Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 361 General Aokiji, if an apology is useful, why do you need the navy?

It turns out.

Admiral Buddha's Warring States Period is really not fair.

Although it was Akihara Kagura, the second lieutenant of the branch, who captured the clown Bucky, it was still believed that General Aokiji used his freezing ability to seal the sea in the Warring States Period of Buddha.

no way.

Even if a navy soldier catches Bucky the Clown, as long as the general takes action once, the credit will still be considered the general's.

In the view of Marshal Sengoku, Aokiji was the real main force in capturing Baki, and the two branch marines, Akihara Kagura and Karin, were just the two people responsible for tying the rope.

"Well done, Lieutenant Kagura."

After the Warring States Marshal listened to Akihara Kagura's detailed report, he did not completely deny the second lieutenant's contribution: "Although it was the general's intervention, you have been bravely monitoring the Buggy Pirates and ambushed the Buggy Pirates in advance. On the ship of the regiment, even on the front line of the battle, he is still a navy worthy of the name of a hero!"

"Ensign Kagura has been promoted to Ensign of the Navy Headquarters, and Sergeant Koso has been specially promoted to Sergeant of the Navy Headquarters. You are responsible for assisting General Aokiji in escorting Clown Bucky to Impel Down City, and follow Aokiji to report to the headquarters at Marineland for further training."


Akihara Kagura almost gritted her teeth and agreed.

Because at this time, it was really inconvenient for him to argue that he was the main force in capturing Bucky. Such words would also lower the Warring States Marshal's impression of him...

What's more...

Sengoku wouldn't believe it if he told him.

Akihara Kagura's military rank was directly promoted to the rank of second lieutenant at the Navy Headquarters, and he was also transferred to the headquarters for further training. In theory, his position was promoted by three levels, and at least he had some future prospects.

[Second Lieutenant of the Navy Branch → Ensign of the Navy Headquarters]

[System Prompt]: [Congratulations to the host for being transferred from the second lieutenant of the branch to the second lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters. The reward skills are Navy Sixth Form, Navy Sixth Form·Yuhe Technique, and Navy Sixth Form·Life Return. The host's life energy has been greatly developed! 】

[Navy Sixth Form·Return of Life (the highest stage of Navy Sixth Form, including Shaver, Moon Step, Lanjie, Finger Spear, Iron Block, and Paper Painting), which perfectly combines various abilities such as offense, defense, and speed, and can be used at will The combination of the Sixth Marine Posture and Life Return allows you to focus your awareness on any part of the body and freely control any part of the body to fight!)]

Akihara Kagura can clearly feel that his hair can grow freely. Under his strong control, even a single hair can be used to kill people.

The life energy that had always been infinitely powerful seems to have been partially developed at this time. At least it is clearly felt that the power it can exert is significantly stronger.

The ability to reach the highest life-returning stage in one step from the Sixth Form of the Navy is also a useful ability for oneself. At least this kind of physical skill is very useful for the development of life energy.


This kind of reward is not enough!

This is far from Akihara Kagura's ideal.

According to Akihara Kagura's estimation, after this battle, he will at least be promoted to captain of the navy headquarters, or even to a commodore, which is not much!


A branch second lieutenant was transferred to the headquarters second lieutenant and dismissed?

All this happened because a certain naval admiral casually froze the sea surface. There was no need for him to freeze the sea surface, and the Bucky Pirates couldn't escape!

Akihara Kagura worked hard for such a long time, directed Bucky's assassination of the Celestial Dragons, and managed the grand event in Rogge Town. However, the Admiral still believed that the Aokiji was the most important combat force, and the headquarters was just Promoting him from the second lieutenant of the branch to the second lieutenant of the headquarters, this kind of reward is completely out of proportion to his efforts...

Not to mention his efforts...

This reward is not worth the scapegoat Bucky took, nor is it worth the dead Celestial Dragon Saint Joel Art, nor is it even worth the cannons and shells that the Konoha Pirates worked so hard to move over!

all of these…

It's all because Qing Pheasant intervened casually and made things superfluous.

The most embarrassing thing is...

Until the end of this report, Akihara Kagura could still faintly hear that the Navy Marshal and the Vice Admiral's staff were still discussing Bucky's arrest: "Kuzan has captured Bucky the Clown. It seems that guy will come back again." Even if you are lazy, remember to do the right thing..."


Akihara Kagura hung up the phone bug with gloomy eyes.

There is really something wrong with this marshal's mind. He thinks that only generals can accomplish great things? Following this group of insects, when will the era of great pirates end?

"Where's Colonel Smoker?"

Akihara Kagura sighed, and by the way, she also became concerned about Smoker, a stubborn but reliable naval captain.

Although Smoker blew smoke rings on his face, Akihara Kagura was a generous person and still cared about this poisoned man.

after all…

Smoker was poisoned because he had others do it.


A naval officer who was watching showed a trace of worry on his face, and took the initiative to explain to the new officer: "We have found the best doctor in Rogge Town, but we are still at a loss to do anything about Colonel Smoker's poisoning. We can only treat him Sent back to the Grand Line for medical treatment..."

