Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 409 Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido VS Marco and Ace!

Chapter 409 Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido VS Marco and Ace!

The Konoha Pirates are high in the sky.

This group of pirates continued to talk about capturing the power of the strong and exchanging technology on the Golden Ark. No one mentioned the revolutionary army.

Monkey D. Long looked up at the Golden Ark motto in the sky. He didn't know what the people above were talking about. He could guess that the other party would never have any alliance with the revolutionary army.


Only the red-haired boy named Red Sand Scorpion had some understanding of the thoughts of their revolutionary army, so his attitude seemed slightly softer.

The existence of the Konoha Pirates is too mysterious.

Even the World Government currently only knows the names and detailed information of five people in the Konoha Pirates, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama, Red Sand Scorpion, Orochimaru, and one more. The news of the mysterious existence has not yet been exposed...

According to Ryu's observation, the internal organizational structure of the Konoha Pirates seems a bit strange, because the captain Senju Hashirama does not have the same say as ordinary pirates. Instead, the red-haired boy can often make the decision, and there may be unknown things inside. message…

That’s all…

At least the other party didn't show any hostility.

And in this sea, no one is willing to be the enemy of the other party.

Monkey D. Long frowned, and he began to think about another thing. The other party mentioned the entanglement between a person and the Tianlong people, which made him have a lot of worries.


The name doesn't sound ordinary.

Just as the Celestial Dragons would add names such as Saint, which symbolizes the male, and Palace, which symbolizes the dignity of the female, after their names, 'Ji' is not something that ordinary people can use.


This may be the name of the goddess Mao.

Long narrowed his eyes and vaguely understood something. The Konoha Pirates knew more about the past than he did. The ancient history of Alabasta was true, and some of the historical secrets he had obtained might be false!

Long has always had some doubts about the ancient history of Alabasta. He has some difficulty distinguishing the authenticity of ancient history. However, the power of the Konoha Pirates is so powerful that the reliability of the history exposed in Alabasta has become It’s getting more and more true…

Are these...

We can only check it later.

"Where's Sabo?"

Monkey D. Long looked back at the Revolutionary Army, only to find that only Kerra and a few Revolutionary Army cadres were left waiting for him. Sabo, who had always had high hopes for him, was nowhere to be seen.

"That guy has to go to the forest..."

Kirla couldn't help complaining as she muttered.

"Then let's go too."

Monkey D. Long laughed and called on the cadres of the Revolutionary Army to enter the forest with him: "This is the ruins of the golden city of Shantora. We can take away the gold at will. It will be very helpful to our cause." help…"

This is what the Konoha Pirates promised him.

Whether the Konoha Pirates have good intentions or are trying to support them against the World Government, at least it is beneficial to them now.

A group of revolutionary army cadres also showed a hint of joy.

These people can't think of so much. They just want to do one thing, collect enough gold, buy enough arms, and bring down this unfair world!

"You still have to be careful..."

Before Long led his companions into the forest, he reminded them in a deep voice: "There are still dangers in the forest, don't stay too far away..."

In the hunting grounds…

But there are still two sea emperors!

If possible, avoid conflict as much as possible.

What a pity…

Some conflicts cannot be avoided.

In the forest.

Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard Teach are still fighting.

Circles of fire surged out of Ace's body, and in an instant they gathered into a huge fireball, hitting Teach's body directly!

"Emperor Yan·Great Flame Ring!"

"Dark acupoint!"

Blackbeard Teach's arm turned into a ball of black mist!

With the power of the Dark Fruit swallowing up Ace's flames like a black hole, Teach gained the upper hand in this battle and released everything swallowed up in the Dark Acupoint with one blow, instantly killing Ace. His body was swept away!


Blackbeard Teach smiled happily and clenched his fist with pride on his face: "Ace, this is the power I got from killing Thatch..."


Ace opened his mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood.


Even at this time, he still doesn't want to give up!

A ball of flame quickly surrounded Ace's whole body, and his body rushed towards Blackbeard Teach again. His ability to burn fruits was completely useless to Blackbeard Teach, so just fight with this guy Teach directly. Close combat!

This plays right into Teach's hands!

Blackbeard Teach grabbed Ace's body with one hand, completely disabling Ace's Devil Fruit ability, and then he grinned ferociously: "I have been on that ship for more than twenty years, and I have experienced so many battles. More than you have ever seen, thief hahaha, Ace, you are no match for me, join me..."

next moment!

A blue phoenix flew over!


A flash of surprise flashed in Tiqi's eyes!

