Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 398 The first hunter to take action, Doflamingo!

Ancient weapon Pluto.

The Konoha Pirates are really generous in their actions!

This hunting game makes people more greedy again!

The winner of the hunting game can get information about the ancient weapon Poseidon, the King of the Sea, and defeating the vice-captain of the Konoha Pirates can get information about the ancient weapon Pluto!


"What a scary group of people..."

"I can actually give away the information about two ancient weapons..."


"That man named Uchiha Madara..."

Doflamingo raised his head, looked at the arrogant Uchiha Madara on the Golden Ark, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.


He is a dangerous man!

Doflamingo got more information than anyone else. He knew that the other party was the main force in defeating Mariejoia, and even reduced Mariejoia to rubble by himself!


Blackbeard Teach looked at Madara Uchiha on the Golden Ark, and a chuckle flashed across his face: "He looks like a very scary guy..."

"Are you going to join the game?"

Doflamingo looked back at the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Wait a moment..."

"Isn't there still a month left..."

Blackbeard Teach shook his head. He did not want to stand out and be the first to show off. A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, revealing his hollow gums: "Thief hahaha... The World Government and the Navy won't turn a blind eye... "


The world government and navy will not sit back and let this happen!

If the World Government doesn't take any action within a month, it can basically give up its rule of the world...



Doflamingo's phone buzzed.

When Doflamingo answered the call, he heard the order from the Five Old Stars: "Doflamingo, stop the Konoha Pirates from holding hunting games. Sengoku and the two admirals will be there soon." Go to the empty island to provide support, we will rush there soon..."

"Fufufufu... Wu Laoxing, do you overestimate me?"

Doflamingo asked the Five Old Stars with a ferocious smile. His eyes were still fixed on the figure on the ark: "That was the pirate group that defeated Mariejoia..."


Wulaoxing couldn't help but remain silent.

Those of them who learned about Mariejoia's battle situation also knew very well that the possibility of Doflamingo saving people was very slim, and the probability of being killed was infinite...


What can be done?

The Five Old Stars hesitated for a while, and could only seduce Doflamingo with a huge reward: "As long as you protect those world nobles, the world government will agree to all your conditions, and we promise that you can return to the Holy Land and become one of us again. …”

"Do not make jokes…"

"MaryJoa is not very safe now!"

Doflamingo rejected the Five Old Stars again, and a hint of gloom flashed across his face: "I'm even a little lucky now that you refused me to return to the Holy Land. Otherwise, maybe I would be an empty island now. One of the prey on..."

After Doflamingo finished speaking, he did not reject it completely. He smiled sinisterly and put forward his own plan: "Fufufufu... I can only join this hunting game and clean up as much as possible on the empty island. Drop some hunters who participated in the game..."

If you kill the hunter...

It can be regarded as a different kind of protection for those Celestial Dragons who are prey.


Wulaoxing could only agree.

"Hahaha...are you talking to Wulaoxing on the phone?"

Blackbeard Teach's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but come closer: "Hey, Doflamingo, don't forget our covenant. I can also help you clean up the hunters who hunt the game, as long as the world government is willing to canonize me. Go to the Shichibukai for the king..."


Doflamingo also brought up the matter of Blackbeard Teach: "I can guarantee that this guy is not weak. He is a traitor to the Whitebeard Pirates and killed one of the Whitebeard Pirates. The squad leader escaped..."


Wu Laoxing immediately hesitated.

After a long time.

Wulaoxing also chose to agree.

Because one of the purposes of the Shichibukai is to prevent the world government and the navy from cleaning up the increasingly large pirate group. The most important one is to deal with the Yonko Pirates...

Blackbeard Teach is a guy who has a grudge against the Whitebeard Pirates. If he is strong enough, he will also meet the requirements of the King's Shichibukai. It just so happens that the opponent is also on the Sky Island...

In this way, at least two people can help barely protect the Tianlong people before they and the navy rush over to control the situation...


"Before the navy gets there..."

"You can participate in the hunting game of the Konoha Pirates. We do not expect you to be able to protect all the world's nobles, but we must immediately eliminate all hunters participating in the game..."

"Fufufufufu... don't worry!"

Doflamingo readily agreed.

A successful smile flashed in Blackbeard Teach's eyes, and he agreed to the matter without any care, as if he wanted to use it as a stepping stone to advance.


After their phone bug hangs up.

Doflamingo and Blackbeard Tikki showed a tacitly evil smile. Both of them had exactly the same idea. They wanted to wait for more people to come and fight with the Konoha Pirates before they decided. Which side are you on?


