Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 453 Sakaski’s toughness!

Bai Juejun.

This is the military name of the Konoha Pirates.

This kind of monster that can be mass-produced through experiments will give the Konoha Pirates the possibility to replace any force, and even make them the most powerful force in the world!

Hundreds of users with various Devil Fruit abilities, hundreds of Shichibukai-level warriors, and hundreds of people with high-speed movement and powerful attack capabilities are definitely a force that scares other forces on the sea!


A pirate supernova was trembling with fear.

"Escape quickly!"

Kidd kicked this fellow in displeasure, and his palms quickly pulled to activate gravity, condensing all the objects to block him behind him!


Kira also followed Kidd with some fear.

Just as this group of pirate supernovas were fleeing, a White Zetsu suddenly turned into golden light and appeared in front of them, kicking a supernova away!

This is an unprecedented melee!

The Bai Juejun are the predators in this melee, and everyone else is the prey they need to kill since their birth!

In a laboratory.

There is a large screen in this laboratory.

The four figures stood here, watching the impact in the auction with satisfaction, especially when they saw this group of White Zetsu-like monsters completely suppressing the pirates present.

"It looks like the finished product of our experiment is pretty good..."

The smile on Orochimaru's lips was almost uncontrollable. He watched with satisfaction as a group of White Zetsus displayed various Devil Fruit abilities: "Although their Devil Fruit abilities cannot reach the top level of Aokiji and Kizaru, they can still Use it…”

This is Orochimaru's favorite.

Orochimaru knew very well that all of these White Zetsu could become the containers he wanted.

It's just that these Bai Zetsu haven't reached the standards he wants most, and they still lack the Devil Fruit ability he needs most. It must be a complete Devil Fruit ability!


In fact, the best way is for Orochimaru to continuously use his immortal reincarnation technique to reincarnate his soul into those Devil Fruit users step by step, so that his strength can become stronger and stronger...


The Konoha Pirates didn't have time for him to do this.

"Bai Jue's body can harmonize everything..."

Vegapunk looked at the group of White Zetsu below, his face full of amazement: "It even saved us the time of making clones, and directly balanced the blood factors and integrated them into their bodies..."

"After all, it is the birth of the original thing of mankind..."

The Red Sand Scorpion had already expected this.

"What's more..."

Qianju Tobirama stared coldly at Bai Jue below, and said softly: "They have eldest brother's cells integrated into their bodies, and eldest brother's cells are the strongest..."


A group of people's eyes twitched.

Would he like to praise his elder brother at this time?

Isn’t it possible to achieve this through everyone’s efforts and the collection of all information?


The Red Sand Scorpion stopped the people present from continuing to communicate about the experiment. His eyes fell on Begapunk and whispered: "Mr. Begapunk, now the eyes of the whole world are focused on you. We need your help with a little thing..."

"What can I do?"

Vegapunk looked at the Red Sand Scorpion with some confusion.

Because he is just a scientist, Vegapunk can't think of anything else he can do to help besides staying in the laboratory...

"There's... much more you can do."

The eyes of the Red Sand Scorpion became mechanical again.


There was a sound of the room breaking up!

I saw countless cracks on the ceiling of this auction house!

Ah Wei and Hei Jue, who had been lurking on the ceiling, were so frightened that they immediately turned over and fell to the ground. They went straight into the ground and disappeared!

next moment!

With a loud bang, a big hole opened above the entire auction house, turning the closed venue directly into an open air!

"Jin, let's go!"

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts roared and transformed into the form of a divine dragon. His dragon body suddenly shook off the White Zetsus that rushed towards him one after another, and flew directly towards the sky!

"yes, Sir!"

The dark wings behind Yan Liangjin stretched out and flew out with Kaido of the Beasts. He didn't want to fight monsters like Bai Zetsu anymore!

However, Bai Juejun had no intention of letting them go!

More than a dozen White Zetsus immediately spread their wings and chased the two people, with no intention of letting go of Kaido and Flame Calamity Jin!

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts looked at Bai Zetsu chasing him angrily. He spit out a mouthful of flame cloud angrily, and his body instantly transformed into a beastman form!

next moment!

The Overlord Haki and Armed Haki within Kaido's body suddenly activated, and he waved his fist at a flying White Zetsu!

Countless black and red lightning flashed in his fists!

With the impact of Overlord's Haki, the White Zetsu didn't even have time to evade elementalization in advance. The inside of its body was directly destroyed by the Haki of Kaido's fist. The White Zetsu fell straight from the air, as if it had already No sound!


