Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 353 Mihawk is a talent, let him share in the killing of Tianlong people

Windless zone.

This is located on both sides of the Grand Line.

Due to the existence of the windless zone, the Grand Line and the four seas have become two areas. The Grand Line is the gathering place for the world's strong men, while other sea areas appear to be very peaceful.

As the name suggests.

There is no wind at all in the calm zone.

This also means that any ship that attempts to sail in the windless zone will lose power and be unable to move due to the lack of wind. In addition, there are countless Neptune-like monsters living here, and there are even giant Neptune-like creatures that are thousands of meters in size. , making the Windless Zone a forbidden land for humans.


Strong people never complain about the environment.

For Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, this sea area may not be as dangerous as the island where he lives. He can kill a sea king with a single blow.

This time Hawkeye Mihawk came to the East China Sea from the Grand Line. He just wanted to meet a little guy named Monkey D. Luffy who was favored by his friend Red-haired Shanks, but he didn't expect that he would I saw something more interesting.

The straw hat boy named Luffy is followed by a young swordsman who is not afraid of death. The green algae-headed swordsman named Zoro also has an impressive and strong heart!


They're not the funniest either.

The world's greatest swordsman was sitting on his boat. He raised his head slightly and looked at the tall ship in front of him. He also saw several figures standing on the deck!

This pirate group is my biggest gain from coming to the East China Sea!

Just the people on this ship, Mihawk saw two men with strong hearts. His eyes are very sharp and are called eagle eyes. He can see through many things that many people cannot see through. Naturally, he can also see Know the extraordinary power of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara!

One of the men's temperament looks pure and simple, but it is exactly the firm quality of some kings. This kind of man must be born strong;

The arrogance and confidence in the eyes of the other man, and even the aura of looking down on the world when he walked, were definitely different from ordinary little pirates!

This powerful pirate group...

It is extremely rare even in the whole world!

What's more...

It’s just the East China Sea…

Hawkeye Mihawk stretched out his palm, lowered the brim of his hat, and hid his eyes. He had been following him for two days...

It is impossible for any pirate group to turn a blind eye when they see the world's greatest swordsman, even the strongest Yonko pirate groups are no exception. Unexpectedly, they are ignored by the other party.


You probably can't sit still anymore, right?

The wind stopped.

The sea was silent.

Within the Konoha Pirates.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara stared at the coffin boat that had been following them. They finally came to a no man's land, and the battle should not be noticed.

"Let me try it first!"

Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly turned scarlet!

No matter what, sooner or later they will conflict with the people in this sea, so let's take this opportunity to test each other's strength first!

Just when Hawkeye Mihawk on the coffin boat wanted to continue to follow the other party, a figure actually jumped off the pirate boat in front, stepped directly on the sea with his feet, and single-handedly stopped his coffin boat. !


Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes became completely serious!

Because I saw that the other party was indeed standing on the sea with both feet. This is an ability that few people in the entire sea can achieve. Most of them even require magical devil fruit abilities. This is even rarer than the ability to fly!

This also means…

The entire sea is a battlefield for him to settle at will!

"Following us for two days..."

Uchiha Madara's lips curled up into a chuckle, he looked into those sharp eyes, grinned and said, "You have a pretty good guts..."


"This doesn't seem surprising..."

Uchiha Madara's eyes showed a hint of scarlet, and his words were full of provocative fighting spirit: "I heard that you are the world's greatest swordsman..."


Mihawk's eyes narrowed.

Ever since he ascended to the position of the world's greatest swordsman, he has always been the one commenting on the world's strong men. No one has ever commented on him so wantonly and contemptuously...


The man in front of me may indeed have the strength to do this!

He clearly knows that he is the world's greatest swordsman, but he still doesn't care about his name. He is either the kind of fool who doesn't know the strong, or he has absolute self-confidence!

Of course…

The man in front of me must be the latter!

Mihawk could almost see the dangerous aura emanating from the opponent's body, and the scarlet color appeared in his eyes, which even he didn't dare to look at!

Very strong!

This man must be very strong!

Mihawk always believed what he saw with his own eyes!

Mihawk raised his head and forced himself to stare into Uchiha Madara's eyes, and took the initiative to say: "Your Excellency is powerful but is unknown on the sea. Even staying in this weakest sea will inevitably make people feel a little curious. , so I followed up to take a look..."

"Little guy, curiosity can kill you..."

