

"General Niu, one of the two generals under the old demon of Black Mountain?" Hu Bufan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Guiyan on the side, and asked with a strange expression: "Guiyan, are you blind? You have such a big piece of cow shit. Can’t see?”

Ghost Eye said with an aggrieved look: "Boss, there's something wrong with this fog. I used to be able to see a thousand miles, but now it's hard to see even a thousand miles."

"Go aside." Hu Bufan asked Ghost Eye to retreat, holding the trident, striding forward, using all his strength, he threw the trident towards General Niu.

The trident turned into a white light and flew towards General Niu, but he saw General Niu thrust his ax into the ground, steadying his feet like a horse stance.

The moment the white light hit General Niu, he was caught by him forcefully. Although he was pushed back more than ten meters, the attack that would have exploded a beam of light was resolved by General Niu!

What’s next?

Everyone on the city wall was stunned. They didn't expect that the killing move of a demon general who had just been killed with one shot and a large number of demon soldiers would be killed by General Niu just like that!

General Niu threw the trident in his hand to the ground, pulled out his two-handed battle ax, pointed at the city wall and shouted: "Shameless boy, are you jealous of Grandpa Niu's might and domineering? You only dare to hide on the city wall and make a sneak attack. Now that I’ve got the skills, let’s go through a few tricks, just so the beauty can see my strength!”

Hu Bufan stepped forward, stood by the city wall, raised his fingers at General Niu, and shouted angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you have the ability, come here!"

"Hmph! Let me show you how powerful your Grandpa Niu is!" As soon as General Niu finished speaking, he strode towards the cow dung demon arrayed at the front, shook his body violently, shook off a lot of cow lice and turned into a cow demon.

Immediately afterwards, General Niu opened his big mouth and sprayed out a cloud of black gas at the surrounding bull demons. The body of the cow dung demon shrouded in black gas suddenly swelled three times in size!

When Lin Ge saw this, he couldn't help complaining: "Good guy, can this guy go crazy in a group?"

Gui Yan stood behind Hu Bufan and said: "Boss, the strength of the demon army is far superior to ours. Now they are using evil energy to increase the strength of the demons. If this continues, the city gate may fail..."

"Evil spirit?" Lin Ge asked.

Hu Bufan nodded and said: "It is rumored that the magic power practiced by General Niu can absorb evil spirits and use it to transform the cow lice on his body into bull demons. At the same time, it can also use the evil spirits to enhance the strength of these bull demons in a short time."

Someone asked: "Boss, how short is a short time?"

"Half an hour." Hu Bufan said in a deep voice.

The person who asked the question immediately said with a grimace: "That's not a long time. Half an hour is enough time to knock down half of the city wall."

"What can we do? We can't just hold on. We can't open the city gate wide and let them in, right?" Hu Bufan also had a headache and couldn't find a better way to deal with it for a while. The request for help has been used, but he has not yet received a response from the city lord or other ghost generals, so he can only hold on.

Gui Yan sighed: "It would be great if Gui Zui was here. Let him howl a few times, maybe he could dispel General Niu's evil aura."

"Disperse?" Lin Ge heard this and stepped forward with a smile: "Our senior brothers are familiar with this business. Senior brother, there happens to be a high position on the city wall. Come, let's get up on the altar and do some magic to break the evil aura of General Niu!"

"Build an altar?" Jiu Shu said in shock, "Even if we need to set up an altar, everything is in the world of the world... How can there be anything here that can be used to set up an altar?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'll take it all with me."

As he said that, Lin Ge moved the long table, yellow cloth, scented wax paper candles and other things out one by one. Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously helped him arrange the things Lin Ge handed over. He almost blurted out "Junior brother, do you have a paper tie on your body?"

While Lin Ge was on the stage, Hu Bufan quickly summoned a group of undercover agents to come to the city wall and cast spells to cooperate with Ou Yongqi and the little girl's double ghost realm to resist the demon army's attack on the city.

After Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu arranged the altar together, Uncle Jiu was about to ask Lin Ge what to do next, but he saw Lin Ge conjuring two square "boxes" more than one meter high out of thin air.

This is the "Auntie Brand" special speaker for square dancing that Lin Ge redeemed in the Main God Space. It was specially prepared for situations where "amplification is needed to exorcise evil spirits."

After plugging in the audio cables and plugging in the batteries, Lin Ge took out two more radio microphones and placed them on the long table.

Uncle Jiu asked in confusion: "Junior brother, what are you..."

