Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 362 A naval admiral who took the initiative to seek refuge

There was silence on the sea.

Everyone could clearly feel the awkward atmosphere.

When Aokiji claimed that he was the navy, a hearty laughter appeared on the ship in the ocean, and it seemed that the place would soon become happy.

"Hahahaha...this man is really a navy..."

The captain of the Konoha Pirates, Senju Hashirama, hugged his belly and laughed very loudly, but no one was willing to agree with him, but his eyes were slightly weird.

"Brother, stop laughing."

Qianju Tobirama could feel that the situation was a bit strange, and he spoke in a deep voice to persuade: "Now is not the time to laugh..."


The red-haired boy glanced coldly at the cheerful man who laughed a little loudly, then looked back at the blue pheasant on the sea, his expression seemed to become darker.

"Admiral Aokiji, you are indeed a navy, and even an admiral with a natural fruit ability, but you know that a navy without any background and no training camp background like yours... How can you be promoted? How difficult is it?”


Qingzhi's brows wrinkled again.

Promotion in the Navy actually depends entirely on military merit, regardless of any special abilities. As long as they can obtain enough military merit, anyone can be promoted.


There is still a difference.

At least it's easy for those with natural fruit abilities to obtain military exploits, and they can easily complete the orders of their superiors. Other navies who are not strong enough will always sacrifice...

A navy with no special abilities, not even good at fighting. There are almost very few people in this navy who want to be promoted to lieutenant general...

its not right…

Qing Pheasant reacted quickly.

What does the promotion of the Navy have to do with this group of pirates?

Moreover, this group of pirates does not seem to be unknown people. How could ordinary pirates allow a general like him to be injured without even seeing the enemy clearly? This group of pirates should not appear in the East China Sea, or even in the first half of the Grand Route. Duan is a little overwhelmed...


Qingzhi frowned and subconsciously asked: "Your pirate group seems to be concerned about the promotion of an ordinary navy..."

"Catch him first."

The Red Sand Scorpion didn't want to argue with Qing Pheasant about this issue anymore. He just raised his palm, waved his hand and said: "Soak him in the sea and then have a good chat with him..."

Even if you want to have a good chat with General Aokiji, you can't do it at this time, at least when Aokiji has no ability to resist.

"God's Sky Strike!"

A jet-black fist flew out of the ship!

This huge fist suddenly hit Qingzhi's body. Qingzhi raised his fist, and his fist was covered with armed domineering force and punched forward!


Cracks appeared directly on the ice under Qing Pheasant's feet!

This is an ordinary blow...

Qing Pheasant himself can't stop it!

Aokiji's eyes instantly became serious, and his body rolled sideways to avoid the jet-black fist covered with armed domineering energy!

A hole was instantly punched out of the ice by that fist!

"Ice ball!"

Qingzhi stood up, raised his hand and released five icicles towards the large ship!

"Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!"

A figure appeared on the bow of the ship, opened his mouth and spit out a wave of water, instantly forming a defensive water wall. The water wall was instantly frozen by icicles and turned into an ice wall!


Qing Pheasant looked at the ice wall with some surprise.


The ice wall suddenly burst open!

Uchiha Madara stepped on the ice on the sea, smashed through the ice wall, and rushed towards Aokiji, his eyes looked particularly disdainful!

"In the way..."

Uchiha Madara disdained other people's help. He had seen the fight between Aokiji and the tattooed man at the port of Rogge Town. It was when he was happy to see Hunter!

Qingzhi was not afraid and went straight towards the opponent. Their fists collided in an instant, and the entire ice surface trembled at the moment of collision!

Above the sky.

Cumulus clouds began to roll in the sky.

The domineering energy on Uchiha Madara's body looks particularly terrifying!

Qingzhi's face suddenly became more serious, and he clearly felt this terrifying overbearing pressure, this domineering and domineering atmosphere!

With this level of overlord domineering, even the group of monsters in the second half of the Grand Line may not be as arrogant and domineering as the person in front of them!


Qing Pheasant has never seen each other.

"Tall guys are really troublesome..."

Uchiha Madara grinned, and a flash of wantonness flashed in his eyes. Susanoo's frame suddenly opened up on his body, and a hint of darkness appeared in Susanoo's fist!


