Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 421 Spandam: Why are your methods even more despicable and cruel than my father’s!

The sea train is heading towards Judiciary Island.

Someone on this sea train has ulterior motives. The agents of CP9 are making final discussions, but Spangdam proposes the plan to his father Spangdyne through the phone bug.

after all…

Spangdine is his biggest backer.

Spangdam simply put it on his head that Akihara Kagura helped him formulate a plan to use Straw Hat Luffy to attack Judiciary Island, and then arrest Straw Hat Luffy to trap and kill the revolutionary army, and asked his father to clean up Akihara Kagura. Plan and take all the credit for yourself.

"That bastard Lieutenant General..."

Spandam was very angry, and even while talking on the phone, he was angrily talking about Akihara Kagura's behavior: "I led people to arrest Nicole Robin, and I caught Fran Qi, I want to pry the blueprints of Hades out of his mouth, but that bastard Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura wants to take all the credit away!"


Spangdain on the other end of the phone knew his son's temperament very well and said coldly: "First arrest the lieutenant general and clean up his tail. I will report your plan to Wulaoxing in person. As long as this plan succeeds, It will be a great achievement..."

This credit is a bit too great!

As long as the revolutionary army is cleared out, he and his son can have more power, or at least all the departments from CP0 to CP9, the strongest!

"I'll take people there right now!"

After hearing his father's promise, Spandam immediately felt reassured.

Spandam waved his sword, rushed to CP9, and shouted to his men: "I got the order to arrest Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura! That guy stole and arrested Nicole Rowe Forgetting Bin’s credit, I still want to take the credit for finding the blueprints of Pluto. We worked so hard to find the whereabouts of the blueprints of Pluto, and the top brass of the World Government have given me authorization!”


Rob Lucci and others could not say anything about this.

after all…

They were also dissatisfied with Akihara Kagura.

CP9 has been lurking around Acebagu, the mayor of the Seven Waters Capital, for so many years, just to find the blueprints of Pluto. It was not easy for them to find out that there is some kind of relationship between Acebagu and Franky. Franky's body There may be drawings of Pluto.

They captured Nicole Robin.

Franky was also captured by them.


A naval lieutenant general arrived...

Are you just trying to take the credit away from them with empty words?

"Catch him first."

"We're not here for the credit."

Rob Lucci still stood up, and he took the initiative to speak: "It was to get rid of a vice admiral who was greedy but foolish in his actions. The existence of such a vice admiral is a cancer on the world government. Cleaning up these cancers would have That’s the responsibility of CP9…”


Spandam looked at Rob Lucci in surprise, but he didn't expect that Rob Lucci was so loyal to the World Government and could speak at such a high level.

"When will the action begin?"

Rob Lucci also looked at Spangdam.

" soon as possible."

Spandam sat on a seat and took out two things from his pocket, one was seafloor stone handcuffs and the other was seafloor stone bullets.


All can restrain those with devil fruit abilities.

"Should we be more cautious..."

Bruno is an honest man, and he persuaded everyone without hesitation: "The other party is a natural devil fruit user, if he resists..."

"This is an order given to me by the World Government!"

Spangdam shouted loudly and scolded the cowardly Bruno: "How dare that guy go against the World Government? As long as he dares to disobey the World Government's orders, it is a betrayal of the World Government. Then it doesn't matter if we kill him." !”

After Spandam finished speaking, he yelled loudly again: "You can all see that the Lieutenant General named Akihara Kagura is not a good person. How can he save the world by letting that kind of insect and cancer serve as a high-ranking official in the Navy? government…"


Rob Lucci didn't want to pay attention to Spangdam's righteousness.

This officer...

It’s not a good thing either…

It must be just to compete with Akihara Kagura for credit...

Of course, in comparison, Rob Lucci's impression of Akihara Kagura is even worse. In order to grab the credit, that guy even delayed the action...

"Get ready for action now!"

"I am the top commander of CP9!"

"Everything must obey my orders!"

Spandam clenched his fist and hammered his chest, and declared loudly: "Everything we are doing now is for the world government!"


Spandam got his father's promise.

As for whether other people in the World Government will thoroughly investigate this kind of thing, his father Spandyne will definitely be able to handle everything!

And even if something goes wrong in the middle, as long as he can hand over Pluto's drawings and the plan to clean up the revolutionary army, everything will be fine. Spandam is not a person who knows how to do things, but he definitely knows the internal situation of the World Government!

"Then do it."

Rob Lucci could only accept the order. He also wanted to clean up the cancer within the World Government. He took the lead in walking towards the carriage where Akihara Kagura was, and said in a deep voice: "We are on the sea now, and the other party is a devil fruit user. , there may not be any trouble..."

A group of CP9 agents looked at Spandam and Rob Lucci and all made up their minds, so they could only follow behind them.

When they left, a lying figure on the roof of the carriage nodded thoughtfully. It was Sanji who had sneaked into this sea train.

This is an opportunity.

Sanji also didn't expect that there would be internal strife between CP9 and the Navy.

