Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 347 Millennium Chakra! A part-time worker who has completed the entry test!

"Are you... kidding me?"

Listening to Akihara Kagura's words, Black Zetsu felt that he was being played by this guy again. He also thought that Akihara Kagura relied on some skills to always be one step ahead of them!


This guy relies on his huge chakra!

"Black Zetsu."

Otsutsuki Kaguya took a deep breath, and with a cold voice stopped Black Zetsu who wanted to argue with Akihara Kagura: "There is no need to say anything more now!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki completely recognized the reality of the situation.

Now it is impossible for me to escape the pursuit with the help of Tian Zhizhong, nor can I rely on Tian Zhizhong to fight Akihara Kagura. In the end, I have to return to the most primitive fighting!

Even if her chakra is not as good as Akihara Kagura...

Even if her fighting skills and experience are inferior to Akihara Kagura...

Otsutsuki Kaguya was not willing to hand over her chakra directly. Countless purple chakra fists drilled out from behind her, and even the sharp thorns that killed Ash Bones suddenly appeared on her body. It was useless, at this moment she was simply ready to fight with all her might!

Akihara Kagura slowly tapped her fingers and twisted her arms suddenly. Countless white chakra palms appeared behind him, and the bone spurs that killed the Ash Bones also came out of his body. He also had the same characteristics as Kaguya Otsutsuki. The bloody snare!


"Get rid of the largest prey first and give other prey time to gather..."

The figure of Akihara Kagura suddenly rushed towards Otsutsuki Kaguya. The figure turned into a streak of gray-white golden light and suddenly appeared in front of Otsutsuki Kaguya!

"Saw it!"

The veins on Otsutsuki Kaguya's face bulged. She saw Akihara Kagura's figure like golden light, but her movements were a bit unable to keep up at this moment!


Otsutsuki Kaguya's body was knocked out!

Bone spurs simply flew out from her body in an attempt to stop Akihara Kagura's pursuit, but the golden light mysteriously passed through the gap between the ashes of the killer, and appeared next to Kaguya again!

next moment!

Otsutsuki Kaguya's arm was suddenly pierced by Akihara Kagura's bone spur!

The ancestor of Chakra did not die under the ashes of the common murderer. Her body was inherently immortal, and even the blood inheritance snare could not kill her!


This seems to have caused her a lot of trouble!

A white object emerged from Kaguya Otsutsuki's body. The white object quickly flowed out from her wound and even began to spread on her body!


Hei Jue quickly wanted to remind his mother: "Is it because I just resurrected and I still can't control the chakra in my body..."

"No, it came just in time..."

The white object on Kaguya Otsutsuki quickly covered her body, and she said in a cold voice without caring: "With a human body size, I am no match for him..."


No more using human body shapes!

The white object on Otsutsuki Kaguya's body expanded extremely quickly, completely covering her body in the blink of an eye. The goddess Uno actually turned into a rabbit-shaped monster!

This is an extremely large rabbit. There is a striking Rinne Sharingan on the rabbit's forehead, and its whole body is the same color as White Zetsu!

This is Kaguya Otsutsuki's tailed beast transformation!

The Tailed Beast Transformation of the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki!

White palms emerged from the rabbit's body one after another, and they all grabbed towards Akihara Kagura's body. These white palms have extremely strong adsorption properties, and can absorb the opponent's chakra very quickly like Bai Zetsu!

A silver-white perfect Susanoo suddenly rose from Akihara Kagura's body. After the qualitative change of chakra, the body shape of this Susanoo also underwent earth-shaking changes. The thousand-meter-tall Susanoo Soar in the space of the first ball!

The sword flashed!

Akihara Kagura controlled Susanoo to draw the katana in his hand!

Following the shot of the katana, dozens of white lights were densely dazzling, and the huge Susanoo slashed dozens of swords with the giant blade!

next moment!

The outstretched palms of the ten-tailed rabbit were cut off!

Akihara Kagura controlled Susanoo to rush forward suddenly, and chopped the palm that was trying to reach out into countless pieces. The blade was already pointing directly at the head of the Ten-Tails!


The Ten-Tails roared and sprayed out a huge tailed beast jade!

Akihara Kagura controlled Susanoo and waved the sharp blade, cutting the tailed beast jade into two halves with one knife. The huge tailed beast jade split into two halves exploded in the space of the first ball in an instant!

The entire Beisphere space trembled!


Seeing that the Tailed Beast Jade has no use at all, a jet-black Taoist Jade came out directly from the back of the rabbit transformed into the Ten-Tails!

All the chakras of those who have been hit by the Infinite Tsukuyomi will be absorbed by it within the space of the first sphere. It will use those people's chakras to perform a ninjutsu that can destroy the world!

Expand the Taoist Jade!

This technique is enough to destroy a world!

Akihara Kagura's fingers stood up, and an equally huge Expanding Seeking Jade also gathered behind the white Susanoo. He could also use the Expanding Seeking Jade technique!

