Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 452 The most terrifying army in the world, the army of devil fruit users!

On the sea.

The navy warships were heading towards the port in a mighty manner.

A group of pirates looked at a group of approaching warships in horror!


A pirate remembered the big incident on Sky Island that he had watched on the video phone bug, and the fear in his eyes could hardly be concealed: "Are we going to start a war with the Konoha Pirates again?"

Whether it is the Navy or the Konoha Pirates, they are both behemoths. The confrontation between these two forces will definitely bring disaster to everything around them!

The Konoha Pirates are not a well-structured force, so they will not fortify the port area. The naval fleet landed on the Shampoo Islands unimpeded.

Akainu couldn't wait for the warship to dock. He jumped up in the air and landed on the Chambord Islands with moon steps. He raised his hand and blasted the pirates on the shore with lava!


Akainu's arms instantly turned into lava and stretched out, blasting a group of pirates away in an instant. The group of pirates were immediately burned by the lava and howled in pain!


"Escape quickly!"

"It's Admiral Akainu!"

The strength of the three navy generals seems to be well known in this sea, but when it comes to who is the most ruthless to pirates, it is undoubtedly Akainu, the rock berry fruit user!

It is said…

This general is extremely tough...

At the necessary moment of battle, in order to destroy the pirates who caused trouble, he would not hesitate to sacrifice ordinary civilians or even his subordinates!

"Humph, a bunch of scum..."

Akainu retracted his arm, and droplets of magma dripped from his palm, instantly burning the stone slabs on the ground. He didn't mean to target it deliberately, but he just saw a group of pirates appearing in front of him. Just rise.


The most important thing was to carry out the mission of bringing back Vegapunk, so Akainu didn't care about the pirates who escaped from him, and didn't even choose to pursue them.


This group of pirates at the port are destined to be unable to escape.

A bolt of thunder suddenly flowed in the port area, instantly knocking down the pirates who were trying to escape. The bolt of thunder fell next to Akainu in an instant, and slowly recovered, revealing the figure of Akihara Kagura.

Just at this time, Kizaru's figure turned into a flash of light and landed next to them, and he started to praise with great interest: "What two scary guys..."

"You're slowing down, Porusalino."

Akainu turned his head slightly and glanced sideways at Kizaru.

After all, three powerful natural fruit ability users attacked together. Akainu and Akihara Kagura cleared away the pirates at the port. Kizaru, the fastest guy, was the slowest...

"After all, we have to conserve our energy for the big battle..."

Kizaru sighed quietly and found a reason for himself: "Those monsters are very scary. You can't relax at all when facing those monsters..."

"I would like to see..."

Akainu snorted and walked towards the auction area.

Among the three generals of the Navy, only Akainu has never fought against the Konoha Pirates.

Even though Akainu had seen the terrifying combat power of the Konoha Pirates in the Video Phone Bug, Akainu still wanted to try to fight to the death!

The auction house on Island No. 1.

This place has completely turned into a battlefield.

A group of white monsters surrounded them. Pluto Rayleigh, Red-haired Shanks and Fegaland Green Ancient Sage were charging around the auction house with sharp blades!

The Ancient Saint Fegalande Green waved his long sword and slashed it with a sharp slash. The armed domineering energy instantly wrapped around the sword and directly cut off the arm of a White Jue. There was no trace of hair on the White Jue's face. Without fear or pain, she still rushed towards him regardless!

"Aren't they afraid of pain?"

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green kicked the White Jue away impatiently!

"They are indeed a group of monsters who are not afraid of death..."

Pluto Rayleigh's eyes became slightly serious.

Because the behavior of this group of White Zetsus was too weird, the Konoha Pirates didn't know what experiments they passed to create a group of such terrifying monsters!

"Something's wrong!"

The red-haired Shanks looked a little unusually ugly.

Because the red-haired Shanks noticed that the White Zetsu arm that was chopped off by Ancient Saint Fegaland Green actually seemed to be alive, and the arm flew directly back to the White Zetsu body!

"This is…"

"Bucky's abilities!"

Red-haired Shanks suddenly remembered this ability.

This is Bucky the Clown’s ability to disintegrate the Devil Fruit. Any sharp slashes will have no effect on those with the ability to dismember the Devil Fruit!

