Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 297 The prison on the edge of the wheel tomb! Bark!

Chapter 297 Wheel Tomb·Border Prison! Bark!

Inside Konoha Village.

Streams of hot white smoke floated from Uchiha Madara's body.

The corners of this man's mouth curled up, and the samsara eyes that had been reincarnated in the dirt seemed to fall out of their sockets like shreds of paper. His eyes became pitch black and he was completely blind.


This still can't stop Uchiha Madara's pleasure!

Because he could feel the vitality in his body reviving. It was no longer a piece of paper and ashes that made him feel empty, but a real and vibrant body!

What comes with it…

Of course it was severe pain!

Several black rods were still inserted into his body!

These pains may be difficult for other people to even support their will, but this pain brings endless pleasure, making Uchiha Madara truly feel that he has become a living person. These pains are just a little bit of resurrection. Just for decoration!

Uchiha Madara pulled out the black stick on his body, and the wound was healing quickly. His body actually had a very powerful self-healing ability!

"kill him…"

Tsunade realized the opportunity immediately!

Compared with ninjas reincarnated from the dirty land, living people are obviously easier to kill. As long as Uchiha Madara is still within the category of the living, then they have hope to kill Uchiha Madara!


Uchiha Madara is at his most vulnerable now!

Uchiha Madara does not have the Sharingan and Rinnegan in his eye sockets and cannot use many abilities. They may not have a chance to kill Uchiha Madara!

Although Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu and Akihara Kagura are not the same group, they are also enemies that endanger the ninja world, and they are also areas that must be cleaned up!

The Konoha Sannin swarmed towards Uchiha Madara!

However, Madara Uchiha reached out and took off the heavy red armor on his body. His body was extremely flexible and strong, and his powerful arm hit Jiraiya with one blow!

Jiraiya was knocked straight out!

Uchiha Madara's body turned upside down, turned over and kicked Orochimaru on the other side, kicking away the man who wanted to raise his hand to release the long snake!


Tsunade waved her fist and hit it!

Uchiha Madara raised his arms and endured Tsunade's strange strength, and his body flew out involuntarily!


Uchiha Madara fell directly into the ruins!

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya quickly spit out a ball of flames towards the ruins!

"Thunder Release·Thunderbolt!"

Orochimaru also spit out a thunderbolt towards the ruins!

Fire and thunder intertwined and instantly flooded the ruins. There was a violent explosion in the ruins, and a tall Susanoo rose from the ruins!

This scene immediately shocked everyone!

Everyone present was a little horrified by Uchiha Madara's terror!

"Can you turn on Susanoo without eyes?"

Tsunade watched with shock on her face as the tall Susanoo jumped up from the ruins and landed in front of them again!

How can this be!

If so, what should they do?

"The Mangekyo Sharingan is just the key to unlocking or learning Susanoo..."

Senju Tobirama watched this scene and said solemnly: "It seems that for Uchiha who has already activated Susanoo, it is like the elder brother's Bokuren Jutsu is created by the Wooden Chakra. Susanoo is just a change in the nature of the Yin attribute chakra turning virtual into real..."

This is Senju Tobirama's guess.

However, Senju Tobirama's guess was immediately recognized by Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara's eyes were closed tightly, but there was a hint of ridicule on his face: "Tobirama, you really understand Uchiha..."

It's really ironic to say that.

Many Uchiha may not be able to understand the mechanism of the Sharingan like Senju Tobirama. Uchiha Madara even got it from Uchiha Sasuke. Senju Tobirama has questions about why Uchiha opens the Sharingan. Analyzed…

This guy who has always considered himself Uchiha's enemy, and even the most hated man in the Uchiha clan, is actually the person who understands Uchiha best!


"You are not Uchiha after all..."

Uchiha Madara spread his palms and said with a sneer: "With just a little outside research, one can never understand how many secrets the Uchiha clan hides..."

"Black Zetsu."

Uchiha Madara stretched out his palm, and his Susanoo quickly dissipated. He stood not far in front of Nagato and ordered loudly: "Bring me the Rinnegan here. Now I want to use it." Samsara Eye battle..."


Black Zetsu raised his hand and directly pulled out a Rinnegan Eye from Nagato's body, and directly took the Rinnegan Eye to swim to Uchiha Madara's side!

"Don't try to succeed!"

