Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 397 The strong men are swarming towards the sky island, a special reward for the hunting gam

Ancient weapon Poseidon, King of the Sea!

Most people in this world have never heard of what ancient weapons are, but those who really know about ancient weapons undoubtedly know the terrifying power they have!

Three ancient weapons.

Uranus, King of Heaven, Pluto, King of Hades, and Poseidon, King of the Sea.

Any ancient weapon has the ability to influence the world situation!

Never imagined…

The Konoha Pirates actually use ancient weapons as rewards for winning the hunting game!

It happened that the first batch of players on Sky Island, the Straw Hat Pirates, Blackbeard Teach and Doflamingo, had all heard of the names of ancient weapons...

The Straw Hat Pirates didn't care much about this.

A touch of greed flashed across the faces of Blackbeard Teach and Doflamingo at the same time. The two of them knew exactly what it meant that they had obtained an ancient weapon!

As long as you possess an ancient weapon, you can immediately rise to the top of the sea. It is possible to become the Pirate King or even the King of the World in the future!


Blackbeard Tiqi's eyes were full of greed, and his mouth grinned widely: "I really didn't expect that there was an unexpected gain when I came to Sky Island..."


Doflamingo's fingers began to tremble unconsciously, his heart was beating thumpingly, and he could clearly feel his heartbeat for the ancient weapons!

If the Konoha Pirates will really hand over the whereabouts of the ancient weapons to the winner as they promised, Doflamingo won't care about the prey in this hunting game!

Except for these two guys on Sky Island...

Careers all over the world are unable to restrain themselves!

Strong men all over the world who wanted to prevent ancient weapons from being used by evil people could not hold back, and immediately planned to leave for the empty island to prevent the sea from falling into chaos in the future!

Wulaoxing did not dare to delay any longer, and immediately issued an order to have the Navy Marshal Sengoku, who had been waiting for preparations, lead the Navy Admiral to rush to the empty island!

"Warring States!"

The attitude of the Five Old Stars is very resolute, even unprecedentedly severe: "No matter how the Sky Island incident progresses, we must not let any pirates on Sky Island leave with the whereabouts of Poseidon, the King of the Sea. We will also set off from Judiciary Island immediately. !”

"I see."

Warring States nodded in agreement, directly called the generals Aokiji and Kizaru, and immediately set off to the empty island above Gaya Island.

On the Chambord Islands.

Red-haired Shanks looked very serious.

Rayleigh looked at the content posted by the video phone bug and suddenly chuckled: "I really didn't expect that they also found out about the whereabouts of Poseidon, the king of the sea, who appeared on the sky island..."

There are very few people in this world who know about Poseidon, the king of the sea. Rayleigh is the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, and he happens to know many secrets of history.

"I'm going to Sky Island."

The red-haired Shanks stood up and bowed politely to his former vice-captain: "No matter what, I have to stop this from happening..."

If the Konoha Pirates really spread the whereabouts of the ancient weapons, it will undoubtedly completely collapse the already precarious situation!

What's more...

There is another person on Sky Island who is very concerned about by red-haired Shanks...

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach.

This is an extremely dangerous person. Red-haired Shanks will never underestimate Teach's power and ambition, and he also knows that the other party will definitely cause waves on the sea!

If Teach gets the whereabouts of the ancient weapons and directly uses them to overturn the situation, no one may be able to stop him anymore!

Shanks, the Yonko, wanted to prevent Tikki Blackbeard from obtaining ancient weapons, and he also wanted to prevent the ancient weapons from being scattered by the Konoha Pirates, but the other Yonko didn't think so.

Among the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido Kaido have been constantly trying to find ways to enhance the power of their subordinates, and they are even more thirsty for ancient weapons!

Charlotte Lingling, who had been sitting in all nations, could no longer sit still. Two clouds appeared beside her instantly, and she stepped on the clouds and began to head towards the sky island; Kaido of the Hundred Beasts was chasing the Konoha Pirates. On the way, he also quickly changed direction and rushed to Sky Island!

The last of the four emperors...

Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

On the Moby Dick, a group of captains were excited.


"We have to go to Sky Island!"

"Catch that traitor Teach and avenge Teach!"

"We must not let that traitor Tiqi get ancient weapons. Let's go to Sky Island and kill him! Dad, let's get there quickly!"


Whitebeard looked at a group of captains who were noisily rushing to the empty island, closed his eyes and meditated, seeming to be thinking about something to himself.

"Everyone shut up!"

Marco, the captain of the first team, directly told his brothers and sisters to shut up. He rolled his dead fish eyes and looked at these noisy guys: "Shut up, everyone, no more arguing! Wait for dad to make a decision. !”


The captains lowered their heads in dismay.

However, after Marco told the captains to shut up, he said, "Dad, let me go by myself! Ace will definitely go to Sky Island, and I will bring Ace back by the way!"

If Whitebeard is allowed to make a big move, it will be detrimental to his condition; Marco does not want Whitebeard to go out. He thinks that he is not weak. At least he can kill the traitor Blackbeard Teach on the ship without any problem. By the way, he can also take down Ai outside. Si brought back to the ship.

In case of danger...

Marco thought he could at least escape unscathed.

Whitebeard suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at Marco next to him. Looking at Marco's eyes, he seemed to be able to see something in those dead fish eyes.


Whitebeard felt himself aging.

This kind of aging does not come from your body, but from your own heart.

Many people on this Moby Dick are homeless, and they are all growing up under their own shelter, all like children who have not grown up...


Marco is an exception.

Marco has followed him for thirty years and has grown into a man who can take on important responsibilities. He is like the big brother of a big family, taking care of his brothers and sisters and his old father.


Whitebeard looked at Marco and slowly nodded towards him: "Don't worry about Teach's problem, I just want you and Ace to come back safely..."

"Don't worry, Dad!"

Marco immediately agreed, and layers of cyan flames quickly appeared around his body, and his whole person instantly turned into a cyan phoenix!

Bird Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Phoenix Form!

This cyan phoenix flaps its wings and flies into the distance!

The Yonko Pirates, the World Government and the Navy are all taking action on the sea, and there is no ambiguity about the King's Shichibukai, except for Doflamingo who has appeared on Sky Island, and the King's Shichibukai on Fishman Island. Jinbei, the Empress Boya Hancock, the great swordsman Joracol Mihawk, and the tyrant Bartholomew Bear are all heading towards the Sky Island!

Only one king, Shichibukai, did not move...

Moonlight Moria.

This man is still staying in his own territory and is still conscientiously organizing his shadow army.

In addition to these forces...

The revolutionary army's actions are undoubtedly the fastest.

Monkey D. Dorag, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, ordered his subordinates to deliver the message of the Image Phone Bug to him at all times, while he rushed to the empty island first!


Publicly and privately, Dorag cannot miss this sky-island incident!

On the empty island.

The Konoha Pirates seemed to know who this news would attract.

After the Red Sand Scorpion announced that the ancient weapon Poseidon, King of the Sea, would be the prize, he did not introduce the weight of the ancient weapon to the uninformed people around the world.


"There should be no need for me to introduce the existence of ancient weapons."

"If you have never heard of ancient weapons, there is no need to participate in this hunting game, and there is no possibility of becoming the Pirate King..."


Many unsuspecting pirates on the sea suddenly had their foreheads pounding.

Although they had indeed never heard of ancient weapons, it was really annoying to be ridiculed like this!


"You should be very interested in the prey of this hunting game..."

The eyes of the Crimson Sand Scorpion looked dull, and the voice in his mouth was extremely dull, but he said words that shocked the whole world: "The prey of this hunting game is the Tianlong people..."


Everyone in the world looked at the image in front of them in disbelief, as if they heard something wrong. Are you kidding them?

The aloof Celestial Dragons…

How could I fall into prey!

The Celestial Dragons have been squeezing the whole world, forcing them to work hard in exchange for money. Most of their income has to become heavenly gold as tribute to the Celestial Dragons...

That kind of big shot...