These white zetsu don't care at all that their arms will be cut off, or even how many pieces their bodies will be cut into, because they have the ability to split apart the devil fruit in their bodies!


Whether it is Red-haired Shanks, or Pluto Rayleigh and the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, they are all very good at using swordsmanship to fight...

This white monster…

It seems to give them quite a headache...

Comparing these three people...

Most of the pirates obviously have no intention of fighting anymore...

Because they basically can only avoid and flee under Bai Jue's attack!

Perhaps only the two sea emperors Kaido and Charlotte Lingling performed well, but they didn't have much fighting spirit and didn't want to waste any time here.

after all…

The lesson of failure is too painful...

These two sea emperors did not want to stay any longer, lest they clash with the Konoha Pirates again. It would be too embarrassing if they were captured again in the end...

"Kaido, let's leave first..."

Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido the Beast.

"Then let's go!"

Kaido the Beast glanced at his old friend unhappily, and could only transform into the form of a divine dragon in an instant, opened his mouth and spat out a stream of hot breath in the direction of the exit!


A group of Bai Jue raised their hands and released cold air around them!

The scorching hot breath collided with Bai Jue's cold air instantly!

The cold air released by this group instantly froze Kaido's hot breath!

Even if Bai Jue's strength is not particularly strong, they have only just obtained the ability of these Devil Fruits, but low temperature can restrain flames, and they can also use their abilities to restrain the opponent!

The entire auction area was immediately frozen, and the cold air continued to spread. One by one, the pirates scrambled to escape towards the exit!

"The abilities of that bastard Aokiji..."

Kaido the Beast snorted in displeasure.

"Brother, let me do it!"

A ball of flame suddenly appeared on Yan Liangjin's body, and his figure quickly flew upwards. Along with his actions, pieces of hot flames fell on the ground like magma, even burning the group of Bai Jue. On your body!

The weird thing is...

The group of White Jue were not burned by the flames!

A pair of black wings instantly emerged from the bodies of those white people, making their images look like demons crawling out of hell in an instant!

This is…

The racial ability of Flame Calamity Ember!

Vegapunk and the Konoha Pirates' trio of scientific mechanical forbidden arts transplanted the Lunarian bloodline of Flame Calamity into White Zetsu's body, giving them the characteristics of the Lunarian clan, and also Let them possess extremely powerful fighting power!

At least…

Just at this moment...

Just a single White Zetsu can suppress a King's Shichibukai!


There are at least hundreds of White Zetsu in this auction house!

This means that the opponent has the fighting power of hundreds of Shichibukai-level warriors. In addition, these White Zetsus display at least two or more Devil Fruit abilities. One of them can put the pirates into trouble!

This is…

The army of the Konoha Pirates!

"Strong combat power capable of mass production..."

Charlotte Lingling licked her lips and couldn't help but look at each White Zetsu greedily: "Is this a brand new race? I really want to take one back..."

"Be careful..."

Kaido's eyes became extremely solemn. He waved his fist and punched away a flying White Zetsu. The White Zetsu's body flew upside down and fell against the wall. His body flew away in an instant. Countless branches came out!

The weird thing is...

That Bai Jue actually got up again!

As a monster that can be extremely harmonious with Hashirama cells, these White Zetsus will naturally not give up transplanting Hashirama cells into their bodies. They even transplanted the green cow's Sensen Fruit ability, making their recovery ability ridiculously strong!

strictly speaking…

For people who are not the world's top combat power, this is almost an unkillable monster. Even if the Four Emperors want to deal with them, it will take a lot of effort!

For other pirates...

This group of Bai Zetsu is obviously a group of nightmares!

A White Zetsu flapped the black wings on its back, quickly streaked across the ceiling above, leaving a trail of charred black on the ceiling, and rushed directly towards the direction of King Shichibukai Doflamingo!

"Five colored thread!"

Doflamingo's palm sliced ​​through the air!

Silk threads popped out from the five fingers, like sharp blades, trying to kill the flying Bai Jue directly, but the threads seemed to penetrate the opponent's body!

The flying White Zetsu instantly turned into countless light particles that penetrated the thread, condensed into its original appearance again, and rushed towards Doflamingo!


Paka, who had a tall and sharp voice next to Doflamingo, immediately wanted to activate his fruit power and transform into a huge stone giant to resist White Zetsu's attack!


