Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 323 The last ninja war begins from this moment!

This guy…

What a good intention!

At this time, I am still worried about the dispute between the five shadows!

However, everyone present could hear the ridicule in Akihara Kagura's words, and even knew that this guy even appeared at the Five Shadows Conference, just to show off his power!

"You guy..."

Tsunade clenched her fists.

"Thunder Escape: Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

The Fourth Raikage jumped up neatly, with electric arcs flashing all over his body, and with a face full of rage, he raised his arms and rushed towards Akihara Kagura!

This Fourth Raikage is extremely fast!

However, Akihara Kagura just raised one of her fingers. The Thunder Release Chakra on her fingertips glowed blue, and her finger directly met the chest of the Fourth Raikage!

"Hell Thrust·Ipponsen Hand!"

Hell Thrust is Cloud Hidden Village's most powerful secret attack technique!

Among them, the levels of Hell's Thrust are four genshou, three genshou, two genshou and the strongest one genshou. When using one genshou with one finger, its aggressiveness will reach its maximum. Strong, its cultivation is also the most difficult!

Even the Fourth Raikage has never successfully practiced this technique!

The Thunder Chakra on Akihara Kagura's fingers was as sharp as a ninja sword, and it instantly penetrated the Fourth Raikage's Thunder Chakra defense, and also penetrated his chest in an instant!

Blood splashed out directly!

The Fourth Raikage's body flew upside down and fell to the ground!

This Raikage was directly defeated by the strongest attack secret technique of Yunyin Village!

Being defeated by the secret technique of his own village made the Fourth Raikage feel particularly humiliated. This kind of technique that no one in his own village could learn was mastered by the enemy!

"Lord Raikage!"

The two guards of the Fourth Raikage quickly landed next to him, looking at the injury of the Fourth Raikage with worry, and looking at the wound on the chest of the Fourth Raikage with horror!

Tsunade hurriedly jumped to the Fourth Raikage's side and observed the Raikage's injuries. A ball of green chakra emerged from her palm and healed the Raikage's wounds.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious..."

"Of course, I act very measuredly."

Akihara Kagura looked back at Tsunade who was being treated, tilted her head slightly and chuckled: "If Tsunade-sama's medical ninjutsu cannot save Raikage's life, I will also be willing to help my defeated generals heal. …”

" guy..."

The Fourth Raikage was so angry and anxious that he opened his mouth and vomited blood!


Tsunade quickly shouted to the Fourth Raikage in a low voice. When she was treating the patient's wounds, she didn't want the patient to die on his own!


Akihara Kagura shrugged.

The two Raikage guards rushed over angrily!

However, a figure suddenly flashed out and held out his hand to stop them: "You are still young, don't sacrifice your lives here, concentrate on taking care of Lord Raikage."

Sanshouyu Hanzo flew down next to them, took out the scythe from his back, and looked at Akihara Kagura with vigilance: "I will keep an eye on him here..."

"He is humiliating Yunyin Village..."

One of the Raikage guards doesn't want to retreat yet!

Sanshouyu Hanzo did not look back, and taught in a deep voice: "If you can't even endure this humiliation, how can you stop this war that will destroy the ninja world?"

"Your Excellency Hanzo, there is no need to be particularly nervous..."

Tsunade reminded Sansho Hanzo in a low voice: "Akihara Kagura probably didn't come here to kill people, she just came here to show off her power and undermine our morale..."

"I also know this..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo glanced at the conference room and lowered his voice: "All the Kages present have been defeated, and no one else can be his opponent..."

"Now please, Mr. Hokage, lead everyone to retreat and seal this conference room. I will entangle this guy, let go of my poison sac, and try to die with him..."

"Lord Hanzo!"

Tsunade exclaimed in surprise.

"I have considered it from the beginning..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo raised his head, looked at Akihara Kagura sitting on the high platform, and whispered: "I have considered that maybe he will come to disrupt the meeting. This was also considered at the beginning of the construction of the entire conference room. As long as the conference room If it is sealed from the outside, it will be in a sealed state. The Sanshu fish toxin I release will be completely sealed in the conference room, and I can die with the enemy..."

