Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 231 The first Hokage order, start a war against Hidden Sand Village and Hidden Fog Village!

This situation...

Tsunade felt so weird.

Because before returning to Konoha, Tsunade was still thinking that Konoha might have some political struggles, perhaps mostly focused on himself and Hokage's assistant Akihara Kagura.


Konoha's political situation is complicated...

Still far beyond Tsunade's imagination.

Why did Akihara Kagura, who thought she was a political opponent, stand on her side?

Although Akihara Kagura's idea of ​​cleaning up daimyo and nobles is extreme, but she is still on her side to oppose the war. Instead, the two Hokage consultants have different opinions...


The four Hokages who have just been revived...

Tsunade always thought that the four Hokages might also support her. As a result, her second grandfather directly advocated launching a war, and other Hokages also agreed. These resurrected Hokages all stood on the opposite side of her new Hokage.

These former Hokage...

It makes Tsunade feel that it is better not to revive them!

"Master Tsunade."

Akihara Kagura looked at Tsunade, and took the initiative to say: "Now you are Hokage, just do what you want!"


Senshou Feijian gave Akihara Kagura a hard look!

This brat asked them to be bad guys, and he was a good guy there, and tricked Tsunade, Zhuanju Xiaoharu, and Mito Menyan into a circle!

Senshou Feima always thought that Akihara Kagura was a sinister and despicable person, but seeing Akihara Kagura's actions with his own eyes, he still found that Akihara Kagura's insidiousness was beyond his imagination!


I can't help but be fooled!

Because this kid might really come up with a plan to clean up the daimyo and nobles, which is much more dangerous than launching a war, and it will easily cause turmoil in the Fire Nation!


Initiating a war against the two ninja villages is the most beneficial plan for Konoha.


Senshou stared at Tsunade, and said in a deep voice: "As Hokage, you must not act arbitrarily, and you must obtain correct opinions when necessary..."


Tsunade's complexion was a little ugly.

Can a large number of people be the correct opinion?

Although these people are all previous Hokages, most of them are her seniors, at least they all have richer experience in governing than her, and they all gave their lives to protect Konoha...

"Tsunade, I understand your desire for peace."

Qian Shou Fan watched her, and warned earnestly: "But you have to understand one thing, all the villages in this world are enemy countries, if you don't seize the opportunity to completely suppress them, sooner or later they will endanger Konoha... "

"You are Hokage."

The voice in Qianshouban suddenly became louder, almost scolding: "And Hokage has only one duty, and that is to protect Konoha at all costs!"


Tsunade sighed, and continued: "Second Grandpa, I have experienced two ninja wars, and I just took office as Hokage, so I am going to launch a war and sacrifice the people in the village?"

"Konoha may not make any sacrifices..."

Senju Tomonama shook his head, and his eyes turned to Akihara Kagura and Senju Hashirama: "Even if you become Hokage, you have to change your thinking and concepts, maybe this war will end within a day It's not necessarily impossible..."

"How can it be…"

Tsunade didn't think that would happen.

"Your vision is somewhat limited after all."

Senshou looked at Tsunade's unbelievable eyes, and said coldly: "In short, this war must be launched, Tsunade, now you have to tell me that you decide to agree with our collective resolution, or bring Let this brat do what he wants?"

"Then act according to your ideas..."

Tsunade glanced helplessly at Akihara Kagura beside him.

This only supporter really couldn't give her enough confidence.

Whether it's me or Akihara Kagura, Konoha is the two people standing at the top, but there is still no way to change the current situation.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have revived the previous Hokage..."

Akihara Kagura sighed faintly, and whispered a word in a voice that everyone present could hear.


You brat dare to say this!

Senshou Hikaru glared at Akihara Kagura again before turning to Tsunade: "Then let's announce this at your Hokage succession ceremony!"

"So fast?"

Tsunade was a little taken aback.

"Be quick."

Senshou glanced at Tsunade, and said in a deep voice: "As long as you announce that Konoha has entered a state of war with Sand Village and Kirigakure at the Hokage Succession Ceremony, you can pass this news to Shinobu as quickly as possible. boundary!"

Only in this way…

Only then can it bring the greatest shock to the ninja world!

Qianshou Feijian is very aware of the benefits of doing so.

Because Konoha has the combat power of two ninja gods, other enemy countries may be slower to hear, and even received news that Konoha declared war on two ninja villages and two ninja villages surrendered to Konoha at the same time, so that Can completely deter everyone in the ninja world!


In front of Naruto Building.

Many villagers in Konoha came to watch Tsunade's succession ceremony.

As the former Konoha Sannin and the strongest medical ninja, Tsunade's succession ceremony came to many people who admired her, and everyone stood downstairs waiting for Tsunade's appearance.

"I didn't expect Tsunade Granny to become Hokage!"

Uzumaki Naruto pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, and was a little unhappy that his position as Hokage was taken away, even though he knew that he still had no way to become Hokage.