Marco's Phoenix state was extremely fast. He flapped his wings and flew away a group of Blackbeard Pirates. Then he swooped down and tore Teach's chest with his claws. He instantly transformed into a human form and knocked Ace out of darkness. Rescued from the hands of Beard!

" hurts me to death!"

Tiqi pressed the blood on his chest, rolling on the ground in pain and wailing: "Marco, do you want to kill me?"

"I really want to kill you."

Marco tilted his head, and looked at Blackbeard Teach with a pair of dead fish eyes: "I have been on that ship for thirty years, and you are the only guy I want to kill..."


Ace looked at Marco who had saved him and felt a little relieved.


Marco arrived just in time...

I was almost defeated just now.

"Disobey dad's orders."

Marco glanced at Ace and taught his younger brother a lesson: "Fortunately, dad asked me to come here to find you. Otherwise, you might have died in the hands of this bastard like Sachi..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Ace didn't care that he almost died. He looked at Teach again and invited in a deep voice: "Let's go together and take him back!"

"It's too late."

Marco shook his head and rejected Ace's proposal.

This man with pineapple hair slowly raised his head to look at the sky, and continued in a deep voice: "You leave here first, and leave the rest to me..."

"I do not want it!"

Ace stroked his wrist and still looked at Teach with a stubborn face: "I want to take that guy back to apologize to dad. I will never forgive him!"


Marco's eyes twitched, as if he was a little helpless at his stubbornness: "You are still so impulsive, please take a closer look at the situation. Those two bastards Big Mom and Kaido have been attracted to your battle. Already…”

Fire Fist Ace couldn't help but follow his gaze to the sky. He saw two tall figures swooping in their direction!

"Well, well, well..."

Charlotte Lingling stepped on her own thunder clouds and flew towards them with a smile: "Marco, Fire Fist Ace, seems to have some unexpected joy, hahaha..."

Kaido's dragon body slowly transformed into a human form, turning into a tall man with horns. He clenched his fists in his palms and locked his eyes on Marco: "Hey, Marco, I've been We all like you, and as long as you join my pirate group, I can let you go today!"

Kaido of all beasts.

This is a man who naturally likes people with animal fruit abilities.

Therefore, the Beast Pirates have always been dominated by those with animal devil fruit abilities. Kaido has always wanted his pirate group to be composed entirely of animal devil fruits, so he used various methods to obtain animals. It's a devil fruit.

Of course.

Marco, who is an animal type, a bird fruit, a phantom species, and a phoenix, has always been the subordinate that Hyakuju Kaido has always wanted to get.

"That really betrays your good intentions."

Marco rejected Kaido's invitation without mercy, tilting his head and looking indifferent: "I don't want to join any other pirate group..."

"That old guy with white beard used to protect you..."

Kaido clenched his fists and walked towards Marco step by step. The domineering aura on his body began to bloom: "I can't allow you to make the decision today..."

Just arrest people first...

I slowly have the means to make Marco surrender!

Coming to Sky Island this time was an unexpected surprise. I didn’t expect that Marco, the captain of the first division, and Ace, the captain of the second division, of the Whitebeard Pirates were both here!

Between the Four Emperors…

Most of them have always been enemies.

Kaido has always wanted to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as he captures the two most troublesome sons of the Whitebeard Pirates here, he can eliminate the trouble of the old guy Whitebeard!

"you go first."

Marco urged Fire Fist Ace.

"No one can leave today."

Kaido stepped on the ground, and the surrounding land trembled in an instant. His eyes were also fixed on Ace: "Fire Fist Ace, I remember that you, bastard, took advantage of me when I was not around. You went to my territory and made a big fuss..."

This hatred…

Kaido has already remembered it!

Fire Fist Ace even hooked up with his daughter Yamato, no, it was his son Yamato, and together they smashed the dragon-shaped statue that symbolized authority!

I just didn't expect that Fire Fist Ace would soon join the Whitebeard Pirates, leaving Kaido with no means of revenge against him. Now he didn't expect that this guy would also appear in front of him!


Kaido didn't even think about killing Ace.

After all, this young man Ace is not a weakling.

Whether it's Ace the Fire Fist or Marco the Phoenix, these two guys make Kaido the Beast think a lot. Kaido is a man who loves talents... Only with more and more help can he succeed Stand firmer in the ever-changing sea of ​​the future!

"Lingling, help me catch them."

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts stared at the two of them, and loudly ordered without raising his head: "Even if I owe you another favor!"

"Then you won't be able to pay it off for the rest of your life, hahaha..."

