Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 410 Recognized brothers, the final countdown

The cyan phoenix swoops down!

Kaido's body was even knocked open by his blow!

As the well-known captain and recognized eldest brother of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco could not let Ace stay to cover him.


When a battle is at a disadvantage and two people want to cover their companions to escape, there will only be one consequence. In the end, neither person can leave.


"How pedantic..."

"Same as that old thing..."

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts could see through their two minds at a glance, and his tall body stepped directly towards them and rushed towards them!

"Mirror Fire Flame!"

Ace put his fingers together and raised his hand to release a huge wall of fire!

However, Kaido was not afraid of Ace's flames and rushed in front of them with a ball of flames. He raised his hand and punched Ace with a domineering aura!

"Don't think I'm afraid!"

Fire Fist Ace's arm was burning with flames as he rushed towards Kaido's fist, his domineering aura unconsciously emanating from his body!

"Well, well, well..."

Charlotte Lingling looked at Fire Fist Ace and praised with a smile: "What a nice little guy..."


The gap between Ace and Kaido is too big after all!

Kaido's fist instantly defeated Ace's flames!

Phoenix Marco flew down again, and the two sharp claws under his body grabbed Kaido's head, forcing Kaido to impatiently wave his palms to catch Marco!

"Let me do it, Kaido."

Charlotte Lingling punched Marco, and the wind of the fist was like a shock wave, punching Marco's body away!

Marco's body rolled to the ground, and a wound was exposed on his shoulder, but the wound healed quickly on his body...

This is the characteristic of the Phoenix Fruit.

No matter how much damage you take, you can recover quickly!

If it were just to entangle one of the two Four Emperors, Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, and hold them back, Marco would have great confidence...


He was facing two Yonko!

There is even a King Shichibukai Doflamingo watching with eager eyes next to him...

Under the attack of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Fire Fist Ace and Marco were soon unable to hold on. Their clothes were in tatters, their bodies were covered in blood, and their faces even had scars. , looking particularly embarrassed...

"Surrender, Marco, Fire Fist Ace."

Kaido walked up, spread out his hands, and looked like a talented sea emperor: "What's the point of following that old guy with white beard? I'll just play house with you." The same ridiculous father-son game, only by following me can we truly rule the sea..."

"Absolutely impossible..."

Marco rolled his dead eyes.

Although this guy's refusal was very lackluster, and he didn't seem to be loyal to Whitebeard, everyone knew that what this man said was serious...

The entire sea knows that Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Squadron, has been following Whitebeard for about thirty years. How could he betray Whitebeard?

to be honest…

It is not easy for a traitor to appear in the Whitebeard Pirates. It is no wonder that after Blackbeard Teach defected, the entire sea was surprised by his defection.

"I don't know how to praise..."

Kaido shook his head, not expecting that he could convince Marco immediately, and planned to arrest both Marco and Fire Fist Ace first before dealing with them.

"Then let's arrest you first!"

Kaido waved his fist again and hit Marco's body.


Ace's body turned into a ball of flame, and he appeared in front of Marco. His voice was extremely urgent: "I told you, get out of here quickly!"


"Just stay here together!"

Kaido interrupted their exchange and punched Ace with a powerful punch, knocking the famous Fire Fist away!

Ace's body rolled and flew out. He felt that his organs were moving, and he spat out a mouthful of blood!

"It's very embarrassing..."

A gentle voice appeared in Ace's ear.

"Who are you…"

Ace subconsciously raised his head and saw a blond young man wearing a top hat with goggles on his head, wearing blue clothes and holding a steel pipe in his hand.


Ace's eyes widened involuntarily!

This outfit…

It turned out to be very similar to a figure in his memory!


The blond young man stretched out his palm towards Ace who was lying on the ground, and the smile on his face was as warm as the spring sunshine: "If the memory I just recovered is correct, my sworn brother should be named...Potter Cass D. Ace?”

"Who are you…"

Ace's mouth was stained with blood as he wanted to shout out the name in his memory.