Uchiha Sasuke was not interested in this, his gaze was only looking at the top of Hokage, hoping to see the figure of Akihara Kagura.

The leader of the roots...

At least release some powerful tasks to yourself to hone yourself, right?

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fist, he wanted to prove at the root that he would never be worse than Uchiha Itachi, he would surpass Uchiha Itachi!

"Master Tsunade..."

A group of female ninjas crowded around and loudly cheered Tsunade's name.

After all, Tsunade is also the most famous female ninja in Konoha, and most of the people who admire her are female ninjas. For example, the members of the third class are mixed in the crowd every day, waiting for Tsunade to appear expectantly.

Tian Tian admires Tsunade very much.

In order to become a ninja like Tsunade, Tiantian even went to learn medical ninjutsu, but he failed the test and was brutally rejected by the medical class.

"It's really lively..."

Neiji Hyuga sized up the people present, his gaze soon came into contact with a figure with a hint of worry on his face.

The sun is shining.

The patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

The patriarch of the Hyuga Clan once got the promise of Hiruza Sarutobi from the third Hokage, offended Hokage's assistant Akihara Kagura, and Hiruza Sarutobi died in battle...

Hyuga Hinata knows Tsunade, knows some stories of Tsunade saving people on the battlefield, and thinks that Tsunade should not violate the promise of the third Hokage.

Hinata Hizuru just wanted to chat with the new successor Fifth Hokage Tsunade, but unfortunately he couldn't find any chance, instead he heard some bad news...

The head of the Hyuga clan is also a noble.

I heard that Tsunade, the newly appointed Hokage, has a bad temper. He cleaned up some disobedient Fire Nation nobles at the Fire Nation meeting. After taking office, his behavior style is extremely tough...

Hyuga Clan…

Do I have to obediently listen to her?

In comparison, other families are also a bit strange.

Nara Shikahisa, the patriarch of the Nara clan, is the squad leader of the ninja class. In theory, he could go up to the Hokage Building to watch the ceremony up close, but he was stopped by the Anbe and Nebe ninjas in the village. This made Nara Shikoku feel a little problem.

"Someone is on the roof of Hokage Building..."

Nara Shikahisa raised his head and looked at Hokage Building, and became suspicious: "It's just that these people are not convenient for more people to know, or is there something big going to happen at the Hokage succession ceremony?"

On the roof of Naruto Building.

The only observer was Jiraiya.

When Jiraiya saw the four Hokages, he couldn't help being startled, his eyes stayed on his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen and his disciple Namikaze Minato.

"Silai also..."

There was a kind smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.


Jiraiya sighed inwardly.

"Teacher Jiraiya!"

Namikaze Minato was obviously a little happy, and waved to Jiraiya as a greeting: "Long time no see! Is there any new work by Mr. Jiraiya recently?"

"Ah... I have no idea..."

Jiraiya rubbed his forehead, and mentioned to Namikaze Minato about Uzumaki Naruto: "By the way, Minato, I want Naruto to be my disciple..."

"That would be great!"

Namikaze Minato is very satisfied with his teacher teaching his son, because he knows that Jiraiya is also an excellent ninja, and he will definitely be able to teach Naruto to be an excellent ninja!


Kushina should also agree, right?

Although Mr. Jiraiya is incomprehensible and has a bad personality, Uzumaki Naruto is his and Kushina's child, so he should be on the right path, right?


There was some regret on Namakaze Minato's face.

"Do you want to see Naruto?"

Jiraiya also guessed Namikaze Minato's thoughts.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Namikaze Minato smiled a little embarrassedly: "After all, he is the child of me and Kushina...but he has never fulfilled his father's responsibility..."

"this is not your fault."

Jiraiya let out a long sigh, and patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder.

Just as they were talking about the old days here, Tsunade came out wearing a royal robe, with a Hokage hat on her head, and there was obviously no happy expression on her face.

"What's going on here?"

Jiraiya also glanced at Tsunade curiously, then looked at Akihara Kagura who was following Tsunade: "Kagura, what's wrong with Tsunade?"

"I'll find out after a while..."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, with a helpless face on his face: "This is a troublesome matter. I didn't expect that the resurrection of the previous Hokage would be such a big trouble..."

"I am Tsunade!"

Tsunade stood in front of the fence on the roof of Hokage Building and loudly announced his succession: "From today onwards, I will be Konoha's Fifth Hokage!"

"Master Tsunade!"

"Master Tsunade is really beautiful!"

"Master Hokage!"

The group of people below were cheering loudly for their new Hokage!

Tsunade still stood there without moving. Her eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and her eyes gradually dimmed. These villagers are so lively and excited at this time...


But I have to announce the next order!

"Now announce the first Hokage order!"

Tsunade calmed his chest, and shouted loudly: "I will avenge the lost third generation Hokage, and hereby declare war on Wuyin Village and Sand Hidden Village!"

The third update!

Sorry! I have something to do today, hurry up every day!

A lot of them have not been written, so I will write them tomorrow!

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