"This guy!"

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki looked at Sansho Hanzo in astonishment.

As a contemporary, Onoki thinks that he can sacrifice everything and even his own life for Iwagakure Village, but he cannot be as ready to sacrifice as Sansho Hanzo!

"Low-level means..."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and he clicked on Tsunade behind Sansho Hanzo: "Do you want to ask Tsunade-sama behind her if she thinks this method is reliable?"

"Lord Hanzo!"

There was a hint of respect on Tsunade's face, but she had to follow Akihara Kagura's words and reminded Sansho Hanzo: "Akihara Kagura is good at time and space magic. This method will not stop him, it will only make you Sacrifice in vain…”

"even so…"

Sanshouyu Hanzo's voice was muffled in the gas helmet, and he said dullly: "I am already a dying old man, and I don't have much time left in my life. I have to do something for you younger generations..."


A thin layer of sweat formed on Tsunade's nose.

"This old guy..."

Orochimaru had to grit his teeth. He remembered the time when he had a confrontation with Sansho Hanzo: "It's always like this!"

"This is the power of a ninja demigod..."

Jiraiya sighed, admiring Hanzo's size.

Even if the old man knew that his sacrifice was in vain, he still used his life to open a path for other ninjas...

Sansho Hanzo, the demigod revered by the ninja world, always seems to be like this.

When he was at his peak, he was an invincible ninja in the ninja world, but he would let go of his juniors who lost to him, thinking that they would grow up to be even better in the future...

However, when he was in his old age, he always spared his own life, as if his aging body had nothing to cherish...

This man…

His whole life he seemed to be ahead of everyone else.

This man…

His life seemed to be a benchmark for outstanding ninjas.

Even the Kage from other Ninja Villages, seeing Sansho Hanzo who had long been prepared to sacrifice for this, had to admit that they were not as good as Sansho Hanzo!

When he was young, he was willing to teach and challenge his juniors, and when he was old, he was even willing to sacrifice his life for those juniors who had grown up!

The only pity is...

Sanshouyu Hanzo is a ninja of Amegakure Village.

However, even though he is the leader of the small country's ninja village, Yuyin Village, he still has the respect of everyone at this moment.

"It's such a huge waste to let such an excellent ninja die..."

Akihara Kagura shook her head and sighed softly: "Hanzo, even if you are old and frail, an outstanding ninja like you should have a place even in the new world I created..."

"I've lived long enough."

Sansho Hanzo rejected Akihara Kagura's good intentions.

"You deserve more time..."

Akihara Kagura chuckled and stood on the high platform overlooking everyone present: "Let's end the chat! I've had enough of this excitement..."

"Originally, I have made it clear that I came here and I don't want the memories of the old days to be scattered all over the place. But after thinking about it, maybe I should tell you clearly in more straightforward words. I hope you can accept yourself. fate."

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm and said softly: "More than a thousand years have passed since the birth of this new world until now. The war has never stopped. Even the first Hokage Senju Hashirama ended the troubled times. , and it can't change the smoke that fills the sky over the ninja world now. I'm talking about more than just big countries like you..."


"It's time to end this."

"Kagura...what are you going to do?"

Jiraiya looked at his disciple nervously.

Now Jiraiya couldn't tell what his disciple wanted to do at all. His chakra quickly condensed, fearing that Akihara Kagura would suddenly change his mind and start killing people here!

Once Akihara Kagura kills everyone here...

I don’t know how long it will take for the five major ninja countries to unite!

"It's just a declaration of war..."

Akihara Kagura lowered her head and looked down at everyone present, and said casually: "But I need you to help me bring this declaration of war to the whole world..."

"I am at this moment..."

"Declaring war on the entire ninja world."


Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Although they all know that Akihara Kagura has become a public enemy of the ninja world, this guy is so blatantly declaring war on the whole world...


It’s still a bit scary!

"Please help me tell the entire ninja world."

Akihara Kagura tilted her head and looked at them, and said slowly: "Whether it is the ninjas from the five major national ninja villages, other small national ninja villages, or those ninjas who are still wandering outside, please be sure to come and participate in this war... "

"after all…"

"This will be the last war in the entire Old World."

"This war is not a continuation of the struggle for interests in the old era, but the beginning of the creation of the new world witnessed by all ninjas in the ninja world..."

"I will completely cleanse the world of pain and tragedy in this war, and the ninja world that endlessly pursues profits will also usher in its end..."

"If nothing else happens..."

"You ninjas from the old era probably still want to prove that you have the meaning of existence, and you are not willing to become the sorrow of the old era's destruction and the nourishment for the birth of the new era..."

"I'll give you one last chance."

"If you can give up the meaningless fighting between you, gather all the ninjas in the ninja world to fight against me; if you can give up the killing and fighting for profit, and do everything you can to fight for a glimmer of peace for this remaining era. of vitality…”

"I'll give you this chance."

Akihara Kagura raised her head, seeming to be imagining the outcome of this war: "I also hope that I can see all the people in the memory of the old era choosing to die vigorously, instead of everyone hiding like rats in the sewer. Hiding until an inexplicable attack erased all traces of his existence..."

"Do you think you are certain to win..."

A ninja from Iwagakure responded with sweat on his forehead.

"Victory is natural."

Akihara Kagura shook his head and said contemptuously: "Even if countless ants gather together, how can they possibly damage the feathers of the eagle in the sky?"

"What's more..."

"If you can really do it..."

Akihara Kagura's eyes narrowed slightly, and their eyes gradually became so sharp that no one dared to look at them: "If you can completely give up fighting and killing for profit, you will no longer risk your lives for a little profit. , everyone is going to fight desperately for the dawn of peace in the ninja world, so that my plan will be shattered, and my body will die under your sword..."

"What I got..."

"It's definitely not a failure..."


Jiraiya's expression suddenly changed!

this moment…

This man suddenly remembered something!

When he traveled around the ninja world with Akihara Kagura, he stayed in Sunagakure Village for a while. Akihara Kagura offered to help train Gaara, the one-tailed jinchūriki of Sunagakure Village, and used the powerful force from the outside world to force Gaara. Luo and the tail inside him unite...

that time…

They once mentioned a possibility...

When all the ninjas in the entire ninja world face the same threat, can the ninja world unite at that time and eliminate their internal disputes...


Jiraiya's mind suddenly went blank!

This disciple…

Could it be that you want to do that?

Did he want to use himself to become the enemy that the entire ninja world was forced to unite to face? Jiraiya looked at his disciple with fear in his eyes!


"We won...he didn't lose...if we lost..."

Jiraiya thought calmly for a second, and his eyes dimmed instantly. Because they won the war, Akihara Kagura could also verify an experimental idea he had in the past...

However, if these ninjas lose the war, Akihara Kagura gains the power to destroy and re-create the world. This guy may actually destroy the world and re-create it, achieving another of his goals!

No one dares to gamble!

No matter how brave Jiraiya is, he wouldn't dare to bet!

Even a gambler like Tsunade who is not afraid of losing would not dare to bet on all this!

"That's all."

After Akihara Kagura finished telling everything he wanted to say, his body gradually merged into the shadow beneath him, and his voice became cold and ruthless again.


"Go tell everyone in this world..."

"It doesn't matter now whether this is the Fourth Ninja War or the Fifth Ninja War. For this era, this Ninja War is the last..."

Akihara Kagura's body completely sank into the shadow, and his voice echoed coldly in this five-cornered meeting. His voice continued to echo in this closed meeting room!

"Go tell them..."

"The last ninja war... begins at this moment!"

Make up for it!

This declaration of war is not smooth no matter how I write it...

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