Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 348 The battle is over, the speculations about the disappearance of Akihara Kagura and Yakus

Initial ball space.

Everyone was watching Akihara Kagura's movements closely.

Akihara Kagura controls the white Susanoo and holds the black sword tightly in his hand. His holy body and heavy weapons make him look like a truly invincible god of war!

"Get ready to fight!"

The Sage of Six Paths looked solemn. He looked at the figure of Akihara Kagura, and said in a deep voice to the people around him: "All the ninjas born in the thousand-year history of the ninja world, whether living or dead, are now dead. They place their hopes on us..."

"I will definitely...not let them down!"

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fist tightly.

Uchiha Sasuke stood beside Uzumaki Naruto and nodded silently. Senju Tobirama, Tsunade and others also nodded with extremely serious expressions.

They have met the most important relatives in their lives...

At this moment, there was no regret in their hearts.


Facing Akihara Kagura, we must give it a try!

Everyone's body is filled with overwhelming fighting spirit, and the chakra in everyone's body is as physical as ever. At this moment, their hearts are stronger than ever before!


The Sage of Six Paths raised his palm and looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki floating near the crystal: "Now I also understand the fear you faced back then..."


Otsutsuki Kaguya interrupted Rokudo Sage's words. Two lines of tears flowed from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks, as if she was moved that her child could understand her thoughts.

"I got you…"

Otsutsuki Kaguya slowly shook her head, then nodded towards the Sage of Six Paths, her expression calmed down: "Hagoromo, I will fight with you..."

"That would be perfect."

The Immortal of Six Paths chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought it would take a long time for him to convince Kaguya Otsutsuki, but he didn't expect Kaguya Otsutsuki to agree immediately. It seems that the situation has reached a point of necessity!

"Then start right now!"

"History will also remember this moment..."

"Since the birth of Chakra, ninjas have been fighting for thousands of years..."

"Now, in order to solve our common enemy, all the endless battles in the past will come to an end at this moment!"

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Akihara Kagura opposite, and said in a deep voice: "This has never happened in the ninja world for thousands of years. Whether it is the ancestor of chakra or ordinary ninjas, everyone's will is gathered at this moment, and It will never go away!”

At least…

From then on, the ninja world knew about the threat from outside the world!

After all, Akihara Kagura, an enemy from outside the world, said personally that there have always been people from outside the world spying on the ninja world, and he was just one of them...


The conspiracy and power of this visitor almost destroyed the entire ninja world!

From now on, the ninjas in the ninja world will definitely face up to the enemies they need to face together. Internal fighting will stop on this planet. Even if some ambitious people want to cause trouble, all power will be used to resist the outside world. enemy.

"Perhaps, I would like to thank you more this time."

The Sage of Six Paths raised his palm, controlled his blue Susanoo, raised the blue giant sword in his hand, and rushed towards Akihara Kagura first!

The Sage of Six Paths controlled Susanoo to fight with even a smile on his face: "If it weren't for your coming, we would not be aware of the threat from outside, and the ninjas who have been fighting for thousands of years would not be willing to unite at this moment. Together!”

"That's a good thing for you..."

Akihara Kagura controlled the white Susanoo to come forward. The black giant sword and the blue giant sword suddenly collided in the air, and huge shock waves continued to sweep through the space of the first ball!

next moment!

The figures of the white Susanoo and the blue Susanoo suddenly accelerated. The giant swords in their hands kept slashing at each other, and the light and shadow of the swords were swaying wantonly in this space!

Every slash is constantly destroying this space!

The hard ancestral space was slashed and cracked with huge cracks!

Everyone has to be thankful that this battle is in Otsutsuki Kaguya's home space. If this battle were in the ninja world, perhaps the entire ninja world would be destroyed by their battle!

No one has ever seen such a terrifying battle!

Even if the battle between Uchiha Madara and Akihara Kagura was amazing enough, it was far inferior to what they saw before them!

Two thousand-meter-tall Susanoos were fighting crazily in the field. Two giant swords hundreds of meters long appeared extremely dexterous in their hands. They were dueling like two masters of swordsmanship at this moment. The huge trembling sound was endless!


Akihara Kagura seems to be even better!

The white Susanoo soared into the air, waving the black giant sword made of expanded seeking jade, and slashed down with a powerful blow, but was blocked by the blue Susanoo's horizontal sword!

next moment!