"Hey, Sabo!"

Kerra, an orange-haired girl from the revolutionary army, shouted Sabo's name, rushed over, and slapped the blond young man on the head: "Mr. Long has been looking for you! Let's go to the forest quickly. The gold in it, don’t get involved in the pirates’ battle, they are very dangerous!”

"Sorry, Kella..."

The blond young man smiled sheepishly and apologized.

"Is it...Saab?"

Ace struggled to stand up, interrupting their exchange.

The young pirate felt that his heart was beating harder than ever before, just as fast as when he heard the news of Sabo's death!


The Saab in front of me is still very similar to what it was in the past...


Both his conversation and demeanor were somewhat different from the Sabo in Ace's memory. The blond boy who followed him in the past looked like those adults...

This is also normal...

Because Sabo has always been the wisest among their sworn brothers.

"it's me."

"Sorry, I just recovered my memory..."

Sabo nodded sincerely, and his eyes fell on Marco, who was still entangled with the two Yonko not far away.

"I have a lot to say, but now doesn't seem like a good time to chat. Do the two Yonkos Kaido Kaido and Big Mom want to arrest you?"

"you go first."

Ace nodded and waved Sabo away: "I want to continue fighting with Marco, don't get involved in this matter..."


Sabo hesitated. He thought for a while, then looked back at Kerra: "Kerra, you go ahead and do your work. I want to fight with Ace here..."

"Hey, hey, hey, wake up!"

Kerra couldn't help but want to grab his ears, but seeing Sabo's serious expression, her hands stopped subconsciously: "Those are the two Yonkos! Even Mr. Long may not..."

"Can't trouble Mr. Long."

Sabo shook his head and looked very serious: "Don't involve the revolutionary army in this matter. It is my own action!"

Saab is well aware…

The revolutionary army is not strong!

In this new era of turbulent seas, and with the Konoha Pirates constantly attacking the World Government and the top leaders of the Celestial Dragons, the situation of the Revolutionary Army has never been better...

at this time…

Involving the revolutionary army and making enemies of the Four Emperors is not the right choice!

The only thing Sabo can do is to fight with his sworn brothers from the past. He must not just watch Ace get into trouble in front of him!

"Saab, don't keep fooling around..."

Kella gritted her teeth and wanted to persuade, but she was at a loss for words.

Because she had always thought that the amnesiac Sabo was as helpless as she was, but now that Sabo had recovered his memory, it seemed that she could no longer interfere with him...


Ace interrupted Sabo and frowned: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It is about Marco and I. It is the war between our Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Hey, Ace, do we have this much more to say between us?"

Sabo reluctantly raised the water pipe in his hand, his eyes fell on the two tall Yonko, and said softly: "Okay, let's go and rescue Mr. Marco first. If nothing happens, we will be there soon." There will be a turning point..."

"What's the turning point?"


Sabo raised his head and looked at the Golden Ark motto in the sky, and continued softly: "I remember the rules of the hunting game on Sky Island..."

"One month after the hunting game starts, the vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates, who is a special reward for the hunting game, will join the battle. He is a very militant man..."

If nothing else...

Uchiha Madara, the vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates, will join the battle soon!

"We just need to hold on a little longer..."

Sabo took out a pocket watch, took a serious look at the time, and then looked at Kerla again: "Kerla, I have a plan this time! Go and do your business quickly, we can't predict it. I guess those guys are really messing around!"

"I'll report to Mr. Long first!"

Kerra hurried in the direction of the revolutionary army cadres.


Ace watched Sabo send Kerra away, and his mood seemed a little complicated. He didn't know how much Sabo had gone through in these years, but he just felt that this former sworn brother had really grown up.

Ace rarely wants to think about anything. He just rushes forward and fights. After all, his strength has never been weak...

"Speaking of which..."

Ace shook his head, getting rid of all the confusion in his mind. While flexing his wrists, he found a topic: "Have you met Luffy?"