"Oh, this is amplifying equipment. Times have changed, and we must keep pace with the times when exorcising evil spirits. It's okay if you don't understand what the amplifying equipment means. Just think of it as a technological version of the 'Lion's Roar Kung Fu'."

With that said, Lin Ge handed the yellow robe, Dao crown and peach wood sword to Uncle Jiu: "Senior brother, I would like to ask you to do this for me to increase my momentum. You and I will work together to break this evil formation!"

"Pure heaven and earth curse?" Uncle Jiu heard the words and immediately understood what Lin Ge planned to do, but he also immediately realized the difficulties he had to face to break the formation: "Although the eight divine curses are miraculous in exorcising evil spirits and destroying evil spirits, we are far apart. The general is far away and the power of his voice will be greatly reduced if it passes through."

"It doesn't matter, with this loudspeaker, half of the problem can be solved." Lin Ge picked up a microphone to audition: "It's thundering, it's raining, it's time to collect clothes!"

"Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!"

The entire wilderness echoed with the sound of Lin Ge trying out the microphone.

"Senior brother, what's going on? Is this effective? Aren't you worried that the effect will diminish if the sound is transmitted downwards? With this thing, it can burst General Niu's eardrums!" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu's expression was a little subtle, and he didn't know how to respond to this junior brother who had a mental problem.

"The effect is good, but why can it only solve half of the problem?" Uncle Jiu obviously failed to understand what Lin Ge just said.

Lin Ge added: "For the remaining half, I need to go meet General Niu."

Uncle Jiu said anxiously: "Junior brother, no, there are so many monsters below. Even if you can fight all the way to General Niu, you will still be greatly exhausted..."

"I'll pass through the air." Lin Ge said again.

Uncle Jiu was stunned: "In the air?"

"Brother, just set up the altar and do the magic, and leave the rest to me. Believe me, I am 99% sure to break this evil formation!" Lin Ge said confidently.

Uncle Jiu originally wanted to say something, but in the end he was infected by Lin Ge's confidence. He nodded and warned: "Junior brother, be careful in everything."

Hu Bufan stepped forward and asked: "Good brother, thank you for your hard work. I will report your heroic and fearless deeds to the city lord afterward, and I will definitely remember you for your great contribution."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "My brother, you are just talking about this."

"That's right, good brother! As long as it's your business from now on, brother, I will do my best!" Hu Bufan patted Lin Ge's shoulder hard, and his strength almost shook Lin Ge's bones apart.

Lin Ge walked to the city wall, stepped on the wall, and stood up directly. Then, he snapped his fingers and called: "Girl, come back first, we can play later."


The little girl was very obedient and turned into a black smoke and flew back into the travel bag.

The dual ghost realms released by the little girl and Ou Yongqi jointly released, without the little girl, the power was greatly reduced. Suddenly more demon troops broke through the ghost realm and came to the city wall.

Lin Ge stood by the city wall and took a step directly towards the outside. This step was natural, as if there was an invisible road ahead for him to walk.

And Uncle Jiu, who was also taking this step behind him, was terrified when he saw it, fearing that this junior brother, who had been having seizures from time to time, would just fall down and die.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Ge took that step, he only heard a "chang" sound, and a cloud of red smoke condensed into a red mirror under his feet, lying flat like a ladder for Lin Ge to step on.

Lin Ge originally wanted to use the ghost control technique to "borrow" Ou Yongqi's strength to achieve the effect at this time, but he didn't expect that as soon as he stepped out, Ou Yongqi already understood her idea and even saved the need to cast a spell.

Ou Yongqi "understood" herself so much that Lin Ge became even more curious about the "main consciousness" summoned by "The Dead, Flesh and Bones".

However, the current situation is obviously not the time to dwell on such matters.

Lin Ge continued to walk forward and said loudly: "Brother, let's start!"


Uncle Jiu responded, picked up the peach wood sword and inserted the yellow talisman towards the tip of the sword, then danced across the candlestick on the long table, and the yellow talisman was instantly lit.

Then, Uncle Jiu raised his hand to knead the talisman, bit his middle finger, pointed it towards the long table, and directly drew the talisman with the blood on his fingertips. By the time he was drawing the talisman, Lin Ge had already reached the center of the demon army.

While General Niu ordered the demon army to attack the city, he shouted loudly: "Whoever can bring the beauty back to me today, I will make him a deputy general!"



"Grab the beauty!"