Qing Zhi's tall body was directly hit by a punch and flew backwards!

The moment the admiral landed, his arms suddenly lifted up!

"Ice Cube·Storm Pheasant Mouth!"

Aokiji's right hand turned into ice in an instant, and a phoenix-like ice bird exuded cold air and flew towards Susanoo!

"Is that all you have?"

Uchiha Madara controls Susanoo to enter the second form again!

A long sword glowing with blue light appeared in Susanoo's hand, and he slashed directly at the flying ice bird. The slashing sword energy split the ice bird into two in an instant, and he continued to move towards the ice bird with undiminished momentum. It flew in the direction of the blue pheasant!

"Is this... a swordsman?"

Aoki's body could only enter the elemental state in a hurry and turned directly into a pile of ice cubes. The slashing sword energy instantly split the pile of ice cubes into two!

The admiral's body slowly reappeared, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and he vaguely sensed the difficulty of the problem.

"Ice Age!"

Aoki Pheasant's palm fell on the ice!

The cold air on the ice quickly began to spread!

Groups of ice thorns appeared on the ice, and these ice thorns continued to spread towards Uchiha Madara, freezing Susanoo in the blink of an eye!

Aokiji's figure quickly appeared in the frozen Susanoo, raised his fist, and punched the huge ice block. The entire Susanoo and the ice were turned into pieces!

Once something is frozen...

Their bodies will also be as fragile as ice!

However, Uchiha Madara's body was wrapped in Susanoo, as if he was not affected by anything at all, and even had a slight smile on his lips.


"Alala la...your power seems more interesting..."

Aokiji seemed to have a headache and rubbed his forehead: "Is it an animal-type fantasy beast with an ability that I have never seen before, which is more troublesome than the natural type?"

Human beings often cannot accept things they cannot understand.

Once something unfamiliar appears in the world, they will replace it with something they are familiar with, and the admiral is no exception.

Anyone who sees Uchiha Madara's Susanoo form will subconsciously think that he has the ability of the Phantom Beast Fruit. After all, it is impossible for such a character to eat any ordinary fruit.

"Who knows..."

Uchiha Madara chuckled.

"What a troublesome guy..."

Qingzhi stretched out his palm and ruffled his hair: "What is the purpose of your appearance in the East China Sea? Can you satisfy my curiosity a little?"

"Want to know this from my mouth?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes became mocking, and he proposed a plan: "Then use a little bit of power to make me feel happy..."

"So arrogant..."

Qingzhi's eyes narrowed.

next moment!

The admiral's fist suddenly clenched, and the armed haki quickly wrapped around his fist, and his figure appeared in front of Uchiha Madara in an instant!

Aoki waved his fist and hit Uchiha Madara, who was shorter than himself, with a heavy punch. This punch seemed to be able to directly smash Uchiha Madara to pieces!

The ice surface was shaken by the strong air pressure brought by this heavy punch, and even the ice under Uchiha Madara's feet shattered directly, and countless ice fragments flew under the impact!

Whether it is the strength of the admiral himself or the outstanding armament and domineering power that Aoki has practiced for many years, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Even Madara Uchiha didn't dare to use the armed haki he had cultivated in such a short period of time to fight against Aokiji, not to mention that he also had the power to use it more comfortably!

The overbearing domineering energy in Uchiha Madara's body was once again released unscrupulously, and the icicles and thorns on the entire sea surface were directly lifted away by his domineering energy!

The dark clouds in the sky began to surge again!

A gust of wind spread directly from Uchiha Madara's body, and the ice-covered ships in the sea were shaking violently at this moment!

"Uchiha rebound!"

Uchiha Madara calmly raised his palm.

The overlord-colored domineering energy spread out in the center of his palm like red thunder and lightning!

Qingzhi punched the air and felt a terrifying counter-shock force. The powerful counter-shock force from his fist made Qingzhi's body tremble!

Dominance is just a special kind of energy...

No one can harness energy like a ninja.

Uchiha Madara likes to use Overlord's Haki very much. Whenever he uses Overlord's Haki, he feels surprisingly happy. He is very good at using this Haki to fight...

"Is it the same application as the overlord color entanglement..."

Qing Pheasant's body was involuntarily wanting to split into elements!

