Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 352 The confusing behavior of the world’s best swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk

East China Sea.

Aaron Kingdom.

This is the territory of the Arlong Pirates.

The Arlong Pirates rule about twenty villages and towns.

The leader, Aaron, is a shark-man who claims that fish-men are a superior race. He regards the humans in these villages and towns as slaves of the Aaron Pirates and exploits the villagers in these villages and towns wantonly.

The Aaron Pirates levied high taxes in these villages and towns, and recruited ordinary villagers to build the Aaron Kingdom. Once the villagers dissatisfied them, they would directly kill people at every turn.

This kind of thing…

The Navy never cared about it.

Colonel Mouse, the 16th branch base of the East China Sea, has always been in collusion with Aaron. He accepted the bribes that Aaron regularly gave him and became a protective umbrella to protect Aaron.

Therefore, when Colonel Mouse arrived here with his warship, the Aaron Pirates didn't take it seriously at all, and even thought that Colonel Mouse was here to collect money.


This time, Colonel Mouse brought many soldiers over, but the warship could not enter Aaron's Kingdom. Even Colonel Mouse could only bring three or four people in, and he had to be pulled in by a fishman. This also shows Aaron's preparedness. heart of.

Akihara Kagura stood on the warship and had already seen the fish-men in this world. Most of them were ugly and weird, with some features of deep-sea fish on their faces.

Aaron, the leader of this pirate group, has a long nose as sharp as a nail, sharp teeth in his mouth, and a shark fin on the back of his head. His whole body looks very muscular, and he looks like He's not a guy to mess with.

In fact…

This guy is indeed not easy to mess with.

Some naval branches in the East China Sea also wanted to destroy Aaron. Some of them were bribed by Aaron with money, and most of the others were defeated by the Aaron Pirates.

"This month's money..."

When Aaron saw Colonel Mouse appear, he pushed him a few stacks of banknotes, but when he saw that Colonel Mouse refused to accept them, he grinned: "Colonel Mouse, you'd better not be too greedy. This is what we have done before. As promised..."


"It's not that I'm greedy, I brought you a piece of news..."

Colonel Mouse looked at the shark man in front of him, and his eyes suddenly rolled. He thought of solving the problem through peaceful means, and also thought of how to blackmail a sum of money. He smiled sinisterly and said, "This news is worth a lot of money." , will allow you to avoid a disaster..."


Aaron didn't care about this, and even said with great interest: "Is the Navy going to transfer new troops to the East China Sea? The most troublesome thing in the East China Sea now is the ones stationed in Rogge Town..."

"It's not the navy's problem..."

Colonel Mouse touched his beard and said with a playful smile: "A Celestial Dragon is coming to visit the East China Sea. I heard that the Celestial Dragon hates you murlocs very much. The purpose of visiting the East China Sea is to kill a few murlocs for fun... "


Aaron's expression suddenly became ugly!

This news…

It is indeed worth a lot of money!

Those bastards who do all kinds of evil...

He actually wanted to kill the fishman, but the purpose was just for fun!

Despicable human beings…

Aaron could only curse a few words secretly, but he had also seen the cruelty of the Tianlong people in the Great Line. He hated the Tianlong people so much that he wanted to kill them quickly, but he never dared to do it again.

If the purpose of that Celestial Dragon is to kill fishmen for fun, the Aaron Pirates must leave the East China Sea as soon as possible, at least not to be discovered by that Celestial Dragon!

"It seems you know the seriousness of the matter..."

Colonel Mouse saw Aaron's face and immediately understood that the other party was also afraid of the power of the Celestial Dragon. He said with a smile: "Then give me a few murlocs to satisfy the Celestial Dragon's pleasure. You can continue Lie here and take a pillow..."

"You guy..."

A flash of anger suddenly flashed across Aaron's face. He looked at the mouse colonel in front of him and felt a murderous intention in his heart. He actually wanted to send the fishman to the Tianlong people to be tortured and killed!

This bastard…

How dare you have such an idea!