Originally, Sanji couldn't figure out how to deal with the arrested companion whom Akihara Kagura rescued, but he still had a bit of a psychological shadow on that guy. Now he finally found a suitable opportunity and slowly sneaked in through the window of the carriage. out of the carriage.

In the main carriage of the sea train.

A group of prisoners sat in their seats, none of them even daring to breathe.

Everyone is nervous about their fate. Among them, Nicole Robin, the smartest one, has cold sweat on her forehead. She is still immersed in the conversation with Qing Pheasant...

Akihara Kagura overlooked the sea scenery on both sides, holding a phone bug in his hand, and reported to Sengoku without hesitation the evil intentions of Spandam and the CP9 department against him.

"Don't worry about those guys..."

Sengoku never cared about secret services like CP9. He knew very well that no matter how strong the political struggle within the World Government was, strength would still be king in the end.

"It's also an opportunity for us..."

"Spandam definitely wants to implement the Judiciary Island battle plan of using Straw Hat Luffy to eliminate the Revolutionary Army. If this battle plan falls into his hands, there may be trouble..."

Akihara Kagura knows Sengoku very well. He knows that Sengoku has a very serious concept of the overall situation: "Since Spangdam wants to do something to me, why not let me take the opportunity to clean him up and blame him for stealing credit?" , and then take the Judiciary Island combat plan and hand it over to the Navy to control, lest the situation at sea completely get out of control..."

"That makes sense."

Warring States immediately felt that it made sense, and just asked a question: "Can you deal with those agents? I heard that those agents have been practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy..."


The door of the carriage was suddenly pushed open.

Spandam raised his sword high, grinned and shouted loudly: "Hey, Akihara Kagura, I have received an order from the World Government, and by order of the top brass, I came here to arrest you, this cancer in the navy!"

A group of CP9 agents walked out from behind him step by step. The CP9 agents stood there looking murderous, and they were clearly outnumbered...

"Wait a mininute."

Akihara Kagura didn't panic at all when seeing this scene, and even took the time to pick up her phone: "I'm still on the phone with Marshal Sengoku..."


Spandam's eyelids twitched.


Why doesn't this guy act according to common sense?

Why is this guy talking to the Admiral on the phone at this time!

Spandam simply didn't know what to do. He suddenly felt a little panicked and didn't know what to do for a moment!

"Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Akihara Kagura took her phone and said slowly: "Please report to the top management that Spandam and CP9 colluded with the revolutionary army and wanted to stop this before the Judiciary Island operational plan begins. It seems that they are I think the world government can’t hold on anymore…”

"Clean them out."

Sengoku's voice came from the phone bug. At this critical juncture of conflict between the navy and the CP department, he had to immediately agree to Akihara Kagura's request to control Spandam's Judiciary Island combat plan: "I This matter will be reported to the senior management immediately, and you will be in charge of the Judiciary Island combat plan, and no one will be allowed to obstruct the implementation of the Judiciary Island plan!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Spandam was so frightened that he rushed over!

Even his father Spangdyne could not compete with a powerful naval marshal like Sengoku. Unexpectedly, the navy would be so despicable and wanted to charge him with colluding with the revolutionary army!

I just wanted to accuse him of stealing credit!

Even when his father ordered him to silence himself, he just wanted to blame the Straw Hat Pirates for this matter. Why was this guy named Akihara Kagura so vicious in political fighting? Why did he accuse him of colluding with the revolution when he opened his mouth? The great crime of the army!

Their family is loyal to the Tianlong people...

How could he collude with any revolutionary army?

"I will not collude with the revolutionary army!"

Spandam waved his sword angrily beside him, loudly proclaiming his innocence: "I'm just angry at you for taking our credit!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Spandam looked at the phone bug and complained repeatedly to Admiral Buddha Sengoku: "This guy named Akihara Kagura came to Judiciary Island and did nothing, whether it was arresting Nico Robin or anything else. I led the people from CP9 to do it, but all the credit will be taken away by this bastard Akihara Kagura, don’t listen to his nonsense here!”

"Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Spangdam yelled at the phone bug. At this moment, he believed in the justice of the Navy: "Akihara Kagura will do whatever it takes to steal the credit of his colleagues, and even falsely accuse his colleagues of colluding with the revolutionary army. This kind of guy who pollutes justice will definitely Do we need to be cleared out of the navy? We also happened to get an order from the top of the World Government!"

Although Spandam has already discussed it with his father, once this matter comes through Sengoku's mouth, things may change!

It's better to just say it directly...


Even if the truth is revealed, he is still justified!

Who makes this lieutenant general named Akihara Kagura insist on taking credit? A naval marshal like the Warring States Period couldn't tolerate his subordinates taking credit, right?

Because the status of the Navy Marshal is too high, he is an important high-level member of the World Government, and even a particularly important one among them. The previous Navy Marshal Cyborg Kong was directly promoted to the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government's military after leaving office, and his status was only among the Five Old Stars. Down!

The Warring States Period has always been famous for its wise generals. The Admiral of the Navy, who carries the name of justice, must not allow people like Akihara Kagura to ruin the reputation of the Navy...