Just one person can destroy a kingdom...

He turned out to be the prey of this hunting game!

However, while most people were shocked and frightened, many humans who had been persecuted by the Celestial Dragons became excited in front of the image as if they were going crazy!

"Kill those Celestial Dragons!"

"Let those Celestial Dragons die!"

Many people looked at the red-haired boy in the image with excitement, and their tears kept falling down their cheeks. Many people even set off immediately to rush to the empty island!

this moment…

All the people who had been oppressed and persecuted by the Tianlong people, after being shocked and frightened, quickly fell into a wave of cheers. The Tianlong people who had been doing evil in the world for eight hundred years were finally pulled down from the altar one day!

On a huge sea ship.

Two sea snakes pulled the ship forward.

Empress Boya Hancock was sitting in her own cabin, holding a phone bug in her hand, tears flowing down her cheeks unconsciously...

Because she was not in front of the video phone bug on the way to Gaya Island, so she could only relay it through the ordinary phone bug.

The nightmare I once had...

The terrifying shadow that I have never forgotten since I was a child...

At this moment, it slowly dissipated from her heart...

"Those bastards..."

Boya Hancock grabbed the phone bug in his hand and bit his lips tightly, almost bleeding: "Are you finally going to be punished..."

An island.

The Buggy Pirates are on this island.

A group of pirates also gathered around the image phone bug in the town and cheered.

They had been sailing since they left Alabasta. At one time, many navies came to pursue them. Fortunately, they met a man who saved them.

The man's name was Portcas D. Ace.

Clown Bucky and Fire Fist Ace got along very happily. Both of them were watching the video here. Fire Fist Ace saw his brother Luffy and the enemy he wanted to find, Blackbeard Teach, in the video. island.

"I'm going to Sky Island."

Fire Fist Ace wants to say goodbye to Bucky the Clown.

"That's really..."

Bucky the Clown was stunned for a second, and could only lower his head with some sadness and regret. He was a very loyal man, and he would also be sad about parting with his friends.


Bucky the Clown didn't even wait for him to finish.

A group of pirates from the Bucky Pirates immediately cheered!

"Captain Bucky will definitely go to Sky Island too!"

"Captain Bucky was the first to kill the Celestial Dragon!"

"How could Captain Bucky miss this feast of slaughtering the Celestial Dragons!"


Clown Bucky's eyes widened suddenly, and he unconsciously wanted to stop his subordinates from talking nonsense. He had never had the guts to assassinate any Celestial Dragon!

This kind of trouble…

Bucky the Clown doesn’t want to go!

He doesn't care about ancient weapons or Celestial Dragons. He just wants to find the treasures hidden in the sea and doesn't want to get involved in those troubles at all!


This group of pirates set up their captain again.

Fire Fist Ace looked at the clown Bucky in front of him and couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha... let's go there together!"

"Ah? Ah! Ah?!"

Clown Bucky held his head, looking at a group of cheering subordinates and the smiling Fire Fist Ace in front of him, and felt like he had a huge headache!

"The current Sky Island will definitely be very troublesome..."

Bucky the Clown looked at the image in the video phone bug, with a flash of pain and entanglement on his face: "Those friends of the Konoha Pirates are very capable of causing trouble... Straw Hat Boy is also on the Sky Island, although I also want to find him. The Straw Hat boy just needs revenge..."


"Do you have any grudge against Luffy?"

Fire Fist Ace put his arm around the clown Bucky's shoulders and became brothers with Bucky: "After all, Luffy is my brother. For my sake, don't compete with that guy..."

I didn't even care that Bucky the Clown was once a crew member of that guy Goldo Roger. Why did Bucky insist on staring at Luffy?


A group of pirates looked at Fire Fist Ace in astonishment.

Is this man who saved them Luffy's brother?

Clown Bucky also looked at Fire Fist Ace in shock, and his face immediately fell back into greater entanglement and pain!


Why is this?

Why is it that the friend he just made is the brother of Straw Hat!

He suffered a lot after being defeated by the Straw Hat Boy, but his friend is that guy's brother, what should he do?