In order to prevent himself from continuing to withstand this kind of counter-shock force, Qingzhi directly used this counter-shock force to defeat his body and quickly retreated!

This admiral…

The usual laziness was gone from his eyes!

A ball of cold air appeared in Aokiji's hand. When his body retreated, he threw it towards Uchiha Madara. This ball of cold air was defeated the moment it got close to Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara's palm clenched into a fist again, and he punched Aokiji through the air. His fist hit Aokiji directly from the air with his domineering look!


A mouthful of blood suddenly oozed from the corner of Qingzhi's mouth!


The admiral forcefully withstood Uchiha Madara's blow, and after stabilizing his body, he disappeared from the spot!

A tall figure suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Madara. From Uchiha Madara's perspective, a tall shadow appeared gloomily on the ice!

This guy's domineering look is too terrifying!

Aokiji knew very well that if he continued to fight fiercely, the confrontation between the armed haki and Uchiha Madara's overlord haki would be quite unstable, and the outcome might even be unknown!

And there are many powerful pirates on the big sea ship. He can't possibly consume all his domineering power on Uchiha Madara, his first opponent. There are many opponents behind him... The only one who can decide the outcome as soon as possible is himself. Powerful Devil Fruit abilities!

Aokiji raised his arm and was about to hug Uchiha Madara. His body also turned into ice at this moment, trying to take the opportunity to freeze Uchiha Madara!

"Huh? Do you want to sneak attack me?"

Uchiha Madara just tilted his head slightly and gave him a contemptuous look, as if he didn't care about Aokiji's attack, but Aokiji's body stopped stiffly in place for an instant!

"What's going on? I can't move anymore..."

Qingzhi's eyes suddenly widened. He felt an invisible and strange force controlling his body, making it impossible to move at all!

However, he was unable to detect this power at all!


You can't even notice the domineering look!

This feeling is exactly the same as when I wanted to board that big sea ship, but was directly knocked away by a sudden and inexplicable attack!

What the hell kind of ability is this!

This is an attack that cannot be seen or sensed at all. Naturally, it is also an attack that he cannot guard against and resist at all. He can only passively bear this attack!

Uchiha Madara slowly turned around, and a black rod with yin and yang appeared in his hand. This black rod suddenly pierced Aokiji's shoulder!

Qingzhi instantly felt that one of his arms could not use his domineering energy, and even the freezing ability in his body was somewhat stagnant. What the hell is this black stick!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three black rods penetrated Qingzhi's body in succession!

The blood dyed his white shirt completely red in an instant, making the navy admiral look a little embarrassed and miserable. The four black rods were actually more troublesome than the power of the Sea Tower Stone, making the Devil Fruit power and domineering power in his body seem to be destroyed by the four black sticks. It's like a black rod locking you in place!

Qingzhi's body lay directly on the ice, and blood slowly began to flow along the ice. He felt like he was nailed to the ground...


Are you going to die here?

"Don't kill people..."

A voice stopped Uchiha Madara's rampage.

A pair of black mechanical wings grew from the back of the Red Sand Scorpion's body. The mechanical turbines on the wings continued to rotate, causing his body to fly up and slowly land in front of Aoki Pheasant.

The red-haired boy's eyes were as emotionless as a machine, and he said calmly: "The captured admiral has many uses..."

"At least…"

"It can also be exchanged for Mr. Bucky."


Aokiji raised his head directly. He looked at the red-haired boy standing in front of him, but he was thinking about what secrets Bucky had hidden in his body.

Something seems not quite right...

Why didn't these guys take Bucky away from the Rogue Town port?

Is it because he doesn’t want to see Bucky, or because he has other secrets?

"It seems..."

Aoki didn't care about his pain, and sighed as if he didn't care: "There seems to be a huge secret in Clown Bucky, and even pirates like you are not willing to go around so many circles to rescue him..."

"Actually, there was no need to go to such trouble."

The red-haired boy slowly shook his head, his voice as rigid and ruthless as a machine: "But because of a certain general's random attack, things became very troublesome..."

"Mr. General."

The red-haired boy lowered his head and looked down at Aokiji who was lying on the ground, and looked at the navy admiral lying in front of him: "You have the ability of the natural devil fruit in your body, and you also have a good teacher to teach you, as well as many navy seniors. Taking care of you..."

