Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 283 Itachi Uchiha, You Are Just an Ugly One Who Goes Wrong!


Is this person really mentally ill?

Uchiha Madara's brows furrowed slightly.

Why did this guy named Uchiha Itachi still arrange himself?

What's going on with this Uchiha junior? He doesn't know the history of the Uchiha clan, and he doesn't know the story between him and Izuna, so he just makes it up here?

Although Uchiha Madara no longer cares about his reputation, his younger brother Uchiha Izuna is the most important relative in his life. The affection between their brothers could even allow them to sacrifice their lives for each other.


Uchiha Madara wanted to jump down and reason...

Akihara Kagura quickly reached out to stop Uchiha Madara.

Where did this go?

Uchiha Itachi hasn't reached the exciting moment yet!

as expected.

Uchiha Itachi spoke again, and continued to make up the story of Uchiha Madara to the Uchiha people present: "Uchiha Madara gained light by taking away his brother's eyes. Those eyes will never go blind, and even Possessing eternal eye power..."

"The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."

Itachi Uchiha spread his arms, and his voice slowly became louder and said: "Uchiha Madara awakened a new power, allowing him to defeat other ninjas with these eyes, and compete with the most powerful ninja at the time. Senju Hashirama, the leader of the Senju clan, jointly founded Konoha..."


Uchiha Madara's brows wrinkled again.

In fact.

The founding of Konoha was far from that.

At that time, I was still too young and naive. I believed in the words of that idiot Senju Hashirama and founded Konoha with him. As a result, after Senju Hashirama founded Konoha, he changed and became no longer the same person as before. Hashirama who wants to protect everyone...


It has long become a memory.

This story should almost end here, right?


Uchiha Itachi on the ground changed the topic and suddenly said: "Not long after the founding of Konoha, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama started a war in the Valley of the End because of Konoha's policy. Uchiha Madara started this After the defeat, he fled Konoha..."

"What happens next..."

When Uchiha Itachi said this, he paused for a moment before continuing: "Many people think that Uchiha Madara has been dead for a long time, but Uchiha Madara has actually been hiding in the corner of the world and living an ignoble existence, for fear of being killed by Konoha Found his traces..."

Uchiha Obito told him these things.

Because after Uchiha Obito's identity was leaked, in order to maintain his own style in front of Uchiha Itachi, he had to pull out Uchiha Madara's banner.


These things are true.

Uchiha Itachi just did some artistic processing in private.


Upon hearing these words, Uchiha Madara's face was as gloomy as if it were dripping water.

I have been hiding in the corner of the ninja world in order to awaken the Samsara Eye and to find a suitable chess piece, instead of living in hiding and worrying about being discovered by Konoha!

Just Konoha…

Without Senju Hashirama, who can stop him?

"Maybe Madara is dead, maybe he is still alive..."

Uchiha Itachi half-squinted his eyes and continued coldly: "Now Uchiha Madara can only control others as his chess pieces. He never dares to appear in front of others. He is just a prodigal dog who is lingering. That's all..."


Uchiha Madara overheard this and his forehead jumped again.

this man...

It's a bit dirty...

Can you find out the truth before you curse?

"The person who is really close to the peak of Uchiha is no longer that guy..."

Itachi Uchiha's voice gradually became gloomy, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: "The one who truly surpasses Madara Uchiha, surpasses that man, is me. The one who truly reaches the peak of Uchiha will be me, and I will Take your eyes here, and I will gain power beyond Uchiha Madara here!"


"You are a new light to me!"

"You are just a body accessory that I have prepared a long time ago!"

There was a trace of madness on Uchiha Itachi's face. His eyes were getting bigger and bigger due to this madness, and the murderous intention on his body became more and more intense: "Originally, Uchiha would fight for the Sharingan." A clan whose relatives and friends kill each other!”

"For the sake of eternal pupil power, they fight each other with their own brothers, and are proud of this power..."

"When an Uchiha is born..."

"The fate was sealed at that moment!"

The killing intent in Uchiha Itachi was as real as it was, and it swept towards Uchiha Sasuke: "Sasuke, you will be involved in this bloody and cruel fate in this life!"

"Come on, Sasuke!"

"Let me kill you with my own hands!"

"Take care of the fish that slipped through the net that night!"

