Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 324 Commander-in-Chief of the Ninja Alliance, Ninja Demigod, Sansho Hanzo!

Akihara Kagura left.

There was silence in the entire Wujia conference room.

The Five Shadows present were silent for a long time and could not speak. Even all the ninjas present were speechless. They could only stand there with their heads bowed.

"Form the Ninja Alliance immediately."

Tsunade looked at the few Kages present and said in a deep voice: "That guy wants to become the enemy of the entire ninja world and let everyone participate in this war. Then as he wishes, declare war on him." Announcement to the entire ninja world!"

No objection was raised by anyone present.

Even though they knew that there was darkness ahead, they had to move forward according to the ideas formulated by Akihara Kagura, because Akihara Kagura was powerful and had a huge army in his hands.

no matter what…

No one can escape this war.

The five shadows present quickly passed the resolution to form a ninja coalition. They didn't even need to ask the daimyo for instructions and started arranging the ninja coalition in advance.

In addition to the ninjas from the five major countries, there are also a steady stream of ninjas from small countries joining in. The representative of these people is Sansho Hanzo.

Almost all positions were assigned quickly at this meeting.

The only trouble is...

The position of supreme commander of the Ninja Alliance.

None of the Five Kages present are opponents of Akihara Kagura, and no one has the shame to take a position against Akihara Kagura. The Fourth Raikage, the Third Tsuchikage, the Fifth Kazekage and the Fifth Mizukage all acted in a way The extremely fast speed was defeated by Akihara Kagura...

In comparison…

On the contrary, Tsunade, the Hokage, stands out.

Because Tsunade did not take action against Akihara Kagura, the Hokage did not lose to Akihara Kagura, and her identity was even more suitable.

after all…

From a relationship perspective…

Tsunade is the Hokage of Konoha.

Akihara Kagura is nothing but the Hokage assistant of Konoha.

"Hokage-dono is the most suitable candidate."

Sansho Hanzo took the initiative to propose, and even gave a very good reason: "You are Akihara Kagura's former boss. Only the Hokage sitting in this position can boost the morale of the ninja coalition. From a strategic point of view, it is just a crusade. A war against a rebel ninja in Konoha, at least just a crusade against a rebel ninja will make everyone determined to win..."


After Sanshouyu Hanzo finished speaking, he added another point: "This also has a disadvantage, which may cause the ninjas participating in the war to underestimate the enemy, and even the number of ninjas coming to participate in this war will decrease, because they may think that it is just Konoha Something…”

"But overall..."

"After all, this war is still led by the five major nations. The ninjas of the five major nations are the absolute main force in resisting this world-destroying war. Therefore, the Hokage's position as the supreme commander can be said to have more advantages than disadvantages..."


Tsunade's eyes were suddenly filled with gratitude.

At least Sansho Hanzo was willing to stand on her side, and even said this appropriate reason, without letting Tsunade take the initiative and think that she wanted to seize the power of the ninja alliance.

to be honest.

Tsunade wanted this position.

Because Tsunade is very aware of the current situation, she knows that this war urgently needs Uchiha Madara's participation. She cannot mobilize the man Uchiha Madara. She can only use the power of the supreme commander to mobilize ninjas to cooperate with Uchiha Madara...


The shadows present all seemed cautious.

Because they were afraid that what they said would be like the power struggle that Akihara Kagura had just accused them of, and they were especially worried about being forced into that position.

"Your Majesty Hanzo has a point."

The Fifth Kazekage Gaara expressed his approval, and he quickly raised his doubts: "I think Hanzo-dono said earlier that letting Hokage serve as the supreme commander can indeed boost morale, but the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits. …”

"This war involves the survival of the ninja world. No matter how careful the ninjas participating in this war are, they should at least know how powerful the enemy they face is. What we should do now is to find a way to gather more the power of…"


"I'm not trying to compete for this position."

The Fifth Kazekage Gaara's expression became much calmer, and his eyes scanned everyone present: "I'm just worried that this will make many ninjas think that this is Konoha's matter and they won't want to get involved. Over the years, Konoha has been suppressing Sunagakure Village, and the people in the village are very dissatisfied with Konoha. I still have to find a way to persuade the people in the village to participate in the war..."