Lin Ge stood directly above the demon army, a big horn appeared in his hand, and shouted to Uncle Jiu: "Brother, you can start."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, Uncle Jiu's deafening voice sounded behind him.

"Qian Luo Dana, Dong Gang Tai Xuan. Kills demons and binds evil, and saves thousands of people."


"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

In terms of overall combat power, Lin Ge is far better than Jiu Shu, but in terms of Taoism, Lin Ge, a half-way Taoist priest who has almost no time to practice, is far inferior to Jiu Shu.

Therefore, with Uncle Jiu's level, the power of the eight divine spells he cast was several times greater than Lin Ge's, and it was also supported by amplifying equipment. For a moment, the cow shit monster below who was enhanced by evil energy was shaken to the point of flipping over.

Lin Ge saw that the demon army below had been intimidated and controlled by Uncle Jiu's "Curse of Heaven and Earth", and he quickly ran in the air, dropping bombs as he ran.

Lin Ge directly transformed into a humanoid bombardier, and threw all kinds of projectiles in the [Inventory] downwards. Molotov cocktails, grenades, high-explosive bombs... For a moment, explosions and seas of fire swept through the entire demon army.

General Niu spotted Lin Ge in the air, shouted angrily, and threw the giant ax at Lin Ge. As soon as he flew into the air, he heard a "click" and the ax hit a red mirror.

Ou Yongqi's ghost realm can be said to be a combination of offense and defense. Even General Niu, who is far more powerful than her, can't do anything about this ghost realm!

"The brat above only hides behind beauties. What kind of man is he? If he has the ability, he should come down and fight!" General Niu shouted angrily.


Lin Ge readily agreed.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

The golden light curse came out, and the golden body appeared.

Lin Ge came directly above General Niu. Suddenly, the red mirror under his feet disappeared out of thin air, and he fell down. However, Lin Ge did not panic at all. Instead, he pierced the five fingertips of his right hand, took out the Five Elements Bagua disk, and pressed it toward the center. , twist and start!

"Hei Niu, have you ever seen a face-to-face ultimate move falling from the sky!"

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, the Five Elements Bagua Disk exploded and shot out a stream of light, shooting a beam of light straight towards General Niu from top to bottom. The golden beam of light came so fast that General Niu had no time to react. He was covered by the golden light and instantly burned its tattered cloth suit, even a layer of its skin!

General Niu released the evil energy in his body, forcibly dispersed the golden light, and at the same time summoned the giant ax to strike upward. However, when the ax was about to hit Lin Ge, a red mirror suddenly appeared next to him, and then a pair of slender pale hands emerged from the mirror. He reached out, hugged Lin Ge, and pulled him into the mirror.

"Where are the people?" General Niu struck the air and looked at the empty sky in surprise.

At this time, he heard a voice coming from behind him: "Behind you!"

General Niu immediately slashed with his axe, but as soon as he turned around, a golden light came straight to his head. This time, Lin Ge opened his mouth again!

And this time, it’s “close to the face” in the true sense!


Most of General Niu's head was blown off by Lin Ge, and a black and rich evil energy burst out from his body, instantly surrounding him.

At the same time, the surrounding monsters swarmed up, surrounded Lin Ge, and protected their general from retreating.

Seeing Lin Ge being surrounded by demon soldiers, Hu Bufan's voice came from the direction of the city wall: "You dare to surround my brother, brothers, let's go up and let them see the power of our yin soldiers!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several black tornadoes flew out from the city wall and were directly involved in the formation of demon soldiers.

Uncle Jiu used the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" to control most of the cow dung monsters that were strengthened by evil spirits, and at the same time suppressed other monsters. Hu Bufan and the Yin soldiers entered the battle and immediately killed everyone.

Lin Ge was protected by Ou Yongqi. Not to mention the little monsters around him, even the cow dung monsters strengthened by evil spirits could not get close.

The reason why Lin Ge just took the little girl back instead of getting Ou Yongqi back was that Ou Yongqi's ability suited his battle plan, and secondly he wanted to verify a conjecture...

Logically speaking, Lin Ge's magical weapons and equipment, these "positive attribute" things, would be harmful to Ou Yongqi's "negative attribute" existence. This was verified when he purchased equipment for her.

At that time, Lin Ge noticed that although things with "positive attributes" could hurt Ou Yongqi to a certain extent, it was only a little bit and not very serious damage.

At that time, Lin Ge thought it was Ou Yongqi's strength, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

If Ou Yongqi is really, as Uncle Jiu said, a "monastic" with a certain level, then all this will make sense.

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