More than a dozen Bai Jue watched their own kind die and immediately spread their wings and floated in the air!


"A mass-produced monster can never be a match for the strong..."

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts clenched his fists and looked at the falling White Zetsu with disdain. However, when his eyes saw that more than a dozen White Zetsu were still here, the murderous intent in his eyes gradually subsided. stand up.

It takes a lot of domineering energy to deal with one by yourself. If the other party doesn't rush over too recklessly, you may still need to fight with the opponent for a while...


These White Zetsu Army are nothing more than experiments for the Konoha Pirates...

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts narrowed his eyes. He had been in the laboratory of the Konoha Pirates and knew clearly how easy it was for these White Zetsus to be born...

There are many White Zetsus born in the laboratories of the Konoha Pirates. Even if you expend your energy to solve more White Zetsus, you may not be able to keep up with the opponent's production speed...

The most troublesome thing is...

The real powerhouse of the Konoha Pirates hasn't taken action yet!

If that group of people also takes action, he has no chance of defeating Uchiha Madara!

"let's go!"

When Kaido of the Hundred Beasts saw that he had killed a White Zetsu and shocked the White Zetsu army, and immediately planned to continue escaping with Jhin, the White Zetsu army just thought about it for a second and headed towards him again without fear of death. Kaido rushed over with Baijuju!


Yan Liangjin looked a little ugly, and said in a deep voice: "You leave here first, and I will cover your escape to prevent the Konoha people from chasing you out!"

"you go first!"

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts gave orders to Flame Calamity Ember, and said with a cold expression: "Anyway, I've already been caught by them once, and I don't care if I'm caught by them a second time!"

"Well, well... Kaido... Then I won't accompany you..."

Charlotte Lingling's voice suddenly came over, and this fat and tall sea emperor stepped on his Thunder Cloud Zeus and fled into the distance!


Charlotte Lingling left her son Katakuri behind!

However, more than a dozen White Zetsu emerged from the ground again, and they moved extremely fast, quickly chasing Charlotte Lingling!

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts and Flame Calamity Jin never thought of abandoning each other. These two tall monsters also fought and walked away, turning back to fight Bai Zetsu from time to time while continuing to flee into the distance!

no matter what…

At least the two Yonko had hope of escaping...

In comparison, the group of King Shichibukai, Shanks and others have undoubtedly become the focus of the siege of the remaining White Zetsu, especially Shanks, Rayleigh and the Ancient Sage Fegaland Green!

These three people…

Undoubtedly the three most powerful people among this group of people!

What's more, there is Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates!

"Let's go too!"

The red-haired Shanks gave a stern instruction and took the lead in rushing in one direction. The Western sword in his hand flashed a few sharp lights and cut a huge gap in the auction house. A group of pirate supernovas immediately swarmed around Escaped from the gap!

"I still want to settle accounts with those guys!"

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green fought off the White Zetsus with his sword, and scanned the auction house to find the location of the Konoha Pirates!

"Don't be impulsive..."

Red-haired Shanks quickly started to persuade, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is already chaotic enough. We must at least leave here first. There should be reinforcements coming from outside..."


Ancient Saint Fegaland Green frowned.

Because Wu Laoxing asked CP agents to send him an order to cooperate with the navy to seize the genius scientist Vegapunk, and he still refused to admit defeat to Konoha...

to be honest…

I don’t really want to leave...

"The old man has to leave first..."

Pluto Rayleigh chuckled and jumped into the distance unceremoniously!

"Let's hurry up too!"

Red-haired Shanks hurriedly shouted to the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, loudly: "If we spread out again, we may be defeated by them individually!"

"Old Saint Green! Take me with you!"

A Draco held the thigh of the ancient saint Fegaland Green!

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green looked with disdain at this crying compatriot with runny noses, kicked him out, and rushed out with Shanks!

Mr.1 Daz Bonis has never been attacked by the White Jue monsters. It seems that the White Jue army doesn't care much about his strength. Daz Bonis simply took the opportunity to carry Crocodile on his back and escaped with a group of pirates. !


Crocodile opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because his Shasha Fruit body was wet with water, he was hit by the White Zetsu that attacked him, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.


Crocodile thought he would die there...

After all, the auction house was full of monsters, and Daz Bonis might not be able to survive. Unexpectedly, this subordinate not only survived, but even took his boss with him to escape, which made Crocodile somewhat surprised...

should say…

Have you still found a good person?

There were so many agents in the Baroque Works at the time, but I just chose one, Daz Bones, as a crew member to sail with...

"Let's go quickly!"