Charlotte Lingling laughed playfully and swung her fist directly towards Marco and Ace. The black and red domineering arc flashed on her fist!

"Get out of the way!"

Marco's body glowed with a ball of green flames, forming a wall of fire in an instant. The wall of fire dissipated instantly under the power of Charlotte Lingling's punch!


This time is enough!

"you go first."

Marco reminded Ace again.

Even when facing the two Yonko alone, Marco was not afraid at all, and his eyes did not even change at all: "When I get rid of the two of them, we will meet up at the Chambord Islands..."


Ace also wanted to retort.

"Okay, I know you are strong."

Marco interrupted Ace's words and continued casually: "Don't think you can escape just by telling me. If you want to escape, it depends on your luck..."

Marco said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. He knew that he and Ace had a high probability of escaping. As long as they started fighting, Jinbe would definitely come to support them. It should be okay if the three of them wanted to escape. question…


The combat power of the two Yonko is not that simple!

What's more...

Hyakju Kaido is not an idiot.

The lion fights the rabbit and tries his best, this is Kaido's style.

This man also knew very well that Marco and Ace were no match for him, but if they wanted to escape, it would be very troublesome for him and Charlotte Lingling to chase them.


He also has a helper on the empty island.

Kaido glanced around and suddenly said loudly: "Hey, Doflamingo, I remember that your ability is pretty good, right?"


Doflamingo hurriedly emerged from behind a big tree, with a smile on his lips and cold sweat on his forehead: "Do you need my help?"

"Don't let them get away."

Kaido didn't even look at Doflamingo, just like he was giving instructions to his younger brother. He knew what kind of temper Doflamingo was: "I will give you a larger share of the weapons exported by Wano Country, and you The SMILE failed product, I want it too."


Doflamingo laughed sinisterly and nodded slowly. A ball of spider web appeared in his hand, but he did not take action: "But I am a little worried. This move may attract Konoha Sea." The thieves are unhappy..."

This hunting game…

But it’s broadcast live all over the world!

Once I use the Thread Fruit technique to block the entire Apayado, it is very likely that the phone bug signals inside and outside will be isolated...

Konoha Pirates…

Not so easy to offend!


Kaido the Beast is not someone to be trifled with either!

After Doflamingo finished speaking, he added: "However, I can help you stop them, there should be no problem..."

This kind of thing…

Doflamingo didn't want to get involved.

Unfortunately, Kaido was too close, and Doflamingo really didn't dare to refuse.


Kaido was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything more.

These arrangements…

It should be enough for him to catch Fire Fist Ace and Marco!


"You can't escape."

Kaido ran directly towards Marco and Fire Fist Ace!

This terrifying sea emperor, who was as terrifying as a ferocious beast, instantly exuded a frightening domineering aura. When he ran wildly, he was like a mountain-like buffalo charging, smashing everything around him into pieces!


Marco shook his head, and his body quickly entered the Phoenix form. He flew up directly and called out to Fire Fist Ace: "Ace, let's go!"


Fire Fist Ace gritted his teeth, but a touch of determination appeared in his heart. His body instantly turned into monstrous flames and rose into the sky, and his ability to burn the fruit was fully activated!

However, this young pirate did not escape as Marco planned. A ball of raging flames turned into a wall of fire to stop Kaido, and a ball of raging flames shot towards Charlotte Lingling in the air like an arrow. Then, a ball of flames burned towards Doflamingo in an instant!

This guy…

I want to sacrifice myself here to cover Marco's escape!

"Hey, Marco."

Fire Fist Ace's head was revealed in the flames, and his voice suddenly became calmer: "I may not be able to escape. This is not the sea, this is an island in the sky. Only you who can fly can hope to escape." Deku Island…”

"Go back and tell everyone."

"Don't help me get revenge."

Fire Fist Ace was talking, and the overlord-colored Haki on his body surged out along with the flames, trying to fight against Kaido's overlord-colored Haki: "Let me die like the former captain of the second division, Kozuki Oden. Here..."


The phoenix flutters its wings in the sky.

The phoenix's eyes stared at the flames that were being compressed below. After gritting his teeth, he turned back and dived back toward the battlefield!

Let yourself watch Ace sacrifice...

It’s better to sacrifice yourself here!

At least he has the confidence to stop Kaido and Charlotte Lingling from chasing him!

I read the chapter about Wano Country...

Hyakushou Kaido is very smart and methodical...

Kozuki Oden in the Wano Country Chapter is probably mentally ill...

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