Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 404 A humble person can also kill a superior god!

Fire Fist Ace's goal is quite clear.

After this young pirate entered Apayado's hunting ground, he rushed straight towards the Blackbeard Pirates. This was also his main purpose.

As for the Bucky Pirates…

Like locusts crossing the border, a group of pirates directly found a hiding Celestial Dragon and escorted him in front of Bucky the Clown!

"Despicable pirates, how dare you..."

This Tianlong man was still shouting in the hope of scaring off this group of pirates.

However, this group of pirates has the support of Bucky the Clown, and they don't care at all about the attitude of this Celestial Dragon, and are not at all afraid of the Celestial Dragon's threat!

"Captain Bucky!"

"Just execute him!"

"Captain Bucky is the first pirate who dares to kill the Celestial Dragons. How can he lose to others in this hunting game? We must help Captain Bucky become the winner of the hunting game!"

A group of pirates cheered and begged Clown Bucky to take action. Every pirate looked at Clown Bucky with a touch of fanaticism on his face. Even a video phone bug hidden here gave Clown Bucky a shot like the protagonist. .


Bucky the Clown thought silently, his eyes full of stubbornness and fear. He held a pistol in his hand. Under the cheers of a group of subordinates, he could only pull the trigger in his hand in despair...


A bloody hole opened in the Tianlong man's head and forehead in an instant, and his body fell directly to the ground. The entire Bucky Pirates cheered!

Clown Bucky's body was about to fall down in an instant, but a group of pirates directly lifted his body up high!

"Captain Bucky!"

"As expected of Captain Bucky!"

"You show no mercy when you kill the Celestial Dragons!"


Bucky the Clown was held up in the air by his subordinates and burst into tears. He might reach the end of his life soon...

"Go and catch more Tianlong people..."

Mr.3 Galdino is an understanding person. He can understand the mood of Bucky the Clown. While calling on the pirates to catch more Celestial Dragons, he whispered in Bucky’s ear: "Now I am no longer afraid. It’s no use, we must kill more Tianlong people. Only by winning the first place and getting the ancient weapon Neptune can we survive..."


Bucky immediately felt a glimmer of hope!

Mr3 Galdino is right, he has no way out!

Now, he might as well take this opportunity to fight to the death. As long as he can win the game of hunting the Celestial Dragons, the Konoha Pirates will definitely tell him the whereabouts of Neptune!

Bucky the Clown will never doubt this pirate group!

After all, this pirate group once wanted to give away the treasure of the Twenty Kings!

A look of ferocity and fierceness quickly appeared on Clown Bucky's face. He waved the pistol in his hand and shouted loudly: "Young men, go hunt down the Celestial Dragons immediately and bring all the scum of the world to me. Come in front of me and I will execute them!"


The cheers of the pirates startled many birds.

On the Chambord Islands.

The heroic figure of Bucky the Clown plays on the video phone bug.

The residents of the Chambord Islands have been suffering from the torture and suffering caused by the Celestial Dragons all year round because they are closest to the Holy Land. They couldn't help but burst into tears, and they all talked about the heroes who dared to kill the Celestial Dragons...

"As expected of a great man from the Roger Pirates..."

"After all, Lord Bucky is the first man who dares to kill a Celestial Dragon!"

"Kill all those Celestial Dragons!"

"Bucky-sama will definitely become the winner of the hunting game!"


Pluto Rayleigh looked at a group of people cheering enthusiastically for Bucky's execution of a Draco, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.


Bucky is really becoming more and more promising...

Even the Celestial Dragons can be killed so easily...

Compared with the efficiency of Bucky the Clown, the efficiency of the woman Boya Hancock is obviously better. Her movements are sharp and quick, and she can even find her prey faster.

"Sweet Ganfeng!"

A red heart accurately hit a Celestial Dragon!

The figure of Boya Hancock quickly appeared next to the Celestial Dragon, and kicked the body that had turned into stone into pieces!

The other Celestial Dragons hiding nearby fled towards the depths of the forest with frightened faces, waving their hands in fear, unable to believe that this king, Shichibukai, dared to massacre them!

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock raised his hand and shot countless pink arrows, which penetrated their bodies in an instant, nailing their bodies to the spot and turning them into stones!


Hancock walked step by step to the group of Celestial Dragons who had turned into stone statues, and slapped the head of a Celestial Dragon with one hand: "Unforgivable..."

Tears hung from the corners of Hancock's eyes. He clenched his fist tightly with his slender palms and smashed the head of another Draco statue with one punch: "I want to kill you..."

"Kill them all!"

There was no concealment on the face of the world's most beautiful woman, and she looked into the depths of the forest with murderous intent, and her tall long legs stepped into the depths of the forest step by step.