The giant sword glowing with blue light was suddenly cut open with a single blow!

The white Susanoo, who was like a god of war, wielded the black giant sword and directly cut off the opponent's weapon, slashing hard on the opponent's neck!


Susanoo, the Sage of Six Paths, is about to collapse in an instant!

"Are you going to lose?"

Haruno Sakura looked at the black giant sword so close in horror!

As long as this black giant sword hundreds of meters long is cut horizontally, it can cut off the blue Susanoo's head!

"No, it's an opportunity!"

The Sage of Six Paths maintained his Susanoo, his eyes suddenly became serious, and he directly controlled the Susanoo to release the broken weapon!

next moment!

The two palms stretched out by the blue Susanoo suddenly closed together, holding the black giant sword tightly, and the blue light of chakra rose into the sky!

"Six Paths·Earth Explosion Star!"

The Sage of Six Paths suddenly closed his palms, and he let out a sharp shout in his throat, and the chakra all over his body surged up!

This is the most powerful sealing technique of the Six Paths Immortal!

In the past, the sealing technique he activated alone was not enough; now that he has obtained the chakra of the ninja world for thousands of years, he can activate the most powerful seal alone!

As the palms of the Six Paths Sage closed together, an extremely terrifying incarnation of a god seemed to appear in the entire space of the first sphere. The white Susanoo seemed to be wrapped in the palms of the incarnation of the god!

The ground in the Beginning Space is cracked!

Countless stones moved toward the white Susanoo!

The white Susanoo's body floated, and its body seemed to have become a source of gravity. The stones on the ground kept flying towards it, sticking tightly to its body, and in the blink of an eye, its body was Wrapped into a huge stone ball!

"This is the technique to seal mother..."

Black Zetsu's voice was a bit eerie and hoarse, and it looked at the stone ball floating in the sky: "Akihara Kagura will also be sealed..."

If nothing else happens...

The Akihara Kagura sealed inside can never break free. Even when it flies into outer space, it will attract meteorites to continuously strengthen the seal until it turns into a huge planet!

This is the art of sealing...

It can also be called a terrifying creation technique!

Even the time and space spells cannot escape!

"Is the battle over?"

Tsunade slowly breathed a sigh of relief.


"not yet!"

The Six Paths Immortal’s gaze became extremely sharp!

The stone ball in the sky suddenly cracked, and countless rays of light bloomed from the stone ball. These rays of light were like sharp blades, cutting the earth in the Beginning Ball Space!

The stone ball exploded instantly!

A Martial God with white light all over his body suddenly flew out from among a group of broken stones, as if he was a baby born in the stone ball!

This white warrior god waved the black giant sword in his hand and slashed straight at the blue Susanoo, intending to split his enemy in two!

The blue Susanoo knelt on the ground on one knee, tightly holding the black giant sword with his hands together. The huge slashing light made the armor on his body crack, and the entire earth in the Beginning Space was slashed by this sword. The remaining power of the attack created a deep ravine!

"Let me help..."

A blue Susanoo appeared instantly!

Hatake Kakashi directly opened the complete Susanoo state. The gift of six chakras gave him power that he had never dared to imagine!

The nearly 100-meter-tall blue Susanoo soared in the sky, and the blue Susanoo took everyone into its own crystal!

The moment the black giant sword slashed down, it seemed as if it was slashing into the void, passing by the blue Susanoo. This was the virtual state of the Kamui Sharingan!

Even Susanoo...

You can also use the virtualization ability of the Kamui Sharingan!


This kind of power cannot bring everyone a sense of security!


Hatake Kakashi controlled the blue Susanoo, and did not dare to hesitate any longer. Two huge black shurikens appeared in its hands, and he raised his hand towards the white Susanoo, which was more than ten times taller than its body. Zuo threw it away!

One of the huge Kamui shuriken was thrown at the white Susanoo's head, and the other Kamui shuriken was thrown at the white Susanoo's arm!

"Blocked for a limited time!"

Akihara Kagura directly raised her palm!

The use of time and space techniques in the entire primordial space was instantly banned!

The two huge black shurikens stung the white Susanoo like mosquitoes, leaving the white Susanoo with no pain or itching!

next moment!

A tall purple Susanoo also appeared directly!

This piece of space has become a chaotic battle between the Susanu Gods!

Uchiha Sasuke controlled his purple Susanoo and flew out quickly, and a purple longbow suddenly appeared in the purple Susanoo's hand!