"I heard that there is a drum kingdom in the Grand Line..."

Akihara Kagura frowned and took the initiative to mention something.

This is also the purpose of Akihara Kagura.

Simply poisoning Smoker is not enough, Smoker must be detoxified. Only the nation of doctors in the Grand Line can hope to help detoxify.

"That famous country of doctors?"

The eyes of a group of marines suddenly lit up.


Akihara Kagura nodded and said in a deep voice: "It just so happened that I was going to assist General Aokiji in escorting Bucky the Clown to Impel Down City, and was ordered to report to the Navy Headquarters Marinefando. I happened to be able to take Colonel Smoker to the Drum Kingdom along the way. Get treatment…”

"That's really great..."

A navy sergeant from Rogge Town showed a hint of joy on his face.

"Urgent order!"

Just at this time, the female adjutant Dasqi rushed over and said hurriedly: "Colonel Smoker is awake! Let us all gather and prepare to set off. Prepare the warship immediately and head to the Grand Line to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates!"


The entire Rogge Town base was in chaos.

All the navy believed that they should indeed go to the Grand Line, just to treat Captain Smoker's poisoned body, not to hunt down a pirate.


Smoker's attitude is very determined!

The naval captain regained consciousness, and did not care about his poisoned and seriously injured body. He even held a cigar in his mouth again: "Even if I die on the road, I must catch the Straw Hat boy. That boy is better than anyone I have ever seen." Pirates are dangerous!"


Straw Hat Luffy is an extremely dangerous pirate!

Smoker determined that once Luffy enters the Grand Line, he will definitely complete his transformation there. That guy already has the possibility of becoming a king!

However, Smoker's subordinates have different opinions. They respect their superiors very much: "Colonel Smoker, even if we want to capture the Straw Hat Boy, we must first heal his physical injuries. We think we can go to the magnetic field of the Grand Line first." The Drum Kingdom won’t waste too much time anyway…”


Smoker frowned, feeling pain all over his body. He did not respond to these subordinates who loved him, but just opened his mouth and muttered an order.

"Go prepare the warship!"


A group of marines finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Smoker did not say it explicitly, at least he acquiesced to the plan of going to the Drum Kingdom for treatment first.

"But...there's also the matter of Bucky the Clown..."

A Navy captain took the initiative to introduce what happened after Smoker fell into coma: "Ensign Kagura and his men ambush the Bucky Pirates' ship in advance, and took advantage of the opportunity of General Aokiji's freezing to successfully kill all Bucky and his crew. Caught..."

"Lieutenant Kagura?"


The Navy Captain then introduced the story of Akihara Kagura: "Ensign Kagura has reported everything to the headquarters. He was promoted to the headquarters' second lieutenant. He assisted General Aokiji in escorting the clown Bucky, and then went to the headquarters to report to Marineland for further training. …”

"This time, Lieutenant Kagura also offered to escort Colonel Smoker to the Drum Kingdom for treatment. When we came over, we happened to talk about this matter..."

"That guy?"

Smoker raised his eyebrows, remembering the guy who was watching, and said nonchalantly: "I understand, is Kuzan back?"

"General Qing Pheasant?"

A naval sergeant could not call the general by his name like Smoker, so he could only shake his head and said: "He has been chasing for probably twelve hours, and he has not come back yet."

"That guy is probably hiding somewhere and sleeping!"

Smoker muttered something in his mouth and opened his mouth to order: "Go and take Bucky's group of pirates with you. When we catch the Straw Hats, we will send the pirates of these two pirate groups directly to them." Let’s go to Impel City and let the second lieutenant join us. We’ll just go to the Gate of Justice from Impel City to send that guy to report to the Marine Headquarters, Marineland…”

This was a favor that Smoker took the initiative to accept.

Akihara Kagura, the second lieutenant, offered to escort him to the Drum Kingdom for treatment. Since Admiral Aokiji didn't know when he would come back, he, the captain of the Navy headquarters, simply helped send him to Malinfando to report.


There are only a few routes along the Grand Line.

Straw Hat Luffy's strength is not very good. After he goes to the Drum Kingdom to detoxify, the Straw Hat boy cannot be his opponent. It will certainly not waste too much time along the way.

"Aren't you waiting for General Qing Pheasant to come back?"

The navy commander was a little worried: "The order said that Lieutenant Kagura was responsible for assisting General Aokiji in escorting Baki. After all, he is a pirate worth 730 million beli..."

"Bucky the Clown and Straw Hat are both very weak..."

Smoker lay down and continued in a deep voice: "I have tested it myself. Neither Bucky nor Straw Hat are powerful guys. That guy Kuzan is probably hiding somewhere to sleep. Maybe he will spend the rest of his life." We don’t even have time to return to Rogge Town, so go prepare the warships!”

should say…

As expected of Colonel Smoker.

How could a normal person dare to slander the admiral of the Navy Headquarters like him, or even complain so unscrupulously about the laziness of an admiral? The relationship between the two seems to be very good...