Uchiha Madara's mouth was still smiling, but a red light flashed in his eyes: "But I'm also a little curious about how strong the so-called world's greatest swordsman is..."

next moment!

A dark curtain appeared in Mihawk's brain!

The world's greatest swordsman suddenly felt a huge pressure. He felt that the sky became dark in an instant, and a huge shadow enveloped his body!

"This is…"

Mihawk looked back in disbelief, only to see a tall shadow with a pair of strange red eyes floating in the air like a god, looking at him with contempt and arrogance, as if looking at a Like ants!

This is definitely fake!

Mihawk saw through at a glance that this was just an illusion!

Mihawk immediately activated his own Haki of Knowledge, but it made him feel that the illusion behind him was more real. Is this illusion similar to the application of Haki of Knowledge?


Uchiha Madara was even more curious than Mihawk.

Even the entire Konoha Pirates felt that Mihawk was using the Haki of Knowledge, which is similar to how a ninja uses chakra to sense!

"Novel energy..."

Kaguya Otsutsuki was the first to learn the use of Haki of seeing and hearing.

"This kind of perception is quite outstanding..."

Senju Tobirama nodded slightly, very curious about the novel ability of seeing and hearing Haki: "However, this ability may not be able to break the illusion. He dared to look directly at Madara's Sharingan and was easily hit... "

There is nothing we can do about it.

Who would have thought that just by looking at your opponent, you would be directly affected by the illusion?

Fortunately, this illusion only confused Mihawk for a short time. He quickly saw through the illusion and came out with his own will!

This opponent…

The ability is very strange!

"Those eyes..."

Mihawk looked at Uchiha Madara's red eyes and made his own judgment in his mind: "Is it because of those eyes?"

"Have you escaped from the illusion?"

Uchiha Madara had never thought that the opponent would be so easily attacked. He looked at Mihawk's golden eagle eyes and said, "I thought your eyes would have some unique abilities..."


Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly and praised Mihawk's domineering power: "Your perception is very strong, even I feel like I have been seen through by you..."


Mihawk frowned.

Wouldn't this man be domineering?


This man with long hair and red eyes obviously looks very strong!

However, before Mihawk could ask, the chakra on Uchiha Madara exploded like a substance, and his figure suddenly rushed over!

"Let's stop chatting here!"

"I stepped directly on the sea and rushed over..."

Mihawk stood on his coffin boat, holding his weapon in his hand. The dark and gorgeous supreme sword looked particularly slender in his hand!

Mihawk stared at Uchiha Madara's feet, frowning slightly, and even felt a little weird, charging without any skills at all!


The speed on the sea is so fast that it makes people’s hair stand on end!

The supremely fast sword in Mihawk's hand shook the blade, and a sharp and powerful slashing sword energy flew directly towards Uchiha Madara's figure!

This sword energy cut through the waves and flew straight towards Uchiha Madara, as if he was sure that the Uchiha Madara in front of him had the strength to take on this slashing attack!

"So strong!"

Senju Hashirama looked at the slash flying towards Uchiha Madara in surprise!

As the former ninja god, Senju Hashirama was also a little amazed at the power of this sword energy. This kind of sword energy that can be chopped out casually is not something ordinary people can do!

Senshou Tobirama stared at the sword energy and calmly explained the principle behind why the opponent was able to chop out the sword energy at will: "The opponent's sword swing is strong enough and fast enough, so it would be impossible to produce such a slashing sword energy. strangeness…"


After Senju Tobirama finished speaking, he stretched out his palm: "I don't know if it's because of the lighter gravity, but we seem to be able to apply it... However, this does not prevent that guy from being very powerful. That guy Madara can use some tricks..."

Uchiha Madara understood the threat of this slashing sword energy better than others, and quickly judged the sharpness of this slashing sword energy. He suddenly raised his palm, and his eyes turned into samsara eyes in an instant!

A tyrannical repulsive force burst out instantly!

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The sword energy was suddenly dispersed by the surging repulsive force!


A flash of surprise flashed across Mihawk's face!

This repulsive force quickly spread towards Mihawk, and a huge wave arose on the entire sea surface, flooding his coffin boat!


Mihawk raised the black knife in his hand!

A powerful sword energy flew out, and the huge waves were cut directly by him!

However, Uchiha Madara's figure had already rushed over. A Yin-Yang Escape Black Rod appeared in his hand, and he started to fight Mihawk in close combat!

The supreme sharp sword in Mihawk's hand directly cut off the Yin Yang Black Rod, and the sharp blade even cut open Uchiha Madara's body with one strike!