A silver-white lightning giant arrow containing the Six Paths of Immortality appeared on the long bow, and the silver-white giant arrow suddenly struck towards the white Susanoo's head!

The white Susanoo raised his free hand, grabbed the silver-white giant arrow and held it in his hand, as if he was holding a silver needle!

"Pray for the jade shuriken!"

Uzumaki Naruto raised his hand, and a spiral shuriken with a seeking jade as the core emerged from his hand, and suddenly threw it towards the white Susanoo's head!

Even though he doesn't have much jade for seeking Taoism, he still doesn't hesitate at this moment!

"Eighty God Air Strike!"

Countless purple chakra fists emerged from Otsutsuki Kaguya's body, and these chakra purple fists suddenly hit Akihara Kagura's white Susanoo!

Amid everyone's rapid attacks, explosions continued to sound on the white Susanoo's body, and clouds of smoke exploded around it!

The white god of war who was wreaking havoc on the battlefield finally had to stagger back half a step, allowing the blue Susanoo to finally get some breathing space!

"Immortal Technique: Yin Escape Thunder Sect!"

A ball of electricity suddenly appeared in the hand of the Sage of Six Paths controlling the blue Susanoo, and the thunder and lightning branched out quickly in its hand like a branch!

Compared to Uchiha Madara’s Yin Release Thunder School...

The Yin Release Thunder Sect of the Six Paths Immortal is like a real god getting angry!

This branch-like thunder and lightning spread in an instant and enveloped the white Susanoo's whole body, directly causing the white Susanoo to fall into a stiff state and be unable to move!

"Immortal Technique: Lan Dunguangya!"

The blue Susanoo opened his mouth and spit out a slender thunderbolt. This thunderbolt turned into a real sharp blade, leaving long wounds on the body of the thousand-meter-high white Susanoo, which almost killed him. Its body split into two!

"It's now!"

Seeing the white Susanoo's body being broken open, the Six Paths Sage said in a deep voice: "I have broken through his defense and destroy his Susanoo immediately!"



Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke simultaneously controlled their Susanoos to fly up. The nearly 100-meter-tall blue Susanoo and purple Susanoo suddenly got in along the wound, and the two whiskers Sanenghu waved the huge samurai sword in his hand and slashed wildly!


Boom! Boom!

The white Susanoo disintegrated in an instant!

Akihara Kagura's body was directly separated from Susanoo's protection and exposed to the attacks of this group of people. The joy of victory arose in everyone's heart!


Akihara Kagura suddenly closed her palms.

Akihara Kagura didn't feel any fear in his heart, he closed his palms directly, and a burst of green light emitted from his body!

Following Akihara Kagura's movements, the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes in her eyes also turned into a pair of blue eyes like stars at this moment!

Tenseigan Chakra Mode·Activate!

Twelve green Tao-seeking jade surrounded him!

Akihara Kagura raised her palm, and the twelve seeking jade turned into a golden giant sword, and suddenly split open Kakashi Hatake's green Susanoo with one sword. The golden giant sword's remaining power remained undiminished. Split Uchiha Sasuke's purple Susanoo open again!

Kakashi Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha fell towards the earth like meteors. They were also unable to use the time and space technique at this moment, and could only watch themselves falling from the sky. The impact of this landing It must be death but not life!


Otsutsuki Kaguya looked up at them.

Two groups of long white hair suddenly stretched out, wrapped around their bodies, and placed the two of them on the ground. However, the breath of the two people was obviously unstable, and they were obviously severely injured by a blow!

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

Akihara Kagura raised her hand to control the twelve seeking jade and turned it into a golden giant sword again, and suddenly split the thousand-meter-high blue Susanoo of the Sage of Six Paths with one sword!

After Akihara Kagura cracked everyone's Susanoo in an instant, she slowly exited the reincarnation chakra mode and returned to her original appearance.

In an instant!

Everyone's Susanoo was destroyed by him with his own power!

The Immortal of Six Paths hurriedly opened his arms and controlled gravity to slowly let everyone fall to the ground, but his face became more serious and cold.

As soon as Tsunade and Haruno Sakura landed, they hurriedly appeared next to Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke and helped treat their injuries.


The most important thing now is still how to deal with their enemies.

Obviously at the critical moment, they gathered everyone's strength and finally cracked Akihara Kagura's white Susanoo amidst all the difficulties and dangers...