"Mr. Spandam, are you taking the credit?"

Akihara Kagura glanced at Spandam, and started a lawsuit with him with a smile: "Isn't it because I'm here to arrest Nicole Robin and Franky that they don't dare to resist? Isn't that the Judiciary Island battle plan? Did I help you improve it?"

"Essentially speaking, I should be in charge of the battle plan to use the Judiciary Island to clean up the Revolutionary Army. I had good intentions and let you participate in the mission, but you wanted to take the credit. For this reason, you did not hesitate to attack your colleagues, and even wanted to slander me. reputation..."


Spandam looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief.

You bastard…

Why do you have two faces?

When you were on Judiciary Island, many people heard your attempt to take credit. Otonashi Owl, Gabra's group, and Rob Lucci could all testify!

This bastard...

How dare you open your eyes and tell lies here!


Spandam looked at Akihara Kagura's calm expression with an angry face. He glanced at the phone bug next to him who was still talking on the phone, and suppressed his anger: "I have a witness! This lawsuit will last until five. Lao Xing, you are the cancer that should be cleaned up!"

What a pity…

This lawsuit could not be brought to Wulaoxing for a while.

"Arrest Spangdam."

Sengoku didn't listen to Spandam's explanation at all. The naval marshal had long known that Akihara Kagura was taking the credit, and he even agreed with Akihara Kagura's handling method.

Sengoku did not want the Judiciary Island operational plan to get out of control. According to the tacit communication between himself and Akihara Kagura, he put the charge of stealing credit on Spandam: "In order to steal credit and frame a naval vice-admiral with great achievements, I will Report this matter to Saint Satan immediately..."

"No! It's the other way around! It's the other way around!"

Spandam was so angry that he shouted angrily and picked up his phone: "You are rebelling, I want to call my father, and I want to report this to Wulaoxing!"


A bolt of lightning pierced the phone bug in Spandam's hand.

"Is it better to kill him?"

Akihara Kagura did not look at Spandam, who was pale with fright, nor at the group of CP9 agents who were a little commotion: "And those agents are his accomplices, should I deal with them together? Remove it to avoid any problems in the future..."


Warring States frowned. He knew that Akihara Kagura's behavior was to silence and keep secret, but he still had to explain: "Spandam's father is Spandyne, and the CP department is also a spy agency directly under the World Government. Kill them." On the contrary, it is not easy to explain. Send people directly to Impel Down City. I will explain everything clearly in front of Saint Satan, although there may be some trouble..."

"Since there is trouble..."

"Then we might as well label Spangdine as colluding with the revolutionary army."

Akihara Kagura smiled, and continued with great interest: "The Konoha Pirates are raging on the sea, the Tianlong people and the World Government are on the decline, and the Navy killed Spangdine again today. His son Spandam, in order to avenge his son and find a new backer, it is reasonable for a senior official of the World Government to angrily leak the Judiciary Island combat plan to the revolutionary army..."

"Spandyne probably wouldn't do that..."

Sengoku realized Akihara Kagura's murderous intention on the other end of the phone bug, because Akihara Kagura had already conspired with him openly.

"It doesn't matter."

"If he really doesn't want to avenge his son, then we will help him avenge his son."

Akihara Kagura took her phone bug and slowly said something that shocked Spangdam and a group of CP9 agents: "When the Judiciary Island operational plan begins, we will secretly spread the news and then directly frame the case. Isn’t it enough that Spangdyne colluded with the revolutionary army and leaked the battle plan?”

"You! You!"

Spandam seemed to be frightened. He looked at Akihara Kagura in horror: "How dare you guys frame the world government officials!"

This way of doing things…

Ten thousand times more ruthless than his father Spangdine!

This bastard actually wanted to kill his son first, and then use his own death to frame his father!

It’s over!

This bastard Lieutenant General named Akihara Kagura is a conspirator!

While Spandam was nervous, he shouted angrily in the hope of cheering himself up: "My father and I are loyal to the Celestial Dragons. Saint Satan and the others must know our loyalty. Don't think that you navy bastards can succeed in the world government." Inside, one hand covers the sky..."

"You said something wrong."

Akihara Kagura looked at Spandam with a warm smile on her lips: "It is because you are loyal to the Tianlong people that we want to kill you..."

"Please don't worry."

Akihara Kagura put her finger on Spandam's forehead, made a shooting gesture, and said with a smile: "Kill you lackeys who are loyal to the Tianlong people, and the Navy will naturally be able to dominate the world government. …”

"Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura."

"Then follow your plan and clean up the cancer of the world government."

After Sengoku finished speaking, he could only hang up the phone bug in his hand and approved Akihara Kagura's plan.

after all…

How could such a thing be said openly at a time like this?

Now that a bastard like Spangdam knows these things, he can only kill that guy. As a naval marshal, he also has to plan the next step to frame Spangdam for colluding with the revolutionary army...

Spandam: The current CP9 commander, Spandam's son.

Spangdine: The CP9 commander twenty years ago planned the O'Hara Demon Slaying Order incident

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