Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 296 Do you think you have escaped the fate of becoming a chess piece?

Black Jue was very proud.

Because it found an excellent opportunity to possess Nagato's body, its Yin-Yang Escape ability allowed it to easily control Nagato's body.

This was a particularly happy and proud moment for Black Zetsu.

Even if Black Zetsu thinks this is just a preview before the curtain rises, it still has some pleasure in playing with people's hearts and does not hide what it and Uchiha Madara did to Nagato.

"Ever since you were a child, Madara was worried that his reincarnation eye would lose its vitality like his own life, so he transplanted the reincarnation eye into your body..."


"Because of the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan, the chakra vitality in your body is sufficient, and you can also use your chakra and vitality to harness the power in the samsara eye..."

"In order to avoid wasting your life and to make the plan successful, I have been secretly controlling your life. The first-generation Akatsuki organization that prompted you and Yahiko to establish was something Obito and I did in secret..."

"While Hanzo Sansho and Danzo Shimura were encircling you, the first generation members of the Akatsuki organization were also wiped out. This is what Obito and I did in secret..."

"Only in this way…"

"Having experienced the pain of this world, you will obediently follow the temptation to collect tailed beasts and execute the Eye of the Moon plan..."


Nagato's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even Xiaonan froze in shock!

No one is willing to admit that their life is controlled by others, but their steps that they think are firm and forward are being held up like a puppet on a string.

This truth…

It's too cruel for them!

When Nagato and Konan learned from Black Zetsu that their past lives had been manipulated, everything in their past disintegrated like pieces in their brains!

Their lives…

It's like a play whose performance has been written in advance.


But they knew nothing about it.

The eyes of a group of Konoha ninjas looking at Nagato and Konan slowly revealed sympathy. They could understand the feelings of Nagato and Konan...

"What the hell..."

There was a suffocating breath suppressed in Nagato's throat. He tried his best to regain control of his body. A flash of madness flashed in Samsara's eyes: "I don't believe it! Yahiko is real, and Akatsuki's past is also real. Yes, I also exist!"

"It is what it is."

"Your eyes were given to you by Madara."

"If Madara wants, he can easily take it away at any time."

When Black Zetsu said this, he smiled proudly and said: "There has never been reality in this ninja world. Everything is just an illusory dream. Nagato, when you were secretly controlling Pain to rule the Akatsuki organization, The god who thinks he is controlling everything behind the scenes..."

"But in reality..."

"You are just a chess piece controlled by us..."

Black Zetsu controlled Nagato and slowly put his palms together, and his voice gradually became colder and said: "If it weren't for that brat Akihara Kagura who wanted to seize the reincarnation eye, you would have collected the so-called tailed beast's resurrection according to our established trajectory. Weapons of war…”

"that time…"

"I will control you to resurrect Madara..."

"it is a pity."

"You did not meet our requirements, and you were defeated by Akihara Kagura before you even collected all the tailed beasts. You even hid in Konoha, a village you have hated since childhood, and were given alms by your enemies like a beggar in the gutter. Rescue..."

"I kill you!"

Pieces of origami paper immediately flew around Xiaonan's body!

"Don't be impulsive, Xiaonan!"

Jiraiya quickly stopped his disciple and said in a deep voice: "If we kill him now, Nagato will also die..."

"kill me…"

A voice squeezed out of Nagato's throat. He watched his hands close involuntarily, and tried his best to control his mouth and roared: "Kill me now, it wants to use the reincarnation eye and let me use reincarnation. A natural skill..."


Xiaonan's eyes were shocked!

"The art of reincarnation?"

A group of Konoha ninjas still don't understand the meaning of this technique.

"The art of reincarnation..."

Black Zetsu controlled Nagato and slowly closed his hands to form seals, and explained with a smile: "It can truly resurrect the dead and reappear in the living world in the body of the living..."

"The living Madara..."

"But it's even more powerful than when the dirt was reincarnated!"

"Kill it quickly!"

Tsunade gave the order crisply.

A group of Konoha ninjas hesitated for less than a second. Orochimaru simply raised his palm. He had no psychological pressure on killing Nagato!

However, Black Zetsu directly controlled Nagato to stop forming seals, and released the Shinra Tensei first. A burst of repulsive force exploded in the ward, knocking Tsunade and the others directly over!

"Nagato is also capable of fighting..."

Black Zetsu looked at the group of people flying upside down with a smile, and continued with a sinister smile: "There are only three people in this world who can kill Nagato. It just so happens that everyone present is not among these three people. You are not Nagato." The opponent…”


There are only three people in the ninja world who can truly defeat Nagato.

Akihara Kagura, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, everyone knows the names of these three people, and their names also represent the pinnacle of ninjas.