"The Kirigakure Village... it's not convenient to agree."

The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei hesitated and raised his objection: "As Lord Hanzo and Lord Kazekage said, many people will not want to participate in this war because of this. Kirigakure Village does hate Akihara Kagura, but more ninjas also hate Looking at Konoha who has been suppressing Kirigakure..."

"On the first day after taking over, the Fifth Hokage launched a war against Kirigakure Village, and even ordered her Hokage assistants to capture Kirigakure Village within one day..."

"Now that the Hokage assistant has defected, even if his purpose is to destroy the ninja world, many people still think that the fifth Hokage formed a ninja coalition in order to kill his defected subordinates. Someone stopped me before I came to attend the meeting. …”

"To say something not nice..."

Terumi Mei sighed and expressed his difficulties: "Once they know that the fifth Hokage of Konoha is the commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition, I can only forcefully issue orders to force the ninjas in the village to participate in this war..."


Tsunade fell into silence.

In order to win this war, Tsunade did not dare to give up this position, nor did she dare to recommend others, because they may not be willing to cooperate with Uchiha Madara...

"As for the other Kage..."

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, looked at the other Kages present, and couldn't help but say: "It seems appropriate in terms of status and qualifications, but many people in the ninja world know that you were all prisoners of Akihara Kagura. It’s inevitable that I won’t be able to convince the public…”

"What can we do?"

The Fourth Raikage knew that he was not strong enough and would definitely be opposed as commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. He was too embarrassed to grab this position, so he could only curse in dissatisfaction: "At this time, we can't let Uchiha Madara become a ninja. Commander-in-chief of the coalition forces!"

This is a joke...

No one would think that the ninja alliance would obey Uchiha Madara...

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked back and forth at everyone present, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, now is not the time to hesitate. Even if the Fifth Kazekage serves as the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Alliance, it is just for encouragement. He is a young man, and his status is younger than Akihara Kagura. We can promote Mr. Kazekage as a rare young genius in the ninja world, and let him fight against Akihara Kagura..."


Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage's face immediately became embarrassed.

As Akihara Kagura's defeated general, he was even beaten by Akihara Kagura many years ago. His age and qualifications are very young, and he is still unable to convince the public in Sunagakure Village. How can he be embarrassed to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Alliance!

"There is another way..."

Tsunade's eyes fell on Sanho Hanzo and reminded in a deep voice: "Akihara Kagura has always been known as the God of Ninja in the ninja world. We can let the former ninja demigod Sanho Hanzo serve as the commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition. handsome…"

This matter is extremely beneficial to Konoha!

If he serves as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, he will inevitably make the ninjas in Kirigakure, Sunagakure, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure villages dissatisfied. He might as well push someone who is friendly to him!

At least the old man Sanshouyu Hanzo will not veto his proposal, and will even agree with his opinion for the sake of the overall situation. Moreover, the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition is just a vacant position. After all, the real decision-maker is the Five Shadows...

"A ninja demigod challenges a ninja god?"

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki glanced at Sansho Hanzo.

"I agree too."

The Fourth Raikage also had a good impression of Sansho Hanzo. At least Sansho Hanzo helped stop two of his subordinates when his bodyguard was recklessly dying.

One of the guards…

But he was trained as the Fifth Raikage!

This affection alone is enough for the Fourth Raikage to support!

What's more, the old man Sansho Hanzo's character and quality have been convinced by them. At least they don't have to worry about Sansho Hanzo deliberately deceiving people!


Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, also agreed.


Terumi Mei, the Fifth Mizukage, also voted in favor.

Rather than letting Tsunade serve as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, they would rather vote for Sansho Hanzo. This ninja demigod also has the courage to die with Akihara Kagura.

"I'm already getting older..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo shook his head and objected: "I have decided to fight with Mifune, the samurai leader of the Iron Kingdom..."

"Lord Hanzo."

"You are the perfect candidate."

"The power of ninja demigods cannot be guessed by ninjas..."

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, spoke softly to persuade: "Perhaps I am too young and what I said is a bit unpleasant, but the commander of the coalition forces is just a demigod who challenged the God of Ninja. At least everyone knows about this war. It’s serious…”


This is quite appropriate.