Even though Aaron knew that handing over a few murlocs at this time might be able to evade the Celestial Dragons, he was not willing to hand over his compatriots for this. He absolutely did not want the murlocs to die in the hands of the Celestial Dragons, and he could never put anyone to death. Deliver it to the hands of the Celestial Dragons!

If Aaron hadn't planned to continue to build his Aaron Kingdom in the East China Sea in the future, the colonel with sly eyebrows and rat eyes in front of him was still an acquaintance. He really wanted to turn his back immediately and kill this hateful rat colonel!

This bastard…

Is it the same as those humans who regard fish-men as inferior creatures?

"I'll be away from here for a while..."

Aaron gritted his teeth, a trace of bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, and said solemnly: "After the Tianlong people leave, we will come back and continue to cooperate..."

"This is not possible..."

Colonel Mouse looked at the anger on Aaron's face and quickly explained with a smile: "I heard that this Tianlong man visited the East China Sea for the purpose of killing a few more murlocs here in the East China Sea for fun..."

"Jinbei of the Fish-Man Pirates is recognized by the World Government as the King of the Shichibukai. It would be inconvenient for this Celestial Dragon to kill the fish-men on the Grand Line..."

"Furthermore, if the purpose of the Tianlong people coming to the East China Sea is to kill a few murlocs and they don't enjoy the fun of killing murlocs, what if they get angry?"

The headmaster of this mouse has a somewhat wretched appearance. He is obviously laughing and making sense, but when he speaks, it seems as if he is mocking him. He does not take the fish-man's life seriously at all...

Aaron's teeth were clenched tightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense. Even if the man in front of him was a partner, he couldn't bear the way that the other party's Tianlong killed several fish-men. Just like killing a few fish, it seems that being killed by the Celestial Dragons is a blessing for their fish-men clan...

"You want to use my compatriots to please the Celestial Dragons!"

Aaron's words revealed Colonel Mouse's thoughts. He knew very well what his partner was doing, and he must have wanted to use the fish-man's life to please the Celestial Dragons!

There is no powerful navy in the East China Sea, but Captain Mouse is the only navy that can get fishmen from him!

This bastard who wants to please the Celestial Dragons!

Aaron's anger rose in his heart, and without waiting for Colonel Mouse's retort, his mouth suddenly grew and bit into Colonel Mouse's head. He opened his sharp teeth and bit down, killing the naval colonel in front of him in one bite!


I have to hide from the Celestial Dragons for a while!


A group of navy soldiers following Colonel Mouse were frightened!

Why did this Aaron kill people in a rage? They also thought that what Colonel Mouse said was very reasonable. They were the world's noble Celestial Dragons. Aaron was unwilling to hand over a few murlocs for the Celestial Dragons to enjoy. How could he still want to resist the Celestial Dragons? ?

"I have wanted to kill the Tianlong people for a long time, and they want me to sacrifice my compatriots to please them..."

Aaron's eyes had a trace of murderous intent. His eyes fell on a few naval soldiers who were following Captain Mouse, and he directly issued an order: "Kill this group of marines, pack up your things and leave here immediately, and you can't be discovered by anyone." Our whereabouts!”

"I've wanted to do it for a long time!"

One by one, the fishmen immediately pounced on several navy soldiers!

There were even fishmen swimming directly in the direction of the navy warship!

The entire Aaron Kingdom was immediately filled with blood, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and Colonel Mouse's trusted soldiers were torn to pieces!

On the warship.

Each naval soldier was quickly killed by the fishmen.

A third-class private hid in the dining room of the cabin, holding his old-fashioned musket, as if he did not dare to participate in the battle, and even prepared pear juice for himself: "These scum in the navy are fighting with evil pirates." , I don’t know who can win..."

Just at this time, a fishman saw Akihara Kagura hiding in the restaurant, and rushed over without hesitation, waving the sharp blade in his hand and trying to stab Akihara Kagura to death!


A dull gunshot!

This fish-man didn't even see Akihara Kagura's movements clearly, and was shot through the head by Akihara Kagura. This fish-man who had killed many humans didn't even think that he would die by the gun!

