Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 420 The deal between Akihara Kagura and Aokiji

"No matter what you say..."

"O'Hara was destroyed after all..."

"In every sense of the word, the World Government and I are absolute enemies. They placed a high reward on my head when I was eight years old..."

Nicole Robin took a deep breath and stopped herself from thinking about the memories of the past twenty years, a past full of betrayal and fraud.

"The current predicament of the world government is exactly what I want to see!"

Nicole Robin looked directly at Akihara Kagura and gritted her teeth to express her hatred and pleasure: "Now that the historical legitimacy of the world government is being questioned, it is because they were unwilling to respect the truth of history and even destroyed it in order to cover up history. O'Hara, this is the price you must pay for disrespecting history!"

"That makes sense."

Akihara Kagura nodded and no longer looked at Nico Robin. She just rubbed the head of the little reindeer next to her: "Okay, drink tea quietly and don't talk about state affairs. If you are hungry, I will send someone to help you." Help you prepare train meals..."


Nico Robin still feels that she cannot understand Akihara Kagura.

"I want to see Luffy..."

Chopper was still a little scared.

"If nothing else happens..."

"You can see him tomorrow."

Akihara Kagura smiled and unceremoniously exposed Spandam's conspiracy: "Spandam arrested Miss Robin, one of the purposes is to complete the task assigned by the World Government; the other purpose is to lure Straw Hat Road Fly to attack Judiciary Island..."


Chopper didn't particularly understand the logic.


Nico Robin frowned, not quite understanding.

"Speaking of which..."

"You all should know that Luffy is the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp..."

Akihara Kagura had no intention of showing off, and said slowly: "But you don't know who Luffy's father is, right?"

"His father's name is Monkey D. Long."

Akihara Kagura's eyes gradually became serious, just like the seriousness of other world government officials when they mentioned this name: "He is a revolutionary."

"That is…"

Chopper was still thinking about the name.

Nicole Robin opened her eyes in disbelief: "The leader of the revolutionary army, the most vicious criminal in the world..."

Compared with the concerns of other members of the Straw Hats, Nico Robin pays attention to a lot, such as the changes in forces around the world.

Since the Alabasta Incident, the Marigioa Incident and the Sky Island Incident broke out one after another, the Revolutionary Army's cause has developed in full swing and has overthrown more than 20 countries that have joined the World Government. Even their dangerous ideas are still spreading outwards. spread…

The leader of the revolutionary army...

Long, known as the most dangerous man in the world.

Before the Konoha Pirates defeated the Heavenly Dragons and the World Government head-on, Ryu was considered to be the only man who could possibly defeat the Heavenly Dragons' rule head-on!

did not expect…

Long's surname turned out to be Mengqi.

He is even the father of their captain, Monkey D. Luffy.

"not good!"

Nicole Robin immediately figured out the truth.

Spandam and the CP9 department arrested her and Chopper not only for her status as an archaeologist, but also for a conspiracy against Luffy!

"We can't let Luffy save us!"

Nico Robin turned pale with fright and figured out the connection: "Once Luffy wants to rescue us, he will definitely go to the Justice Island to cause trouble... The World Government will arrest Luffy as the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon Son... "


Akihara Kagura nodded with satisfaction.

Akihara Kagura is very satisfied with Nico Robin's IQ. He has always liked to communicate with such smart people: "At that time, the World Government will use Straw Hat Luffy's identity as the Son of the Dragon to publicize and create a chaos on Judiciary Island. The grand trial attracted the revolutionary army to attack the Judiciary Island, taking the opportunity to clean up the troubles that endanger the world government..."

"Miss Robin, it was the first bait that caught Straw Hat Luffy, but Straw Hat Luffy, this little fish, is also a bait..."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her hand and put her pear juice on the table, and her face finally showed a touch of comfort: "The revolutionary army is the real big fish to be caught."


Nicole Robin's forehead finally broke out in sweat.

After so many years, this woman once again realized her fear. She felt like a little moth caught up in the tide of time...

Revolutionary Army and World Government…

Are these two forces about to start a head-on confrontation?

It was she, the archaeologist, who started the war!

"Robin, what's wrong with you..."

Chopper still doesn't quite understand the seriousness of the matter. He can only think of one question: "Shouldn't we let Luffy come and save us?"