Because Sansho Hanzo's reputation and contribution were great enough, he had been working hard to stop Akihara Kagura, and even took the initiative to gather a large number of ninjas and samurai from small countries for the Ninja Alliance.


This old man is not a shadow of the five major countries.

No matter if the shadow of any other big country's ninja village takes the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, it will more or less make the ninjas of other villages very dissatisfied. Sanshouyu Hanzo, the leader of the small country's ninja village, will not cause so much Exclusion.

As long as it doesn't cause too much rejection...

This candidate can be accepted by more ninjas.

at last…

Sanshouyu Hanzo is not weak.

In addition to the Second Ninja World War, Sansho Hanzo even challenged the ninja villages of three major countries. Even if he lost, he ensured the integrity of the Land of Rain and the Hidden Rain Village.

Even at this time, the title of ninja demigod hanging on Sansho Hanzo's head is old, but he can still use it to fool people.

After weighing the pros and cons…

Sansho fish Hanzo seems to be the most suitable candidate?


Sanshouyu Hanzo could not refuse and had to accept other people's proposals, but he took the initiative to propose another idea: "If I were to be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, I would not be able to have more energy to participate in the war at my age... "


The Five Shadows all said that the commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition thought too much.


Sanshouyu Hanzo directly proposed a strategy, and his eyes dimmed a little: "Everyone, you might as well use me as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces in the war as bait..."

"According to the arrogant ideas of that young man, Akihara Kagura, he will definitely lead his army to attack me directly. I can use the toxin of the Sanshou fish to kill the kid's army as much as possible, and the ninja coalition can attack his army from the rear..."

When the coalition commander took office...

He had already thought about his own sacrifice...

The Five Kages present fell silent after hearing Sansho Hanzo's words. They had to think that the strategy proposed by Sansho Hanzo was very feasible...

"Lord Hanzo..."

Tsunade quickly stopped Sansho Hanzo's thoughts and took the initiative to say: "It's too early to mention your sacrifice now. We have more important things to discuss..."


This coalition commander will support himself.

Tsunade immediately took the opportunity to express her hope that the Ninja Alliance could communicate with Uchiha Madara, because Uchiha Madara was the strongest force against Akihara Kagura in this battle.

Other than that…

Tsunade also raised the issue of protecting the Kyuubi and Eight-Tails.


It depends on whether the Eight-Tails of Hidden Cloud Village will be there when the Fourth Raikage returns.

If the Eight-Tails is still alive, both the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Rabbi Kiri and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Naruto must hide in advance to avoid being found by Akihara Kagura and resurrecting the Ten-Tails...

There is also the issue of the Ninja Alliance Headquarters...

to be honest…

Nowhere in the Ninja Alliance Headquarters feels safe...

Because several other ninja villages have been captured by Akihara Kagura, the only Konoha village that has not been captured. Akihara Kagura has served as a high-level leader of Konoha for so many years and knows Konoha village well. If he wants to return to Konoha village, is he? Like going back to your own home?


The coalition headquarters is still located in Yunyin Village.

Because the towering Cloud Hidden Village can at least avoid Bai Zetsu's sudden attack.

The Ninja Alliance's army was also briefly divided. It was impossible for them to organize more branches at this time, so they could only divide them as roughly as possible.


Tsunade still raised a question, but she still had some hidden worries in her heart: "I don't know if it's my misunderstanding. I'm always worried about Akihara Kagura's other conspiracy..."

"It has reached this level..."

The Fourth Raikage frowned and said in a deep voice: "The entire ninja world is going to gather to attack him. Is there any need for that guy to create any conspiracy?"

"Even if he really has some conspiracy..."

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, shook his head and took the initiative to comfort them: "It's impossible for us to think about this now. We have no chance to retreat..."

"no matter what…"

Sanshouyu Hanzo looked at the Five Kages present and declared in a deep voice: "We must all abandon all the past grudges and unite to stop that guy's conspiracy to destroy the ninja world. That little guy has declared war..."

"In addition to fighting..."

"We have no choice!"

It makes sense!

It makes sense! !

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