Boya Hancock has no intention of removing the Draco identity chip, her purpose is just to kill the Draco here...


She didn't know what else she could do.

The emperor of Amazon Lily was exposed by the Five Old Stars as a slave in the past, and he didn’t know where he should go. It was definitely impossible to return to his hometown...

In the past, she has always been a proud emperor in the Amazon Lily Kingdom. Now she has no face to maintain her posture, even her life has become a joke...

What's more...

Before Boya Hancock came here, she no longer planned to be the emperor. She wanted to join a powerful pirate group like the previous emperors.

While Boya Hancock was searching for traces of the Celestial Dragons, he looked up from time to time at the Golden Ark motto in the sky...

This kind of behavior…

Naturally, it was not hidden from the eyes of the Konoha Pirates.

Orochimaru stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, smiled and said: "That woman seems to want to join our pirate group..."

"Huh? Do you have any ideas?"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked back at Orochimaru.


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and commented on Boya Hancock with a smile: "That woman has the domineering aura that I need most. She even has good abilities and a pretty face... "


Boya Hancock still has the aura of a snake creature in her body!

This made Orochimaru extremely fascinated by Boya Hancock. He almost looked at Boya Hancock greedily as he hunted in the forest: "It's really... an excellent container..."

This container…

It’s perfect for him too!

Although it may be a bit gender non-conforming, Orochimaru doesn't care at all about being a woman because he can use it to get the domineering haki!


The Red Sand Scorpion glanced at Orochimaru, sighed softly and said: "Although the domineering domineering energy is very important, the Devil Fruit in her body is not very powerful..."

"It's already pretty good."

Orochimaru smiled, not hating the Devil Fruit at all.

"Until the conflict between Devil Fruit abilities is resolved, don't think about taking the body of a Devil Fruit user..."

The Red Sand Scorpion rejected Orochimaru's proposal and continued: "If you must get a Devil Fruit ability, I still suggest choosing the one that suits you best. There are many people who have Overlord-colored Haki, so it is the Devil Fruit that suits you best. But there is only one. I heard that there is an animal type, phantom beast type, Yamata no Orochi fruit in this world..."


Orochimaru's eyes suddenly lit up.

Compared with those messy fruit abilities, the animal type, phantom beast species, and Yamata no Orochi are undoubtedly the ones that interest Orochimaru the most. This fruit is definitely the most suitable for him!

"You have to endure huge weaknesses for a devil fruit..."

Senju Tobirama glanced at Orochimaru coldly, thinking that his vision was a bit short-sighted.

"There's nothing we can do about it..."

Orochimaru didn't care about Senju Tobirama's contempt for him, and even laughed at himself and explained: "We are not descendants of the blood of the Six Paths Sage..."


Senju Tobirama was too lazy to pay attention to Orochimaru.

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru looked back at the Red Sand Scorpion: "This woman, do you want to consider letting her join us? If I can't get the fruit ability of Yamata no Orochi in the future, let this woman be my alternative container... "


The Red Sand Scorpion complied with Orochimaru's request without any care, and continued smoothly: "But I already know the whereabouts of the Yamata no Orochi fruit user..."

"Then I can only give up on her with regret."

Orochimaru ruthlessly abandoned the Overlord Haki and Sweet Fruit ability user Boya Hancock, and continued to talk about his thoughts: "I hope that Yamata no Orochi's Devil Fruit ability user also has Overlord Haki, so that I can do it without..."

"I heard that guy is worse than you..."

The Red Sand Scorpion blocked Orochimaru's words.

Orochimaru didn't care about the sarcasm of the Red Sand Scorpion, shook his head and said: "It seems that we still need to find a strong man with overlord-colored domineering, and this strong man cannot have the ability of the Devil Fruit..."


Senju Tobirama interrupted Orochimaru's thoughts about the future and asked coldly about the Red Sand Scorpion: "Why hasn't the battle started yet on your main body?"

"It'll start soon."

The Red Sand Scorpion's eyes were dull, and he continued calmly: "This battle can only depend on Mr. Madara and the First Generation. I'll probably say hello first..."


While they are discussing here...

There has been an earth-shattering momentum on the frontal battlefield!

Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju closed their palms at the same time, and the two of them joined forces to release their best abilities. A Susaki man hundreds of meters tall appeared on the battlefield!

This Susanaki man is wearing a blue chakra armor, with a pair of huge blue wings growing on his back, and wrapped around his body is a Susanaki dragon also wearing a armor!

With the appearance of the Susanu-man, the overlord-colored Haki of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were also released with the help of the Susanu-man at the same time. The shocking overlord-colored Haki swept across the world in an instant. The entire Angel Island is like a hurricane passing through at this moment!

