Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 282 Uchiha Itachi is arranging Uchiha Madara

Black Zetsu's psychological quality is really good.

Akihara Kagura caused huge trouble, which directly diluted the joy of resurrecting Madara Uchiha, and forced Black Zetsu to suppress his excitement again.

This also made Hei Jue a little more alert.

Although the ninjas are all its chess pieces, not all the people inside the chess pieces want to realize the Eye of the Moon plan. There are always people among these people who are greedy and want to do bad things...

Such as Akihara Kagura.

This guy is too powerful.

Fortunately, there is a pair of dueling Uchiha brothers in this ruined warehouse, and maybe a pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan will emerge...

Black Zetsu wants to abandon Akihara Kagura, but is afraid that this guy will continue to do bad things, because Akihara Kagura is a person strong enough to stop Uchiha Madara.

at the same time.

Uchiha Madara was also in a bad mood.

This great figure from the Warring States Period slowly figured out the situation.

In the few words between Akihara Kagura and Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara knew an answer. There seemed to be a slight flaw in his Eye of the Moon plan.

Akihara Kagura, the Hokage's assistant, attacked Nagato in order to get the Rinnegan Eye. As a result, Nagato planned to escape and defect to Konoha with the Rinnegan Eye and the Eye of the Moon, and might even destroy the Rinnegan Eye...

The Eye of the Moon project is still there...

The eye for implementing the plan was lost.

This generation of Hokage assistants really succeeds more than fails...


Something seems not quite right?

How did this greedy guy defeat Nagato?

Although Nagato's body will definitely become weaker and weaker due to frequent use of the Samsara Eye, the power of the Samsara Eye is not something that an ordinary person can solve...

Even the heretic golem was defeated by this guy!

Uchiha Madara's fingers tapped his arm lightly, thinking about the level of Akihara Kagura's strength, while quietly listening to Black Zetsu report to him about the brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. grudges between…

"Eight years ago..."

"Uchiha Itachi almost wiped out the Uchiha clan..."

When Black Zetsu said this, he couldn't help but glance at Akihara Kagura: "Kagura should know the whole story best, right?"

"I do know something."

Akihara Kagura took the initiative to take over and introduced: "Because of the policy left over from the second generation of Hokage Senju Tomona, the Uchiha clan and Konoha's senior management have always had conflicts. The then Hokage assistant Danzo-sama always wanted to Destroy the Uchiha clan..."


A hint of contempt flashed across the corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth: "That insidious guy in Tobima, everyone is evil, and he has always been malicious towards Uchiha..."

At the beginning, when Uchiha Madara wanted to leave Konoha, he originally planned to leave Konoha with the Uchiha clan, but the Uchiha clan was greedy for the so-called peace, and refused to leave with Uchiha Madara, the former patriarch.


The Uchiha who stayed behind was indeed suppressed by the high-level Konoha.

Akihara Kagura has long been aware of Uchiha Madara's personal tendencies, and he doesn't care much about Uchiha Madara's attitude of criticizing the Second Hokage, and continues to talk about Uchiha Madara.

"The Uchiha clan wants a coup d'etat, and Konoha's high-level officials want to prevent the Uchiha clan's coup d'état. The previous Hokage Assistant Danzō colluded with Uchiha Itachi, and jointly killed the Uchiha clan, including his parents, leaving only Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother Uchiha Sasuke…”

"According to the information I got from Danzo-sama, Uchiha Itachi killed other clansmen and surrendered to the high-level for his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke to survive..."


"Maybe it's also for strength."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Hei Ze, and said casually: "Because Uchiha Itachi opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, maybe he wants to get the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and wants to stimulate his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke to open the Sharingan …”


Uchiha Madara was silenced.

The Uchiha clan was destroyed, and Uchiha Madara could accept it.

Because Uchiha Madara got the Moon's Eye project, after being abandoned by his own family, he had already broken away from the shackles of the family, and he had no trouble with the family's destruction.

The issue is…

Uchiha Itachi's operation was a bit suffocating.

If it is for the power of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Madara can understand some people's unscrupulous means. In order to stimulate his younger brother to open Sharingan, he killed all other clansmen and even his parents. The means are a bit too extreme...


If he killed all the clansmen and surrendered to the Konoha high-level in order to let Uchiha Sasuke survive, is there something wrong with this person's brain?

"Betraying all the clan members..."

Uchiha Madara was silent for a while, before suddenly asking: "That Uchiha Itachi, did you ever ask his younger brother what he thinks?"

"Probably... you won't ask, right?"

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and continued casually: "Three Hokages were still thinking about how to stop the coup, and things didn't reach that point. My strength is enough to suppress Uchiha who wanted to start a riot, but Danzo-sama acted privately , wanted to destroy the Uchiha clan, so he used Uchiha Sasuke to lure Uchiha Itachi to slaughter Uchiha..."

"The most interesting thing is..."

"Uchiha Itachi knows very well that Master Danzo wants to kill all Uchihas, but he still chooses to cooperate with Shimura Danzo, because he has always believed that his path is correct, and only in this way can his younger brother Sasuke Uchiha live …”

"This reason is a bit too farfetched."

Uchiha Madara shook his head, not understanding Uchiha Itachi's thoughts very much, and said: "If it is for this reason, his brother Uchiha Sasuke knows that his brother slaughters his fellow tribesmen for his own survival, so what face does he have? To survive in this world, after learning the truth, where should he go?"

I definitely can’t stay in Konoha.

Even if you become a rebellious ninja, you will definitely be criticized by others.

This kind of living...

In fact, it is more painful than death.

Everyone should know this truth. Uchiha Itachi definitely didn't think this way. He definitely didn't want his brother to survive.