That Bai Jue just sprinkled his palm!

A ball of cold air instantly froze Paka's body!


The white arm of Bai Jue instantly turned into a sharp blade and slashed directly at Paka's body. The frozen Paka's head was instantly chopped off!

"That is…"

Crocodile looked at the changes in the body of the White Zetsu and quickly realized: "Daz Bones, that kind of ability..."

"The ability to quickly cut fruits..."

Mr1 Daz Bowness nodded solemnly.

next moment!

A White Jue suddenly rushed towards Crocodile!

Crocodile hurriedly raised his arm and controlled his golden hook to block the impact of the White Zetsu. His body instantly became natural and wanted to avoid the White Zetsu's attack!


The White Zetsu flipped its palm...

A ball of water condensed in its palm, and it was thrown towards Crocodile with its backhand. The water wave instantly submerged Crocodile's body, and also cracked his Shasha Fruit ability!

The white Zetsu figure appeared next to Crocodile, directly picked up Crocodile's body, and threw the former king Shichibukai away!

"That's the karate of the fish-men clan!"

Kai Xia Jinbei, who is among the seven warriors under the king, immediately saw through everything. His eyes became particularly shocked, and he looked at this scene with some disbelief!

Jinbei saw everything with his own eyes!

That White Zetsu was actually able to use the fish-man clan's [Yum-man Karate, Uchigi, and Buraikan] just like the fish-men clan, and directly knocked Crocodile to the ground!

This scene…

It’s a little too scary!


This isn't surprising either.

At least compared to Devil Fruit abilities, the fish-man karate that these White Zetsu monsters can use is simply ordinary...

"What the hell is this monster...?"

Jinbei's palms clenched into fists, and his fist collided with a charging White Zetsu. He immediately saw a strange smile on the White Zetsu!

next moment!

The white Zetsu arm suddenly turned into yellow sand, and the yellow sand instantly wrapped around Jinbei's arm, sucking water from Jinbei's body!

"Shasha fruit ability..."

Jinbei quickly closed his palms, and instantly began to condense water, trying to solidify the yellow sand on his body with water drops and shake it off!


The smile on the corner of the Bai Zetsu's mouth became even weirder, and cold air came out of his body again, which directly froze the water coming out of Jinbei's body, and a layer of ice immediately appeared on Jinbei's body!

"Frozen Fruit Ability!"

Jinbe was startled by the other party's actions!

This white monster can even use a variety of different Devil Fruit abilities to deal with enemies in battle. Coupled with the almost unknown number of Devil Fruit abilities in their bodies, they can restrain almost any enemy!

At least as far as what is shown so far, these White Zetsu have the Superman-type Fragment Fruit, the Superman-type Quick Slash Fruit, the natural-type Frozen Fruit, the natural-type Shining Fruit, the natural-type Shasha Fruit, the natural-type Sensen Fruit...

Even possessing just one of the fruit abilities is enough to leave a resounding name on the sea, not to mention that these white monsters possess all the above-mentioned devil fruit abilities!

The most troublesome thing is...

If you can possess all natural fruit abilities...

Then the animal fruit ability will certainly not be an exception, right?

Doflamingo raised his wrist, his face was cold, and the silk threads condensed in his hands. The armed domineering energy was entangled in the threads, instantly killing the white Zetsu body that killed Paka. Poke countless holes!

The weird thing is...

The corner of Bai Jue's mouth was grinning, but he didn't make any movement at all!


With the injuries on its body...

This Bai Jue must be dead!

A ball of green flames burst out from the body of the Bai Jue, quickly covering its whole body, and even a pair of black wings behind it were covered with a layer of green flames. The green flames had the ability to heal, quickly making it The body has recovered well...

this moment…

Everyone present saw this scene...


They had also seen it in another person on the sea.

"Animal type·Bird fruit·Phantom beast type·Phoenix fruit..."

Even the most mysterious and rare phantom beast fruit ability in the sea, which is even rarer than the natural fruit, is still possessed by these Bai Jue!

Konoha Pirates…

A perfect army of monsters was truly created!

This is an army of Devil Fruit users that would be the envy of any force on the ocean!


Had hot pot…

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I hope everyone is as happy every day!

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