In the sky…

The black-red electric arc kept flashing!

The domineering energy spread outward like lightning. The entire sky was completely occupied by their domineering domineering energy, and the air was squeezed away by this domineering energy!

The flowing clouds outside kept trying to squeeze in under the surge of air pressure, but they were blocked by a cloud of domineering and domineering clouds in the air.

The weather on the entire Sky Island was completely affected by this overbearing and domineering aura!

All the buildings and trees on Angel Island were swept away by the domineering force, and Angel Island became completely empty and white!

"Are you kidding..."

Shanks raised his Western sword Griffin and blocked it in front of him. His red hair was impacted by this trembling domineering force, and he stubbornly stabilized his body!

"Domineering... can they be stacked together..."

The five old stars stared closely at Susanoo who appeared directly on the other side of the battlefield and the overlord's Haki that was unleashed unscrupulously, with a look of fear on his face!

This information…

But no one knows!

The captain and vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates were able to join forces to release this powerful power. The superposition of their powers is no longer as simple as 1+1=2!

A magic circle instantly appeared at the feet of the Five Old Stars, and a black mist emerged from the bodies of the five old men. Their appearances quickly changed!


Ghosts like those in myths and legends appeared on the battlefield...

Under the pressure of this tyrannical domineering haki, they can only become like this before they can move freely in the tyrannical haki released by being a Susaki!

"These guys..."

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Sengoku's forehead.

Sengoku was also the owner of the Overlord's Haki. Feeling the terrifying Overlord's Haki that swept over him, he suddenly understood why the Konoha Pirates were so arrogant!


Powerful as never imagined...

Whether it was Whitebeard, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, or anyone else, Sengoku had listed all the strong men he had seen in his life, but he had never seen such a terrifying overlord!

The navy marshal glanced at the five old stars next to him, but he didn't care about the other person's image. His body quickly turned into a Buddha state, resisting the invading domineering force!

"Twenty million volts Thor!"

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and a ball of thunder and lightning appeared from his palm, quickly covering his whole body, turning him into a huge thunder god glowing with lightning!


This Thor is obviously in trouble...

Faced with this level of domineering impact, Akihara Kagura's thunder god body couldn't hold on, and he couldn't help but raise his arms, struggling to resist the opponent's domineering force...

"It's really scary..."

Akihara Kagura looked at the Susaki people standing in the distance, felt the impact of domineering around him, gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't know they were so powerful..."

"Don't force it."

Warring States raised his head and glanced at the struggling Thunder God, and said in a deep voice: "Second Lieutenant Kagura, you are unable to withstand the impact of this level of domineering..."

The Sengoku Buddha's body suddenly released an overlord-like domineering energy that enveloped everything around him, preventing Akihara Kagura from fainting before the battle even started.

"Now, have you seen it?"

Warring States glanced at the God of Thunder beside him, and said in a deep voice: "No matter how resourceful one is, there is still an insurmountable gap in strength..."

The Konoha Pirates have always been indifferent to anything, and can even let their navy go without a care in Alabasta, but this is just because the Konoha Pirates believe that they are powerful enough to crush all conspiracies that are not good for them!

"It's really scary..."

Kizaru pursed his lips and looked at the tall Susanaki with a playful smile.


Aoki looked at Kizaru with some confusion.

Although everyone is an undercover agent of the Konoha Pirates, and they all know that the Konoha Pirates are powerful enough, the superposition of the two people's domineering power has exceeded their understanding, but the overlord's domineering power is completely released directly. Cleaned up everything on an island...

This guy Kizaru...

Why do you still have this attitude?

When will this guy be a little more serious...

"It's really scary..."

Kizaru glanced at the five old stars who had transformed into five ferocious and terrifying ghosts, and talked about some folktales of this world: "We should still be more careful. According to legend... Susanoo can kill ghosts... "

"Don't talk nonsense, Porusalino..."

One of the five old stars, an old man who turned into a ghost, turned around and was about to scold Kizaru.


The Susaki man in the distance suddenly pulled out a giant sword glowing with blue light!

As the tall Susaki man drew his sword and slashed, a blue slash that could split the sky came across. The extremely aggressive overlord-colored domineering energy was wrapped on both sides of the slash, brazenly smashing the five elders. Xing's ghostly body was split into two!

"Saint Vauchuli!"

The four ghost-like Five Old Stars watched in disbelief as their colleagues who lived with them day and night were killed with a single knife.

The complete information is out...

I don’t know who Poni’s father is, but it’s not Big Bear anyway…

Pony's mother should be Ginny...

If it's a clone, it's acceptable, but if it's really Ginny's daughter, it's too outrageous, and I'll just go to the knife...

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