Nico Robin lowered her head in sweat, her mood becoming extremely heavy and complicated: "If Luffy comes to save us, he will be used as a pawn to cause a war..."

Must find a way...

Luffy must not be allowed to save her!


Luffy won't come to save her, right?

After all, she only came on board halfway, and she never even appeared to be particularly gregarious with them. Will the straw hat captain come to save her?

Nico Robin glanced at Chopper, but there was a hint of apology in her heart, and an idea came to her mind. She still had to find a way to send Chopper out...

Chopper is innocent.

Chopper must not be implicated or harmed.

I still have the identity of an archaeologist, and I still have value that can be exploited. Perhaps I can use this to negotiate with the World Government...

As for myself…

Anyway, I no longer want to live, I can no longer survive...

Nicole Robin closed her eyes, and a touch of relief slowly appeared on her face. After twenty years of betrayal and betrayal, this kind of life has been enough...

Nicole Robin took a deep breath, her fingers gradually clenched into fists, and she suddenly opened her eyes, her face full of determination and determination!

Porro porro...

The phone bug's voice rang.

Akihara Kagura picked up the phone bug in her hand and watched with interest as her phone bug head turned into a familiar appearance.

"I'm Kuzan."

The voice of Admiral Aokiji came from the phone bug.


Nicole Robin suddenly raised her head.


Akihara Kagura signaled Nico Robin to be quiet, and then asked: "What's the matter with Admiral Aokiji? I'm busy arresting pirates..."

"It's nothing wrong..."

Aokiji spoke lazily: "Speaking of which, I heard here that you arrested Nico Robin?"

This admiral…

It seems that he has really been paying attention to Nicole Robin.

Not long after the Navy and CP9 department in the Capital of Seven Waters captured Nico Robin, Aokiji had already received news from the Navy. It was estimated that someone in the navy stationed in the Capital of Seven Waters gave him Report the news.

it is a pity…

Due to the unrest in the revolutionary armies and alliance countries all over the world, the navy is extremely short of manpower. Admiral Aokiji was sent out for inspection and is currently not on the Grand Line.

"General Aoki Pheasant is patrolling Beihai now, right?"

Akihara Kagura chuckled and asked a few more questions with interest: "How can you have time to pay attention to the trivial matters in the Seven Waters Capital? The World Government intends to use Nico Robin to expose the history of Alabasta as false , I hope she can express her position as O'Hara's last archaeologist. In real history, the world government is the just existence..."


Aokiji seemed to be indifferent to this kind of behavior, and nonchalantly slandered the World Government: "Will people see through this kind of fraud at a glance?"

"There are only a few who can see through it..."

Akihara Kagura picked up the phone and said slowly: "The World Government wants to fool most people. There will always be people who are willing to whitewash the World Government. The eight-hundred-year rule will not be overthrown overnight. of…"

"Where's Nico Robin?"

Aoki simply mentioned Nico Robin's name directly. He didn't seem to know the specific situation here and muttered softly: "Forget it, let's not talk so much. I don't have time to rush over here in Beihai. Okay. Do me a favor..."


Akihara Kagura's voice was very gentle.

"Don't let Nico Robin die."

The voice coming from the phone bug made Nicole Robin's expression suddenly change.

Aoki didn't know that Nicole Robin was also eavesdropping here, and continued to mumble slowly: "When my friend Savullo asked me to let her leave O'Hara, which was about to be destroyed, I also kept observing She has been around for almost twenty years, but inexplicably she felt that the little girl seemed to be seeking death when she took refuge in Crocodile..."


"I had a feeling just now."

Akihara Kagura held the phone and chuckled, her eyes falling on the face of Nicole Robin opposite: "It feels like she probably doesn't want to live anymore..."

"It's really troublesome..."

Aoki's voice seemed a little sad, and he said softly: "You should have a way to let her survive. I don't want Sauro's will to dissipate..."

"So...what's the price?"

The smile on Akihara Kagura's lips became stronger and stronger.

"Let's just say it..."

Qing Pheasant didn't care about the trouble, thinking he could pay the price.

"I want to be an admiral."

Akihara Kagura laughed and revealed his ambitions simply and neatly: "There are only three positions for the three generals of the navy. One of them needs to be eliminated in the future, but you all seem to be in your prime..."


This time, it was Qing Zhi's turn to be silent.