However, Akihara Kagura easily defeated everyone's Susanoo, including the Sage of Six Paths, allowing everyone to see his terrifying power!

Even the Immortal of Six Paths felt helpless. He looked at the young man standing in the middle of the crowd, and for a moment he couldn't think of a way to defeat him...

Six Paths·Earth Explosion Star…

It was directly cracked by the other party with brute force!


He was directly chopped into pieces by his opponent with one blow!


The Immortal of Six Paths was a little helpless and couldn't think of how to defeat his opponent!

"That's almost it..."

Akihara Kagura walked towards the Sage of Six Paths step by step.

"No, it's not over yet!"

The Sage of Six Paths stretched out his palm, and a Taoist jade turned into a Zen staff in his hand. His figure rushed towards Akihara Kagura, and the two figures instantly started a close combat!

"Let's go together too!"

Uzumaki Naruto immediately called for others to rush forward together!

Although their strength may not be enough, as long as they can involve Akihara Kagura, it will be the greatest help to the Sage of Six Paths!

Otsutsuki Kaguya immediately raised her palm, and aimed an ashes bone at Akihara Kagura's back, and suddenly shot out!


Akihara Kagura's eyes suddenly turned into a blue galaxy, and his eyes instantly observed the trajectory of the flying ashes of the sneak attack!

Akihara Kagura kicked the Sage of Six Paths away, and the black jade for seeking the path turned into black sticks in his hands, directly nailing the Sage of Six Paths' body to the ground!

Akihara Kagura's body speed was amazing. She turned around and grabbed the flying ashes with her backhand, and threw the ashes towards Otsutsuki Kaguya who was taking action!


Hei Jue quickly reminded his mother!

However, a figure appeared in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki and helped her block the ashes of the co-killer. The figure turned into flying ashes!

That is…

Uzumaki Naruto!

"This is...Asura..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya could see through the chakra in this figure at a glance.

"It's just a shadow clone..."

Uzumaki Naruto saw Kaguya Otsutsuki's stunned performance and thought that the ancestor of chakra was frightened by his death, so he quickly reminded Kaguya Otsutsuki that it was just a shadow clone.


Uzumaki Naruto can only save once!

Two black rods flew towards Otsutsuki Kaguya, directly pierced through Otsutsuki Kaguya's shoulders, and nailed Otsutsuki Kaguya's body to the ground, unable to move!


The most powerful Six Paths Sage and Otsutsuki Kaguya were directly imprisoned in place...

Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke are still injured, leaving only Uzumaki Naruto, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Haruno Sakura, Senju Tobirama and others...

it is a pity…

Everyone knows that they can't be Akihara Kagura's opponents!

Everyone present felt the coming of despair. They originally thought that Susanoo, who had relieved Akihara Kagura, could make Akihara Kagura stand on the same front as them...

As a result, when fighting in an ordinary human form, Akihara Kagura directly showed the power of crushing. His powerful physical skills and ability to observe the battle situation far surpassed everyone present!

The only person who can compete with him...

Probably Madara Uchiha, who had long been a sacrifice for Kaguya's resurrection...


No one in this world will give in after all!

"I'll stop him!"

Uzumaki Naruto jumped into the air and landed, met Akihara Kagura, and said hurriedly: "Six Paths Sage, come and think of other solutions quickly!"

No matter how strong Akihara Kagura is, Uzumaki Naruto is the one who will never give up. His fingers suddenly stood up, and countless dense shadow clones appeared from behind him!

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

A group of shadow clones leaped into the air and pounced directly on Akihara Kagura!

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and lightly sprinkled a ball of electric chakra from his palm. Countless thousands of birds flew out of his hand, and in an instant they turned into spears, killing countless shadows. The clone was nailed to the ground!


Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clones are like an army!

Hundreds of Uzumaki Naruto with golden light on their bodies rushed towards Akihara Kagura, wanting to use his life to prevent Akihara Kagura from attacking others!

"This idiot..."

Uchiha Sasuke stood up, not wanting to see Uzumaki Naruto fighting alone, and he did not think that this kind of multiple shadow clones could pose any threat to Akihara Kagura.

Even Uzumaki Naruto's true form is no match for Akihara Kagura, let alone a group of shadow clones that can be easily defeated?

At this time, the voice of the Sage of Six Paths echoed in the space: "Maybe it's finally time for this chakra that shouldn't be in the world to be useful..."