It’s not about which side you’re on…

But we must be on the side of the winner!

If the World Government and the Navy expel the Konoha Pirates and disband this terrifying hunting game, then they must be the well-behaved King Shichibukai; if the World Government and the Navy fail, they will also have the ambition to covet the legendary Ancient weapons...

Compared with these two insidious guys, the Straw Hat Pirates are obviously not interested in these messes. Not everyone is interested in killing...

"The Celestial Dragons are the masters of the navy..."

Nico Robin looked at Akihara Kagura, who was still sitting peacefully, and asked in a deep voice: "As a navy, won't you stop them?"

"They are very powerful..."

Akihara Kagura slowly shook her head and said seriously: "What I want to do is wait for the Warring States Marshal and the two generals to arrive..."


Nicole Robin's eyes froze!

This empty island…

Will it soon become a battleground between the Konoha Pirates and the Admiral?

"Last time…"

Nicole Robin thought of the ending of the Alabasta incident: "I heard that the pirate group was repelled by the marshal and two admirals..."


Akihara Kagura just shook her head again but did not respond.

As a navy, I must be waiting for a big melee in the hunting game. The Straw Hat Pirates have no interest in waiting here. They plan to explore the sky island.

Nami, Chopper and Usopp, their timid companions, would definitely not dare to go, but Nami remembered that this island in the sky was once the golden city of Shantara...


They also need permission from the Konoha Pirates.

Nico Robin likes history very much. She took the initiative to negotiate with the Konoha Pirates, hoping to go to Sky Island for archaeological research.


The Konoha Pirates did not raise any questions and opened the door to them. They just registered them all as hunter players to participate in the hunting game.

"All go down and look for gold!"

Nami was overjoyed when she learned that they could explore freely on the sky island, and immediately turned back to look ferociously at her friends on the boat.

"What a money-grubbing woman..."

Zoro sighed and had no choice but to get off the boat.

"I really don't know how precious materials are..."

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth and scolded Zoro. He was the person to purchase supplies, and he knew very well how tight the economy on their ship was: "If it weren't for Miss Nami, we would have gone bankrupt long ago!"

"Let's go!"

Straw Hat Luffy didn't care. His rubber arm suddenly stretched and grabbed a thick branch. His body flew directly out and entered the forest on the sky island!

This is the adventure he wants!

In a magical place on the sea, find the lost golden city, and find the gold lost in history. This is the adventure story of a pirate!

"The Navy can also get in on the game."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at the two navy figures on the Golden Meili, his eyes suddenly flickered, and he said in a cold voice: "As long as they are not those who break the rules of the game, everyone can participate in this game. You can do it." Attack hunters, we will not stop the fighting between hunters..."


"The participating navies must not forget one thing..."

"Our vice-captain will join as a hunter in a month. He will attack hunters according to his own preferences. The navy must be the most likely person to be attacked by him..."


Everyone was silent.

This hunting game doesn't seem to be safe!

Does the Konoha Pirates want the navy and pirates to fight each other?


The Konoha Pirates have absolute power. Do they think that the Navy cannot overturn their rules and will only act under their rules?

"You want to be part of this hunting game as a Marine..."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at the two marines, Akihara Kagura and Karin, and slowly raised his palms: "Are you still shouting the name of the navy's justice and want to attack us pirates?"


Akihara Kagura fell silent.

A bolt of thunder and lightning appeared in Akihara Kagura's palm, and his body was instantly enveloped in thunder and lightning, and thunder and lightning flashed around him!

"Huh? The natural thunder fruit ability!"

Doflamingo immediately judged the opponent's fruit ability!

Even if Doflamingo thinks that his Thread Fruit is the most suitable for his abilities, it does not stop him from coveting this Thunder Fruit!

"Those with natural thunder fruit abilities..."

Blackbeard Tiqi's eyes lit up, and a flash of greed flashed in his eyes!

Even if he has already chosen the fruit he likes, the Thunder Fruit is undoubtedly one of the abilities he desperately wants. If he doesn't use it himself, he can give it to others!

The power of the Thunder Fruit...

But it can be compared with the fruits of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters!

In addition to them, people watching the live broadcast from all over the world soon learned that there was a natural-type Thunder Fruit user in the navy, which meant that the opponent in the future would definitely not be a weakling!

The natural system may not be the strongest...

However, there are absolutely no weaklings among those with natural abilities!