However, Akihara Kagura's swollen questing jade turned into a huge black sword in an instant. The white Susanoo stretched out his palm to hold the black sword, and suddenly slashed out at the swollen questing jade behind the Ten-Tails!


The explosion was deafening!

The yet-to-be-formed expanded Tao-Seeking Jade was directly detonated by a knife!

The entire space of the Beginning Sphere cracked inch by inch, as if it could not withstand an explosion of this level. Even the explosion of the expanding Qiudao Jade that had not yet formed was enough to destroy the world!

The Ten-Tails was a little embarrassed by the aftermath of the Qiudao Jade explosion. There were pitted wounds all over its body. The giant white rabbit fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment!

When it was about to continue taking action, the white Susanoo appeared in front of it waving the black sword in his hand, raised his hand and pointed the black sword at its head!

"That's it for now, Outlander!"

Just when the victory was decided, a figure glowing with blue light suddenly appeared under the black sword!

With the appearance of this figure, a thousand-meter-tall Susanoo suddenly appeared with a blue light all over his body. A blue samurai sword blocked the black sword that wanted to kill the ten-tailed rabbit. Come down!

The black giant sword controlled by Akihara Kagura's white Susanoo is made of the seeking jade, and only six-level ninjas can touch the seeking jade...

It's obvious.

The identity of the visitor is already obvious.

"It has been famous for a long time, Sage of Six Paths."

Akihara Kagura stood inside Susanoo's crystal, her brows furrowed slightly, and she controlled her own Susanoo and flew back with the black giant sword in hand!

Those who come…

It was none other than Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths.

This Sage of Six Paths gathered together the chakras of all ninjas over the millennia. Not only did he find the hidden space of Kaguya Otsutsuki, he even regained the strength to fight!

At that time, the Sage of Six Paths spread his chakra across the ninja world like sowing seeds, and thousands of years later, these seeds also gave him huge rewards!

Human reproductive capacity brings huge energy!

Even the Sage of Six Paths had to admit that the chakra gathered by countless ninjas over the past thousands of years not only allowed his remaining chakra to continue to exist, but even allowed him to obtain chakra that surpassed his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki. Finding the space in the Heavenly Palace is easy!


It's not too late for you to come.

The Immortal of Six Paths felt a little lucky in his heart.

If he arrives a step too late and Otsutsuki Kaguya's chakra is taken away by Akihara Kagura, it means that he may not be able to deal with Akihara Kagura...


Otsutsuki Kaguya's voice appeared in the ears of the Sage of Six Paths.

Otsutsuki Kaguya saw the remaining chakra of the Six Paths Sage appearing, and immediately withdrew from the Ten-tailed Beast Transformation. She looked at the blue Susanoo who defeated her thousands of years ago, and also looked at the aging face of the Six Paths Sage, It actually feels like a world away.


This is truly like a world away.

"So...are you that old already?"


There is only a little bit of chakra left...

Otsutsuki Kaguya can see the state of the Six Paths Sage. The current Six Paths Sage is just relying on the huge chakra to maintain his spiritual body.

The image of Otsutsuki Hagoromo makes Otsutsuki Kaguya feel particularly complicated. She hates and is angry that her child sealed her, but she also feels a little distressed that her child has ended up in such a situation, and even feels a little ashamed...


Otsutsuki Hagoromo's expression was still very calm.

Because even in ancient times, when Otsutsuki Hagoromo was still a young man, he had a stability and intelligence that was not consistent with his age. He had long been separated from the shackles of his family's thinking.

"Hagoromo, you are indeed still here!"

When Black Zetsu saw Otsutsuki Hagoromo appear, he scolded almost angrily: "If you and Hamura hadn't sealed my mother in order to rule the ninja world, this situation wouldn't have resulted in this situation! As a result, my mother faced Tenwai The enemy is not a rival!"

It's all Otsutsuki Hagoromo's fault!

If Otsutsuki Kaguya had not been sealed, she would definitely be able to continue cultivating the sacred tree, making the sacred tree more powerful and making herself stronger!


Everyone can feel how powerful Akihara Kagura is!

"It seems..."

"Your Excellency is well aware that I will appear..."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo ignored Black Zetsu, but his eyes fell on Akihara Kagura. What he was most concerned about was Akihara Kagura's question: "My residual chakra still remains in the ninja world, and is it also under your observation?" ?”

"Chakra's abilities are so weird..."

"Even a little residual chakra can be used..."

Akihara Kagura did not deny it, and took the initiative to say: "I just killed Naruto and Sasuke, the two chakra reincarnations, and let them see you on the edge of life and death. At that time, I didn't ask Sasuke to help with the conversation. Is it done?"

"It's really scary..."

The Immortal of Six Paths stared closely at Akihara Kagura, his expression extremely serious: "Just like your Excellency, you possess such power that it is unmatched by ordinary people, and you also have strategic wisdom that no one can detect at all..."

The eyes of the Sage of Six Paths became more and more solemn, and he asked himself in a deep voice: "I am a little worried that I have gathered all the chakra in the ninja world for thousands of years to fight with you. Is this what you expected..."