The Immortal of Six Paths controlled his Tao-Seeking Jade and pulled out the black rods that imprisoned him. His eyes gradually became deeper: "I will try to use another method to deal with the opponent, and I will leave the rest to you. These latecomers..."

The rest…

Refers to enemies that may appear in the future.

"Six Paths Immortal, what are you going to do?"

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the Sage of Six Paths who was floating again.

The Sage of Six Paths gradually calmed down, and his eyes were fixed on Akihara Kagura, who was fighting Uzumaki Naruto: "I will use up all the power of this chakra, use all my strength to launch the largest Earth Explosion Star, and completely destroy the opponent. Seal it…”


Senju Tobirama raised objections. He remembered Akihara Kagura's Susanoo directly breaking the Earth Blast Star: "That technique may not be able to seal him..."

"The pupil technique of the Samsara Eye is very special..."

The Sage of Six Paths shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The longer it takes to prepare the technique, the more chakra is consumed, and the more powerful the technique will be. I need to prepare for a while..."

"during this time…"

The Six Paths Sage's eyes fell on their side, and he said solemnly: "I need you to help delay as much as possible... Sasuke, I need you to launch an Earth Explosion Star on him at the critical moment to allow me to aim at the target of release. !”


Uchiha Sasuke nodded quickly.

"And one more thing…"

The Sage of Six Paths glanced at his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki. His voice was a little heavy and he lowered his voice and said: "If I use up my chakra to kill Akihara Kagura, my mother may still regard the ninja world as seedbed…"

"Naruto and I will deal with her."

Uchiha Sasuke took a deep look at Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In this battle, Uchiha Sasuke also saw the strength of Kaguya Otsutsuki and her weaknesses. As long as they find a chance, he and Naruto can also deal with Kaguya.

"I will also try to find opportunities..."

The Sage of Six Paths shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Seal mother and him together. As for what happens in the ninja world in the future... I can only leave it to you!"

"I see."

Uchiha Sasuke nodded slowly.

Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't know anything about this, but Black Zetsu came out of her sleeve and helped her pull out the Taoist Jade Black Rod inserted in her shoulder!

Otsutsuki Kaguya flew towards Akihara Kagura and rushed to the aid of Uzumaki Naruto. A strand of white long hair rolled up the endangered Uzumaki Naruto and directly threw Uzumaki Naruto to the side. The other long white hair , suddenly rolled towards Akihara Kagura's body!

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and a black sword turned into a Taoist jade appeared in his hand. The black sword flashed several black lights and cut off Otsutsuki Kaguya's long hair!

Akihara Kagura raised her sword and rose into the air!

Otsutsuki Kaguya directly condensed the Ashes of the Killer and waved the bone spurs in her hands to resist Akihara Kagura's attack. Here she struggled to use her Byakugan and poor fighting skills to fight Akihara Kagura desperately!

after all…

She has nowhere to escape!

All possible helpers in the entire ninja world are here!

The Sage of Six Paths watched the battle between Otsutsuki Kaguya and Akihara Kagura. His chakra was mobilized rapidly. His palms slowly closed at this moment, and the chakra quickly gathered in his palms. !

As the Six Paths Sage gathered chakra, his body gradually became a little transparent. This was a sign that the remaining chakra was about to be exhausted!


The Sage of Six Paths shouted in a deep voice and shouted for Uchiha Sasuke!


Uchiha Sasuke suddenly raised his palm, and the Six Magatama Samsara Eyes flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly launched an Earth Explosion Star!

Compared with other people's Earth Explosion Star, Uchiha Sasuke's Earth Explosion Star can directly focus on the person he wants to seal, and he can quickly seal the enemy!

Following Uchiha Sasuke's actions, Otsutsuki Kaguya and Akihara Kagura, who were fighting, were simultaneously wrapped and sealed by stones on the ground!

The body of the Sage of Six Paths flew up, raised one of his palms, and rushed towards Otsutsuki Kaguya and Akihara Kagura, who were about to be sealed!


Hei Jue saw the movements of the Six Paths Sage and immediately reminded him: "Hagoromo, what technique are you going to use? Mom hasn't left the sealing range of the technique yet..."


The Immortal of Six Paths shook his head and said solemnly: "If possible, please ask mother to keep the tailed beast, and the next time you encounter a crisis, ask the latecomer to resurrect her..."