Uchiha Itachi suddenly stretched out his palm. He almost fell into madness and roared loudly: "Let me kill all of you, help you free yourself from the shackles of fate, and then let my power Get detached!"

Uchiha Itachi's roar was deafening!

Everyone present has never seen such an image of Uchiha Itachi!

The Uchiha Itachi in front of him was losing his temper like never before, as if he had become a madman, as if he was a madman who fell into madness for the sake of the Mangekyou Sharingan!


Uchiha Sasuke was silent and speechless.

this moment…

Uchiha Sasuke once again remembered the evening many years ago. He softly asked his brother why he was so good to him. At that time, Uchiha Itachi told him that they were brothers forever. That scene was extremely vivid in his mind. Satire.

After a long time.

A trace of regret and sigh flashed across Uchiha Sasuke's face. His eyes looked at Uchiha Itachi, with a flash of pity in his eyes, as if he was looking at a pitiful creature.

"I thought it would be something..."

"The result is for the power of the so-called Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."

Uchiha Sasuke's expression was unusually calm, and his voice became calmer and calmer, but his words were full of sarcasm. He didn't know whether he was sarcastic about himself or his brother.

"Itachi Uchiha."

"I've been following your example since I was born."

"Even on the night of the genocide, I had to admit how scary you were. I even had nightmares every night, dreaming that I was killed by you in revenge..."

"Everyone praises your excellence."

"Even after that night..."

"Now it seems…"

Uchiha Sasuke shook his head gently. He looked at his brother who still had a crazy look on his face and said coldly: "You really let me down..."


The madness on Uchiha Itachi's face gradually faded away.

The man looked at his younger brother, unable to understand Uchiha Sasuke's words. He felt that this younger brother seemed to be becoming more and more unfamiliar...


"What a disappointment."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi and continued coldly: "It's just some hearsay that made you go crazy for the so-called power of the Mangekyo Sharingan and turned you into this sick and twisted look... "

Uchiha Sasuke clenched the ninja sword in his hand and pointed it at Uchiha Itachi again: "You are wrong about one thing. Uchiha Madara did not kill his brother. Uchiha Izuna was killed by the second Hokage Senju Kai. He was accidentally killed..."


Uchiha Itachi's heart skipped a beat.

This kind of thing…

How did Uchiha Sasuke know?


"You're right about one thing."

Uchiha Sasuke did not completely refute Uchiha Itachi, and continued in a cold voice: "Before Uchiha Izuna died, he entrusted his eyes and the future of the Uchiha clan to his brother, so Uchiha Madara got The more powerful Mangekyō Sharingan, which is what you call the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."


Uchiha Madara on the beam nodded with satisfaction.

The unhappiness in the man's heart faded slightly, and his eyes fell on Uchiha Sasuke. After seeing the face that was very similar to Uchiha Izuna, a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

This child…

Looks like Uchiha Izuna!

"It's so ugly...Itachi..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his brother and slowly shook his head: "You who are completely lost for power make me feel extremely ugly..."

"For the so-called power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, you can kill your own people and kill our father and mother. You want to force me to open the Sharingan. I have never watched you become ugly like this..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi and reminded him coldly: "A senior who I don't respect very much told me how the Sharingan appeared in the Uchiha clan..."

"Because we have lost something, a special kind of chakra will be secreted in the brain, which will allow us to open the Sharingan. Every time we lose, the Sharingan becomes stronger..."

"However, some Uchiha always think that they have lost something and can open a more powerful Sharingan, but they forget why they got this power. Such Uchiha will all become extreme and lose themselves..."

"The power of Uchiha is not for hatred and killing. The power brought to us by the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan makes us stronger. This power is to prevent us from being unable to make up for our weakness in the future. Pity…"

"Itachi Uchiha."

"You're going the wrong way."


Uchiha Itachi's palms trembled slightly.

this moment…

Uchiha Itachi felt a little relieved, but also a little guilty and painful, because he knew that his brother Uchiha Sasuke had taken the right path!

Not only Uchiha Itachi...

Even all the Uchiha present were shocked when they heard what Uchiha Sasuke said, and they also understood that everything Uchiha Sasuke said was right!


next moment…

Everyone's mood was shattered.


A burst of applause finally burst out uncontrollably.

A figure wearing red armor suddenly jumped down. The ground cracked the moment he landed, and a burst of dust floated up in the warehouse!