"let's go…"

Fire Fist Ace took Clown Bucky with him and planned to take their boat on the road together: "Let's get there quickly, lest that guy Teach escapes..."

"That guy named Teach..."

Bucky the Clown suddenly became curious. He remembered that he had met Teach when he was a trainee crew member in the Roger Pirates: "That guy is a monster. I used to be with the White Beard Sea When the thieves were fighting, I heard that the guy named Teach had never slept since he was born..."


Fire Fist Ace smiled, but didn't ask any more questions.

Well-known strong men all over the world rushed to Kongdao one after another, whether it was for Kongdao to be able to kill the Celestial Dragons, or for news about Poseidon, the King of the Sea, they were all gathering towards Kongdao.


Most of the Straw Hat Pirates don't care much about the Celestial Dragons.

Only Nico Robin deliberately paid attention to this. She even had some complicated emotions when Mary Joa was attacked by the Konoha Pirates, because her enemy was the World Government.

World Government…

It was established by the Tianlong people.


"The status of Tianlong people..."

"No longer so supreme..."

Nicole Robin felt as if she breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw the Alabasta incident and the Mariejoia incident published in the newspaper, she was able to see the ending of the Draco and the World Government through two things.


The Konoha Pirates are speeding up this process.

Once this hunting game with the Celestial Dragons as prey is over, not many people in the world will still be afraid of the Celestial Dragons.

Those brutal Celestial Dragons...

In front of the strong, they are nothing more than pigs and dogs that can be slaughtered!

"I think…"

"There should be many people interested in hunting the Celestial Dragons, right?"

The Red Sand Scorpion stood on the bow of the Golden Ark, as if he could think of cheers and responses from all over the world, but his voice was still as cold as if there was no wave.

"In this case…"

"I hope you can actively participate..."

"We dropped about a thousand Tianlong people on the sky island."

"This group of Tianlong people will move freely in the Sky Island area. They all have chips that symbolize the identity of the Tianlong people. These Tianlong people chips will serve as the final proof of victory..."


Doflamingo clenched his fists subconsciously.


He is one of them.

It's just that his father gave up his identity as a Celestial Dragon, and his family also had their Celestial Dragon chips taken back. The words of the Crimson Sand Scorpion were very exciting to him...


Doflamingo did not dare to interrupt the other party.


"Please also be careful."

"In this game..."

"There are no extra rules. Hunters simply hunt their prey. This hunting game will not end until we confirm that all the prey on the empty island have been killed."

"Whether it is hunters killing prey, hunters killing each other, or prey killing each other, these are all allowed..."

"The rules for winning the game are very simple. After all the prey on the empty island are killed, the person who obtains the most Draco chips will be the winner of the hunting game and receive our best reward, the ancient weapon Poseidon. 's whereabouts."


"There is also a special benefit for those who want to participate in the hunting game."

The Crimson Sand Scorpion's eyes flashed, and he mentioned something that made the whole sea tremble again: "Any strong person who obtains any Tianlong identity chip will be able to participate in the future Tianlong slave auction. Admission ticket…”

"I guess many people already know that a group of noble Dracos will be put on the auction floor as slaves. For example, the commander of the Knights of the Draconians, Ancient Saint Fegaland Green, wants to participate in the auction. , the qualification is a Tianlong identity chip..."

"That is to say."

"Only those who have obtained the Tianlong identity chip on Sky Island are eligible to participate in the Tianlong slave auction and get the Tianlong slaves you want..."

"at last."

"To prevent the Sky Dragons from surviving on Sky Island."

"Uchiha Madara, the deputy captain of the Konoha Pirates, will enter the hunting ground one month after the game starts and start killing the remaining prey in the hunting game. With his combat power, he will quickly kill the Sky Island. All prey on..."


"Uchiha Madara will also be the hidden reward of this hunting game..."

"Any participant who defeats our vice-captain will receive the whereabouts of another ancient weapon, Pluto."

It's too late, it's too late...I'll update it first today...

I went to bed first.

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