Sabo shrugged helplessly and complained: "Isn't that guy the one who likes to join in the fun? He was obviously the first group of people to arrive at Sky Island, but he left so early..."

This time…

A little bit of a pity.

After all, Sabo has recovered his memory, which is equivalent to coming back from the dead in the eyes of Ace and Luffy. It is very likely that the three brothers who were sworn friends in their youth will reunite...

"That guy is still clamoring to become the Pirate King or something..."

Ace chuckled lightly, and balls of flame gradually appeared on his body. He turned around and told Sabo: "Okay, I'm going to get on. If you can't hold on, you have to escape immediately. Do you understand?"


Sabo didn't answer, just tightened his grip on his water pipe.

next moment!

The two young men rushed towards Kaido and Charlotte Lingling!

"fire punch!"

Ace's fist turned into a ball of instant flames, and the flames instantly enveloped Kaido's body!

"Dragon's Breath!"

Sabo's figure jumped up, his hands and arms were completely enveloped in armed domineering, and his body dived directly from the air!


Sabo knocked Charlotte Lingling off the cloud in an instant!

When Charlotte Lingling was shot to the ground, the entire area was shattered by one move at this moment, and countless broken rocks flew away!

The two men took action at the same time and saved Marco who was in danger!

"Well done..."

Ace opened his mouth and coughed a few times, then praised his former brother a few times.


Marco's body was surrounded by blue flames, and he quickly healed his body. He looked at Sabo in surprise.

"He is my sworn brother, like Luffy, and as I mentioned, Sabo."

Ace introduced Sabo's identity to Marco, and then praised Sabo to Marco: "How about it, Sabo is very powerful, right?"

"I'm not one to waste time."

Sabo responded with a smile, but he looked back into the mist, and his expression became serious: "Be careful, the enemy is more terrifying than the beasts we encountered when we were children!"

Amidst the dust.

Two tall figures stepped out of the dust.

Whether it's Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, both of their bodies are extremely hard, and Ace and Sabo's moves are like tickling them!

"Where did this kid come from again?"

Kaido waved his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan to blow away the dust in front of him, and said coldly: "Forget it, it doesn't matter where they come from. Let's get rid of you first..."

The words fell!

Kaido's body suddenly turned into a dragon!

This huge divine dragon floated in the sky like a cloud and mist. It opened its mouth and let out a roar to the sky. Thunder and lightning roared along with the strong wind, which instantly changed the weather in this area!

Animal type·Fish fruit·Phantom beast type·Blue dragon form!

Kaido, who has entered the dragon form, can easily cause natural disaster-level attacks. The overlord-like domineering energy constantly exuding from his body makes the creatures on the entire sky island tremble, making it impossible for anyone to ignore it. The power of this sea emperor!

"Well, well, well..."

"The fruits are developing well..."

Charlotte Lingling praised Kaido and raised her hand to summon her two clouds: "Zeus, Prometheus!"


Two groups of very cute-looking clouds flew down quickly towards Charlotte Lingling!

"Get rid of them quickly!"

Charlotte Lingling waved, and the two lovely clouds instantly became angry, with thunder and lightning and flames spreading from them instantly!

"Hold on a little longer..."

Sabo's eyes were extremely serious and firm, and he reminded Marco and Ace beside him in a deep voice: "We will have a chance to escape..."

Above the sky.

The motto of the Golden Ark is also fluttering back and forth along with the strong wind and thunder.

Uchiha Madara stood on the railing of the Golden Ark, looking down at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling below, a fierce fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

"Isn't the time up yet?"


The Red Sand Scorpion raised his hand and reached out to grab a communication phone bug from the bow of the ship. His voice echoed on the empty island.

"There are still five minutes left..."

"Uchiha Madara, the deputy captain of the Konoha Pirates, will join the hunting game..."

"All players involved in the hunting game..."

The red sand scorpion's mechanical voice is cold, as if it is a machine that determines the fate of game players, giving it its last wishes.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

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