All Uchiha in the entire warehouse were immediately alerted by the arrival!

All the root ninjas present involuntarily drew their ninja swords. They didn't want their revenge to be disturbed!

"It's an interesting perspective."

This figure in red armor didn't seem to care much about the rudeness of these people. He just slowly walked out of the dust, chuckled, and asked: "Who came up with this point of view? It seems that he understands it very well." Uchiha..."

"do not worry."

"This is the resurrected practitioner of the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth..."

Uchiha Sasuke waved to the root ninjas present to calm down. He looked at the somewhat familiar man in front of him and saw the cracks on the man's face.

"Who are you…"


"He's Madara Uchiha!"

Suddenly, someone present recognized the identity of the visitor!

The entire warehouse immediately became lively. When everyone thought of this person's name, they couldn't help but think of the legend this person left in the clan!


"He is the magician of the reincarnation of dirty earth."

As the future root leader and the future clan leader recognized by these surviving Uchiha... In fact, Uchiha Sasuke was also very panicked. He was only a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old, but he had to keep calm in front of these clansmen.

"Everyone, calm down!"

"All the magicians in the ninja world who can use the soil reincarnation are in the root, he is ours!"

Uchiha Sasuke raised his hand to signal the people present to quiet down. He knew that a big shot like Uchiha Madara could not be resurrected by Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto. This person who appeared here could not be their enemy!

"You really have the air of a general..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Sasuke in front of him, chuckled slightly, and praised: "When Izuna was your age, he couldn't be like you, and even came to ask me for advice when he encountered trouble... "

"Speaking of which, who told you about the secret of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan just now? He seems to know a lot about the blood successor of our clan..."

"The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama."

Uchiha Sasuke frowned, as if he was not happy to mention this name.

Although Uchiha Sasuke received a lot of teachings from Senju Tobirama, and even Uchiha Sasuke believed in Senju Tobirama's professionalism, he felt that he and Senju Tobirama had a natural dislike for each other...

"That guy..."

The smile on Uchiha Madara's face faded.

The person he hates the most has studied the blood inheritance of his clan very deeply, which will inevitably make people feel upset, especially the sinister and despicable person Senju Tobirama's purpose of studying the Sharingan must be to deal with Uchiha...


Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Madara in front of him, frowned, and asked in a cold voice: "Kagura-sama sent you here certainly not to let you hinder our revenge. Do you have any tasks to explain?"

"Huh? You actually think I'm that kid's subordinate?"

Uchiha Madara chuckled, his eyes fell on Uchiha Itachi, chuckled and continued: "I was just dragged over by that kid to see the excitement, but I didn't expect to hear someone slandering me here. My reputation..."

"I originally thought that you juniors who are greedy for life in Konoha are a bit bad, but just now I felt that someone is not useless..."


Uchiha Itachi felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Uchiha Madara…

Why did it appear here?

Why did Madara Uchiha come back to life with the art of reincarnation?

What's the secret behind this?


All of this was extremely unfamiliar to Uchiha Itachi. He didn't have any relevant information. He could only stand there and stare at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara ignored him, just turned around and walked straight to the stone chair where Uchiha Sasuke had been sitting before. The moment he sat down, he naturally crossed his legs and looked down at the people present arrogantly. Everyone.

this moment…

This man seemed to be the master of these Uchihas.

Uchiha Madara stretched out his arm and put it on the armrest of the stone chair, extending his palm to support his slightly tilted head, as if this would make him more comfortable.


This gesture was contemptuous of everyone present.

Uchiha Madara's lips raised a smile, looked at Uchiha Sasuke, and softly ordered: "Okay, I will not hinder your revenge. The only thing that interests me is whether the Eternal Kaleidoscope will be born today. Sharingan..."

"If the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is born in your brother, no one here will be his opponent. I can help kill that guy..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Itachi and saw the Mangekyō Sharingan in Uchiha Itachi's eyes. He continued casually: "I am not a fool who would hurt my brother just for the sake of power..."


"You also deserve praise for one thing."

Uchiha Madara's mouth was still smiling, but his smile was quite strange: "In order to achieve your own goals, whether it is your brothers, your blood relatives, or your friends, you can all be killed..."

"at this point…"

"I learned it from Hashirama."

"Just like his dark will to kill his relatives and friends in order to protect the so-called village..."

first update

It's so difficult!

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