As a god of the ninja world, Sage of Six Paths can be said to consider everything in the world for the ninja world. His consideration of this move has to be called exquisite.

As long as there are still tailed beasts and the existence of the Samsara Eye in the ninja world, Kaguya also has the possibility of resurrection, and the future ninja world also has another hope to deal with enemies from outside the world...


It is impossible for Kaguya to stay and treat the ninja world as a seedbed!

Because Kaguya Otsutsuki, the founder of chakra, will remain in a sealed state until the next crisis in the ninja world. Once a crisis occurs, Kaguya Otsutsuki can also be resurrected by the newcomers in the ninja world. This It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone!

"You bastard!"

Black Zetsu immediately understood what the Sage of Six Paths was thinking, and couldn't help but curse: "You and Hamura betrayed your mother, which led to the troubles in this world today... Now you actually want to seal your mother at this time, You want to use your mother as a tool to protect the ninja world!"


Otsutsuki Kaguya's body floated upward involuntarily. She ignored her enemy Akihara Kagura who was very close at hand, and just looked down at her son.

The Six Paths Immortal's eyes were calmer than ever before. He seemed to be a real god and had long lost any emotion in his heart.

Six Paths Immortal…

This is the title given to him by the humans in the ninja world.

Human beings in the ninja world worship him as a god, and he has therefore become a true god, a god who only considers the sake of all beings in the ninja world.


"Is that what you think?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya stared at her son, as if she could understand the meaning of the Six Paths Sage. She watched the Six Paths Sage's body gradually disappear and stretched out her hands.

A ball of chakra flew out from her palm and landed on the body of the Sage of Six Paths, making his increasingly transparent body gradually solidify!


The Immortal of Six Paths was a little puzzled.

"If that's the case, let's continue to live!"

"The war between our mother and son will never end..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya's expression instantly became indifferent. The black Zetsu in her sleeves flowed to the ground like liquid. The chakras of the tailed beasts also fell off her body and quickly turned into the Nine Tails. beast!


A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Akihara Kagura's mouth.

next moment!

Countless stones completely stuck to the bodies of Otsutsuki Kaguya and Akihara Kagura, sealing them in a stone ball at the same time!

Uchiha Sasuke raised his palm and warned in a deep voice: "Six Paths Sage, please be faster, they can break free at any time!"

"I see…"

The Immortal of Six Paths stretched out his hands and landed on the stone ball. He suddenly let out a low shout: "Six Paths Earth Exploding Star!"

This is the Six Paths Earth Explosion Star that has been activated by the chakra of all ninjas for thousands of years. At this moment, the entire space of the Beginning Sphere began to tremble violently!

Stones flew up from the ground, and Six Paths Sage's Earth Blast Star stuck tightly to Uchiha Sasuke's Earth Blast Star!

Under the seal of the double Earth Explosion Star, in just a few seconds, a planet far larger than the moon soon appeared in front of everyone!

This planet soon opened a gap in the space of the first sphere, and flew directly to the outer space of the ninja world. Meteorites along the way continued to stick to this planet!

"Let's get out of here."

The Sage of Six Paths saw that the space of the first ball was about to collapse, and looked at Hatake Kakashi: "Can I use the time and space technique now?"


Kakashi Hatake directly brought everyone present into the Kamui space, even the nine tailed beasts and Black Zetsu, and followed the crack opened by the Earth Explosion Star to directly use the Kamui space. Leave this space!

This world.

above this sea.

The souls of many dead are still waiting here.

When they saw Hatake Kakashi appear, their hearts suddenly tightened, thinking that only Hatake Kakashi survived.


Kakashi Hatake didn't waste much time, and quickly released the other people in the Kamui space. All the ninjas who went to join the battle survived.

This major crisis in the ninja world finally ended at this moment!

"Hagoromo, you bastard..."

Hei Jue looked at the illusory figure of the Immortal of Six Paths and couldn't help but cursed angrily: "You actually sealed my mother too..."

"Are you going to kill it?"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were cold and stern.

"No, let it live."

The Immortal of Six Paths shook his head. He watched Hei Jue's angry face turn into panic in an instant, and said calmly: "If there is another crisis in the future, maybe it will be needed to resurrect my mother..."

"At least…"

"Now the trouble with the enemy from beyond the sky is solved..."

The Immortals of Six Paths raised their heads and looked at the sky. A huge planet was slowly flying towards outer space in their sight...