Countless origami paper flew out from Konan's body, and each origami paper turned into dense paper shurikens, trying to kill Black Zetsu on the spot!

Others also swarmed up in an instant and rushed towards Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara, who has not yet used the Rinnegan Eye, has such terrifying power. Once this guy gets the Rinnegan Eye, how much will his combat power increase? !

Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato also wanted to take action at the same time. Even Senju Hashirama hesitated for a while and wanted to rush in the direction of Uchiha Madara!


Both Akihara Kagura and Uchiha Madara will harm the ninja world.

They should belong to the Destruction Faction affiliated with Akihara Kagura, while Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu belong to another faction that wants to harm the ninja world.

Both factions are hostile to each other...

Senju Tobirama's thoughts are very simple. He also wants to take advantage of Akihara Kagura's opportunity to fight Uchiha Madara and get rid of Uchiha Madara...

Uchiha Madara has always been hostile and even wants to kill Senju Tobirama. Why doesn't Senju Tobirama not want to get rid of Uchiha Madara as soon as possible?


Their actions were controlled instantly!

Senju Tobirama doesn't quite understand Akihara Kagura's thoughts.

Through their spiritual connection, Senju Tobirama asked the question to Akihara Kagura who controlled him: "Now is a good opportunity for us to kill Uchiha Madara..."

"Madara Uchiha is a necessary tool."

Akihara Kagura's voice was very calm, and she continued casually: "On the contrary, there are huge secrets hidden in the bark of the Senju clan. Taking away that piece of bark is the most important thing. Once Madara Uchiha knows about the bark, The secrets on the Internet will hinder my plan..."

"What's the secret on that piece of bark?"

Thousand Hands Feijian was a little incomprehensible, and shouted in a deep voice: "Your tribe once betrayed the Thousand Hands clan for that piece of tree bark, and you still refuse to tell them now?"

"On the bark of the tree are the secrets of the Sage of Six Paths."

Akihara Kagura finally revealed some key information. He continued softly: "That is the biggest secret in the world. It records the secrets of the Six Paths Sage family, the origins of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, and also records The darkness of the Six Paths Immortal is recorded, and the secret of becoming a new generation of Six Paths Immortal is recorded..."


Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama were both stunned.

No one in the ninja world has ever peeked into the ancient history. People only know that the Six Paths Sage created the world and also created the prosperous Ninja Sect in the ancient times...


Akihara Kagura told them...

That bark contains so much information from ancient times!

There are even records of the dark secrets in the minds of ninjas about the most perfect god, the Six Paths Sage. Once these contents are really leaked, it will definitely set off a storm in the ninja world!

Akihara Kagura was still fishing slowly, but he just used the connection between the reincarnated person and the caster to explain his reasoning to them: "Once Madara Uchiha gets the secret on the bark, he will definitely Will give up his plan, but this will hinder my plan..."


Senju Tobirama raised an important question: "If we don't prevent Uchiha Madara from getting the Samsara Eye, his increased strength will definitely take away the bark..."

"Then there's nothing I can do."

There seemed to be some helplessness in Akihara Kagura's voice: "Uchiha Madara must get his Samsara Eye in order to continue his plan. Can't you and Uchiha Madara join forces to deal with Konoha, one party will get the bark, and the other will get the Samsara Eye. ?”


Senju Hashirama said weakly: "To deal with little guys like Tsuna and the others... do you still need me and Madara to join forces?"

"forget about it."

Akihara Kagura didn't care either. His thoughts seemed to be all about the bark of the Senju clan: "You must take away the bark, and you must also let Uchiha Madara get the Samsara Eye..."

Inside Konoha Village.

The fierce fighting continues.

Others attacked Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu crazily, not wanting Uchiha Madara to get the Rinnegan Eye like this, even if Black Zetsu only had one Rinnegan Eye in his hand!

"Hei Zetsu, hide!"

Uchiha Madara's fingers suddenly stood up, forming a hand seal, and his face suddenly became cold: "Fire Release: Dust Hidden Technique!"

A cloud of high temperature and thick smoke instantly spit out from his mouth!

This high-temperature thick smoke instantly enveloped everyone around it, and the thick smoke also directly triggered a violent explosion, blowing everyone present away!

Black Zetsu hurriedly fled underground with the Rinnegan just a second before Uchiha Madara released the Dust Hidden Jutsu. It was not until the battle was over that it crawled out.