Doflamingo put on his flamingo cloak and jumped into the distance. A silk thread shot out from his hand and was tightly wrapped around a raised eaves, instantly pulling his body towards Escape into the distance!


Before Doflamingo escapes...

The uncle who conveniently auctioned him off was executed on the spot!

"The credibility of the Konoha Pirates is over..."

Doflamingo looked back at the ruined auction house, and his face became particularly ugly: "These guys don't abide by the ethics of doing business..."

"That group of people..."

Torebol followed Doflamingo and shook his head helplessly: "They actually used the auction as bait and used our group of guests as prey..."

"Just killing the notorious pirate..."

Stusi, the Queen of Happy Street in the underground world, had blood oozing from the corners of her mouth, and her figure followed them. A clear voice echoed in their ears, mocking the Konoha Pirates: "Coupled with their power, it is estimated that the sea No one dares to blame them for their unscrupulous tactics..."

"Hehehehe, we don't want to kill you..."

A White Zetsu spread its wings and chased after them, and said with a smile: "We heard that the CP agent Stusi of the World Government, and the guy named Fegaland Greenu, it was you who set off the attack first. This chaos…”


Stussy's eyes changed.

However, before Stussy could say anything more, another Bai Jue fell from the sky like a demon and knocked her away with a brutal blow. Vine after vine emerged from the ground and directly hit Stuxi. Bundle tightly!

"New experimental sample, captured."

A White Zetsu slowly landed next to Stussy.


Not just Stussy.

Many pirates were captured experimental specimens.

Because the more Devil Fruit users the Konoha Pirates have, it also means that the White Zetsu Army’s combat power will be stronger. This is what the Scientific Mechanical Forbidden Technique Trio wants!

Chambord Islands.

The White Jue Army began hunting Devil Fruit users everywhere.

‘Big News’ Morgans stood on a high place, overlooking a group of pirates being chased by the White Jue Army, including many of the big names in the sea!

With a smile on his face, Morgans took a rare photo: "The future of this sea should be Konoha's world!"


There will be surprises eventually.

Just as a group of White Zetsu were chasing the red-haired Shanks, Fegaland Green Ancient Sage and others, a thick voice echoed on the island!


A ball of hot lava flattened a street!

The ground of the entire street slowly turned into magma. The hot smoke was rising from the magma, so that people standing nearby did not dare to set foot in it. This also blocked the group of White Zetsu from pursuing Fegaland. The footsteps of Ancient Saint Green and others!

Akainu had a cigar in his mouth, and Akihara Kagura and Kizaru were standing beside him. They came to rescue Vegapunk, and they happened to see a group of White Zetsu soldiers chasing Fegarand Greengu. Saint and others, Akainu took action swiftly.

Akainu even took the opportunity to capture a White Zetsu. He grabbed a White Zetsu, snorted and asked, "Hey, where is Vegapunk...?"

"It's right there..."

With a weird smile on the corner of Bai Jue's mouth, he raised his hand and pointed in a direction: "If you want to go, just go there! Vegapunk is right there!"


Akihara Kagura quickly reminded Akainu.

Unfortunately, it was too late after all!

A wooden thorn suddenly sprouted from the neck of Bai Zetsu, who was captured by Akainu, and instantly pierced Akainu's palm, making his sleeves immediately stained with bright red blood!

"Don't worry."

Akainu ignored the injuries on his palms. He just watched the White Zetsu turn into light particles and dissipate in an instant, then returned to a human body in the distance, and then escaped and burrowed into the ground. His eyes were filled with anger. Anger and murderous intent disappear in a flash!


The most important thing is that it is not the other party's escape!

But the ability shown by the other party is a bit too terrifying!

"I'll have someone come over and bandage it..."

Akihara Kagura's words seemed thoughtful and strange.

The thoughtful thing is…

It sounds like this guy is really concerned about Akainu's injury...

What’s strange is…

Kizaru is very aware of the medical level of Akihara Kagura's adjutant, Karin. This guy only said that he would help with bandaging, not treatment. He obviously did not regard Akainu as one of his own...

"A little injury."

"We continue to carry out the mission."

"There's no need to waste time on such a trivial matter."

Akainu stretched out his other hand to pick up his cigar, forcefully sprinkled the ash from the cigar, used the ash to directly stop the bleeding, and said very forcefully: "Also, report to the higher-ups, Konoha Sea The thieves have a group of monsters who can use at least two more devil fruit abilities..."

Everyone go to bed early!

Pay attention to protection when going out!

Be sure to pay attention!

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