Because Aokiji is very aware of the current situation in the navy. In theory, the top brass of the navy have basically colluded with the Konoha Pirates, and only Akainu has not been kicked out...

It looks like…

Akihara Kagura may want to kick General Akainu out.


"Let me help you do it first."

Akihara Kagura did not wait for Aokiji to agree, and decided on the deal on his own: "You can consider my matter slowly..."

After finishing speaking, Akihara Kagura picked up the phone bug in her hand and handed it to Nicole Robin: "Let's have a little chat with General Aokiji, Miss Robin..."


Nico Robin took the phone with trembling hands, and asked her first words with trembling: "Aoji, your friend?"

All the time…

Nico Robin hates Aokiji very much.

Ao Pheasant killed her friend Sauro in front of her, and has been secretly hunting down the people who took her in. For a time, Nico Robin felt that her life could not escape Ao Pheasant's shadow.


Qing Pheasant said...

Sauro is his friend?


"When I followed Sauro's will to release you from the island, I also had the obligation to observe your life, so I have been observing you for twenty years..."

"never mind."

"Live well."

Aoki didn't seem to want to say more, but just said the last part: "Now, just follow Akihara Kagura's arrangements. That guy is a smart man. I have entrusted the matter to him. He will definitely not let anything happen to you." of."


Aoki agreed to the deal with Akihara Kagura. The admiral did not expect that Akihara Kagura would actually get on the phone with him in front of Nico Robin...

After finishing speaking, Aokiji ignored Nico Robin's reply and hung up the phone. He believed that Akihara Kagura would definitely have a solution.

After all, Akihara Kagura was the first person to collude with the Konoha Pirates, and could even use the Konoha Pirates to achieve his goals.

"Ao Pheasant!"

Nico Robin quickly wanted to stop it.


The phone bug has closed his eyes.

Akihara Kagura looked at Nicole Robin who was full of disbelief, with a smile still on her face: "Okay, Miss Robin, don't choose to die easily, your life is related to my future position as a general. …”


"Wait until this matter is over..."

"I'll tell you something that will definitely make you happy."


There was a trace of doubt in Nico Robin's eyes.

this world…

Is there anything else worth making her happy?

While they were chatting here, Spandam and CP9 agents arrested Franky and a Straw Hat associate named Usopp...


Akihara Kagura waved to them to send people over, and then waved for Spandam and others to step back: "Okay, Spandam, take your people to step back! Go and inform the conductor of the sea train, we will directly Set off back to Judiciary Island."


Spandam's eyes flashed with hatred.

This man…

You're going to pay for it soon!

Spandam gritted his teeth and led the CP9 agents to the next car. Before leaving, the man tightly held the seastone handcuffs in his pocket and glanced back at Akihara Kagura's area with a sinister look.

"Ah! Usopp!"

When Chopper saw Usopp, he almost ran and wanted to pounce on him!


Usopp's fearful mood immediately relaxed a little, but a touch of embarrassment appeared on his face again, and he took a step back: "Chopper, I have quit..."

In order to keep the Golden Merli…

Usopp has broken up with Luffy and quit the Straw Hat Pirates.

The little reindeer felt uncomfortable after hearing Usopp's words. He could only hang his head dejectedly and stand carefully next to Usopp...


Nico Robin sighed. She forced herself to take her mind off the Aokiji incident and said in a deep voice: "Usopp, the current problem is complicated. Don't say anything that will make Chopper sad. , both us and Luffy are in big trouble..."

"What trouble!"

Usopp asked subconsciously, then turned away awkwardly: "I'm not asking that guy, I'm asking us, will we be sent to prison or executed?"

"You and I are not in the same group!"

Frankie stood nearby grumbling and grumbling.

Dong Dong Dong…

There was a sound of tapping fingers.

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

"I ask that you please remain quiet while driving."

Akihara Kagura prohibited communication between them and ordered softly: "You are prisoners now, and I don't want to abuse the prisoners... If you want to say anything, we will have plenty of time when you arrive at Justice Island."

"You guy!"

Frankie yelled and rushed forward!

A bolt of lightning struck suddenly, hitting Franky's body in an instant, causing a cloud of black smoke to erupt from his body, and he fell to the ground with his head raised!