Uchiha Madara thought for a while and found a key reason: "I guess he still wants the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

The great man from the Warring States Period suddenly laughed, and he couldn't wait to see what Uchiha Itachi was doing: "This kid named Uchiha Itachi is really interesting. In order to get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, With the strength to kill his own kind, his determination is worthy of praise..."


Uchiha Madara's compliments soon came to an abrupt end.

Uchiha Madara and Akihara Kagura came to a corner of the stronghold warehouse.

A masked Uchiha was guarding here. When he saw Akihara Kagura and Uchiha Madara, he looked at them with some surprise.

"Master Kagura, this is..."

"Back off first."

Akihara Kagura waved her hand.


Uchiha Madara frowned and looked into the other person's eyes: "You just said that the Uchiha clan...were not all killed by Uchiha Itachi?"

"There are some that survived."

Akihara Kagura took over the conversation and continued: "At first, Danzo-sama did not want to hand over the position of leader of the root and Hokage's assistant, which caused tension between Danzo-sama and me... I will definitely do what Danzo-sama wants to do. strongly oppose."


Uchiha Madara glanced at Akihara Kagura inexplicably.

You guy...

How good is your mentality?

He was able to talk about his fight for power and gain so easily and comfortably!


"This is also about revenge."

Akihara Kagura seemed to have no psychological barriers, and continued proactively: "In order to seek refuge with Danzo-sama, Uchiha Itachi almost killed two people who were important to me. These survivors hated Uchiha Itachi deeply, and they were the ones I left to deal with. Uchiha Itachi’s methods…”


"This is Madara Uchiha."

Akihara Kagura introduced Uchiha Madara's identity to his subordinates and ordered: "Go down first, don't let this matter leak out..."

"Blade...Uchiha Madara..."

This Uchiha widened his eyes in astonishment. The Uchiha clan may forget many people, but they will never forget the famous Uchiha Madara!

"Back off."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand.

Uchiha Madara glanced at Akihara Kagura strangely.

This guy can make the arrogant Uchiha clan be so obedient?

Uchiha Madara flew down on a beam and looked down at the situation inside the warehouse, wanting to see Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, the two brothers who were killing each other...

The descendants of this era...

Brothers have to kill each other too...

Uchiha Madara thought of his younger brother Uchiha Izuna. The environment in the Warring States Period was ten thousand times harsher than this environment, but the two brothers also supported each other. Even before Izuna died, he entrusted his eyes to Own…


Just at this time.

Uchiha Itachi's voice echoed in the warehouse.

Uchiha Itachi was telling all the Uchiha in the room the story of Uchiha Madara.

"During the Warring States Period, a pair of brothers appeared in the Uchiha clan. The elder brother's name is Uchiha Madara, and the younger brother's name is Uchiha Izuna..."

"They all opened the Mangekyou Sharingan, Uchiha Madara became the leader of Uchiha, and the two brothers led Uchiha..."


Uchiha Madara nodded secretly.

Once, he and his younger brother Izuna led the Uchiha to establish the great reputation of the Uchiha clan during the Warring States Period. That era may have been too cruel, but it was still commendable.

Speaking of which…

That era was fun too…

At least that guy from Senju Bashirama is still there...


Uchiha Itachi changed the topic and mentioned Uchiha Madara's adversity: "Uchiha Madara, who has always been going smoothly, has experienced some kind of mutation..."

"As I mentioned just now, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a special kind of eye. Using the power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan will make the vision worse and worse. The more you use it, the more serious it will be. In the end, you can only go to endless dark…"

"This is the ending of Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"A powerful pupil technique requires a huge price."

"This power will lead Uchiha into the abyss. The power obtained with the eyes will eventually be at the expense of the eyes, and eventually the light will be completely lost."


All the Uchihas were silently listening.

Even Uchiha Madara above was listening quietly. He recalled that when he was in the past, he did suffer from the loss of vision of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.


Doesn't it seem important?

Because most of the time, the Mangekyou Sharingan only needs to deal with Hashirama's idiot Wood Release, and other combat techniques and ninjutsu can easily solve the opponent.

"Uchiha Madara is blind."

Uchiha Itachi continued to tell the legends of the past without changing his face. He was the best storyteller and would not think that the person involved would appear at the scene.

"To regain the light..."

"Uchiha Madara used various means..."

"In the end, all these methods were ineffective..."


The hearts of everyone present were clenched.

Although they may all know the outcome, they are still a little uneasy, and many Uchiha present have ugly expressions.

"I was... not blind at that time, right?"

Uchiha Madara wondered if there was something wrong with his memory.

If the memory is correct, his eyes should not be blind. It was only after his younger brother Uchiha Izuna was severely injured by Senju Tobirama that Izuna entrusted his eyes to me before he died, and he knew about the Eternal Kaleidoscope. The secret of the chakra...

"Madara is desperate."

Uchiha Itachi calmly slandered the family ancestors.


Uchiha Madara's brows furrowed.

As a naturally powerful ninja, how could he despair over such a thing? It's just eyes, but he can still burst out with tyrannical power without eyes!


This kid named Uchiha Itachi really has a good talent for telling stories.

Although the protagonist of these stories is himself and the ending of the story is clear to him, Uchiha Itachi tells the story at a good pace, and Uchiha Madara subconsciously wants to continue listening...

"Uchiha Madara, who was bewitched by the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, seeks light..."

When Uchiha Itachi said this, his voice became a little gloomy: "Choose to extend his poisonous hand to his younger brother who also has the Mangekyo Sharingan. The unsuspecting Uchiha Izuna never thought that he His brother would try to take away his eyes, but he was caught off guard and his eyes were taken away by Madara..."


Uchiha Madara's eyes twitched.

Make up for it...

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