This question opens...

The atmosphere immediately became heavy.

Akihara Kagura looked at the face of the Sage of Six Paths and suddenly smiled: "Don't doubt your own thoughts, because I have been chasing Kaguya just to give you this opportunity..."


There was a little uneasiness on the face of the Immortal of Six Paths!

Because according to Akihara Kagura's past style, once Akihara Kagura's conspiracy is established, it will definitely succeed, and absolutely no one can escape his conspiracy!

Could it be...

Will you not be an exception?


"You really didn't disappoint me..."

Akihara Kagura looked at the Sage of Six Paths, chuckled and took the initiative to praise: "Now your strength is even beyond my imagination. I am not sure of solving you anymore. Why don't we have a good chat first..."

"Six Paths Sage, haven't you been worried about Kaguya?"

Akihara Kagura controlled the white Susanoo and raised the black giant sword, pointing at Kaguya Otsutsuki from a distance: "I will help you to completely solve the problem of Kaguya, so that she will not be resurrected again in the future..."

Want to make someone your boss...

Then this boss must be strong enough!

Akihara Kagura originally gave the Sage of Six Paths time to gather chakra and become stronger.

After all, the remaining chakra of the Sage of Six Paths can even summon the Kages of all generations from the pure land of the underworld...

"I will never trust you again."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at Akihara Kagura's smile. He knew that he had probably guessed it, and his heart became completely heavy: "No one in the entire ninja world will believe in you anymore, right? No matter the living or the dead, !”


Akihara Kagura's brows wrinkled slightly.

[System prompt]: No one in this world is suitable to be the host’s boss.

[System Hidden Tips]: [As long as you work hard, you will be appreciated by the leader system] The first test [Onboarding] has been completed. The host has learned how to choose the right boss and how to leave the wrong company, and the test rewards have been distributed.

(Attachment: An excellent part-time worker must learn to choose the company and boss that are most suitable for him. More than 50% of part-time workers cannot choose the right boss or leave the wrong company.)

[System prompt]: The host can choose to leave this world in a safe area at any time. Once it leaves this world, it will go to perform the second part-time worker test, and all the powers and systems gained in this world will be retained.

After Akihara Kagura was forced to load the system, the system provided him with two ways to leave the ninja world. The first way was to have Akihara Kagura be expelled from the entire ninja world, and the second way was to have Akihara Kagura be destroyed. The whole world…

Now based on the results, it seems that these two methods are actually just an answer, so that no one in this world can become Akihara Kagura's boss.

The two superiors, Kaguya Otsutsuki and Black Zetsu, have been removed. There must be no one in the ninja world who thinks that Akihara Kagura will be their subordinate. No one, living or dead, thinks that Akihara Kagura, a hunter from outside the world, would be willing to serve as their subordinate. Someone’s subordinate…

The only Immortal of Six Paths who still has hope of becoming a boss has now chosen to refuse...

Six Paths Immortal…

Don't even want to give it a chance.

This kind of…

Just being expelled from the world?

Akihara Kagura's forehead jumped, feeling that something was not right.


Why does this situation seem familiar?

Aren't these the workers who were blacklisted by the employer in their previous life?


Was he directly blacklisted by the ninja world for being dishonest?

"Psychic art!"

The Sage of Six Paths didn't know what Akihara Kagura was thinking. He was still worried that he might have fallen into a trap, so he raised his hand to summon people!

Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others were all summoned!

"did you find it?"

Uzumaki Naruto stood within the Susanoo crystal of the Sage of Six Paths. He saw Akihara Kagura and Kaguya Otsutsuki, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Then the next thing to do is to fight. Right?"

"The other party may have some conspiracy..."

The Sage of Six Paths looked at the living ninjas present and said in a deep voice: "I just gathered the chakras of all the ninjas in the ninja world for thousands of years. All of this is within the opponent's conspiracy. This battle may be more serious than we imagined. If it is difficult, I will go and talk to my mother, and we will work together to deal with the opponent..."

"Is there any more conspiracy..."

A group of Konoha ninjas were a little nervous.

Hatake Kakashi's eyelids also twitched.

Hatake Kakashi has been observing Akihara Kagura. He has always been the person most familiar with Konoha and Akihara Kagura. He looked at Akihara Kagura's brows frowning, not knowing what he was worried about.

after all…

Akihara Kagura rarely frowns...

Now that I think about it, this guy was probably faking it at the time.


at this time…

This guy seems to be really frowning...

"Is that guy... worried?"

Hatake Kakashi looked at Akihara Kagura's figure and remembered the past for a long time.


Hatake Kakashi soon lost his mood to think about it.

Akihara Kagura's frown quickly calmed down, and he seemed to have found a way to vent his emotions.

Akihara Kagura stared at the Six Paths Sage, controlled the white Susanoo to lift the Jade Black Sword, and pointed at the Six Paths Sage's Susanoo from a distance!

This chapter should be together with yesterday's chapter...but yesterday I was afraid that Quan Qin would just post 4,000 words.

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