After Akihara Kagura killed the fishman, he slowly drank the pear juice in the cup, and his body suddenly disappeared. He was just an ordinary third-class marine, and he didn't have the strength to solve the Arlong Pirates. I can only wait quietly for the tool man.

The navy of this world wants to be promoted...

In fact, most of them require a little bit of fate.

For example, a pirate suddenly appeared to help or something. It wouldn't hurt if Akihara Kagura, a righteous marine third class, took advantage of the pirate, at least it would not arouse the suspicion of the navy's top brass.

The battle on the warship ended quickly.

This navy branch fleet has little combat effectiveness, and it can just make do with following Captain Mouse to bully ordinary civilians. But once it fights with a strong race like fishmen, it almost shows a crushing force, and the warship is quickly filled with water. blood…


Three fishmen died.

This made Aaron's temper furious. Unfortunately, he had no time to waste anymore. He had to pack up and leave the kingdom he built before the Tianlong people arrived.

Just at this time, an orange-haired girl also returned to the Aaron Kingdom. She looked with some surprise at the fish people who were packing their things and the corpses of naval soldiers lying on the ground. A flash of hatred and fear flashed in her eyes.

This is…

What happened?

Why did this group of fishmen who did all kinds of evil suddenly kill so many marines?


It seems like you are leaving here?

I just went out once, and by the way, I followed a small pirate group composed of a straw hat boy and a green algae-headed idiot to defeat Bucky the Clown, who had a bounty of 15 million, and then dragged a lying long nose to join the small pirate group. The group defeated an insidious pirate named Crow...

This was a pretty good trip.

However, why did he calm down and come back here, when the Arlong Pirates and other fishmen started packing up and running away?


After Aaron saw the orange-haired girl in front of him, he immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Go pack your things and take all the sea charts you drew with you. Let's leave here..."

"You want to leave here?"

Nami's eyes flashed with joy.

However, this joy was quickly suppressed by her, and her expression became very serious, as if she was very worried about the situation of the Aaron Pirates.

"Aaron, what happened to you?"

"It's not you, it's us."

Aaron squinted his eyes and stared at Nami in front of him. A sinister smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You are my favorite surveyor. Haven't you wanted to draw a sea map of the whole world since you were a child? I This will take you away from here to draw more sea charts..."


Nami's body took a step back involuntarily.

"Don't even think about escaping..."

Aaron showed his mouth full of shark teeth and added: "Nami, don't you want us to kill everyone in Cocosia Village before we leave?"

Cocosia Village…

It was the village where Nami grew up.

In order to be able to protect the village, Nami joined the Aaron Pirates and became the surveyor of this pirate group. She has even been taking risks stealing from other pirates since she was a child, hoping to save 100 million beli in order to steal from the Aaron Sea. Redeem the village under the rule of the bandits.

"I'm going to save 100 million beli soon..."

Nami frowned, wanting to reiterate their previous agreement: "As you said, as long as I save 100 million beli..."


The smile on Aaron's face suddenly became playful, as if he was looking at an innocent child: "That kind of thing...I lied to you."


Nami seemed to have heard something wrong.

At this time, Aaron simply showed his cards, no longer hiding his thoughts, and smiled fiercely: "It seems that you really don't understand your own talent..."

Aaron spread his hands and praised with a grin: "Nami, a surveyor like you cannot be bought with 100 million beli. Even the Grand Line cannot find a navigation genius like you..."


The voices of two fishmen interrupted their communication. They pulled a small boat back to the Aaron Kingdom, and the boat carried a tied up green algae-headed man.

"We caught a weird guy!"


The green algae-headed man had a bandage on his body and seemed to have been seriously injured. He didn't pay attention to Aaron, but when he saw Nami here, his face looked extremely shocked!


Nami's eyes narrowed instantly. She looked at the green algae-headed man in front of her, feeling a little complicated. She admitted that she was very happy in the Straw Hat Pirates...


She hates pirates!

I also hate myself for being forced to join the Arlong Pirates!

"Don't you hate pirates very much..."

Zoro even felt a little surprised when he saw Nami appearing here.


Nami was silent and speechless.