Just the fact that ordinary physical attacks are ineffective can make most ordinary pirates helpless...

"Does the Thunder Fruit have the power?"

The Crimson Sand Scorpion looked at the thunder and lightning swirling around the Ensign's body, and continued nonchalantly: "However, even if you are the so-called strongest natural thunder fruit user, you only have the speed to escape from our hands... "

"That's really lucky..."

The thunder and lightning in Akihara Kagura's palm suddenly became more intense.


Uchiha Madara couldn't help but laugh.

A man who personally directed this hunting game that preyed on the world's ruler, Draco, is pretending to be a loyal minister of the world government in front of the whole world, right?

So many people from the Celestial Dragons died...

Wasn't it all planned by you?

The Konoha Pirates are the ones in the know.

However, there are more people in this world who are unaware.

Everyone in the world who watched this scene fell silent.

Many people looked at the ensign with thunder all over his body in surprise. Many people directly despised him. He claimed to be a righteous navy, but he was a lackey who maintained the cruel rule of the Celestial Dragons. He dared to show his face at this time. ?



At exactly this time, the phone bug on Akihara Kagura also rang.

Admiral Buddha Sengoku sighed in his heart, but he still tried hard to persuade: "Don't make fearless sacrifices, Second Lieutenant Akihara Kagura, find a safe place immediately, waiting for us to rush over to meet up, we are rushing to Sky Island On the way…”


"I see."

Akihara Kagura took a deep look at the Konoha Pirates. His figure jumped up and landed on the land of Sky Island, retreating into the jungle of Sky Island Apayado.

The figure of Xiang Phosphorus followed closely behind.

The Konoha Pirates watched the two marines enter the jungle without any intention of stopping them. It seemed that they did not regard these two marines as a threat at all.


"Let's go in first."

Doflamingo chuckled lightly, and he jumped into the forest of Apayado in an instant.


Blackbeard Tiki nodded playfully and hurried into the forest with his men. He didn't want to be stared at by the Konoha Pirates here!


After the first group of people entered the forest.

The Golden Ark of the Konoha Pirates slowly flew up.

The video phone bug's live broadcast screen in this world quickly flipped over, seemingly switching to the signal of another video phone bug, and began to randomly broadcast scenes in the forest.

Throughout Apayado's hunting forest, fat and chubby Celestial Dragons with upturned buns were hiding tremblingly behind big trees or in caves.

It seems that the existence of the Draco can be seen everywhere in this forest, and there are the Draco who hide in the bushes with their buttocks sticking out, exposing their ugliness and stupidity.

"The hunting game... officially begins!"

The voice of the Red Sand Scorpion echoed throughout the sky island, and he calmly explained the facts: "This hunting game will be launched on the video phone bugs around the world, and people all over the world can see this hunting. The process of the game…”


The first hunters who entered the forest seemed to have no intention of taking action.

Doflamingo and the Blackbeard Pirates want to fish in troubled waters, but the Straw Hat Pirates are simply not interested. They are carefully searching for gold.


They don't want to mess with others.

But it doesn't mean that others don't want to provoke them.

A group of Tianlong people did not know Blackbeard Tikki and the Straw Hats, fearing that they were members of the Konoha Pirates, but they knew King Shichibukai Doflamingo!

no way…

Who made Doflamingo also a Celestial Dragon?

When a fat Draco saw Doflamingo, he hurried towards him: "Hey, you idiot from Don Quixote's family, take me away from here quickly..."

"What did you say?"

Doflamingo's forehead jumped violently!

Doflamingo held his palms in vain, and sharp threads unconsciously appeared in his palms. He looked at the Celestial Dragon in front of him with murderous intent on his face!

However, this game was broadcast live in front of people all over the world. Doflamingo could only suppress the anger in his heart, lest he ruin his plan by killing this idiot!


A sharp line suddenly crossed!

Doflamingo has no idea where this thread came from!

The user with the Thread Fruit ability just watched helplessly as the silk thread, which had the same ability as him, was like a sharp blade, cutting the Celestial Dragon in front of him into two, and blood spurted out in an instant!

Just at this time...

The video phone bug's signal captured the scene just right.

Image call bugs around the world received the signal, and everyone saw the horrific scene where a Draco's body seemed to be cut open by a sharp thread!

Everyone also saw the palms of His Majesty Shichibukai Doflamingo stretched out, white threads in his palms, and his face that was so angry that he wanted to kill someone!

Watched the game today...

3 to 2 was really unexpected...but the fifth game was really good...

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