Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 403 The past revealed, Boya Hancock, you are just a slave

Chapter 403 The past is revealed, Boya Hancock, you are just a slave

On the empty island.

The atmosphere gradually solidified.

Mihawk refused to participate in the battle between the World Government and the Konoha Pirates.

The Five Old Stars glanced at Hawkeye Mihawk, with a hint of displeasure in their eyes, but they couldn't directly fall out with Mihawk's level of combat power before fighting the Konoha Pirates, lest they do it again. Let them be attacked from both sides.

"Then I hope..."

An old man among the Five Old Stars stared at Mihawk coldly, and finally reminded him: "After a while, you will not regret it."

"And you?"

"Boya Hancock..."

Another old man's eyes fell on Empress Boya Hancock, and he said coldly: "You were once a slave of the Celestial Dragons. It was our mercy that allowed you to be let go. Now you also want to refuse." Recruitment from the World Government..."


Many people looked at Boya Hancock in surprise.

This empress, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, was actually once a slave of the Celestial Dragons. Video call bugs around the world were in an uproar!


Boya Hancock's body trembled violently.

In the past, being a slave to the Celestial Dragons was what she feared and hated the most. Over the years, she had been trying hard to maintain her arrogance, just because she didn't want anyone to find out that she was once a slave, but now she was treated so lightly by Wulaoxing. Speak out...


It hit Hancock's heart instantly.

Now that everyone knows she is a slave of the Celestial Dragons, what will they think of her? The false image she has maintained for so many years will become like a joke...

"What empress..."

"The most beautiful woman in the world..."

"I used to be nothing more than a slave..."

"She said that no matter what she did, the world would forgive her, and she pretended not to want people to get close to her. It turned out that she was a slave before..."

"It's still like crawling on the ground while wearing chains..."

Hancock seemed to have heard people from all over the world talking about her, mocking and laughing at her past as a slave, mocking her as the emperor of Amazon Lily as just a slave, mocking her for pretending to be arrogant. …


Boya Hancock covered her head in pain, the domineering look on her body couldn't help but pour out, and her face suddenly became ferocious!

Anger and fear flooded her brain...

At this moment, Boya Hancock felt afraid to even live. She was afraid to see other people’s pointing eyes and to see others calling her a slave!

"What's wrong with this woman?"

An old man among the Five Old Stars frowned.

For them, many strong men in this sea were once their slaves. They wanted and asked for slaves. Being willing to let a slave go and even let him serve as the king of the Shichibukai is enough to prove their open-mindedness. This woman is not Do you know how to be grateful?

These big men who are always aloof, can kill anyone without restraint and can control anyone's destiny. Naturally, they will not understand the psychology of these people.

Slave of the Draco…

What is there to be ashamed of and angry about?

This sea is full of slaves of the Celestial Dragons. Everyone is essentially a slave of the Celestial Dragons, whether they are kings or ordinary people.

Bartholomew Bear, the tyrant of the Shichibukai who happens to be the same king as Boya Hancock, and his parents have been slaves of the Celestial Dragons since he was a child.

Hancock, this woman…

What are you doing looking like this for no reason?

"Kill you!"

Boya Hancock's face looks a little distorted, even in a state of rage, it still does not hinder her peerless appearance!

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock's figure jumped up quickly, and a huge red heart suddenly appeared between her fingers. The red heart burst into countless arrows and scattered down!

"Porusalino, Cuzan."

Wulaoxing looked at the two admirals next to him.

The two naval admirals raised their palms, and their armed domineering energy was released from their palms in an instant, scattering all of Boya Hancock's prisoner arrows!


"You guys are messing around here..."

"Are you a little too dismissive of me?"

Just as General Kizaru soared into the sky, Uchiha Madara's somewhat bored voice appeared in their ears: "If you want to kill someone, go into the forest and act as a hunter. If you want to fight, come over as soon as possible. Don't delay." My time…"

"It's really arrogant..."

Wu Laoxing's face couldn't help but darken.

If they can fight and kill pirates like Boya Hancock, they can never treat Uchiha Madara with such contempt...


Talking too boldly...

It may become a joke after defeat.

An old man among the five old stars looked at the navy marshal: "Sengoku, we are here to stop the Konoha Pirates, and the others go inside to rescue all the world's nobles..."