"One more troublesome question..."

A naval sergeant looked at Smoker carefully and asked proactively: "Roger Town is under the jurisdiction of Colonel Smoker. Once Colonel Smoker recovers and does not return here, if he leaves for too long, the Navy Headquarters will While asking about these things..."

"Then tell them..."

Smoker snorted coldly, his brows still furrowed tightly: "You, the sergeant, can't stop me, the colonel of our headquarters, from doing things, so I don't need you to worry about the rest!"

"Okay, I want to sleep for a while first."

After Smoker gave his order, he felt a little headache, his head was a little groggy, and his energy was a little weak. He waved his hand and said: "But don't worry about me, everything will be done as I decided."

have to say.

A boss's temper will affect many people.

Smoker has always been like a local emperor in Rogge Town, and the entire Rogge Town Navy branch did not dare to disobey his orders and immediately prepared warships heading for the Grand Route.

during this time…

General Qing Pheasant never came back.

No one knew what happened to this general, so the Navy Headquarters had to make a phone call to find out where General Aokiji was.


Qing Pheasant’s phone has never been connected.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando, Marshal's Office.

Navy Marshal Fo Zhi Sengoku called Aokiji many times in succession, hoping to get news from Aokiji, but Aokiji didn't answer any of them.

"That bastard!"

Warring States felt that his head was full of black threads, and he punched the table in anger. The documents and phone bugs on the table were so shocked that they jumped up: "He didn't even answer the phone bug. He thought he had completed the arrest of Bucky. Can I take a vacation with the order?"

"Eh...can't you?"

A tall man wearing sunglasses and yellow clothes sat on the reception chair in the marshal's office, drinking black tea leisurely and looking at the navy marshal with some surprise.

"That's almost enough for you, Porusalino!"

Zhan Guo looked at this tall man angrily and wanted to throw the documents in his hand at him. Unfortunately, he really couldn't find out what mistakes the other man had made...


The other party is really not that lazy compared to Kuzan!

"The headquarters still needs information..."

Warring States closed his palms and said in a deep voice: "I heard that the most dangerous man in the world, Dorag, appeared in this battle, and someone defeated Smoker, who has the natural smoke fruit ability. Such things are all Information we need to know..."

"Didn't you say that Kuzan went after the other party?"

Lieutenant General He, the naval staff officer sitting on the other side, took a sip of tea and replied softly: "You should be back soon, right? Maybe you can push those pirates into the city! Smog is Kuzan's good friend. , I heard that Smoker was seriously injured and even had to go to the Drum Kingdom for treatment. No matter how lazy Kuzan is, he will not just sit back and ignore things that hurt his friends..."

"Then...just wait one more day!"

Warring States sighed helplessly.


The Navy Headquarters would never think of it.

It's not that Qingzhi refuses to answer the phone, it's that he really doesn't dare to answer the phone when he has time.

If he could answer the phone, Aokiji would not have thought that he would have so many worries and would immediately ask for help from the Navy Headquarters. He knew that the pirate group he was chasing might be a troublesome pirate group, but he did not expect that this pirate group would be a troublesome one. So powerful and dangerous!

Windless belt.

The sea surface in this area has been completely frozen by ice.

A huge sea ship was also frozen in place by Aokiji, unable to move. Aokiji's figure jumped up and wanted to jump onto the pirate ship!

"Wheel Tomb·Border Prison!"

Accompanied by a dull low drink!

Qingzhi felt like he was inexplicably beaten by the air, and flew upside down and landed on the ice. He didn't even see his attacker!

"You want to hunt us down, we can understand this kind of thing..."

A red-haired boy appeared on the railing of the big ship. His face was full of gloom and dissatisfaction: "But, you guys took action to freeze the port of Rogge Town..."


Aoki feels there is something wrong with this pirate group.

What happened to the port of Rogge Town that I took action to freeze? Is there something wrong? Aren't you worried about Bucky the Clown's pirate ship escaping?

"One and a half months..."

"All the results...have been wasted by you!"

There was even some suppressed anger on the face of this red-haired boy, and he looked at Qingzhi with cold eyes: "You bastard... do you know how much trouble you have caused us?"

"Um, sorry..."

Qingzhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The admiral didn't know what was going on. Even though they were enemies, he actually apologized politely.


Obviously this apology will not be accepted.


The red-haired boy looked at Aokiji coldly, refusing to accept his apology at all: "If an apology is useful, why does the world need a navy!"


Aoki's brows furrowed, and he gave the other party a strange look, and had to take the initiative to remind him: "Your Excellency, I probably understand what you mean, but I seem to be the navy..."

Konoha: Starting with the Hyuga Experimental Subject

Konoha 54 years.

The third war has ended, the fourth generation has gone west, and Orochimaru has become rich.

As for Orochimaru, who was created when he was bored, Kagura Hideze, the Hyuga experimental subject who has become a root thug, looked at each system task and fell into deep thought.

A few years later, Danzo let out a cry from his soul: I'm not dead yet, why did I start mourning?

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