The tidal waves on the sea are constantly stirring under the gravity of the planet. It seems that the enemy sealed inside has no way to break free of the seal.


At least the chakra gathered by these thousand-year-old ninjas was not in vain.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi·Explanation!"

Uchiha Sasuke raised his finger.

With Uchiha Sasuke's actions, the entire ninja world's infinite Tsukuyomi was untied at this moment. The vines of the sacred tree slowly withered and dissipated. All humans woke up at the moment the infinite Tsukuyomi was untied, as if they had done A long, long sweet dream.

This crisis can finally be declared over.

The Infinite Tsukuyomi crisis caused by Black Zetsu and the hunting ground crisis promoted by Akihara Kagura all ended at the moment when the Infinite Tsukuyomi was solved.

The Six Paths Sage returned to the gap between the pure land of the underworld and the real world, secretly waiting for the next crisis to come; the souls of the ninja world also returned to the pure land of the underworld one after another.

After the crisis ended, the five major ninja villages did not disband the ninja coalition, but completely united to guard against the next crisis they might encounter.

No one knows...

When will the next crisis occur...

No one knows...

Is there a new Akihara Kagura appearing in this world...

Konoha Village.

Inside the Konoha Orphanage.

Yakushi Nonou is still busy in the orphanage. She still has many children to take care of. However, Yakushi Kabuto's mental state seems to be getting worse and worse. He has never believed that Akihara Kagura is some kind of extraterrestrial enemy. He doesn't believe it. Akihara Kagura treats everyone as prey.

Kabuto Yakushi wiped his glasses over and over again, not wanting to believe the answer he knew from other people: "Dean Noonoyu, before Kagura's conspiracy was actually implemented, he took us out, no Hopefully we’ll be viewed with hostility by others…”

"But you're not..."

Medicine Master Noonoyu held up his glasses and asked softly: "I heard that you stole a piece of his bark. You already knew that he wanted to destroy the world, and you wanted to find an opportunity to give it to Tsunade. Sir, everything you did at that time was within his plan..."


Kabuto Yakushi put on his glasses, but he still couldn't stop the water mist on his glasses. His voice became a little sinister: "It was Kagura who handed the bark to me with his own hands. He told me what to do...but I You know, only by doing this will you not be regarded as an enemy by others..."


Pharmacist No Naiyu was silent and speechless.

"Kagura has long wanted to leave this world."

Kabuto Yakushi looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to find the star where Akihara Kagura was sealed: "Actually, Kagura never wanted to destroy this world, and he never said he wanted to kill anyone, otherwise He would never think of arranging all this for us..."


Kabuto Yakushi's expression gradually became serious, and he said solemnly: "I want to try to unlock Kagura's seal and rescue him from the Earth Blast Sky Star..."


Yakushi Nonoyu quickly stopped drinking Yakushi Kabuto!


Yakushi Kabuto looked at Yakushi Nonou and said softly: "Do you remember? Kagura sacrificed his life to prevent the two of us from being assassinated by Shimura Danzo. There is a precedent for this kind of thing. He is very It's possible that he deliberately sacrificed himself for the sake of peace in the ninja world..."


Outside the Konoha Orphanage.

The two figures who had been listening quietly fell into silence.

Uchiha Sasuke was wearing a root outfit. He took Orochimaru to rebuild the root, and wanted to come over and invite Yakushi Kabuto to join him. Unexpectedly, he heard these secrets mentioned by Yakushi Kabuto at this time.

"Could this be Akihara Kagura's conspiracy?"

Orochimaru's brows furrowed slightly, and his mind began to wander unconsciously: "At that time, before he launched his conspiracy, he prepared in advance the back-up plan that he might fail, so that we could be deceived and break his seal..."

"The possibility is really high."

Uchiha Sasuke frowned.

These ninjas have all experienced Akihara Kagura's multiple conspiracies, and they really can't bear to be fooled again, and are worried that they will fall into Akihara Kagura's schemes again.

Nothing else.

I'm really scared.

To be honest, rather than them possibly being fooled again, it would be more reassuring to keep Akihara Kagura sealed.

Akihara Kagura is too dangerous...

It really makes them afraid to take such risks again.


A familiar voice appeared behind Uchiha Sasuke and Orochimaru, gently advising them: "Don't be fooled again accidentally."

Naruto is almost over, these two are the end of it...

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