Boom boom boom…

Along with the silence in the entire carriage, the roar of the slowly moving sea train reached my ears. The sea train soon left the station in the Capital of Seven Waters.


Before this sea train pulls away…

Sanji, the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates, witnessed the arrest of Franky and Usopp with his own eyes. He jumped up with a few steps and quietly landed on the last carriage of the sea train. He sneaked in and wanted to We must take the opportunity to rescue everyone.

After the train pulled away...

A news began to spread throughout the Seven Waters City.

Nico Robin, the remnant of O'Hara and the son of the devil, was arrested, along with the Straw Hat Pirates' little reindeer and the Straw Hat Pirates' sniper Usopp...

There is also Frankie, a native of the Seven Waters Capital.

This news spread at an alarming speed in the Seven Waters Capital until it all reached the ears of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Mayor of the Seven Waters Capital, Icebag.

Only Luffy, Zoro and Nami were left in the Straw Hat Pirates. When they found out that Sanji was missing, they planned to go find Sanji and find out the news...

When the three of them inquired about where Robin and others were sent, the mayor of the Seven Waters City, Esbagu, secretly came to see them and provided them with a piece of information.

"They will be sent to the Isle of Justice."

Espagu gave important information to the Straw Hats and made his own request: "If you want to go to Judiciary Island to save your comrades, I hope you can help rescue Franky from CP9. I must Let me remind you that Judiciary Island is very dangerous, so it is best to chase their sea train as soon as possible and rescue people on the way..."

"Don't you hate Franky?"

Nami frowned. She knew that the people in the Seven Waters City hated Franky, especially the people from Carrera Company. Espagu was the boss of Carrera Company. How could he let them rescue Franky? Where's Lan Qi?

"He is my junior brother, and like me, he is a student of Teacher Tom..."

Espagu had to tell a story from many years ago, but he concealed the fact that Franky was holding a blueprint of Pluto: "So, I hope you can help me rescue Franky by the way. As a In return, I can help you prepare a new sea ship..."


The Straw Hat Pirates couldn't refuse.

Because their Golden Melly is no longer able to sail, they need a new ship to continue sailing, and they also need to go to Judiciary Island to rescue their companions.


As the mayor of the Seven Waters City, Espagu's network resources are obviously much stronger than those of the Straw Hats, and he can also provide the Straw Hats with a sea train to catch up with the CP9 department.

"We must catch up with them before they reach Judiciary Island..."

Espagu solemnly reminded Luffy again, with a very serious expression: "No one has attacked Judiciary Island for eight hundred years. Once they are sent to Judiciary Island, there is basically no possibility of rescuing them. You guys The only chance is at sea..."


"We won't wait for Sanji."

Luffy didn't know that Sanji had infiltrated the sea train, so he could only give up looking for Sanji and save time to save people: "Go chase those guys first and rescue Robin and the others!"

"There is one more important piece of information."

When Espagu secretly escorted the Straw Hats onto a sea train, he reminded them in a deep voice: "There is an enemy. Please be careful. Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura should be responsible for presiding over the arrest of Nicole Rowe." Regarding Bin, I saw him come to the Capital of the Seven Rivers today, and Akihara Kagura must have been on that escorting train. I heard that Akihara Kagura is a natural type thunder fruit user, but I didn’t know you..."


Luffy and Zoro's hearts were shocked at the same time.

The Straw Hat Pirates have encountered Akihara Kagura many times, and each time they were no match for him. They were even manipulated by him, all the way from Cocosia Village in the East China Sea to the Seven Waters Capital of the Grand Route. Thinking that I still haven’t escaped the shadow of Akihara Kagura...

"Luffy? Zoro?"

Nami looked at Luffy and Zoro nervously.


She also knew how scary that man was.

The Straw Hat Pirates have grown from unknown little pirates to supernova newcomers, and the shadow of Akihara Kagura has always been lingering in their hearts...


Zoro's hand tightened on the hilt of his knife.

If the Straw Hat Pirates have the most accurate intuition about the strong, it is definitely Zoro. He is very aware of how powerful his opponent is, but he did not expect that the opponent has become a user with the natural thunder fruit ability...

"Oh, got it."

Luffy reached out and put his hand on his hat, with a hearty smile on his face, and confidently told Nami and Zoro: "Then let's defeat that guy this time!"

Should we change the time?

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