After finishing speaking, the old man looked in the direction of the red-haired pirates. He and red-haired Shanks didn't say anything, but their eye contact said everything.

"Beckman, take people inside to rescue people."

The red-haired Shanks grabbed his Western sword again and said solemnly: "They and I are here to stop the Konoha Pirates..."


Ben Beckman frowned, seeming a little uneasy.

But as the vice-captain and companion, at this time, he could only follow the will of his companions and act according to Shanks' ideas.

"Let's fight somewhere else..."

The red-haired Shanks looked up at Uchiha Madara and suggested loudly: "Mr. Madara, you don't want your hunting ground to be affected by our battle, do you?"

Their level of fighting...

An entire island may be destroyed at any time!

The Five Old Stars, Red-haired Shanks, Buddha Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru and Uchiha Madara, these people are all too powerful and will most likely cause big trouble!

"I do not care."

Uchiha Madara's lips sneered.


A voice came from above the Golden Ark.

The voice of the Red Sand Scorpion was cold and ruthless. A pair of mechanical wings spread out from his back, driving his body to float in mid-air: "If you want to fight, go to Angel Island. If you want to participate in the hunting game, go to Apaya." many…"

Angel Island.

This is the area where the sky people once lived.

Wu Laoxing and Admiral Sengoku quickly discussed a countermeasure. Wu Laoxing, Sengoku, Aokiji, and Kizaru will all participate in the battle. Even Akihara Kagura, the user with the thunder fruit ability who is staying in the forest, was pulled out. , plus the red-haired Shanks on their side.

As for King Shichibukai...

Hawkeye Mihawk refuses to fight.

Boya Hancock rebelled directly on the spot.

This bastard Doflamingo massacred the Celestial Dragons and clearly no longer intends to side with the World Government. He is even still entangled with the Blackbeard Pirates in the forest.


There are enough combatants on the side of the World Government.

If this battle can be won, then the World Government will have solved a major crisis, turning the Konoha Pirates from a great pirate into a rat on the sea...

If this battle fails, then the World Government will have no choice but to allow the Konoha Pirates to destroy and disintegrate the rule of the Heavenly Dragons step by step. Before the World Government comes up with a new solution to the Konoha Pirates, any action will be taken from now on. It will be a last resort...


There is another possibility.

Wulaoxing has already made a plan in his heart.

If you can find a chance to win, or if you can't find a chance to win, it would be best to maintain a stalemate for a period of time so that the navy soldiers and the red-haired pirates can rescue the group of Celestial Dragons who were taken as prey. Call it a victory…


Only two members of the Konoha Pirates fought.

Captain Senju Hashirama, Vice Captain Uchiha Madara.

This is the candidate for the Konoha Pirates to show up to join the battle. Although they have a small number of people, they cannot be underestimated. After all, Uchiha Madara has many achievements on his hands. He even single-handedly defeated the entire army just now. The red-haired pirates…

"Ten versus two..."

The red-haired Shanks looked at the two figures standing opposite, and couldn't help but admire the courage and strength of the other party. He had just been defeated by one of them...

"Don't underestimate your opponent either..."

Wulaoxing's eyes looked particularly calm.

Because they got some news from Im-sama, Uchiha Madara is a man that even Im-sama doesn’t dare to defeat easily!

What's more...

There is also the existence of Senju Hashirama!

No one knows the power of Senju Hashirama better than the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku, but the Navy Marshal's mood is a little strange.

What should I say?

Sengoku glanced at Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akihara Kagura beside him. They were all undercover agents of the Konoha Pirates stationed in the navy...


Akihara Kagura, a young marine, is not very strong. She is far from reaching the top level. She can only rely on the ability of the Thunder Fruit to be useful...

"Ensign Kagura."

Sengoku looked at Akihara Kagura and softly comforted the ensign: "I didn't expect that the first time you participated in a battle would be a battle of this level..."

"When we fight later..."

Warring States lowered his voice and continued in a deep voice: "Don't rush too far forward. This level of battle is not something you can participate in..."


Warring States himself was also ready to fish.

The real outcome of this battle lies with the Five Old Stars.