Uchiha Madara slowly reached out and took the Rinnegan Eye handed over by Black Zetsu, and stuffed the Rinnegan Eye into his eye socket. His healing power quickly healed the wound in the eye. The reincarnation eye also allowed him to regain his light...

"This samsara eye is mine."

Uchiha Madara stroked his eyes, seeming to cherish the light he had regained: "Only I can truly exert the power of the Samsara Eye. When the brat Nagato used it, it still made it a little bit humiliated..."


Everyone present looked at Uchiha Madara who had regained his eyes. Everyone could feel that Uchiha Madara's aura was a little different.

"huh huh huh huh…"

Uchiha Madara saw the situation clearly. He looked at the messy Konoha Hospital with interest, at a group of Konoha ninjas with fearful faces, and at the solemn-looking Senju Hashirama!


I achieved my goal!

As long as he can be resurrected and regain the Samsara Eye, the plan is still under his control, and he can carry out the next plan without any scruples!

As for Akihara Kagura who wants to take advantage of him...

Madara Uchiha suddenly laughed, and his laughter gradually became arrogant and arrogant: "Hahahaha... Hashirama, and the kid who controls you behind the scenes, I won after all this time... Whether it's the reincarnation eye or the moon Eye Project…”

"It's all mine!"

Uchiha Madara suddenly clenched his fist!

"From this moment on..."

Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly tightened, and his expression became a little eerie: "Let the world know that the fate they have to accept has come!"


Senju Hashirama didn't know what to say.

However, Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato were so fast that they pounced directly on the piece of bark that fell to the ground at some point!


Black Zetsu's expression also became somewhat respectful. It carefully watched the piece of bark being fought for. In order to continue to maintain Madara's trust, he took the initiative to say: "That piece of bark may record the history of the ninja world." secret…"

"I have seen those from the clan's stone tablets..."

Uchiha Madara chuckled without realizing it, as if he was not particularly interested in the bark. Looking at the movements of Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato, he smiled contemptuously: "But, just treat it as a piece of wood." The winner deserves a collection!”

"Want to take it?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes raised slightly, and the pupils of the Rinnegan trembled: "Then let's experience the true power of the Rinnegan! Rinnagamb and Border Prison!"


Senju Tobirama quickly reminded him.


There was silence.

Because nothing happened.

Uchiha Madara seemed to have just said the name of his technique. This technique seemed to have no effect, and there was even no chakra fluctuation from the technique in this area.

Everyone was surprised by Uchiha Madara's actions.

The next second!

Thousands of Tobirama suddenly flew out!

The former Second Hokage Senju Tobirama received a heavy blow, as if he was suddenly hit by an invisible person. He was kicked away without even the slightest ability to fight back!

Namikaze Minato instantly raised his palm and pressed a Rasengan in front of him. He thought that his opponent might be able to become invisible!


The Rasengan fell into the void.

Namikaze Minato's neck suddenly received a blow!

The invisible enemy hit Namikaze Minato's neck with a heavy blow, causing Namikaze Minato's body to fall directly to the ground!

"There is absolutely no sign..."

Namikaze Minato's body was lying on the ground, still thinking hard about what he did wrong: "I have tried to judge the opponent's attack path, but there is no chakra fluctuation, not even the air flow before the attack. fluctuation…"


Senju Tobirama hurriedly squatted on the ground, trying to use his chakra perception to see who was attacking him.


No trace of anyone was found.

Maybe he wasn't an invisible person, but was attacked by some inexplicable magic?

"Madara, is this your ability?"

Senju Tobirama suddenly looked at Uchiha Madara, the man he was most afraid of, the man most likely to use this strange ability.

Senju Tobirama rushed towards the bark again, this time he was extremely calm and careful, ready to use the Flying Thunder God to avoid the attack at any time!


The attack came again without any sign!

Senju Tobirama's body was sent flying backwards again!

Just when Senju Hashirama wanted to make any move, or even just when his palms came together, his arms were inexplicably thrown behind his back by the air, and were inexplicably restrained!

"I said that."

"This time, I won."

Uchiha Madara walked towards the piece of bark lying on the ground with a cold and arrogant face.

Black Zetsu followed Uchiha Madara cautiously, hoping to take the opportunity to pry out the secrets on the bark of the tree together.

too difficult…

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