Aaron waved his hand with an indifferent attitude: "Forget it, no need to talk nonsense, kill this guy, we have to pack up and leave here quickly..."

Now the Tianlong people may come at any time. Aaron still has many things to deal with and has no time to chat with a human here.

"It would be a waste to kill him..."

Nami took the initiative to take over this task. She showed the tattoo of the Aaron Pirates on her shoulder and said coldly: "Zoro, I have never hated pirates. I am a cadre of the Aaron Pirates. I used to Everything I said to you was a lie to you, I was just acting on you..."

that time…

In fact, she is being true to herself.

Now she had to disguise herself and blame everything in the past on acting. She looked at Aaron and said coldly: "I have drawn a lot of sea charts, don't you want to leave from here? Just let this guy Come over here and help me clean it up!”

"up to you…"

Aaron has never paid much attention to the humans in the East China Sea.


Aaron didn't expect it either.

There is a lot of trouble behind this green algae head.

While the Aaron Pirates were still working hard to relocate here, members of a small pirate group came to the Aaron Kingdom one after another in two small boats!

A Straw Hat boy named Monkey D. Luffy brought his newly recruited chef Sanji and sniper Usopp at the sea restaurant Barati to bring back his navigator Nami and deputy captain Zoro. Straw Hat The Pirates and the Arlong Pirates immediately had a fierce conflict!

While two pirate groups were fighting in the Arlong Kingdom, Marine Third Class Akihara Kagura of the 16th East China Sea Branch watched the scene quietly.

"There's a fight here..."

Akihara Kagura watched the battle in the Aaron Kingdom while waiting for the situation on the other side: "This time it is about my rapid promotion of the position. I must deal with the seal of the Tianlong who may be visiting, making this matter completely Death without proof..."

the other side.

A huge wooden boat pulled by a nine-headed wooden dragon.

This wooden ship seemed to have undergone changes. The ship's mast was hung with a skull pirate flag painted with a swirl mark as customary, and the deck and cabin were filled with artillery.

This pirate group, which had only been established for a short time, finally had its own name. In view of the fact that the captain Senju Hashirama was good at using wood escape ability, this pirate group was finally named Konoha.

The Konoha Pirates haven't done anything during this period. In order to ensure the completion of Akihara Kagura's mission and learn about the world, they plan to rob the artillery of a named Klik Pirates. I heard that this pirate The regiment has a lot of artillery.


They found the location of the Creek Pirates.

However, this pirate group has been completely wiped out by a man named Hawkeye at the sea restaurant Barati, and the captain of the Creek Pirates was also defeated by a straw hat boy.


The Creek Pirates' ship hasn't completely sunk yet.

The Konoha Pirates rushed to the sea restaurant Barati, and finally successfully obtained the artillery, so they could carry out the mission assigned by Akihara Kagura.

As for the Straw Hat boy fighting against Creek, in their eyes, it was just a fight between novices; as for the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, who chopped down a challenger named Zoro, in their eyes, it was just a fight between novices. An adult is deliberately bullying a child...


The results were a bit unfavorable.

"We're being targeted."

The Red Sand Scorpion stood on the deck of the ship, staring at a small sampan boat that was like a coffin board following the ship, and the eagle-eyed man on the ship who was very gorgeously dressed.

"A guy named Hawkeye Mihawk has set his sights on us. He seems to be the world's greatest swordsman. This guy has been following us for two days since we were at the sea restaurant Barati, and he is still following us now. …”

"You haven't done anything for two days?"

Akihara Kagura is very curious about this matter.

"Because there are too many people around here."

Most of the members of the Konoha Pirates are ninjas, and they have a habit of hiding that they are a ninja.

The Red Sand Scorpion is no exception. The reason he gave is quite sufficient: "We are worried that if a battle occurs in a crowded place, unnecessary prying eyes may be attracted, and the noise may be a bit loud..."

"But that's okay…"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at the windless sea ahead, and looked back at the coffin boat that was still following closely behind. He continued to report: "We are about to reach the no man's land. If we fight here, we should be able to never mind…"

Let the war begin!

Let’s take a walk on Smoker’s path first…

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