Outside Konoha Village.

The three of them were still fighting another battle.

Uchiha Madara already had a plan to make Black Zetsu take action, but he was still unwilling to give in to Akihara Kagura for a moment. His eyes were full of madness, and he tried his best to resist Akihara Kagura's control!

Uchiha Madara tried again and again to break through Akihara Kagura's control and let himself use the decryption gesture of the Earth Reincarnation!

In fact, he can be controlled by others...

However, this kind of control must be established within the scope that he can release the control at any time!

Uchiha Madara himself is resisting the control of Akihara Kagura, and is still trying to awaken his old friends with fighting to jointly resist the invasion of Akihara Kagura's will!


Uchiha Madara roared and roared loudly: "You have forgotten your pride. Do you want to be controlled by that brat forever?"

The pride of the Uchiha clan...

This is vividly reflected in Uchiha Madara!

This always proud man never wanted to be controlled by others, and he was even less willing to see his old friend succumb to the threat of a kid...

Uchiha Madara is a little angry!

This man is angry at Senju Hashirama's performance!

Now Uchiha Madara can't tell whether he is fighting with Senju Hashirama because he wants to wake up his old friend, or he is trying to use this battle to prove to Akihara Kagura that he will never surrender. !


Uchiha Madara roared and controlled the complete Susanoo. Regardless of his own mental will to resist the pain of Akihara Kagura, he controlled the Susanoo and slashed at the wooden man in the Senju Hashirama again, directly killing it. The wooden man's hand!


Senju Hashirama glanced at Uchiha Madara feebly, and his palms slowly closed together with difficulty. The vines came out of the wooden man's body and reassembled into new palms!

"Immortal mode..."

Senju Hashirama suddenly closed his palms!

It's obvious.

Senju Hashirama will use his strongest move.

Uchiha Madara was a little angry and his Susanoo suddenly raised his fingers and formed a hand seal with his hands: "That brat, do you think you can make me surrender like this?"

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly broke!

A meteorite slowly fell from space!

If we look at the distance, even if this meteorite falls outside Konoha Village, it will bring huge casualties to Konoha, and may even destroy Konoha...

"This is…"

Senju Hashirama looked up at the sky.

Everyone in Konoha couldn't help but look at the sky.

Everyone felt an amazing sense of oppression, and their bodies trembled involuntarily the moment they saw the meteorite!

Inside Konoha Village.

Black Zetsu controlled Nagato to re-form the hand seals of the reincarnation technique, and looked at the Konoha ninjas who were frightened by the meteorite with a smile on his lips.

"See? This is Madara's power..."


All the Konoha ninjas present were speechless.


Konoha is not without its saviors.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands!"

A huge Guanyin Buddha statue suddenly appeared under Senju Hashirama. Thousands of arms behind the Guanyin Buddha statue were raised at the same time, crushing the meteorites in the sky!

After Senju Hashirama shattered the meteorite, he looked at his old friend opposite: "Madara...this technique will endanger the safety of Konoha..."

"Now is not the time to talk about this..."

Uchiha Madara did not hesitate and summoned the meteorite again. His eyes had already turned into Samsara Eyes: "You are a bit disappointing... Hashirama... just became a puppet controlled by a kid behind the scenes without any resistance... "

This battle is no longer in the same dimension as the ninjas in the ninja world!

Uchiha Madara benefits greatly from the infinite chakra given to him by the reincarnated body of the dirt, allowing him to fight forever!

The same is true for Senju Hashirama.

In order to protect Konoha behind him from being hit by meteorites, and it was also due to Akihara Kagura's order forcing him to defeat Uchiha Madara, the Buddha statue with thousands of hands raised its fist again, and once again hit the meteorites falling from the sky. broken!



Uchiha Madara looked at the tall Shin Senju opposite him, controlled his complete Susanoo to fly up, and rushed straight towards the Shin Senju!

"Now that brat wants to steal my plan and use it to destroy the ninja world. Can't you be more awake at this time?"

"As long as we join forces..."

"We can resist that brat's control over us!"

Uchiha Madara stood in Susanoo's crystal, his brows furrowed tightly, and he clenched his fists: "Hashirama, as long as we get rid of the control and work together to deal with that brat, let's go together to achieve the real goal." Peace!"

this moment…

The identities of the two people seemed to have been exchanged.

The former Senju Hashirama kept calling Uchiha Madara, hoping that Uchiha Madara could understand the peace he wanted; but now it has become Uchiha Madara constantly calling Senju Hashirama, hoping that this old friend can cheer up. Get up and resist Akihara Kagura's will together, and move towards the peace he wants to bring.