If the Five Old Stars can exert their powerful power to defeat the Konoha Pirates, the Konoha Pirates will most likely have no choice but to flee, and I will have no choice but to continue undercover...

If the Five Old Stars were defeated by the Konoha Pirates, before the world government completely collapsed, I would still have no choice but to go undercover...

The only thing that shouldn't be there...

The situation is at a stalemate.

Once the situation on the battlefield reaches a stalemate, the Konoha Pirates may cause their navy to rebel on the spot. In this case, the world's situation will be difficult to resolve...


There were two other Yonko who were watching eagerly.

Sengoku's eyes fell on a cloud outside Angel Island, and he saw Charlotte Lingling and Beast Kaido floating in the air...

These two guys…

They are also two big troubles...

When we were in Alabasta, no one knew about the collusion between the Navy and the Konoha Pirates. If they rebelled on the spot this time, the entire sea would probably know about it, and there would definitely be big problems within the Navy...

"We will not lose."

Perhaps because of Sengoku's good intentions, Akihara Kagura chuckled and comforted the naval marshal Sengoku: "Marshal Sengoku, the sea will not be chaotic..."

Is this battle...

The stalemate will definitely continue...

But the world government will definitely make huge sacrifices...

Golden Ark Proverbs.

The vehicle of the Konoha Pirates.

This golden ark is still patrolling Apayado's hunting ground, and the video phone still mainly broadcasts the situation in the hunting ground.

A war is about to begin on the other side. Uchiha Madara, who maintains order, goes to join the battle. The navy and the red-haired pirates try to enter the hunting ground to rescue the Celestial Dragons...


Before the Konoha Pirates showed up, they were stopped by two people!

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido Kaido finally couldn't hold it any longer and stepped forward to stop these guys. They didn't want this hunting game to end inexplicably!


Ben Beckman and a group of pirates could only stop in place, and the navy soldiers did not dare to take a step forward. The two Yonko were not something they could provoke!

"We also want to know the whereabouts of Pluto and Neptune..."

Charlotte Lingling grinned widely, showing her huge round teeth: "Please be quiet at this time... Ben Beckman..."

"Hmph, why don't we just kill them here!"

Kaido's body transformed from a dragon body into a human form in an instant. He held a huge mace in his hand and breathed out mist from the corner of his mouth: "That red-haired bastard is always nosy. I have disliked him for a long time... "

"Well, well, well... don't be in a hurry..."

Charlotte Lingling shook her head with a smile. She turned her head slightly and looked at Mihawk, who was standing aside: "Wait until Shanks is dead, then clean up these guys..."

Although the red-haired Shanks is still going to participate in the war on the other side, he may not die due to his fighting power. In addition, the red-haired pirates themselves are not vegetarians, and Ben Beckman is not weak either. There is another Hawkeye Mihawk may not sit idly by while the red-haired pirates are destroyed...

Why rush?

If they try their best to deal with the red-haired pirates, but red-haired Shanks doesn't die in that battle, that will be a big trouble...


Let’s wait for the outcome of the battle first…


Kaido was still a little unhappy.


He didn't do much.

Just as they were in a stalemate here, the Buggy Pirates and Fire Fist Ace took advantage of the chaos and sneaked in. The clown Bucky was crying and was being carried by his subordinates to kill the Celestial Dragons, while Fire Fist Ace wanted to Take the opportunity to catch the defecting Blackbeard Teach...


Boya Hancock clenched her silver teeth, she just lowered her head, as if she was afraid of being seen, and quietly walked into the hunting ground.

Boya Hancock's hair covered her face, making it impossible to see her expression, but the murderous intent on her body was not hidden at all!

After Wu Laoxing completely revealed her past as a slave in front of the whole world, she had made her own decision to directly participate in this hunting game and kill all the Celestial Dragons inside!

Chambord Islands.

While a group of people were discussing the outcome of the Konoha Pirates and the World Government, Pluto Rayleigh was watching the figures sneaking into the hunting ground, especially one of the young men who looked very much like his old friend.

"So much like Roger..."

To be honest...

It seems that no one cares about Ace's life or death...

I thought it was just that Roger and Ace didn't look alike, Ace looked like his mother or something...

But...the illustration is of a young man from the Valley of the Gods...

That guy with the curly hair is Fegaland Gringou

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