A layer of Susanoo's skeleton suddenly appeared on Uchiha Madara's body, and a bone was directly cut open by the sharp black sword. It seemed that Susanoo's defense was not enough!

The second form of Susanoo suddenly exploded!

Uchiha Madara's body directly turned into a half-length giant. The blue Susanoo raised a giant sword glowing with blue light and slashed at Mihawk!


Mihawk raised his black knife!

There was a huge wave on the entire sea surface!

"Armed Color·Entangle!"

A layer of jet-black armed domineering energy immediately appeared on Mihawk's black sword!

However, this slash from the second form Susanoo was actually caught by Mihawk with the black sword in his hand, which made people slightly shocked!

"The opponent's physical energy is very powerful..."

Orochimaru exposed the truth with one word, and the corner of his mouth suddenly smiled: "I probably understand why this happens, because without the existence of chakra, they cannot fuse physical energy and spiritual energy into chakra, and It’s through training separately that we become different strengths…”

Speaking of these words...

The entire Konoha Pirates quickly understood why this happened!

This also leads to the fact that humans in this world may not have chakra to use magical ninjutsu, but they can fight with their powerful bodies!

have to say…

This can be regarded as another shortcut!

At least let the humans in this world become stronger quickly!

Mihawk waved the black sword in his hand very fast, and sharp sword lights flashed by, directly cutting Susanoo in the second form into pieces!

Uchiha Madara's body had to retreat quickly. A flash of approval flashed across his face, and he softly praised: "With this kind of powerful swordsmanship, you can even cut Susanoo with just a sword in your hand. Even Hashirama and I are far behind. At this point, you are already worthy of the title of the world's greatest swordsman..."


Mihawk frowned.

This man still thinks he is a strong man and is praising the weak...

"Your ability is also very novel..."

Mihawk stared at Uchiha Madara, thinking about the blue Susanoo he just saw, and continued in a deep voice: "So your fruit ability is an animal-type phantom beast species fruit ability?"

A user of animal-type fantasy beasts with devil fruit abilities.

This kind of ability is even rarer and rarer than the natural Devil Fruit ability.

Marshal Buddha Sengoku is a user with the ability of the phantom beast species fruit. His human fruit, phantom beast species, and giant Buddha form are not weaker than those of natural fruits!


This man can walk on sea water...

Mihawk was a little confused about all this, but couldn't get any answers.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you the answer..."

A tall blue shadow suddenly appeared on Uchiha Madara's body again, and in an instant it quickly transformed into a complete Susanoo that was hundreds of meters tall. Susanoo's body was quickly covered with layers of armor. , a pair of huge blue wings sprouted from his back!


Mihawk's eyes did not change at all.

Because there are giants in this world, this complete Susanoo, which is hundreds of meters tall, is not very tall. The only trouble is that its power may be extraordinary!

"As long as you can try this next blow..."

Uchiha Madara's body stood in the crystal of Susanoo's forehead, and he controlled Susanoo to suddenly pull out a huge katana, and slashed in the direction of Hawkeye Mihawk!

The sword energy from this sword strike was enough to split mountains and seas. This windless sea area was stirred up by a huge gust of wind!


Mihawk's eyes flashed with shock!

With his excellent vision and insight, he quickly judged how terrifying this level of power was. This was a power that could destroy an island in one blow!

Mihawk raised his black sword and struck out with a powerful sword energy, trying to compete with the sword energy of the complete Susanoo!


There was a big explosion across the sea!

Mihawk's sword energy was indeed powerful enough, but he was still defeated by Susanoo's slash!

A giant sea king fish with a length of several thousand meters jumped out and opened its mouth to devour the group of people fighting here. Its body was directly torn into two halves by slashes, and endless rain of blood fell down. , dyed this sea area red!

"Don't kill anyone."

The Crimson Sand Scorpion's voice was somewhat calm, as if he had already determined the outcome.

It's just that his voice is still his voice, but everyone knows that the person speaking is not the Red Sand Scorpion.

"This gentleman is a talent."

"It can be used to teach you how to practice."


"This man seems to have had too much leisure. He is causing trouble on the sea and killing the Celestial Dragons to silence them. Let's take him for a share!"

"You'd better move faster on this matter..."

"When the news about me reached the Navy Headquarters, there was also big news on the sea that the great pirate Bucky was dissatisfied with being defeated by the Straw Hat Boy, and brazenly killed the Dracos to get back on his feet..."

Second update!

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