Senju Hashirama hesitated for a while, then whispered: "Madara, your plan must be very evil, right?"

"That kid really wants to destroy ninjas!"

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama with some hatred, almost wanting to scold Senju Hashirama to death: "No matter what my plan is, at least the people in the ninja world can survive! Now! Can you figure out the difference between me and that brat!"


Senju Hashirama's expression instantly darkened.

"Cheer up!"

Uchiha Madara cursed again.

"Okay, okay, let me try..."

Senju Hashirama quickly tried to raise his fingers, trying to gather strength to try to resist Akihara Kagura's control, but he suddenly received a summons from the psychic technique!

"This is…"

Senju Hashirama looked in the direction that summoned them in surprise.

"This is…"

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes at the same time.

Inside Konoha Village.

Konoha Hospital became lively again.

A group of Konoha ninjas are desperately trying to prevent Black Zetsu from controlling Nagato to resurrect Uchiha Madara. Black Zetsu directly controls Nagato to fight and brazenly summons Pain's Six Paths!

Senju Tobirama suddenly raised his finger!

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who were fighting in the distance, were summoned at the same time. The moment their bodies flew over, the complete Susanoo and Shinju Thousand-Armed Buddha statues disappeared directly!

Akihara Kagura's voice emerged from Senju Tobirama's throat. His voice was almost calm and indifferent: "Kill Zetsu and Nagato, take away Nagato's reincarnation eye, and take back the bark of the Senju clan's history. …”


Uchiha Madara's palm suddenly condensed a black rod!

The moment the black stick was about to be thrown at Nagato, it was turned over by his palm and thrust into his leg. He was using this method to prevent his body from uncontrollably trying to hit Nagato. The door launches an attack!

That brat Akihara Kagura...

The control over the reincarnated people from the dirty soil gradually becomes stronger!

That brat…

Are you serious this time?

All the Konoha ninja present were in a dilemma for a moment.

They don't know whether they should kill Black Zetsu and Nagato to prevent Black Zetsu from resurrecting Uchiha Madara; or they should prevent the dirty earth ninjas from attacking Black Zetsu and Nagato to prevent these dirty earth ninjas from taking Nagato's Rinnegan...

This is a dilemma.

Because Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu also have a conspiracy; Akihara Kagura also has a conspiracy.

"Psychic art!"

Black Zetsu controlled Nagato to directly activate the psychic technique!

A huge heretic demon suddenly descended. The body of this heretic demon has not yet fully recovered. It seems that it was severely injured last time!


Its fighting power is still there!

Black sticks with yin and yang flying directly from the body of the heretic demon, shooting directly at these filthy earth ninjas, preventing them from getting closer!

The dirty land ninjas could only retreat quickly!

Only Uchiha Madara's body had several black rods stuck in it, and his body stopped in place, unable to move, which happened to be exactly what he wanted.

Just a few seconds…

As long as Black Zetsu can resurrect him...

While Black Zetsu ordered the heretic demons to attack, he once again controlled Nagato and began to form the hand seal of reincarnation. At this moment, Black Zetsu actually had an illusion, as if he felt that he was against the entire world!


"It will be successful soon..."

Black Zetsu controlled Nagato and suddenly closed his palms, as if praying to heaven, and let out a low, suppressed roar in his throat!

"Heretic, the natural art of reincarnation!"

A white light suddenly emerged from Uchiha Madara's body!

next moment!

Uchiha Madara felt that the feeling of being controlled by others dissipated in his body, and the order that was always shackled in his brain was disappearing.


A weird smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth. He didn't care that after he was resurrected, the black rod on his body would hurt his body.

Uchiha Madara took advantage of the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth to convey a message to the will that was rapidly receding in his brain.

"It seems that this time... I won after all."

Uchiha Madara is very confident. He knows how powerful he will be able to gain after he is resurrected and transplanted back into his samsara eye.

Uchiha Madara's tone gradually became contemptuous: "My samsara eye will eventually return to its original owner. As for what you kid wants them to take away, I will accept it with a smile..."


Akihara Kagura was not as angry as Uchiha Madara imagined.

Akihara Kagura's mood seemed to become calm, as if he didn't care about Uchiha Madara's resurrection at all. His voice gradually became a little erratic with Uchiha Madara's resurrection, until he completely disappeared from Uchiha Madara's mind. .


"I'm a little curious about something..."

Akihara Kagura was sitting by the lake in the Valley of the End, looking at the fishing rod shaking violently in the lake. It was obvious that a fish had been hooked on the fishing rod.

Akihara Kagura just pulled the lever calmly and asked her last words: "Uchiha Madara, after your true resurrection, will you completely get rid of the fate of becoming a chess piece?"

It’s too late, I’ve been so sad!

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