"Then you know..."

"An ordinary navy man with no background and ability relies solely on his own luck and wisdom. How much effort does he have to put in to get promoted?"


The corners of Qingzhi's eyes twitched.

Why are you bringing up this topic again?

"The blood of a Celestial Dragon..."

"A crew member on the Pirate King's ship..."

There was a touch of emotion in Shura Dao Xie's voice: "This is the best promotion opportunity for an ordinary navy, but you ruined it."


Qing Pheasant's brain suddenly felt like an electric shock.

In the navy…

There is an undercover agent of this pirate group!

This so-called operation to capture Bucky was all for that undercover navy!

This kind of dangerous pirate group can remain hidden all this time because they have their own special channels. The navy has been keeping them informed!

"Whether it's Bucky..."

"It's still about Bucky's assassination of the Celestial Dragon..."

Aoki's brows furrowed tightly, as if he wanted to understand something: "It's all so that the spies you placed in the navy can be promoted to officers of the headquarters..."

A navy with little ability and little background will most likely not be able to enter the Navy Headquarters. If you want to enter the Navy Headquarters, you must obtain a powerful military exploit as an explanation!


The assassination of the Celestial Dragons made the World Government very angry!

If an ordinary navy can catch Bucky the Clown, he will be promoted quickly, occupy a high position in the navy, provide this pirate group with internal intelligence of the navy, and prevent this pirate group from attracting the attention of the world!


"Have you caught anyone yet?"

"Isn't the purpose of this incident to capture the navy admiral? It turned out to be to plant spies within the navy..."

A familiar voice appeared on the frozen sea, walking step by step along the ice.

A man with sharp eagle eyes walked over with a black knife on his back. He seemed not surprised at all that Admiral Aokiji was captured. Perhaps what surprised him was that Admiral Aokiji was defeated so quickly. …


Qingzhi's eyes turned slightly to the side.

The world's greatest swordsman, the King's Shichibukai, Joracol Mihawk.

This guy has a pair of thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is actually involved and connected with this pirate group. Is he a spy planted in the King's Shichibukai?

"Mihawk, are you one of theirs too?"

Aoki's voice seemed to have become lazy again.

The admiral seemed to have understood the truth and didn't care about anything. He probably also guessed how this pirate group would treat him.

If nothing else...

This pirate group should put him back and ask him to be the spy they planted within the navy...

After all, my identity as a naval admiral should be very useful to this pirate group. I can also take the opportunity to understand this pirate group, spy on their internal situation, and find out what is going on with this group of terrifying people gathered here. What's the purpose...

This world is really bad...

Both the navy and the pirates are using power or force to kill indiscriminately. I don't know which side to stand on. It would be good to find out the purpose of this pirate group first. Anyway, I have been confused. So far. I haven’t figured out where my power should be used in the future...

Aokiji's brain became lazy again, and when his thoughts quickly began to drift away, the voice of the red-haired boy appeared in his ears: "Let's go to the Upside Down Mountain to go to the Grand Route. Let's soak this guy in the sea first, and hang him up." Towed on the stern for two days…”


Aokiji raised his head in surprise, as if he didn't understand what he meant: "Wait...wait a minute, shouldn't you want to let me go back and be a spy you planted within the navy?"

"We do think so..."

The red-haired boy shook his head and gave him a helpless expression.


"Your actions have offended many people..."

"Mr. Mihawk contributed a lot to the assassination of the Celestial Dragons by Bucky the Clown..."


Mihawk's eyes jumped involuntarily when he heard this.


This person just leaked his involvement in the assassination of the Celestial Dragon to the admiral?

"Saint Joelart was really the one you killed..."

Qingzhi didn't care at all about Mihawk's participation in the assassination of the Tianlong people, and muttered: "Well, forget it, if that's the case, then just soak me in the sea for two days, just as a thank you. You guys helped me solve a problem..."

after all…

Die a Draco scum who likes to patrol the world...

Many people in this world will no longer be harmed by that scum.

I fell asleep last night and made up for it.

Qing Pheasant seemed confused for a time...

Later, this guy joined the Blackbeard Pirates not long after the Marshal War...

This is really unexpected...

I didn’t even think about it when I wrote about the man behind it!

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